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A Girl From Forever (The Forever Institute #1)
A Girl From Forever (The Forever Institute #1)
Yolanda McCarthy | 2021 | Dystopia, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
What would you do if you were kidnapped in the middle of the night and end up finding out that everything you've ever known is a lie! Fern has been kept a secret for her whole life now she must discover who she really is.

An absolutely action packed Thriller of a novel I was gripped from the get go. The way Yolanda has written absolutely captivates your imagination and takes you on the journey along with the characters I round myself getting nervous at points worrying about the outcome. I will definitely be reading the other 2 books!

Absolute must read
    Broken (2014)

    Broken (2014)

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    John Tossel's parents have surrounded him with everything that money can buy, but his life seems...

    Cold War II (2016)

    Cold War II (2016)

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    Picking up some time after the events in the first movie, Sean Lau is now the Commissioner of Police...

Shanghai Noon (2000)
Shanghai Noon (2000)
2000 | Action, Comedy, Western
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Easy-going martial arts Jackie Chan/Owen Wilson (and Lucy Liu) film, with Chan portraying the party of a Chinese Forbidden City Imperial Guard soldier who travels to the Wild West of America to rescue the kidnapped Princess Pei Pei (Lucy Liu), and falls in with outlaw Roy O'Bannon (Wilson) along the way.

As a Jackie Chan film, you pretty much know what to expect: lots of martial arts slapstick in his own inimitable style (and pidgin English, which is still a lot better than my non-existent Chinese!) and a few 'that's a terrible name for a cowboy' puns along the way!

ClareR (5667 KP) rated The Cliff House in Books

Dec 10, 2022  
The Cliff House
The Cliff House
Chris Brookmyre | 2022 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A group of hens travel to a remote, exclusive Scottish island to celebrate in luxury with the bride to be. Some of the women know one another, some don’t, and all of them have secrets.

So when the chef is murdered and one of the hens goes missing presumed kidnapped, it’s a race against time to save her. And then the secrets start to come out…

This was fast paced and great fun. None of the characters were particularly nice, but I do love to hate characters in my books!

Read with relish on The Pigeonhole!

Darren (1599 KP) rated 3 Lives (2019) in Movies

Jul 25, 2019  
3 Lives (2019)
3 Lives (2019)
2019 |
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: 3 Lives starts when a therapist Emma (Calvey) gets kidnapped after years of being on the run, left trapped with Jamie (Kaps) and Ben (Ricketts) a man that went to prison for her first kidnapping, despite being considered the rescuer. The three escape, with three men Thoms (Taubman), Piggy (Alfieri) and Frotti (Riley) chasing them down.

With Emma, Jamie and Ben trying to figure out why they are kidnapped, Emma starts looking back on her previous experience, hoping to uncover more about why Ben acted the way she believes he did, as he seems to be the only one guiding them to safety.


Thoughts on 3 Lives


Characters – Emma is a therapist that has been helping victims of violent crimes, she knows what it is like to have been a victim after previously being kidnapped and raped, she finds herself getting kidnapped once again and left wondering if the right person took the blame for the crime against her. Jamie is a man that has been kidnapped too, he believes that Ben was innocent and doesn’t want Emma to trust him while they plan to escape, he doesn’t seem to have any experience of the woods though. Ben is the man who claimed to be the rescuer of Emma before, only to take the blame for the crime, he sees this as a chance to redeem himself for what she believes he might have done, he knows how the survive in the conditions and is always thinking about survival. Thoms is leading the men hunting them down, with his training to make him a brilliant tracker through the woods.

Performances – Mhairi Calvey in the leading role is strong though the film, she does make us believe that her character has been a victim, while showing the strength to face the man that did this too her. Tyron Ricketts give us a strong supporting performance as a man who remains stronger than the broken version of himself could be. Martin Kaps brings us the annoying figure trapped in the woods, he does the I’m the nice guy routine with ease, while also bring us the ‘you’re an idiot’ side to his character.

Story – The story here follows a woman that finds herself kidnapped again, going face to face with the man who went to prison for raping her years ago, now they are joined by another man from their past as they look to escape hunters in the woods looking to eliminate them. The story does tackle the serious affects of sexual assault, how the victim’s life will never be the same, we see how they can confront the person and still remain unsure of the real events of what happened because of the trauma involved such an act. The survival aspect of the story doesn’t reach the levels of peril it could do, while the constant back and forth that goes on trying to point figures between Emma, Ben and Jamie gets confusing because most of it is wondering why they have been selected. The story is saved by the final act which will put the pieces together and make sense of everything we have seen beforehand.

Thriller – The film never reaches the full level of the intensity that it could, with the being hunted side of the story being the weaker and never putting the characters in a level of peril which does feel believable.

Settings – The victims find themselves in the middle of the woods with nowhere to run that makes sense to them, it makes them feel lost and looking for answers to why they are there, creating isolation from their real world.

Scene of the Movie – Final act.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The hunters never feel like they are dangerous.

Final Thoughts – This is a strong drama with thriller on its arm, it tackles a real life problem of sexual abuse in a new way that will get a chance to see just how difficult it can be for a victim to speak up or even remember the full events of what happened to them.


Overall: Thriller with deeper meaning.