Kate & Anna McGarrigle
Kate and Anna McGarrigle

Take Me On (Pushing the Limits, #4)
Acclaimed author Katie McGarry returns with the knockout new story of two high school seniors who...
Katie McGarry Take Me On Young Adult Young Adult Fiction

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Red at Night (Pushing the Limits, #3.5) in Books
Jan 8, 2021
After reading this I'm not sure I get the story title but other than that I liked this.
It was polar opposites attracting; the popular guy and the girl who's different, the loner.
I liked how they both changed. The found hope and a reason to be better, to believe that they could become better with each other in their lives. Overcoming obstacles and the past to hope for a better future.
I kind of wish the ending had been a little longer but knowing that they finally stood up for each other and that Stella was actually giving college a chance was enough for me.
Another nice YA romance from Katie McGarry.

Chasing Impossible (Pushing the Limits, #5)
Tough and independent, 17-year-old Abby lets very few people into her inner circle. It’s common...
Katie McGarry Chasing Impossible Young Adult Young Adult Fiction

Crash Into You (Pushing the Limits, #3)
The girl with straight A's and the perfect life—that's who people expect Rachel Young to be. So...
Katie McGarry Crash Into You Young Adult Young Adult Fiction

Long Way Home (Thunder Road, #3)
Seventeen-year-old Violet has always been expected to sit back and let the boys do all the saving. ...
Katie McGarry Long Way Home Young Adult Young Adult Fiction

Walk the Edge (Thunder Road, #2)
Smart. Responsible. That's seventeen-year-old Breanna's role in her large family, and heaven forbid...
Katie McGarry Walk the Edge Young Adult Young Adult Fiction

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) rated Pushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits, #1) in Books
Jun 7, 2018
Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry has been one of the books I'd been looking forward to reading even before it came out. I finally caved in and bought the book off of Amazon. I must say that it was money definitely well spent!!
Echo is a senior in high school who goes from being one of the most popular girls to a social outcast almost overnight. There was something that happened to her to make her become a social pariah. It has something to do with the scars on her arms, but she can't remember what happened. Noah is a stoner bad boy who has a bit of a reputation when it comes to girls. He's been around the block when it comes to girls. However, he didn't bargain for Echo. Can Noah help Echo remember?
I love the title of Pushing the Limits. It is a very suitable title especially when it comes to Noah and Echo. Each character must push their limits in this book.
I'm not really big on the cover. In fact, I really don't like it. To me, it's a rather bland cover. Again, this book takes the easy way out by just featuring a photo of Echo and Noah. I do prefer the US cover to this book, but even that one isn't great. Still, don't judge this book by its cover because otherwise you are missing out!
The author definitely got the pacing right with this story. It is not dull at all, but is, in fact, a very thrilling, fast-paced story. The chapters flow into each other very easily. Not once does the pacing slip with Pushing the Limits.
I enjoyed the dialogue between the characters in this story. Even the internal dialogue was very good. The only thing that really annoyed me was how Noah went on about how hot Echo was, how great her body was, etc. I know he's a teenage guy, but come on, he's supposed to be in love with her. It seemed to me, based on his dialogue, that a lot of the times what he was feeling was more lust than love. I also hate how he called Echo "baby" all the time!!! GGGRRR, a few times here and there was enough, but all the time!?!
So yes, this brings me on to the characters. I thought the characters felt very real. They were definitely well thought out. My favourite character was Beth. I loved her sarcasm, and sarcastic characters just seem to win me over all the time! The character of Echo was well planned. She came across as a confused teenager who just wants answers which, I believe, is what the author was trying to portray. Echo is a character who is very easy to relate with and very easy to like. Noah is also a well developed character, but I just found him annoying as stated in the previous paragraph. He came across as way too much of a horn dog for my liking.
Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry is definitely a well executed and emotional story. The plot is amazing, and the characters feel real. I felt that there was at least one character featured in the story that everyone could relate to.
I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 16+. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that this is one of those books that everyone should read before they die!
Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry gets a 4.5 out of 5 from me.