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Leprechaun 2 (1994)
Leprechaun 2 (1994)
1994 | Comedy, Horror
Right, so Leprechaun 2 is basically just a whole set of questions... Is it a sequel? I honestly don't know. It doesn't explain how Lep himself is back after the ending of the first movie, and zero characters return (other than the titular bastard of course)
Is his weakness four leaf clovers as established in the previous film? Nah, it's iron now apparently. Is he still 600 years old as claimed in the first film? Sit down, he's 2000 years old now.
What I'm saying is, Leprechaun 2 just flat out does what the fuck it wants, continuaty be damned, which is kind of annoying, but then again, I hardly care.

It feels like a more ambitious project though, expanding on the origins of the Leprechaun lore, and it feels like it has a bigger budget (honestly not sure if that's true or not). Warwick Davis is once again doing what he does, which is no bad thing, but all of the other characters are just kind of there, although I appreciate the cameos from Clint Howard, Kimmy Robertson, and Michael McDonald.

Leprechaun 2 is alright I guess. It's still run-of-the-mill slasher trash, but I actually had more fun with it than the first one, and am just trying to enjoy the little quality that is there whilst it lasts...