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A wonderful birthday present from Keith and Sarah, i blew through this in less than a week. Granted, there are some big, beautiful full-page pictures, but the story of the Back To The Future trilogy is just as fascinating. As a long time fan, (Back to the Future is a perfect trilogy, and I'll challenge anyone to fisticuffs who says otherwise!) a lot of this information I knew. But I also found MANY undiscovered nuggets that made me love it even more. In depth and accessible, with a week by week breakdown of what was shot, when, where and how. The last chapters go beyond the Trilogy to cover the Ride at Universal Studios and the CBS cartoon series, this is truly the Ultimate Visual history. (Published before the start of IDWs comic series, it unfortunately misses those.)
Atrocity Exhibition by Danny Brown
Atrocity Exhibition by Danny Brown
2016 | Hip-hop, Rhythm And Blues
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Rating
It's good mad? (0 more)
It's bad mad? (0 more)
Skipping that thin line.
Danny Brown looks and sounds like he's done a lot of drugs, but then so do the Rolling Stones. Atrocity Exahbition skips that very thin line between madness and genius and stays on the creative side more.

The beats are on the abstract side a la Kool Keith, but again, just enough to stay on the side of commercial sounding without being too 'alternative'. Then there is his voice and flow. Danny Brown sound cartoonish and ever so slightly deranged and as a rapper his flow is not exactly on point but it works. It all comes together and sounds very good.

Like Eminem, it's difficult to listen to too many tracks next to each other, but take them Indavidualy and you will enjoy this album extremely.

Richard Linklater recommended Nashville (1975) in Movies (curated)

Nashville (1975)
Nashville (1975)
1975 | Classics, Drama, Musical
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It’s the ultimate, sprawling ensemble Altman film — the way each character has their own story to such a degree, and he pulls it all together. It has these thrilling moments, these funny moments. The music is both very moving and satirical, funny and beautiful too. Keith Carradine’s song, “I’m Easy,” is a beautiful song, and some of the other songs like “200 Years” by Henry Gibson is hilarious. It’s just ridiculous. So, that you could have all of this go into one big collage where you have realism, satire, romance — it’s all there — is quite a feat. And I actually saw this when I was a teenager — fourteen or fifteen — and I was bored. I didn’t really understand what I was watching, but I saw it a little bit later, and it kicked off something else in me."

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
2011 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
6.3 (30 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Oft-forgot-about (or so it seems) 4th instalment in Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean series, this is the one with Penelope Cruz that also sees Jack set off to find the Fountain of Youth: the Fountain itself also sought after by both English and Spanish factions, and by the notorious pirate Blackbeard (as portrayed by Ian McShane) who, here, also dabbles in Vodoo and is also (inexplicably) able to control his ship the Queen Anne's revenge by magic.

With no Orlando Bloom or Kiera Knightley in sight, the focus on this one is firmly on Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow (a character who initially, remember, way back in the first film, was not the main focus), although it has to be said that his Keith Richards schtick is perhaps getting old by this point in the franchise.

Standout sequence of the film? That would be the Whit Cap bay mermaid bit.

Liz Phair recommended Life: Keith Richards in Books (curated)

Life: Keith Richards
Life: Keith Richards
Keith Richards | 2011 | Biography
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"The New York Times asked me to review Keith Richards’ rock and roll memoir, Life. Due to a printing delay, I was reading and writing my impression of his chronicle while I was out on tour myself. It was a delight to immerse myself in such a jaw-dropping account of the peripatetic lifestyle I was experiencing, albeit at a much shallower altitude. The Rolling Stones are iconic by any measure. Getting an all access pass backstage through Richards’s eyes to the world beyond the bright lights and throbbing amplifiers is as thrilling as you might imagine. You will laugh out in parts, nod in recognition at the famous cultural touch-points and feel proud to be a music fan. Rock and roll has a very specific ethos, and Life hits upon all of the sacred precepts. Plug it in and turn it up to 11."

Beggars Banquet by The Rolling Stones
Beggars Banquet by The Rolling Stones
1968 | Compilation

"In 1968 I came to England and stayed at the Inverness Court Hotel in Bayswater. I bought a little hifi - hifi? Lofi! - in an electronics store, and bought Beggars Banquet and The White Album, and listened to them on acid. American acid. Then we went to the Roundhouse and took the guy we bought the turntable from and we never saw him again. American drugs and British drugs were different. Like the difference between American weed and the stuff you had here, mixed with tobacco, Smoke American weed and it was "Cuckoo!" - you're on the frickin' moon. Our acid was LSD from Owsley, the real stuff, and we brought it over. We were eating it like candy. And that's what we gave the to the guy who sold us the turntable. The Stones were the greatest rock'n'roll band ever. They were smart rebels, and you can't make up the stories about Keith, they're too good. They're the blueprint for every band there is."

The Power of the Dog (2021)
The Power of the Dog (2021)
2021 | Drama, Romance, Western
The film has more layers than onions, it's layers on top of layers, each character is a unique universe full of ramifications and that scares. It's impossible to understand every detail of his actions and emotions, just like in the real world, I've never seen it in the cinema elevated to such an exorbitant degree, at least not that I can remember. We can only close a few holes with our imagination, but in doing so we remain unsure of anything. I found Kirsten Dunst's character a bit exaggerated in the film and I only identified Keith Carradine at the end of the film. Everyone is talking about Cumberbatch's performance, which is really undeniably good, but for me Kodi Smit-McPhee steals the show, the boy best known for playing the X-Men's Nightcrawler in the latest films in the franchise was simply spectacular. I don't even need to talk about the technical part here, it was a spectacle.
Critical Beatdown by Ultramagnetic MC's
Critical Beatdown by Ultramagnetic MC's
1988 | Rhythm And Blues
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The first song I heard of theirs was called 'Funky' and the B-side of this was a song called 'Mentally Mad'. I was just listening to a mix show of theirs one night and they played all this new shit. I was like: 'Who the fuck is this?' I needed to know everything about this group from there; I knew this shit was ill. I discovered that they were from the Bronx and the more I listened, the more I realised that their beats were hard as fuck. I started reaching around and I found the 12"" single before the album came out and a few other songs. When the album eventually came out I was just mesmerised, especially with Kool Keith and his high-pitched rhymes talking about all this space-age, futuristic shit. It influenced me massively in that it was just this mad, unorthodox music and when I started making music, mine was very unorthodox as well. They were talking spaceship shit, like it was from another planet and they were 'Hardcore Bronx' fools too. The beats were banging with a big old bass and it just felt like some next level shit. It was hard as fuck, street shit set against these incredible lyrics – you just did not hear people talking like that. Kool Keith would rhyme but he'd also do this shit where nothing at all rhymed (like 'Mentally Mad') and that was very different at the time. They came just before Doctor Octagon and I never got into them or none of that as it felt watered down. Ultramagnetic MC's were just pure hood shit and they stood out because of it. Critical Beatdown was just incredible with the music and the beats they used. There's something too about having the contrast of the deep voice and the high pitched voice that's kind of like B-Real or Chuck D and Flava Flav. When one goes away, the other comes in and they switch again: when they come back, it's always more powerful too. They created a really dynamic sound."

The Astronaut's Wife (1999)
The Astronaut's Wife (1999)
1999 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
5.8 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Turgid obstetric-horror SF movie from the days before Johnny Depp rode his Keith Richards impersonation to global superstardom. Depp goes off into space, comes back (maybe) possessed by aliens; on his return Theron is unsettled by his odd behaviour, especially when it turns out she has been impregnated by this guy.

Basically Quatermass meets Rosemary's Baby, only not as good as that sounds. Not very much happens for long periods of time, apart from regular close-ups of Theron's toes; vague atmosphere of stately menace doesn't make up for the lack of real scares, thrills, or ideas. Charlize Theron, at the age of 24, carries the movie as well as can be expected in the circumstances, Depp is all over the place. In the end the plot turns out to be a cigarette paper's width away from being total gibberish; the DVD has two alternate endings, neither of which is much cop. Gynaecologists with an interest in foot fetishism will probably love it - everyone else, not so much.

Bostonian916 (449 KP) rated They Live (1988) in Movies

Aug 17, 2020 (Updated Aug 17, 2020)  
They Live (1988)
They Live (1988)
1988 | Comedy, Drama, Horror
John Carpenter's brilliance shines through in this adaptation that demonstrates (be it, in an over the top, Carpenter-esque manner) what happens when the world blindly follows what is being fed to them.

Roddy Piper (in arguably the role of his career) and Keith David both work tirelessly to do their part in creating an in film world where, through complete happenstance, they are gifted the ability to see the world for what it really is beyond the "truth" that is being shown to them. Both characters work feverishly to expose the wickedness of the world around them while being beat back around every bend.

All in all a very good action flick, especially given the tools available at the time to the film makers.

While John Carpenter is very widely known and revered in the industry, it is my opinion that They Live might be the most important work of his long and illustrious career. A scathing criticism of corporate and political greed and misdeeds the world over, displayed in a way that is oddly relatable over thirty years later.