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John Wick (2014)
John Wick (2014)
2014 | Action, Thriller
Well, that was ... something different.

Perhaps Keanu Reeeve's best role since the Matrix, with Keanu portraying the feared hitman John Wick, who comes out of retirement following the death of his wife when his house is ransacked, his car stolen and his puppy (a last gift from said wife) killed by a young generation of Russian mobsters.

The elders of all who fear the Baba Yaga.

AKA the boogeyman. Or John Wick.

So a pretty straightforward revenge plot, with Reeves on a rampage of destruction as he hunts down those responsible, with some pretty intense (and brilliantly choreographed) action scenes, and with hints of a larger world of underground assassins with the inclusion of the designated safe-ground of the Continental Hotel(s), and with the gold coins that act as a sort of payment/token of favour.
Knock Knock (2015)
Knock Knock (2015)
2015 | Thriller
The acting is just terrible (1 more)
The whole premise is just ridiculous
What the hell was Keanu thinking?
I came across this on Netflix last night and remembered seeing the trailer for it in the cinema at some point in the past. I vaguely remembered wanting to see it if I ever got the chance. What I definitely didn't remember is that the reason I probably never saw it was down to the sheer number of awful reviews it managed to receive. So, here's another one to add to them.

Keanu Reeves is an architect, living in an amazing house with a beautiful wife and two perfect kids. The movie opens by slowly panning through the house, showing us that on literally every single piece of available wall space there's a photo of the happy family. They just look so perfect and content together. Keanu wakes up in bed with his wife and the kids burst in to bring Keanu a father's day chocolate cake. They have some fun and he chases them away, pretending to be monster. Wow, they really are determined to drum home the fact that Keanu has this perfect family life, something he'd be pretty stupid to mess up! Already though, the acting is just awful - the whole setup feels forced, none of it feels natural at all. A crucial plot point that we do discover here though - Keanus character has not had much action in the sack recently...

His wife and kids head off to the beach for the weekend leaving Keanu to try and get on top of his workload, designing some buildings, listening to loud music and 3D printing his work. That is, until he's interrupted late at night by a couple of young girls knocking at his front door. It's raining hard and they claim that their taxi dropped them off for a party, but they think that they're in completely the wrong area. Keanu lets them in to check the party location on his iPad (their phones are soaking wet) while he calls them an Uber. They begin flirting with him, but he resists. He ends up putting their clothes in the tumble dryer, the flirting continues, he continues to resist. Until eventually.... well, lets just say that he more than makes up for the action in the sack he's been missing out on recently.

All I'll say is that things get more intense and more ridiculous after that as the girls stick around and make his life a living hell, despite his attempts to try and get rid of them. It's all really over the top and just plain stupid, but I just had to watch it right to the end to see what happens. One thing it definitely proved though - Keanu Reeves really should stick to just being John Wick. Or Ted "Theodore" Logan.
Knock Knock (2015)
Knock Knock (2015)
2015 | Thriller
Keanu Reeves (1 more)
Great sex scene
Too extreme or not extreme enough? (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Much like when you slow down and look at a car accident to see if you can see any carnage is the same way you feel when watching a film directed by Eli Roth. Whether it's Cabin Fever, the Hostel films or the depraved The Green Inferno, you always know you will be watching something like you have never seen before.
The much-maligned Keanu Reeves actually holds his own not being in control and saving the world for once being the victim of circumstance and his own poor decisions. The new acquaintances he lets into his life certainly take advantage of the situation and make him understand the consequences of his decisions. In comparison to his other films, this one seems subdued with no hacking or entrails on display, just a sadistic duo hellbent on lesson-giving. Some of the twists approach and exceed the ridiculous; however, I found the film entertaining which a film like this has set out to do. Some of the dialogue and motivations stretch in the plausibility or cohesion as well, but you are not watching Citizen Kane here.
I have certainly utilized 99 minutes in worse ways.
John Wick (2014)
John Wick (2014)
2014 | Action, Thriller
Keanu Reeves (4 more)
The established hitman universe
Incredible gunplay
Solid fight choreography
Decipherable cinematography during action
That poor dog (0 more)
Best Action Movie Post-Matrix
The problem with many modern action movies lies in the bullshit concept known as "shaky-cam." Perhaps well meant at first, in order to make audiences "feel" the impact of punches and gunshots, it is now so overused that you can't even tell what's going on or who is hitting who in many action movies. Enter John Wick: not a single use of "shaky-cam." Not one. All camera shots during action sequences are stable and staged at angles that allow the audience to see exactly what is going on. I used to think Jason Bourne was the best action series post-Matrix, but John Wick and its sequel changed that as fast the titular character can shoot another goon in the head. The fight choreography is sublime, the script is simple but tight, and Keanu Reeves is slicker than ever. John Wick is the best action movie since The Matrix, and it just so happens to star the same bad-ass guy we've been dreaming of being since 1999. Now I have to go review John Wick: Chapter 2!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Little Buddha (1994) in Movies

May 27, 2019 (Updated May 27, 2019)  
Little Buddha (1994)
Little Buddha (1994)
1994 | Drama, International
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Keanu Reeves IS the Buddha in this hard-to-categorise epic. At first glance it looks like a ridiculous choice, but on reflection, which other actor, particularly of his generation, could have done a better job? This doesn't mean that the flashbacks to the Buddha's early life in ancient India are any less difficult to take completely seriously - though vivid and unusual, this part of the film is still as didactic and earnest as the rest of it - but at least they're better than the stodgy present-day stuff, which is afflicted by a performance from Chris Izaak so wooden he makes Keanu look like Daniel Day-Lewis.

Still, for the open-minded there is some interesting material about the origins and philosophy of Buddhism here; not much to reward the cynical, though. It's probably a bit too slow and underpowered to really be considered a success, but few failures are quite as original and interesting as this one.
Point Break (1991)
Point Break (1991)
1991 | Action, Mystery
Cult thriller from Kathryn Bigelow: the film that persuaded the world that Keanu Reeves could be an action hero and Patrick Swayze could act. Clean-cut FBI agent Johnny Utah (like that's a real name) goes undercover in the world of surfing to catch a group of elite bank robbers, but finds his resolution tested by his growing attraction to one of them (and his ex-girlfriend).

A solid thriller is elevated to the level of something special by Bigelow's superb direction (banging action and extreme-sports sequences), plus genuine depth of character. Keanu still looks sort of bovine in places, though showing genuine signs of improvement, while Swayze is something of a revelation as an ambiguous spiritual guru/gang leader. Lori Petty is also good, but mostly decorative and underused. All the more impressive when you realise it has basically the same plot as The Fast and the Furious but still feels like a proper movie for grown-ups.