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King of Khoth ( Dark Warrior Alliance book 12)
By Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

Dragon shifter, Angus Callanach, is returning to his home realm after one of the Vampire Princes reopens the portal to Khoth. Having spent two hundred years as the majordomo at Zeum, he is ready to once again take up his mantle as the king of the Cuelebre. Life seems sublime when his millennia long search for the love of his life, Keira ends. That is, until he discovers she has no recollection of him or their relationship and she is firmly in the clutches of his archenemy, Cyril, the Unseelie King. Keira wakes up in a strange cave, clueless about her identity and the world around her. Everything she is told comes into question the moment Angus crashes into her life. Kidnapped for the second time, she is taken to Khoth and discovers she is a powerful sea dragon princess with intimate ties to the Cuelebre. Overwhelmed by it all, she swears off relationships so she can focus on regaining her identity, but the passion that ignites between her and Angus is hotter than the fire he breathes.

Absolutely one of my favourite stories so far! I love the dragon shifters I love Angus and Mack in this was her brilliant funny self. It was such a feel good instalment to a series I have grown to love. It also sets us nicely up for Brhics story.
A Destiny Reborn (Prevent the Past #2)
A Destiny Reborn (Prevent the Past #2)
Rebecca Hefner | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A DESTINY REBORN is the second book in the Prevent the Past series. This time, instead of going back to 2035, we go even further and land in 2002. Claire and Cyrus have very little and only each other to count on. So what do they do?

Well, Claire gets kidnapped, for a start. And does she need rescuing? Hell no! This beauty rescues herself with a pair of fingernail clippers (absolutely inspired!!!) She is a total badass in this book and I loved her for it. I also loved how protective over her Cyrus was. Even when he denied her, it was only because he wanted the best for her. I'm just glad Claire wore him down and helped him realise just what he'd be missing.

Once again full of plot twists, there was one that made me sad - the one about Claire's daughter. Claire thought she was doing something amazing for the timeline - and she did for Marie, but when it came out just exactly how her daughter would help in the future, it broke me a little. I'm sincerely hoping Ms Hefner will pull another rabbit out of the hat and give me a different version!

I can't wait to read the final in this trilogy to see it all come together. A brilliant addition to the series.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 27, 2023
Rambo: Last Blood (2019)
Rambo: Last Blood (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Drama
If you asked anyone to name actor Sylvester Stallone's two most famous roles, they would probably give you (in order):

1: Rocky Balboa
2: John Rambo.

While the Rocky films have been having something of a renaissance of sorts ever since 2006's Rocky Balboa (and the Creed films), Rambo has been left on the sidelines somewhat - perhaps as a result of the increasingly cartoony (and violent) films ever since the 1982 original.

I haven't seen all the Rocky films - I gave up partway through Rocky III, before having to force myself to sit through Rocky Balboa and the first Creed film - but I have seen all the Rambo films.

There's still no doubt that the original Rambo film is far and away the best: indeed, I would strugglt to remember much of the plots of part II (other than there's a fight scene heavily ripped off in Charlie Sheen's 'Hot Shots: Part Deux'), or even part III (starting with Rambo helping to build a temple in Vietnam) or 2008's 'Rambo' (which ends with Rambo coming home as the credits roll)

This one picks up from the end of that film, with Rambo now running the horse ranch that belonged to his family, and with the plot kicking into drive when the daughter of a friend runs away to Mexico in search of her absentee father, and is promptly kidnapped by a Mexican drug cartel.

Cue an extraordinarily violent last act when, for reasons, members of that cartel decide to attack Rambo on his home turf ...
The Marsh King's Daughter
The Marsh King's Daughter
Karen Dionne | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Originally reviewed on

Helena Pelletier's life is more or less exactly what she wants: a husband and two daughters she loves deeply, a home business that keeps her busy during the days, her past a secret that she keeps hidden from everyone. Helena has worked hard for these things and she prides herself in her accomplishments, until the day her father escapes from prison and she immediately understands that her past is going to catch up to her, whether she wants it to or not. She also knows that the only way to keep her family safe and put her father back in prison is to find and deal with her father herself, since he was the one who trained her to live in the marshes of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, where he was keeping her mother captive after he had kidnapped her as a young girl.

With the main part of the story taking place over 24 hours "real time" with Helena tracking her father, the actual meat of the story all takes place in flashbacks as Helena thinks back on her childhood in the marshes of the UP and how her father treated her and her mother, who her father kidnapped as a young girl and made his wife. As she closes in on her father, she goes over various aspects of the only life she knew as a child, until her mother's past starts to catch up to her and Helena realizes that much of her life has been a lie perpetrated by both her father and mother and isn't exactly what they told her it was. As she grows older and finally starts to understand that even though this is the only life she's ever known, it may not be the life that either she or her mother deserves, and when she finally escapes her father's control she discovers that there is in fact an entire world she never knew about outside the marsh.

To be honest, the story of Helena's childhood is what really makes this book. Personally, I felt the entire portion of the book that is taking place in "real time" where Helena knows that she's the only one who can find her father, regardless of the large police force searching for him, and that she knows exactly where to look for him in the entire area surrounding her home and the prison he escaped from all seemed far to convenient, and only plausible in order to make this portion of the story move forward. Helena's memories of her childhood and the psychological aspects of being a child who has been raised in an extreme situation, but one that seems normal to her only because it's all that she knows, was fascinating. Her recollections of her father teaching her how to hunt and live in the wilderness, and her childhood idolization of him in this respect juxtaposed against her later feeling towards him as she starts to mature and gain some sense of adolescent independence, and her eventual discovery that her whole life has been based on lies and the kidnapping of her mother, was remarkable storytelling, and Karen Dionne delivers this entire sequence of events deftly and with sharp storytelling. While the "real time" story requires quite a hefty amount of suspension of disbelief, the background story well makes up for this and creates a truly mesmerizing and atmospheric story that will keep you up late into the night, turning the page for more.
Behind Closed Doors
Behind Closed Doors
B.A. Paris | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
Also find my review here:

<b><i>”Fear," he whispered. "There is nothing quite like it. I love how it looks, I love how it feels, I love how it smells. And I especially love the sound of it." I felt his tongue on my cheek. "I even love the taste of it.”</i></b>

Welcome to Jack and Grace's perfect life and perfect marriage. Jack's an amazing, handsome and successful lawyer for battered woman and Grace is the gorgeous put-together house wife... or so it seems. But what if Grace were to tell she wasn't a house wife, she was in fact a prisoner locked up by her own husband who craves nothing more than seeing and feeling another person's fear? Would you believe her?

I loved all the twists and turns and edge of the seat moments within this novel. It was an excellent thriller that I’m sure thousands have and will continue to enjoy. I’m definitely going to keep my eyes peeled for any more novels from Paris as I loved her style of writing and felt her story telling flowed perfectly.

The characters were very well developed and you really got a good insight into their lives, thoughts and feelings. Paris did an excellent job at making two very unique characters. Without trying to give too much away, Jack is a very different kind of sadistic captor. He’s so terrifying because he could definitely be real. He could be your neighbour, your boss, your friend even. He’s just a seemingly normal guy but what lies underneath is far from normal.

Grace can be a little stupid and doesn’t often act quick enough, it’s no use for her to try anyway as Jack is always one step ahead. She’s trapped and she knows it, therefore she’s an interesting character to see progress through the novel as we see her seemingly give up against her captor, but really, underneath, she’s cunning and planning the whole time.

If it wasn’t for the fact that you could easily guess how this was going to end once the idea was placed in front of you, it might have even got a 5 star rating. Though the end was predictable there was still some element of shock to it, especially the last heart breaking / lifting scene. <spoiler>The final scene shared between Grace and Esther was such a wonderful way to end this book, it rounded this book off so well. The perfect ending!</spoiler>

The weird thing is, the whole time I read this I thought how far fetched and silly it was, though I was enjoying it, but when you think about it, it’s not <i>that</i> far fetched. You hear all these terrible stories about women kidnapped and held against their will who are given the freedom to go outside but they’re so paralysed by fear of what could happen, they never say a thing to anyone. Jaycee Lee Dugard, for example, was kidnapped and kept hidden for 18 years! Keeping someone captive isn’t that uncommon and I’m sure there are actually some terrified women out there that are living a life something very similar to this. So when you put it into that perspective this becomes a very chilling horror story rather than just a fast paced thriller.