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Pretty Dead (Elise Sandburg #3)
Pretty Dead (Elise Sandburg #3)
Anne Frasier | 2015 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
118 of 250
Pretty Dead ( Elise Sandburg book 3)
By Anne Frasier

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A serial killer stalks the streets of Savannah...

Homicide detective Elise Sandburg and her partner, profiler David Gould, are all too familiar with the terrible costs of chasing evil. Despite their wounded psyches, the detectives delve into the deranged killer’s twisted mind, determined to unravel the clues in the taunts he leaves behind.

A city gripped by fear...

When his daughter becomes the killer’s next victim, a grief-stricken mayor comes down hard on the police, demanding that they catch the psychopath—now. Feeling the pressure, department officials enlist the aid of both Elise’s estranged father and an FBI profiler who has unresolved business with David.

A cunning and elusive madman...

In a heart-pounding race to stop the next homicide, the detectives uncover their own role in the madman’s deadly game. Will they outsmart the killer before another horrific murder takes place in their beautiful city? Or have Elise and David finally met their match?

I thought it was fab! I love this duo and Anne’s writing style. I did have the murderer pegged from the beginning but even so it was such an entertaining read. Can’t believe there are only 4 books in this series so only 1 more to go.
Reign of Ash (The Chosen #2)
Reign of Ash (The Chosen #2)
Meg Anne | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
27 of 250
Reign of Ash ( The Chosen book 2)
By Meg Anne

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"You will damn us all."

Kiri Helena Solene thought her trial was over. She was wrong. Prophesied to be the strongest of her kind, Helena is still coming to terms with the depth of her power and what it means to rule. Unfortunately, there's little time to learn.

"Without the tether you will fracture."

As her soul mate, Von is Helena's balance. Too bad he's missing. When he disappears, her tenuous hold on her magic begins to slip. Helena must find Von, and soon, or risk losing control completely. If only she knew where to look.

"You have a choice before you."

A malevolent force has risen, threatening the lives of Helena and those in her Circle. What they don't realize is that without Von, she will become the thing they most fear. How do you choose between the people you've vowed to protect and the one person you can't live without? How do you choose when there's no choice at all?

I’m really enjoying this series I loved this book! Was so glad she got her mate back and her circle intact! Full of action it’s one of those books you don’t want to put down!
Boylan House
Boylan House
Ron Ripley | 2015 | Horror, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
81 of 250
Boylan House
By Ron Ripley

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For nearly three and a half centuries, the Boylan House has stood at the end of Meeting House Road. And something in that house has been killing boys for centuries.The town of Monson is a quaint and quiet New England town. Yet the house is terrifying and has been for as long as anyone can remember. Adults put the thing out of mind and ignore the fears of their children, admonishing them to stay away.Too many boys have vanished into the swamps behind the house. Bodies never recovered. Nothing ever recovered. The families are left with their memories and the disturbing thought that the Boylan House had something to do with it.Mason Philips knows better than that. He knows that there's something in the house. Something evil. Something hunting children from time to time. And Mason has decided that it's time for the killing to stop.

I am really enjoying reading this author at the minute I’m currently working my way through his Haunted series. This was very creepy and a good horror although reading it in the middle of the night in the dark added to the creepy. Very good author for those that love old fashioned scary.
Torn (Second Sight #2)
Torn (Second Sight #2)
Hazel Hunter | 2015 | Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
74 of 250
Torn ( Secnd Sight book 2)
By Hazel Hunter

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They are opposites in everything - except love.

Psychic Isabelle de Grey and FBI Special Agent Gavin "Mac" MacMillan are an improbable couple. But when her world of seeing into the past and his world of profiling criminals overlaps, an intense, sensual relationship quickly erupts. Despite bicoastal living arrangements, red-hot desire still consumes them both. Though Isabelle is thrilled that Mac is returning to L.A., her happiness is tempered by the grim reality they must face.

The serial killer who escaped them has struck again and found another young woman. Though Isabelle and Mac work together, he keeps their relationship hidden in order to preserve his job. As the investigation falters and the strain of secrecy takes its toll, Isabelle and Mac struggle to find a way forward. Despite the heated passion that explodes between them, hard decisions lay in store for the couple as they discover that every choice has its cost.

For a quick read it shows promise! It could be a very good full crime/paranormal novel it felt very force and very rushed to pack it all into 11 chapters. She clearly has a talent just these short blasts need more!
Death be Burned (Terra Vane #4)
Death be Burned (Terra Vane #4)
Katie Carys | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
76 of 250
Death be Burned ( Terra Vane book 4)
By Katie Carys

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My name is Terra, and I’m a Psychic. At times I wish I could control my visions; it would make tracking down the remaining nine escapees a lot simpler. That task just got a lot more urgent, as most of the psychos have blasted their way through a portal and are now wandering the streets of Seattle - one of them being a fire djinn intent on revenge following his brother’s recent recapture.

I’m heading after them with my hand-picked team of specialists; among them being my shifter partner who I’m more drawn to every day, and a lust demon who has her eyes set on him too - it’s going to be one hell of a bumpy ride. If we’re not careful, someone’s going to get burned, and with two worlds now on the line the stakes have never been higher.

I really fault these books, I love the writing, the characters and the storyline. Terra absolutely is the perfect female role. I’m still firmly in Kalebs corner of course there just so much tension! my stomach sank at the thought of losing Bernard that is just not an option!! Looking forward to book 5.
Driven (The Warrior, #2)
Driven (The Warrior, #2)
Rebecca Royce | 2011 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
68 of 250
Driven ( The Warrior series book 2)
By Rebecca Royce

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My name is Rachel Clancy. Forty-six years ago, life as humanity understood it ended. Armageddon. Well, that's what we call it, anyway. What other term works as well to describe the day the Vampires and Werewolves slaughtered nearly all of humanity?

When Rachel Clancy turned sixteen, she inadvertently changed the lives of everyone around her. Now, six months later she has to figure out how to live with what has happened.

Sent back into the wilderness - this time with a new love - she will find herself face-to-face with two people she never thought to see again: the boy she thought she loved and the man who wanted to destroy her since birth. If Rachel can learn what drives her forward, there may be a chance for everyone to start again. If she fails, all is lost.

I really enjoyed the fist book but this once was just so predictable and a bit annoying! Rachel has gone from kickass to whinging about her latest boyfriend drama although Chad didn’t last long and the love was instant. I just really struggled! Buy hey I’m not one to give up just yet.
Revenge (Out for Blood #1)
Revenge (Out for Blood #1)
CY Jones | 2020 | Horror, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
174 of 200
Revenge ( Out for Blood book 1)
By CY Jones

 My name is Shadow.
Assassin, taker of lives
I’m what fears are based on, the one who exists in the shadows, only seen when you look death in the eye, and beg for its forgiveness.
I am the nightmare whose name you whisper in the dark of night.
Your jailer, judge, and executioner all rolled in one.
In my world, my brother and I are ghosts, and we don’t give out second chances.
I thought I knew everything about the world I was born into, but I was wrong.
It took one failed mission to turn my whole world upside down, and I discovered everything I thought I knew was all a lie.
Revenge is still my mission, but now the targets have changed.

I've read a few of this authors work lately and she’s definitely grown on me! The story is intriguing and I’m enjoying her way of writing. There are a few trigger points in this book for some but I feel they have been dealt with and wrote in the right way. I love her men and how they are all different and I’m loving the protectors in he two dads and brother! I really hope she gets the revenge owed to her I’m certainly looking to that book!
Shadow Thief (Flirting with Monsters, #1)
Shadow Thief (Flirting with Monsters, #1)
Eva Chase | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF @ 56%
Contains spoilers, click to show
This starts with Sorsha breaking into a big house where she knows the owner has a collection of creatures in his exhibition room. Shadow creatures that need dark to escape but are kept under blinding lights. Sorsha breaks them all out and is shocked the next morning to find three of them waiting in her kitchen wanting to do her a favour back for freeing them. They also seek her help in freeing their boss from the band of humans who took him - and possibly the same group who tried to take Sorcha's "aunt" many years ago.

I did struggle a little with this one right from the start. I never really got into the storyline but I decided to carry on, thinking the action at the start might continue throughout but it was few and far between.

The description had me intrigued and I don't mind reverse harem books but up to the point i got to (56%) Sorsha had only slept with one of the three demons - the incubus - and was secretly lusting after the other two while trying to hunt down the people who had taken the demons' boss but it was going so slowly... I was bored. I was finding other things to do; buying other kindle books, watching tv instead of being engrossed in this. It just wasn't working for me.
Delinquent (Academy of Misfits #1)
Delinquent (Academy of Misfits #1)
Bea Paige | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Delinquent (Academy of Misfits book 1)
By Bea Paige

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I’m the kid your parents warned you about…

Eighteen months in prison or doing time at Oceanside Academy.
Reform school has met its match in me, even if it is full of young offenders. Thieves, graffiti writers, drug runners and other petty criminals reside within the walls, and I'm just like them.
But what they didn't tell me was that I'd be one of only a handful of girls in a hoard full of boys. It'll take more than just street smarts to keep my wits about me.
Everyone here has a chip on their shoulders, and I'm no different. Mine's one of the biggest, that's why they call me Asia because I have one as large as a continent.
Rules or not, these bad boys are about to discover I've earned my label for reason...
I'm the biggest misfit of them all.

Not the usual school/academy I’m used to reading for this one has no actual magic! But I have to say I really enjoyed the set up, the story and the characters! Growing up in a broken home is not easy and I think Bea captur these kids well! Those stick in a situation they can’t control or get out of!
Accacias Curse (Sisters Of Hex #1)
Accacias Curse (Sisters Of Hex #1)
Bea Paige | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Accacia’s curse ( sisters of Hex book 1)
By Bea Paige

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Born with a rare blood disorder that means she cannot go out in daylight, Accacia has learned to live in the dark, even if it has been incredibly lonely. Determined to find a cure that will finally allow her to walk in the sun, Accacia has spent her days and nights holed up in her laboratory doing just that.

After a freak encounter with a tall, dark, and ridiculously handsome stranger, Accacia might just have found her cure, but not in the way she expected. Drawn into a parallel world of paranormal creatures and a Queen who wants her dead, Accacia has to put her trust in three vampires who, seemingly, want to devour her in more ways than one.

It wasn’t bad! I enjoyed the whole idea of the characters and story. If I had one point that nagged at me was the constant need for Accacia to sleep with Rhain yes I get the whole saving him etc but felt it a bit pushy! I did love Devin though! I think now they are in the other world things will get interesting I’m looking forward to meeting these other clans!