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Minions (2015)
Minions (2015)
2015 | Animation, Comedy, Family
6.5 (30 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Those lovable and mischief filled Minions are back and this time they have a new solo adventure that chronicles their history.

The film chronicles the minions through the ages as they have followed their compulsion to find a master to serve which always results in hilarious misfortune for the Masters.

After a recent setback, the Minion tribe takes refuge in an ice cave and builds their society over the passing years. Unfortunately, depression seeks in as the Minions are missing their basic drive and as such, an inspired member named Kevin decides he will venture out to find a new Master for them to follow.

Kevin is joined by Stuart and Bob and after a long trip; they find themselves in New York in 1968. Of course the city that never sleeps is an ideal place for them to get into all sorts of mischief and also allows them to view and underground television broadcast promoting a Villain Con in Orlando.

Inspired, the trio sets off and makes some dubious travel companions along the way, yet eventually arrive at their destination.

At the convention they encounter Scarlett Overkill (Sandra Bullock), and in a twist of fate, become her new apprentices. Kevin decides to call the tribe and tell them to head to London to start serving their new master, who is as unstable as she is evil.

Scarlett and her husband Herb (Jon Hamm, have devised a plan so cunning and diabolical that nothing can stop them from carrying it out, nothing that is save for the Minions.

The film takes a bit of time to get up to speed but is as charming and funny as you would wish for. The Minions generate plenty of laughs and there are tons of Pop Culture gags that fill the entire film.

For me the 3D animation was a nice touch and really added to the enjoyment of seeing the lovable characters in action and the new cast members did a great job adding to the lore of the Minions.

The film moves along at a steady pace and keeps the laughs coming throughout. With “Despicable Me 3” due in 2017, it is not out of the realm that we could see more solo minion outings in the future. This is a move that would bring plenty of smiles, as there is much to like about this film.
Super (2011)
Super (2011)
2011 | Action, Comedy, Drama
6.5 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When I first heard about Super, written and directed by James Gunn, my first thought was “Dwight (from The Office) will be a superhero?” However what I saw on the screen was anything but Dwight, it was 75% awesome and 25% “I can’t believe they did that!”

The film begins with Frank (excellently played by Rainn Wilson) happily married to Sarah (Liv Tyler) who is a recovering drug addict. The happiness is shattered when Sarah begins using again, thanks to Jacques the drug dealer (Kevin Bacon) and then one day she disappears. Frank searches for Sarah and eventually finds her under the control of Jacques. Unable to get her away from Jacques, Frank goes to the police for help. Unfortunately because Sarah left on her own accord, no law has been broken (except for the drug stuff) so they are unable to help him.

Frank tries to move on, but without Sarah life seems meaningless. Then in his darkest hour he has a vision of The Holy Avenger (Nathan Fillion). Heeding the vision, Frank becomes The Crimson Bolt, pledges to fight crime and to save Sarah. There is just one small problem – Frank has no idea how to be a superhero. Research is needed, so off to the comic book store he goes, of course, and there he meets Libby (Ellen Page). Libby advises him which comics to read that have superheroes who do not have powers. Armed with this knowledge, The Crimson Bolt officially begins fighting crime in the most unusual of ways and not too long after, Libby becomes Boltie, his trusted, sexy sidekick.

This very entertaining, action-filled, dark comedy has more twists and turns than a game of Chutes and Ladders, and it will keep you glued to the screen until the end. Will they save the city from villainy? Will they save Sarah’s bacon? (Sorry, with Kevin Bacon playing the bad guy I couldn’t resist.)

Super has a different take on the superhero genre than what I’ve seen in past movies. Only Rainn Wilson could have properly portrayed the uniqueness that is Frank/Crimson Bolt and the same goes for Ellen Page in regards to Libby/Boltie (possibly the best sidekick ever). To make a long review short, let me sum up this way, everyone in the movie no matter the length of their part did an amazing job in their role. With that said, my only wish was that the story would have allowed for more screen time for Gregg Henry (Detective John Felkner) and a musical number for Fillion’s Holy Avenger. if you liked Fillion as Captain Hammer in Dr. Horrible’s Singalong Blog, then you’ll love him in this role. But those things would have most likely thrown off the perfect balance of action, humor and character interaction that made this movie so enjoyable.
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
More of The Rock in a jungle.
412. Jumanji: The Next Level. There's actors out there that say they will never do sequels. And there's the ones that do nothing but. Dwayne Johnson, is back, again, in another sequel to Jumanji. This time around, one of the gang, Spencer is depressed and goes back home on school break and disappears into the game, when the rest of em all come looking for him, they get sucked into the game, but this time, there's old people!! Danny DeVito and 'I'm too old for this shit' Danny Glover play old people in this that also get sucked into the game. There's really no logic behind any of this. They become The Rock and Kevin Hart and they say all the old person in young body jokes that you've seen in the trailers, don't worry they are all there. They set off on a safe, family friendly adventure to find Spencer, which leads to a rather boring and predictable ending. Filmbufftim on FB
Lords of Chaos (2018)
Lords of Chaos (2018)
2018 | Drama
All black everything
After reading the review by @Andy K I went out a sourced a copy to view, so thanks for the tip.

As a lover of all music, I cant resist a biopic and this was as far removed from La Bamba as it could get. I was familiar with the story of Norwegian Black Metal mostly due to the burning of churches and the notoriety of those involved in the scene. Rory Culkin plays the narrator and so many times I thought it was Home Alone the goth years. Some of the scenes are so hard hitting and graphic but they are softened by the ineptitude and immaturity of the dark lords who are just kids playing peacock to impress each other and be the most dark and outrageous. This one upmanship is the catalyst to the eventual down fall off them all. The music is secondary to the story so hardcore fans will not get anything new there but the dynamic between Varg the very naughty boy turned murderer and the King of taking the credit Goth Kevin from home alone is one that most people will witness in life. Hopefully not too their extent but power and influence are explored and it shows how ideology can spread like a fire in a holy place of sanctuary. Unlike other music films and biopics there are now end part where you find out what they are doing now, so if this was deliberately done so that you needed to search more about it then they win that one.

Some upsetting scenes that would be unsuitable for children but not many kids under 12 will be fully into Norwegian Black Metal.

Andy K (10821 KP) Dec 14, 2019

Glad you liked it. It's actually the Home Alone kid's brother.


Ross (3282 KP) rated Split (2016) in Movies

Apr 19, 2019  
Split (2016)
Split (2016)
2016 | Horror, Thriller
McAvoy's performance (0 more)
The ending (0 more)
A half-decent film in its own right. A dreadful desperate attempt to link to Unbreakable at the end
Contains spoilers, click to show
I had watched over half of this film before someone mentioned to me it was part of the Unbreakable "trilogy". I had heard of Glass, and had noticed that McAvoy looked similar in the two films but hadn't realised they were linked (I guess I assumed he got bored of growing his hair back to then have to become Professor X again). I had wondered what the second film in the trilogy was. Unbeknownst to me, I was watching it.
McAvoy plays Kevin, a man whose upbringing lead him to develop a number of (mostly) distinct personalities. These personalities allow his brain to compartmentalise and protect itself from certain aspects of life.
Kevin has decided to kidnap two girls (but for reasons he ends up getting three for the price of two). There is much less threat and horror in their imprisonment than in this type of scenario normally, which is to the film's credit. The girls are confused by the different personalities and how they interact with them and with each other. There are moments of charm, comedy, pantomime and some chilling moments in these scenes.
McAvoy does a good job of portraying these different personalities and they are mostly distinct. He is said to have 23 such personalities but I can only say I recognised 5 distinct ones, two of which were only a camp leg-crossing away from being the same.
Kevin is afraid of, but also excited about (depending on which personality has the spotlight) the possible coming of The Beast, a 24th personality that will be strong and powerful and hard for him to control.
Most of the film centres around either Kevin and his kidnappees or his therapist, which helps to describe his issues and show them at the same time.
The final section, The Beast's emergence and the eventual escape of the victims (I actually can't remember if either of the other 2 girls escaped) was so implausible and hammy. The supposed physical changes that each personality brings to Kevin's body are stretched to breaking point, and I think this just becomes stupid.
We then see where the girls had been kept all this time (a zoo) and again this just shouts out stupid. Suggesting a mentally ill janitor could drive a car with three unconscious schoolgirls into a closed zoo is just stupid.
The final scene made me so angry. Up to this point, there was no link whatsoever to Unbreakable. Fine, I thought. Keep them as separate films in their own right and then Glass can bring them together. But no. We see a news report of the kidnapping and Kevin's escape and disappearance playing out in a diner. One woman remarks that it sounded like that guy a few years ago who went to prison. She turns to Bruce Willis who responds "Mr Glass" (Samuel L Jackson's character from Unbreakable). It sounded absolutely nothing like "that guy". There was no similarity whatsoever in what had been described on TV and the story about a rich disabled man organising terrorist attacks. None whatsoever. This was such a clumsy, unnecessary attempt to sow the seeds of excitement for Glass. This has actually tainted the film for me, it would probably have gotten a 7 or an 8 if not for this lunacy.
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
After falling into debt with a crime boss, Baby (Ansel Elgort), must pay back what he owes by being the getaway driver for brazen daytime heists. The crime boss, Doc (Kevin Spacey), promises Baby that once the next job is done he will be debt free. Baby does the job and heads home feeling finally free and ready to start doing good things with his life. He meets a beautiful waitress, Debora (Lily James), and plans to drive across the country with her. It may be too good to be true. He soon learns that being debt free may not mean that he gets to walk away from the life of crime. Being an exceptional driver has made him indispensable to Doc. Now Baby has a choice between walking away, which Doc has promised to hurt him and those he cares about if he does, or do one more job, and hope he find a way out of the criminal world and onto the road with Debora.

Writer/Director Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz) does a masterful job of drawing the audience into the story with the soundtrack in a really fun and original way. From the chase scenes to the mundane task of getting coffee, the music immerses the viewer into Baby’s world. The film starts out with an exciting car chase sequence and keeps moving all the way to the end. All of the chase/driving scenes are really well done, which was expected for a movie with driver in the name, but impressive none the less. The pace of the film was consistent and it flowed all the way to the end. Kevin Spacey, Jamie Foxx, John Hamm, Eliza Gonzalez and the rest of the supporting cast did really well and all brought interesting characters to the film.

I loved the originality of the story and how it was executed. This is definitely a soundtrack I will have to listen to again. There were couple loose ends with some of the characters that didn’t get tied up but that was minimal. It is a fun ride and has a little bit of something for everyone. There is a love story, action, a compelling story, and a mixed in comedy that lightens the mood.
This is a short story, that seems to follow the usual Kevin Hearne's strategy of setting a short story between the 'main courses' of his full novels: a taster, if you will, of what those novels are like.

In this particular case, this story is set after the events of [b:Tricked|106843|Tricked|Alex Robinson||102982] but before (I believe, not having read it yet!) of those from [b:Trapped|8428140|Trapped|Michael Northrop||13291342], and deals some more with the aftermath of Atticus's trip to Valhalla in [b:Hammered|10443590|Hammered|Mark Ward||15348265].

The Two Ravens of the title refers to Odin's birds Hugin and Munin, while the One Crow is the Morrigan, who appears to Atticus six years into training his apprentice Granuaile and insists that he must go on a journey with her.

If I'm honest, I found the previous full-length novel ([b:Tricked|106843|Tricked|Alex Robinson||102982]) to be a bit of a let-down; thankfully he appears to be back on form in this short story.


David McK (3222 KP) rated Hounded in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Kevin Hearne | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's hard now-a-days to read urban fantasy without drawing comparisons with Jim Butchers superlative 'Dresden Files' series.

It's even harder when the story is told in the first person, and features a powerful magic-user who deals with all sorts of magical creatures.

That is most definitely the case with Kevin Hearne's 'Hounded' novel, the first in his Iron Druid series (and, I believe, also his first novel). However, unlike Harry Dresden, Atticus O'Sulivan is a centuries old Irish Druid and is already pretty powerful. Also, unlike Dresden, he does not deliberately draw attention to himself ('Wizard for hire'), nor does he have a relationship with the local PD.

Instead, Atticus is doing his best to live the quiet life, trying to stay away from the attention of a Celtic god who has hounded him for centuries and believes that Atticus has stolen a powerful magical sword from him (the sword is in Atticus possession, yes, but not stolen).

All in all, I found this to be a pleasant diversion while waiting for the next Dresden book, and will possibly read a few more to see if I 'grow into' the series any more.
I'm married to my best friend. That's what I tell people who don't know me and want to know who my husband is. He's my best friend. When we met, I was leery of another relationship. My first marriage was not the greatest. Too many bad things happening. I didn't trust any guy. But, my husband patiently persisted and one day I took a leap of Faith after praying hard, and 4 years later we are still married. Do we fight? Oh Lord, do we ever! But, one thing  I can say is we stay friends through it all. We work our problems out. We seek advice if we need it. We never give up. 

Kevin A. Thompson is an author I'd not heard of before, so I wasn't quite sure what to expect with this book, especially with it being a non fiction book. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised! He takes three key aspects to making a marriage work and tells us why they work. It's definitely something I have taken to heart and really want to work on with my husband! The way Mr. Thompson describes these aspects really make me reflect on my marriage now. Four years of happiness with my best friend, sure. But, there is more that we can be doing to really make it work. 

This is a 4 star worthy book, in my opinion! I enjoyed his writing style, as it makes it easy to read this non fiction book and to not get bored reading it. If you are in a happy marriage, or a marriage that you aren't sure if it's going to make it, then I highly recommend this read! It will help you think and reflect on what your doing now, and what could improve it. Definitely a great partner read with your spouse! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Red State (2011)
Red State (2011)
2011 | Action, Horror, Thriller
Kevin Smith cult film
I had always meaned to watch this film since I'm a big Kevin Smith fan, but just had never gotten around to until now. If you go in thinking you will be watching Clerks or Chasing Amy you would be mistaken. Maybe more like his follow up movie, Tusk, than anything else.

It's kind of the story of three high school friends. One of them meets and lines up a "hook up" with a mysterious woman on a dating phone app so the hormone-filled teens race to score. Their initial meeting at the woman's trailer seems to be going well until the boys realize the woman has drugged their beers and the boys drop to the floor.

When they awaken, they realize they have been abducted, bound and gagged and are now going to have something bad happen to them courtesy of a crazy cult-like religious leader in front of his "flock" complete with women and children.

All doesn't go according to plan when the boys try and escape and then the feds show up outside to try and handle the situation. Tensions escalate quickly and the bullets start flying.

The movie started promising with kind of a Hostel meets Wicker Man vibe. I enjoyed the tension built as the teens try and assess their situation and figure a way out. You definitely quickly grow to hate the cult leader and his disciples as they do nasty things to others and blindly follow their leader to carry out his every order. I feel the movie falls apart in the last act.

Without giving anything away, the resolution wasn't satisfactory and a lot of things are explained at the end instead of being shown which was disappointing. Not sure if this was meant to be this way or they ran out of money and/or time so that's the way thing ended up.

Overall, I was entertained, but felt it lacked something to make the experience completely fulfilling.