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Revenge (2018)
Revenge (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
I always feel a bit iffy about rape-revenge horror - it's a sub genre that at its best can be a satisfying and empowering thrill ride, and at it's worst, can come across as cheap exploitation. Revenge is luckily in the former camp.

Lead actress Matilda Lutz gives us a badass vengeance seeking protagonist for the ages, while the other three actors (it's a damn small cast) Kevin Janssens, Vincent Colombes, and Guillaume Bouchède effectively provide the the absolute bastards we all want to see die so badly.

The locations and wide shots in Revenge look stunning by the way. In between all the nasty bits(which we'll get to), it's just a stunning and vibrant film to look at, with a lot of the horror elements taking place in blazing sunshine.
As for the aforementioned nasty bits - holy shit, this film is violent. By the time the credits roll, everyone and everywhere is just covered in blood. The practical effects used are pretty great, and looks believable, even if the sheer amount of viscera is absurd at times.
It provides us with some grisly set pieces that linger on the brain, in particular, a scene where a character has to un-impale herself from a tree - it's genuinely quite harrowing.
Also, maybe give this a pass if you're squeamish about foot stuff. I don't know about you, but I always found the foot abuse in Die Hard rather uncomfortable, and this makes that look like a children's cartoon at times.

Overall, Revenge is just a smack to the face. A fairly slow build, but high octane when it gets rolling, with good performances, plenty of blood, and enough jarring sound and camera edits to make you uncomfortable. Worth a watch for horror fans, without a doubt.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Up (2009) in Movies

Nov 16, 2020  
Up (2009)
Up (2009)
2009 | Action, Animation, Comedy
The best Pixar film?
I have recently purchased a ‘100 Movies Bucket List’ scratch off poster, with the intention of finally crossing off all of the classic films I’ve never seen before. However with the current and ongoing COVID lockdowns, now seemed like a perfect time to watch all of the 100 films on this list including those I know and love. These will be watched in no particular order, and will be highly dependent on my mood and film availability. First on my list is Up.

Up (2009) is a Disney/Pixar animation that follows widower Carl, as he, his house and intrepid wilderness explorer Russell go on an adventure to Paradise Falls.

Up is definitely “up” there as one of the best ever Disney/Pixar films, if not THE best. It has all of the hallmarks that you’d come to expect from such a film and they are executed to perfection. From the opening sequence, which is by far one of the most heartwarming and heart-wrenching things you will ever watch (and this is coming from a studio that killed Bambi’s mother). If you’re not bawling your eyes out after the first 15 minutes, there is something seriously wrong with you.

Once we’ve recovered from the opening scenes, we’re introduced to Carl the widower (Ed Asher) and he’s still tugging on the old heart strings as he goes about his life on his own. He’s your typical grouchy old man, in a rather funny and adorable way, and watching his interactions with others is both sad and entertaining to watch. After a rather unfortunate event, Carl takes his house to the skies and it’s here where the film really starts to get going with stowaway Russell, as they arrive in Paradise Falls and encounter mysterious bird of paradise Kevin, Charles Muntz and his dogs.

As soon as Carl sets off on his journey, this becomes a spirited and fun adventure film. There is never a dull moment and is full of wonder, joy and a fair few laughs, as well as a surprising amount of dark tension generated by famous explorer Muntz (Christopher Plummer). For a kids film, Muntz is an unusually threatening figure and the fear of him is only exacerbated by the fact that half of this film is set at a quite a scary height. Even during the fight scene with Carl towards the end of the movie, Muntz is still intimidating despite the very amusing nods to old age that are thrown in.

For me though, the star (and stars) of Up are Dug and Muntz’s pack of dogs. Disney/Pixar have this amazing knack of writing funny sidekick animals, with the majority of laughs coming from simple observations about how these animals behave in real life (something The Secret Life of Pets should have take more notice of). Up so easily works dogs being dogs into the narrative of this story with ease, and talking dogs are just so funny. From the cone of shame to their attitude towards squirrels and tennis balls, and the fact that they refer to Russell as “the small mailman” – this is pure genius and makes me laugh no matter how many times I see it.

Disney/Pixar films fall into two categories: Very Good and Brilliant. Up has what all Disney/Pixar films have – a wonderfully balanced story full of adult and child appropriate laughs and heartwarming emotional ‘feels’, and some top notch animation. But what brings Up into the “Brilliant” category is it is a beautiful tale of love and friendship, with a touching and rather moving message about life. This is a classic tale that is done flawlessly in a way that only Disney/Pixar can.

Note: whilst I love the film, I’m so far not impressed with my poster itself. Scratched it as you would a scratch card and part of the picture has come off (see attached evidence)… best be more careful next time.
Show all 6 comments.

Sarah (7798 KP) Nov 18, 2020

Thanks! Yours looks great. Has it taken you a while to get through them all?


Dean (6925 KP) Nov 18, 2020

Most were ones I've already seen, not been in a rush to hunt the others down but will try and get around to them when I can.

Let Him Go (2020)
Let Him Go (2020)
2020 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Lesley Manville and Diane Lane deliver powerhouse female performances (0 more)
Feud for Thought
After a family tragedy for the Blackledge family, grandparents George (Kevin Costner) and Margaret (Diane Lane) are left to bring up baby Jimmy (Bram and Otto Hornung) with mother/daughter-in-law Lorna (Kayli Carter). But a few years later, Lorna marries bad-un Donnie Weboy (Will Brittain) and disappears back to Donnie's hillbilly extended family in the wilds of North Dakota, led by the fearsome Blanche Weboy (Lesley Manville). Fearing for the child's wellbeing, Margaret drags retired Sheriff George on a dangerous journey to rescue the child.

There are strong similarities in this story with a sub-plot of the excellent "Ozark", where the psychopathic Darlene Snell (Lisa Emery) is intent on having a child to grow up with on her remote ranch. The sense of tension there is recreated here, exacerbated by the movie's extremely slow (read "glacial") pace in its early stages. It's the same sort of rising dread that I felt with "Nocturnal Animals". This reaches its peak at a tense standoff over lamb chops at the Weboy ranch, but we are probably half-way into the film by then.

The slow pace however is broken by a couple of extremely violent scenes that earn the movie its UK-15 certificate. One (no spoilers here!) harks back to another Kevin Costner blockbuster where he was a bit luckier! And the finale turns a slightly sleepy tale of "two old folks" into an 'all guns blazing' action western that's highly unexpected. Although you could argue that this is tonally extremely uneven, it works and makes the movie a lot more memorable than it otherwise would be.

The standout leading performance here is the one from Diane Lane as the mentally tortured Granny pursuing her convictions across the country. Here writer/director Thomas Bezucha gives the character full rein. It's a memorable 'strong female' part, that would have been dominated by the male lead in the writing of films a few years back. Lane delivers a dramatic and rock-solid performance that has Oscar nomination written all over it.

I'm also a big fan of Kevin Costner, not just because he's a solid and reliable actor over many years. I always remember him gamely appearing as "The Postman"/'propeller-guy' in Billy Crystal's hilarious montage opening for the 70th Academy Awards. Anyhow, here he has his meatiest dramatic role in many years, and delivers fully on it. Top job, although I suspect this may not be his year for his elusive Best Actor award.

Finally, rounding out the Oscar hopefuls is the brilliant Lesley Manville as Blanche Weboy. It's a dream of a role for the Brighton-born star, nominated of course for the Best Supporting Actress two years ago for "Phantom Thread". And she is genuinely chilling here, firing on all cylinders like some sort of deranged Bette Davis on speed. She's used sparingly in the movie, but that makes her scenes all the more memorable. Another nomination perhaps? I'd predict so, yes.

I found this to be an uncomfortable watch, since I found myself in a moral quandary with the storyline. It's clear that Margaret is genuinely concerned for the safety of Jimmy (and less so, Lorna). Yet, what she is ultimately prepared to do is consider child abduction, when the law if probably on the side of the other party. Sure, the lifestyle and attitudes of the Weboys are alien to this more traditional "Granny". But although Blanche rules with a Victorian-level of grit, isn't she - at least before any of her more vicious tendencies emerge - entitled to do that? The film firmly roots itself behind the Blackledge's as "the good guys", but the script cleverly has you questioning that at various points,

Two technical categories in "Let Him Go" are also worthy of note. The cinematography is by Guy Godfree, and the sweeping vistas of Montana and North Dakota (actually Alberta in Canada!) are gloriously delivered. And the music by Michael Giacchino - one of my favourite composers - is cello-heavy and fitting for the sombre storyline. I always assess the quality of a score by whether I annoy the cinema cleaners by sitting until the last of the end credits have rolled, and this is one I did that to.

As the last movie I see before Christmas, "Let Him Go" is not exactly a feelgood festive offering. It's a well-crafted and thoughtful story, but not one to make you feel good inside, for the reasons outlined above. If you are a movie-lover though, then it's an interesting watch, if only for the fine acting performances on offer.

(For the full graphical review, please check out the "Bob the Movie Man" review on the web here - Thanks.)
Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008)
Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008)
2008 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Zack (Seth Rogan), and Miri (Elizabeth Banks), are two lifelong friends with problems. Their lives in a Pittsburgh Suburb have not turned out as well as they would have hoped as they find themselves mired in low paying jobs struggling to pay the bills and have any semblance of a happy life.

With their ten year high school reunion pending on the night before Thanksgiving, Zack agrees to accompany Miri but has little enthusiasm to see the same group of people he went to school with especially when he has so little to show for his post school life.

While things do not go as hoped for either Zack or Miri at the reunion, things get even worse when their water and power is turned off upon returning home forcing them to contend with a very cold and dark Thanksgiving.

In a fit of inspiration born out of desperation Zack decides to make a Porno as a way out of their financial issues. Zack contends that most of their fellow classmates will buy it out of curiosity and if they can sell 1000 copies, their problems will be over. Despite their platonic relationship, Miri agrees to make the film with Zack, and after getting financed by one of Zack’s co-workers with money meant for a plasma television, Zack and Miri begin the process of casting and creating their film.

Of course things do not go as planned and one series of hilarious events and disasters after another arise to hamper the budding filmmakers, and add even more pressure to their pending first time with one another.

With Deadlines pending, Zack and Miri must deal with the problems surrounding the film as well as their own long dormant denied attraction to one another the two life long friends must make choices that will have lifelong ramifications.

Writer and Director Kevin Smith has created a funny film that is both familiar to his previous works yet a more mature and emotional film. Yes there is plenty of outrageous humor and very frank and explicit diologe between the characters yet there is a maturity amongst the characters. As he showed in “Clerks II), the leads in “Zack and Miri” make a porno are dealing with bigger issues than trying to have sex, they are dealing with the fragile emotions that come with opening your heart and the fears of rejection that come with it. The theme of doing what you want to do rather than what is expected of you is also a constant theme here, and it is refreshing to see Smith once again tackle such issues without being preachy or heavy handed.

Supporting Rogen and Banks are Smith staples Jason Mewes and Jeff Anderson as well as solid supporting work from Justin Long who is utterly hilarious in every scene he is in.

While some fans may want more full out humor such as Smith gave in “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back”, Zack and Miri is more in tune with “Chasing Amy” as it focuses more on the relationship amongst the leads rather than wall to wall blunt humor.

No matter how many times I see Kevin Smith films, I am amazed at how well he captures the natural conversation between his characters. Yes, it is very raw but also very natural as it has a flow to it that embodies and defines the characters without ever overshadowing them. We all know of people who sit around having conversations as frank and outrageous as the characters in Smith’s films but never do the words seem forced or clichéd.

I am curious to see what future films Kevin Smith will craft as I find myself longing for the classic stable of Jersey characters like Jay and Silent Bob to return, yet understand the need he has to move forward and progress as a filmmaker.

“Zack and Miri” may not be the best work Smith has ever done, but it is very funny and deeply entertaining and shows a positive new direction for this talented director.
Eagle Eye (2008)
Eagle Eye (2008)
2008 | Drama, Mystery
6.3 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Zack (Seth Rogan), and Miri (Elizabeth Banks), are two lifelong friends with problems. Their lives in a Pittsburgh Suburb have not turned out as well as they would have hoped as they find themselves mired in low paying jobs struggling to pay the bills and have any semblance of a happy life.

With their ten year high school reunion pending on the night before Thanksgiving, Zack agrees to accompany Miri but has little enthusiasm to see the same group of people he went to school with especially when he has so little to show for his post school life.

While things do not go as hoped for either Zack or Miri at the reunion, things get even worse when their water and power is turned off upon returning home forcing them to contend with a very cold and dark Thanksgiving.

In a fit of inspiration born out of desperation Zack decides to make a Porno as a way out of their financial issues. Zack contends that most of their fellow classmates will buy it out of curiosity and if they can sell 1000 copies, their problems will be over. Despite their platonic relationship, Miri agrees to make the film with Zack, and after getting financed by one of Zack’s co-workers with money meant for a plasma television, Zack and Miri begin the process of casting and creating their film.

Of course things do not go as planned and one series of hilarious events and disasters after another arise to hamper the budding filmmakers, and add even more pressure to their pending first time with one another.

With Deadlines pending, Zack and Miri must deal with the problems surrounding the film as well as their own long dormant denied attraction to one another the two life long friends must make choices that will have lifelong ramifications.

Writer and Director Kevin Smith has created a funny film that is both familiar to his previous works yet a more mature and emotional film. Yes there is plenty of outrageous humor and very frank and explicit diologe between the characters yet there is a maturity amongst the characters. As he showed in “Clerks II), the leads in “Zack and Miri” make a porno are dealing with bigger issues than trying to have sex, they are dealing with the fragile emotions that come with opening your heart and the fears of rejection that come with it. The theme of doing what you want to do rather than what is expected of you is also a constant theme here, and it is refreshing to see Smith once again tackle such issues without being preachy or heavy handed.

Supporting Rogen and Banks are Smith staples Jason Mewes and Jeff Anderson as well as solid supporting work from Justin Long who is utterly hilarious in every scene he is in.

While some fans may want more full out humor such as Smith gave in “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back”, Zack and Miri is more in tune with “Chasing Amy” as it focuses more on the relationship amongst the leads rather than wall to wall blunt humor.

No matter how many times I see Kevin Smith films, I am amazed at how well he captures the natural conversation between his characters. Yes, it is very raw but also very natural as it has a flow to it that embodies and defines the characters without ever overshadowing them. We all know of people who sit around having conversations as frank and outrageous as the characters in Smith’s films but never do the words seem forced or clichéd.

I am curious to see what future films Kevin Smith will craft as I find myself longing for the classic stable of Jersey characters like Jay and Silent Bob to return, yet understand the need he has to move forward and progress as a filmmaker.

“Zack and Miri” may not be the best work Smith has ever done, but it is very funny and deeply entertaining and shows a positive new direction for this talented director.
Glass (2019)
Glass (2019)
2019 | Drama, Thriller
An ambitious but flawed finale
M. Night Shyamalan is back behind the camera! Quick, run! Joking aside, Shyamalan’s career is as convoluted as his signature third-act twists. Starting off with the fabulous The Sixth Sense and then almost derailing his career with catastrophic failures like The Happening, After Earth and dare I mention it, The Last Airbender, it appeared we had all but lost that once promising directorial flair.

Thankfully in 2016’s Split, Shyamalan returned to form somewhat with a nicely paced, tense thriller starring James McAvoy as Kevin, a guy with multiple personality disorder. Of course, the infamous twist, possibly Shyamalan’s best, that this film was set in the same universe as the fabulous Unbreakable was almost too much to handle.

Fast-forward three years and Glass is the film that rounds out the surprise trilogy, bringing together McAvoy, Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson for the mother of all showdowns. Or that’s what the trailers would have you believe. But what’s the finished product like?

Three weeks after the conclusion of Split, Glass finds Bruce Willis’ David Dunn pursuing James McAvoy’s superhuman figure of The Beast in a series of escalating encounters, while the shadowy presence of Elijah Price (Samuel L Jackson) emerges as an orchestrator who holds secrets critical to both men. Sandwiched in between this is Sarah Paulson’s Dr Ellie Staple who desperately wants to prove that these men simply hold delusions of grandeur.

As a rule, trilogy closers generally tend to the weakest of the three films with Spider-Man 3, Return of the Jedi and X-Men: Apocalypse cementing my point and Glass unfortunately follows a similar pattern. While by no means a bad film, Shyamalan desperately tries to add too many plot threads into the mix at the end resulting in a messy climax that trips all over itself.

Thankfully, the first act, and the majority of the second live up to expectations. James McAvoy is absolutely exceptional as Kevin and his multiple personalities. Switching between them at the flash of a light, he is staggering to watch and is the highlight in a film that for the most part, gets the best out of its stars. Samuel L Jackson and Sarah Paulson are great with the former looking like he’s having an absolute blast reprising a role that’s been dormant for 19 years.

The less said about Bruce Willis the better. He seems to be sleepwalking through the entire film, so it’s probably for the best that he appears fleetingly every now and then as this is very much McAvoy’s film.

Glass is a film that is both longer and weaker than its two predecessors but can still get by on its own merits thanks to a stunning performance by James McAvoy
The script is typical Shyamalan. It’s clunky, filled with overly expositional dialogue and sometimes downright jarring, but the intriguing premise allows you to overlook this more often than not. There are some nice touches as Sarah Paulson’s character tries to explain away the powers of the main trio, making them and us as the audience doubt their superhuman abilities.

Those expecting a film packed with action will be disappointed. Glass is very much a character piece. The action that is there is well-filmed and realistic considering the film’s incredibly small budget, but it’s limited to the beginning and end of the movie, though the finale is such a mess that it’s really not worth mentioning.

Much of Glass takes place within the Raven Hill Memorial Hospital and follows Paulson’s daily studies of the trio and while this does dampen the pacing somewhat, it’s a refreshing change to the action-packed blockbusters that we have become accustomed to in the genre.

When it comes to cinematography, again, it’s typical Shyamalan. Long-tracking shots, super close-ups and peculiar camera angles are all present and correct. In Split, the impact of his unusual camerawork wasn’t too grating, but here it creates quite the distraction. There’s also another Shyamalan staple: the director’s cameo. The one in Glass is overly long and completely unnecessary, but it’s something we’ve come to expect over the last couple of decades.

Overall, Glass is a film that is both longer and weaker than its two predecessors but can still get by on its own merits thanks to a stunning performance by James McAvoy, the class brought by Samuel L Jackson and Sarah Paulson and a great sense of ambition. Unfortunately, budgetary restraints have resulted in a film that is subtle to the point of being dull and while praise should be given for effort, Glass proves to be just a little underwhelming.
Road House (1989)
Road House (1989)
1989 | Action, Mystery
7.6 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Very underrated
Contains spoilers, click to show
So what kind of film do you get when you have great one liners, bar fights, guns, knives, egos, strippers, blues music, a polar bear and a monster truck? You get one of the most enjoyable and entertaining films of the late 80's, Road House. The film follows James Dalton (Patrick Swayze) a cooler (bouncer) and the best in the business, as he takes employment with Frank Tilghman (Kevin Tighe) the owner of the Double Deuce in Jasper, Missouri. The bar is the roughest in town and he needs Dalton to clean it up. However corrupt business man and crime boss Brad Wesley (Ben Gazzara) stands in his way. After the classic "chick flick" Dirty Dancing, Patrick Swayze was Hollywood gold. Women loved him and men wanted to be him. The film was full of romance. Then along came Road House, a complete opposite to Dirty Dancing, a little romance and loads of action. The film has a great cast including Patrick Swayze, Kevin Tighe, Ben Gazzara, Kelly Lynch, Marshall R. Teague, Red West, Kathleen Wilhoite, John William Young, John Doe, Kurt James Stefka, Keith David & Terry Funk. The cast works well together and it is full of great performances. Naturally Patrick Swayze at the height of his career stands miles apart from the rest of the cast as Dalton. A character that can hurt you with his words just as much as his fists. Tragically, 20 years later Swayze had his life cut short by cancer. His death is still a major loss to the entertainment industry, but his legacy will live on in the great performances and memorable characters he played. The film also a features a great performance by the late great blues guitarist Jeff Healey as Cody. It's the music in the film that goes a long way to achieving the right feel for the film. Everything works well from the characters, the music to the setting. Set in a rural area the scenery is breath-taking and it is used to great effect. But it's the fight choreography that stands out from many other films. Great bar fights are pretty much a thing of the past, but here they are full of action and humour just like the classic westerns. The one on one fights are brutal, mainly for the realism they portray. The script is awesome and full of classic lines mainly from Dalton and although many are cheesy, when he says it, it feels right. The director surprisingly hasn't made many films but the ones I have seen of his I really like and I know I am in the minority. See my review of Gladiator (1992) for more by this director. This is truly a great film, although very underrated. It is also one of my personal all-time favourites. There are a couple of versions of this so ensure that you see the USA or UK version released after 2002 as these are the uncut editions. So grab a few beers and a few friends, but this on a big screen and turn the sound way up for a really great movie experience.
Entourage (2015)
Entourage (2015)
2015 | Comedy
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When we last saw the crew from the smash HBO series Entourage, they were jetting their way to Europe to celebrate the pending marriage of movie star Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier). Taking up soon after the events of the series finale, “Entourage” opens with a spectacular deck party hosted by Vinnie after his marriage lasted all of 9 days. He has his friends Turtle (Jerry Ferrara), Eric (Kevin Connolly), and his half-brother Johnny (Kevin Dillon), join him at his party set aboard a lavish yacht.

At the same time, former Agent to the Stars and now studio head, Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) has called Vincent to offer him the lead for what he plans to be his first blockbuster under his watch. Vincent accepts the role but on the condition that he makes his directorial debut on the picture.

Despite his reservations, Ari uses his influence to get Vincent the job and attempts very hard to keep his end of deal he made with his wife that they could take the job and move back to Hollywood as long as Ari can keep his anger in check and make sure he has fun moments with his family often.

When the film runs over budget and Eric is forced to ask Ari for more money, Ari must travel to Texas to meet with the main financer of the film, Larsen McCredle (Billy Bob Thornton), Larsen is not willing to part with more money and he assigns his son Travis (Haley Joel Osment), to travel back to L.A. with Ari and oversee the completion of the film.

Naturally things do not go as planned and Ari’s slow burning fuse is ramping to overdrive with hysterical results and despite their best intentions, Vincent’s friends cannot seem to get out of their own way as they have numerous funny and embarrassing subplots around them and their romantic interests.

If you are a fan of the series you know what to expect, plenty of male bonding, women, jokes, and Ari pouring gasoline on every fire he attempts to put out.

The film is well-paced and very funny and it was great to see the gang back in action, especially when they had a script that enhances the show and does not treat it as a movie of the week reunion.

The supporting cast is solid and it is great fun seeing all the celebrity cameos and characters from the series that appear in the film.

The big draw is Piven, as he commands every scene that he is in. Running from full on rage to subtle submission in a blink of an eye, he reminds us of why he won three Emmy Awards for his portrayal of the character, and I will honestly say I think he should be given Oscar consideration for his performance in the film.

In the end if you are a fan of the series you will likely enjoy the film very much and if not, then what are you waiting for? See the show and you will fast become a fan.