Jujutsu Kaisen
TV Show
Hidden in plain sight, an age-old conflict rages on. Supernatural monsters known as "Curses"...

Kengan Ashura
TV Show
Kazuo Yamashita is an ordinary fifty-six year old man who one day is summoned by the chairman of his...

Megalo Box 2: Nomad - Season 2
TV Season Watch
In the end, “Gearless” Joe was the one that reigned as the champion of Megalonia, a first ever...
Megalo Box Nomad Megalobox Megalo Box Season 2 Megalobox Season 2 Megalo Box 2: Nomad

Megalo Box
TV Show Watch
Set in a city where the wealthy are licensed citizens and those on the outskirts are unlicensed...
Megalobox Megalo Box

TV Show
Team RWBY (Ruby, Weiss, Belladonna and Yang) trains at Beacon Academy, to fight crime and monsters...
Rooster Teeth RWBY Grimm