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Battle: Los Angeles (2011)
Battle: Los Angeles (2011)
2011 | Action, Sci-Fi
Ho-hum attempt to disguise a load of war movie clichés by hiding them in an alien invasion SF movie, or possibly vice versa. Belligerent alien gits come storming up the beaches of California and it's up to Aaron Eckhart and his guys to hold the line.

Very much just a collection of other bits you've seen done better elsewhere, inasmuch they can be done better at all considering they're really not very impressive per se. Watching as a non-American, one is inevitably slightly put off by the uncritical wooh-yeah-hurray attitude towards members of the US armed forces, who are almost universally presented as flawless paragons of virtue, not to mention the post-9/11 subtext that sometimes it is morally justified to do Bad Stuff (torturing prisoners to death, that sort of thing) in the defence of America. Also quite boring.
Maleficent (2014)
Maleficent (2014)
2014 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi

"The metaphor, man. The fact that they would take this age old, vilified idea of a powerful woman and take away that dark mystique that’s been repeated throughout history and in such a mean way to all women. Like, anytime you see in cartoons, in movies, anything from, like, the ’50s, the ’40s, you would see this dark bitter woman. And you would see her explored in a way where she always represented evil, but never with a sense of justified evil. Rewrote the history books on the vilification of a powerful woman. I thought that was really, really powerful for Disney to do that. It’s like taking an old metaphor that’s been repeated for so many years and putting it on its head. It makes you think twice when you look at a person that’s a “bad guy.” That‘s a powerful message for kids to not be judgmental."

Judy & Punch (2019)
Judy & Punch (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not many movies contain moments that leave me literally open-mouthed with astonishment, unsure whether to laugh out loud or moan with horror, but Judy & Punch (a comedy-drama-horror-fantasy) has one. The setting seems to be England in the very late middle-ages, where Punch, a sausage-loving puppeteer with a drinking problem, is making life hard for his capable wife Judy. Slowly but surely, the classic events of the familiar Punch and Judy story begin to happen (although they do struggle to insert the crocodile into the movie).

Lots going on here, most obviously a fable about male violence towards women (and how it is justified when it appears in entertainment). The movie isn't especially subtle about this, but it is inventive, well-staged, and played with energy. It does become rather uneven towards the end, but it is easily different enough from most other movies to be worth checking out. Probably not for the faint-hearted or squeamish though.
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! (¡Átame!) (1989)
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! (¡Átame!) (1989)
1989 | Comedy, Romance
Black romantic-comedy, a rare misfire from Pedro Almodovar. A mentally-unstable young man kidnaps a troubled actress and junkie and keeps her prisoner until she falls in love with him. Yes, I know: I would say it was a Spanish thing but it's fundamentally the same plot as Passengers and a few other movies.

I suppose it's conceivable that you could make quite an interesting and provocative film based on such a premise, provided you approached it the right way (perhaps in this case doing it ironically might be justified). However, Almodovar plays it unexpectedly straight, and quite apart from how dodgy the basis of the plot is, not even actors like Banderas and Abril (who do the best they can with the material) can make the story work. Lots of interesting characters and story material gets crowded out to the edges of the film, and it's oddly graphic for what's supposed to be a romance. Watchable but not satisfying.

Lyndsey Gollogly (2893 KP) created a post

May 31, 2022  
May Reads

So this month I’ve read 20 and DNFd 1 I have had some really good reads this month!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4
⭐️⭐️⭐️ 9
⭐️⭐️ 2

I had a huge 5 ⭐️ reads this month and I loved each one but my absolute favourite was The Empire of the Vampires that book was just epic!! Also if you love zombie and a good giggle definitely go for Death in a Northern town just so good!!

My best #fromabox book was The Doll Funeral it was honestly so good.

My DNF was well justified the author is always hot and miss and this time he missed it big his whole attitude was just so bad!

The other book that I was looking forward to but was a little disappointed in was Ariadne it was good but I fell for the hype and expected more 🙈
The Misadventures of Michael McMichaels book is about another moral lesson that we need to teach lesson. This story about an borrowed bracelet but do your children or child know the different between borrowing and stealing?

This story plot put Michael in a predicament. Does he know the different or not? You will see that he does something he thinks is justified as he not harming anyone one and has learned lesson about what did in book one. If you have not that is a good book to read a well and is the beginning of the series.

Tony Penn does a good job with this moral lesson and bringing it out for children to learn and understand the concept. He also does it where young children can learn and enjoy the book. This is a good book for parents as well as young children and readers.

The picture are done well. I do enjoy the misadventures that the young Michael goes though. I can see young children learning from this book and the moral lesson behind the book.
Anything for Her
Anything for Her
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Technically my mum won a copy of this book via Goodreads' Giveaways/First Reads program, but since she doesn't write reviews and I do, I'll read it too.


3.5 stars.

So, I've read it. And though it isn't my usual genre--I like to mix it up every so often--I must admit I got quite into it. I wanted to know what happened that night; what secret were the mum and daughter keeping? Was it really that bad? Who was this guy scaring them?

Now that I've read it, I've gotten answers to all of the above and strangely enough; I kind of feel it was justified. How Louise and Brooke went about it was just all wrong on many levels, especially what Louise did. I was extremely put off by that.

Some of the other stuff put me off as well. What was with Michael?

As I mentioned above, this isn't my usual genre but for a first book--going via createspace for paperbacks--this is a pretty good book.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
J.K. Rowling | 2016 | Children
9.0 (247 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Reread done for #AdamRereadsHP! GOBLET OF FIRE is definitely work and I could've done for a lot of cutting. One of the things I admire most about this series is the way J.K. Rowling can speed through a year in under 300 pages. And GOBLET is twice that length and it didn't always feel justified. I shouldn't complain because more time in this world is MORE TIME IN THIS WORLD, and it's all very realized, but the pacing still felt off. (I really, really could've done without the Quidditch World Cup.) When I first read this novel when I was 13 going on 14, I took a break for MONTHS. And the same thing happened during this reread as a 28-year-old. I think it was around the same part too. But once you get to the Third Task, it all picks up. This last fourth of the novel has always been my favorite. Voldemort's return! That scene with the Death Eaters! Harry vs. Voldemort! Moody isn't Moody! Rita Skeeter exposed! It's all wonderful. GOBLET isn't my favorite in the series, but it's still pretty damn magical."

My Life As A Rat
My Life As A Rat
Joyce Carol Oates | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
218 of 230
My life as a Rat
By Joyce Carol Oates

Which should prevail: loyalty to family or loyalty to the truth? Is telling the truth ever a mistake and is lying for one’s family ever justified? Can one do the right thing, but bitterly regret it?

My Life as a Rat follows Violet Rue Kerrigan, a young woman who looks back upon her life in exile from her family following her testimony, at age twelve, concerning what she knew to be the racist murder of an African-American boy by her older brothers. In a succession of vividly recalled episodes Violet contemplates the circumstances of her life as the initially beloved youngest child of seven Kerrigan children who inadvertently “informs” on her brothers, setting into motion their arrests and convictions and her own long estrangement.

This was one of those books that just had you shocked to the core from the start. It’s raw and hard to read in parts. It’s well written and up until the last quarter I was enjoying it but it just got a bit tedious. This does have a few triggers for abuse and racism! Overall it’s a good read.
A Little Christmas: Terrence
A Little Christmas: Terrence
JP Sayle | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
cute read, but not quite pushing my buttons.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.


I liked this, but I'm not sure I can say I loved it, though!

Oh, don't get me wrong, it's a good story. I loved Terrence and Warner. Hated the lawyer dude right from the start, but that was justified. Loved Warner's friend, and the part he plays.

I liked how Terrence and Warner slotted together perfectly. And how Warner didn't do anything without the clues from Terrence. I especially like that Warner made Terrence wait to fully consummate their relationship. I do enjoy being made to wait!


I think, for me, it was the level that Terrence sank into his little that I struggled with. There are some aspects of Daddy/little play that are a bit hit and miss for me, depending on how it’s delivered in the story. This goes a little bit too deep into that particular aspect, I’m afraid, and that’s why I couldn’t quite love it.

I did like it, and it’s a wonderful tale. I loved that Terrence gets his HEA in more ways than one.

4 good stars


*same worded review will appear elsewhere