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Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
1989 | Horror
5.0 (23 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A group of students are taking a cruise to New York. A couple, who's part of the group, ventures off on their own in their own private boat. They wind up drifting through Camp Crystal Lake for a little quality time together. They set anchor and wind up resurrecting Jason in the process. Now as the cruise ship sets off, with Jason in tow, our students may have more than their biology projects to worry about.

Re-watching this was not a pleasant experience. I really had to force myself to watch it and once I finally did it was almost painful to make myself sit through the entire thing. Continuity is probably the film's biggest flaw. When we see young Jason drown, he looks like a normal little boy. Whenever Rennie sees him, however, he suddenly looks like he has down syndrome and like somebody beat him with a 2x4 made from every ugly branch they could get a hold of. On top of that, he pretty much has a different appearance every time Rennie sees him. Then there's the whole Crystal Lake leading into the ocean thing and the ending. Heavens, the ending is atrocious.

The script isn't so hot either. Julius is probably the best example. After Wayne asks him what weapon he's going to take after they realize Jason is on the ship, Julius replies, "Nothing," then pauses for a moment before following with, "...but this gun." The kills were also lacking. Jason takes a guitar to a girl's head and throws a guy onto an antenna. That's about as inventive as we get this time around. The one enjoyable factor of the film is Kane Hodder as Jason. The scene in Times Square is probably the highlight of the film. It's disappointing that the last film with "Friday the 13th" in the title is so bad.

Patrick Wilson recommended Fletch (1985) in Movies (curated)

Fletch (1985)
Fletch (1985)
1985 | Comedy

"When I think of five favorite films, it’s hard for me to put in, like, Citizen Kane, because while that movie and many classic movies are amazing, I couldn’t lie and say, “If it’s on, I’m going to watch it,” whereas a movie like Fletch, I’ll watch. So I have to consider that one of my five favorite films. What’s interesting about that movie to me is, aside from the ridiculousness of Chevy Chase and his comedy, the plot’s pretty interesting. You’re trying to figure out what’s happening. He’s trying to write this article, he uncovers this whole scam, this fraud, and he’s being set up for this murder, and it holds its own. You can do the wacky characters for Fletch Lives, but you don’t actually have as interesting a central plot. Maybe you’ve just already seen a lot of the jokes. And he’s very good at his job. He’s actually very good at his job; he’s not just an idiot. He can say all the crazy lines and be hilarious, but he’s good at his job, and I think that’s actually what’s kind of cool. And truthfully, I think that’s one of the reasons why – they’ve been trying to reboot, remake that movie forever, but all you’re going to be doing is trying to find somebody who can be as funny as Chevy Chase. But I think what actually makes the movie stand out to me is that, if you break it down, he’s actually legitimately trying to uncover this plot and move the story along. He’s a good detective! So Fletch is the kind of movie that, if it’s on, I’m going to watch it. I’m going to watch it, and I’m going to recite every line. [laughs] I have to keep that in there."

The Avengers (2012)
The Avengers (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
The first Avengers movie is a real treat - it was at the time of the release and it is now. In 2012, the culmination of the first handful of MCU movies was just glorious, seeing all these heroes together for the first time. Now in 2020, we've become accustomed to that, spoilt by the more recent Infinity War and Endgame, it's easy to forget just how special Avengers is in it's comparative humbleness, especially for people who grew up reading these stories in comic books.

The main bulk of the cast, comprised of Robert Downey Jr, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo (in his first appearance as Bruce Banner/Hulk), Samuel L. Jackson, and Jeremy Renner all bounce off of each other so naturally. The balance of dramatic moments and back and forth humour on display laid the blueprint for many MCU films to come, most notably Guardians of the Galaxy.
Tom Hiddleston steps up his game from the first Thor film and gives us an instantly iconic villain in Loki, one that has only been rivalled since by Thanos in terms of character development and story.

The set pieces are fantastic as well, most memorably, the Hulk and Thor battle on the Helicarrier, and of course the huge and ridiculous final show down in Manhattan, and the CGI still looks great 8 years down the line. A big event movie such as this was only made possible by introducing the individual characters slowly over a number of years, and it's proof that patience pays off. A formula that Marvel Studios have since mastered.

I know that none of these films are The Shawshank Redemption or Citizen Kane, but fuck me, films like Avengers Assemble (it's UK title) are so stupidly entertaining, and everything a kid who grew up reading comics could possibly want.
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
1989 | Horror
5.0 (23 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Maybe I'm a little numb to this franchise being bad in anyway at this point, because I low key loved this. It's unencumbered nonsense, but dammit it's entertaining.
That title is misleading too. It should be called "Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason on a boat, and then fucking around in a Manhattan sewer tunnel" but I absolutely commend the makers for trying something different with a new location. Jason on a cruise ship is actually a pretty neat visual.
This franchise has always been campy (pun fully intended) but Part VIII does really dial it up. Everything is so painfully 80s and over the top that not even Jason feel intimidating, which is doubly as frustrating considering Kane Hodder is back for another turn.
On top of this, the series strays even further from the formula of having at least one likable protagonist, with every character here just being plain unmemorable (apart from the boxing dude, that guy deserves all the praise for taking Jason on with his bare hands).
To drive the final nails into the coffin, the gore is once again really toned down, the make up effects on Jason's unmasked face are atrociously bad (his face looks like a soggy and battered piece of toast) which is a real shame after how fucking dope he looks in Part VII, and finally and arguably most importantly, this is the only entry in the core series that isn't scored by Harry Manfredini, which is just heresy in my book.

Despite all this, I still find Part VIII weirdly entertaining and enjoyable. Its doesn't get boring and should be watched knowing what's about to unfold - a tongue in cheek, 80s as balls silly slasher that has at least two instances of a girl doing extended electric guitar solos - it's better than Part III, fight me.
The Stars Never Rise (The Stars Never Rise, #1)
The Stars Never Rise (The Stars Never Rise, #1)
Rachel Vincent | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest

The Stars Never Rise</i> is the first book in an exciting new dystopian series. Since the war, the rise of soul sucking demons has been reduced, but instead of worrying about the remaining few, Nina Kane spends her time trying to provide food and clothing for herself and her younger sister Melanie. That is until she comes face to face with a demon – a degenerate – that she barely escapes from. Believing that it was a one off encounter and that she is safe within the walled in town of New Temperance run by the Unified Church, Nina turns her focus back to her sister who has her own troubles.

Before Nina gets the chance to help Melanie try to resolve her problem she encounters her second demon in the physical form of someone she has known all her life. While trying to protect herself, Nina unleashes a power she never knew she had. She is an exorcist who can rid bodies of demons, however the Church paints her as a wanted person with suspicions of being possessed.

The story gets exciting when Nina meets Finn, a fugitive, and his friends who help her to escape from the clutches of the Church. The mysterious Finn reveals the truth about Nina’s abilities and the lies the Church want people to believe. Within twenty-four hours the world is no longer the place Nina knew it to be.

Rachel Vincent has filled this book with lots of original ideas from her interpretation of demons to the character Finn, who is not human in the traditional sense. Not only does the story have fantasy/supernatural themes, it also deals with other more realistic issues such as poverty and teenage pregnancy.

<i>The Stars Never Rise</i> is bound to make an impression in the young adult market and become popular with dystopian lovers of all ages. Those who love this book will be eagerly awaiting the next in the series.
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
1986 | Horror
If you were to show someone who had never watched a Friday the 13th movie, one single film from the franchise, then Part VI would surely be the one. It does everything that this series aims to do so well - it's easy to see why it's such a fan favourite.

Part VI marks the turning point into supernatural territory. Jason is back properly this time, risen from the grave, essentially a zombie, and even more unkillable than he was before. In the entries preceding this one, Jason has always been an imposing figure sure, but this time around C.J. Graham makes him feel like a proper tank (something that would be carried on wholeheartedly by Kane Hodder).
Most of the cast are typical slasher types purely here to up the kill count, but Tommy Jarvis appear once again to round off his trilogy of films, this time played by Thom Mathews, easily the most recognisable and iconic portrayal of the character.
The kills come thick and fast, and although certainly not the bloodiest of the series, it still has some memorable moments (a dude gets folded in half like a deckchair, which is suitably ridiculous) and the general pacing of the movie is well realised.
The comedic tone is just right as well. It's not quite as goofy as Part V, and the humourous parts are genuinely funny. The dumb script just adds to this. The paintball scene is a little too much though, silly music and all.
Talking of music, Harry Manfredini returns to score, and his work continues to be one of the best parts about the franchise.

Jason Lives is a good time, through and through. It's a shining example of what can be great about 80s slashers - it's fun, it's violent, just the right amount of hammy, and is simply one of the best Friday the 13th films out there.
And Now My Love (1974)
And Now My Love (1974)
1974 | Drama, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’m trying not to go the obvious route, but I do love Citizen Kane and I can’t leave that off here. It’s an incredible movie and the story’s told in this ingenious way and I never get tired of looking at it. It’s like visual fireworks and the sound is incredible — everything about it. But if I had to watch a movie that means something to me — and I did see it in my childhood — it’s And Now My Love by Claude Lelouch. It is a story told over the 20th century that is told stylistically as a history of film, so the film style changes throughout. It starts off in silent movie and goes through cinema verite and goes through everything. The gimmick is it’s the story of love at first sight and you follow two family lines through the couple meeting. It was very influential on me in many ways; it’s got a lot of the highlights and influences of European cinema. It’s about a criminal and a spoiled brat who belong together, and it also has a bigger thing which is that you’re learning the story of the 20th century. Its depiction in particular of the 1960s, definitely had an impact on me in terms of how to portray an intimate experience in the midst of history. I saw it in a second-run movie theater. All those movies were being released in the United States and they would end up on the weekend in double features and I can tell you right now, I was 12 years old when it was in the theater and I went back and saw it. It’s super-romantic. It’s got this incredible depiction of France and it’s got this great love story and it’s really ingenious. All the themes with reference to film style and film genre. One of the characters actually turns out to be a filmmaker. It’s incredible."

Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood (2003)
Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood (2003)
2003 | Action, Horror
And so we come to the end of the emotional journey that is Warwick Davis' Leprechaun, and I need pinching because it's actually not half bad. The first Leprechaun Hood movie had some good aspects, but was bogged down by cheap ass production standards. This "sequel" manages to retain what was good about the previous film, looks more professional, and is just an all round better experience.

Lep himself is different - he doesn't do his rhyming schtick from every other entry, and has a darker coloured new costume. It was a bit jarring at first but it grows on you. He comes across colder than before, and the movie as a whole feels much more like a slasher than ever. It also boasts some pretty decent kills, and some solid dark humour!
The lead human cast are once again pretty interesting, as far as slashers go, and much like In the Hood, makes this film engaging to a degree.
It still has trashy dialogue, and some dodgy effects sure, but it's miles ahead than say Leprechaun in Space in terms of quality. It's even starts with a genuinely great animated sequence.

It's also worth noting how low key hilarious it is when Lep is getting roughed up. Honestly, he just gets the shit kicked out of him in this one, over and over again, and keeps getting back up, over and over again. The dude is relentless, and is another reason why this Lep is arguably the best portrayal in the whole series. He actually feels quite threatening, and the climax involves a mother fucking magic fight with a witch. Way to step it up Back 2 tha Hood!

It's obviously not the Citizen Kane of horror, but you could do a lot worse, and this might honestly be my favourite entry in the whole franchise, which I certainly didn't expect going in!

Scott Tostik (389 KP) rated Holliston in TV

Dec 17, 2017  
2012 | Comedy, Drama, Horror
7.3 (9 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Some good writing (2 more)
Great cast
What would happen if Friends met Hatchet in a dark alley
A horror/comedy series that leaves you begging for more
I love Adam Green!!!! The man has proven with this series that he can wear many hats in the industry. As can co-star Joe Lynch (director of Mayhem).
This show is everything a horror fan needs wrapped up in a 45 minute(first season) and 22 minute(second season) episodes. Some great dialogue and brilliant acting by co-stars Corri English (country band Brokedown Cadillac) and Laura Ortiz (The Hills Have Eyes remake) make this show easy to swallow and a fun time for even the mildest of horror watchers.
Don't forget some great guest appearances by Kane Hodder(Hatchet), Danielle Harris(Halloween 4 & 5), Derek Mears (Friday the 13th remake), Colton Dunn(hatchet 2), Ray Wise(Digging Up the Marrow and TV's Twin Peaks), Tony Todd(Candyman) and David Naughton(An American Werewolf in London) who all go to lengths to prove that horror is not the only genre they belong in.
Twisted Sister's Dee Snider is a series regular as Cable Station Managere Lance Rockett and provides the viewer with some great one liners and laugh filled on screen moments that can not be easily forgotten. Dave Brockie or Oderus Urungas as he was better known to metal fans as the lead singer of the band Gwar also appeared regularly as Adam's imaginary friend who lived in his closet and came out occasionally to give words of wisdom, advice and shots to the nuts. Sadly Dave lost his life in April of 2014 causing Adam to put the series on hold for the time being because of the death of his longtime friend.
Holliston is nothing short of brilliance to people who not only love the horror genre. it is nothing short of amazing. With laughs, scares and even a few tears shed during its brief interlude on This show will forever remain in my heart and mind as one of the best sitcom/horror shows I have ever watched. Give it a try people
I downloaded this novel free from Amazon because I was looking for a lighthearted paranormal romance to distract me. I assumed it was along the same vein as other paranormal romances I have made like Karen Chance’s Cassandra Palmer Series or Patricia Brigg’s Mercy Thompson series. I wasn’t too far off.

My favorite part of this book had to be the diversity of characters. Each character had their own personality, that it felt like you were reading about real people instead of caricatures. It seemed to come naturally too. There were no page long paragraphs tediously describing each character. You picked up bits and pieces along the way.

The world and story that Chase created were also pretty interesting. I am partial to ghost stories, which is what drew me to the book in the first place, so that whole aspect and how they dealt with the ghost was fantastic. The rest of the Chase’s mythology, however, is what was really interesting. After looking at future novels in the series, however, I feel that the series will become way to complicated and in depth for me. I also don’t enjoy reading about angels v. demons.

The novel has a couple twists. The one concerning the ghost didn’t feel like a twist to me. I figured it out much earlier in the novel so when it was confirmed I really didn’t even notice. The secret surrounding Kane, however, was pretty surprising. I wasn’t expecting it even though I knew he had a secret.

All in all, Haunted on Bourbon Street is a well-rounded novel with engaging characters, an interesting world, and plot that keeps you reading til the very end. I cannot think of a single thing I didn’t like about the novel. I am not sure I will read the rest of the series, however, after reading the synopsizes and seeing where the story is headed.

If you are looking for an enjoyable quick read, I highly recommend downloading it, especially since it’s currently free!