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24 of 230
Magical Midlife Dating ( Leveling Up book 2)
By K.F. Breene

She must learn to fly, but can she withstand the allure of the handsome new teacher?

A Wall Street Journal bestseller and Top 3 book in the entire Amazon Kindle store!

The decision has been made. Jessie has taken the magic, and all the weird that goes with it. Including wings.

There's only one problem - she can't figure out how to access them.

Through a series of terrible decisions, Jessie realizes she must ask for help. Gargoyle help.

But she could've never predicted who answers her call - he's an excellent flier, incredibly patient, and a good trainer. He's also incredibly handsome. And interested.

Maybe flying isn't the only thing she needs help with. Maybe she needs help getting back on that saddle, too, emerging into the dating pool.

Except, the new gargoyle is also an alpha, just like Austin, and the town isn't big enough for two.

Turns out, flying is the least of her problems.

I love this series for so many reasons it’s just so funny. Niamh is just hilarious I love her! I love how they call human men and women Dicks and Janes there is just so much to grab onto and each chapter and character brings a smile. It’s so well written I highly recommend it especially if you need a break from those all to serious books.

Grant (61 KP) rated The Crone in Books

May 25, 2019  
The Crone
The Crone
Jeannie Wycherley | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fast paced story (1 more)
Excellent description
Not as much magic as I had hoped (0 more)
Gripping story from beginning to end
I got Kindle Unlimited for a couple of months and this is the third book I have read. Out of three this is the best by far. The story is told from the viewpoint of Heather and Aefre (The Crone).

Heather is a grieving mother who becomes obsessed with the circumstances of her sons death. Things are not quite as they seem.

Her research leads her to meet a number of different interesting characters and on a journey with a twist at the end.

Would definitely recommend reading this if you like something a bit darker from a book.
Take (Temptation, #2)
Take (Temptation, #2)
Ella Frank | 2014
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was a little wary of reading this since I liked the first but didn't love it.

But this. This I loved. The emotions between Logan and Tate were explosive. The wanting of both of them to make it into more than just sex, to make it into a full relationship, to go public. It melted me and my soft, hopeless-romantic heart.

I cried, I wanted to throw my Kindle, I smiled, I 'aah'ed.

It was a bit of a rollercoaster what with religious parents and past, painful relationships but they came through it all in the end stronger than ever.

What a way to end! I need the third book now!
Reason to Breathe
Reason to Breathe
Rebecca Donovan | 2012 | Contemporary, Romance
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've had this on my Kindle for years--6 or 7--so I thought it was about time I read it and all of the others from my earliest bought to my newest.

I liked this for the fact that the abuse wasn't sexual like a lot of books are nowadays. It was hard to read at times the physical abuse Emma went through and I liked Evan and how persistent he was with getting to know her.

I didn't give it more stars because they could have avoided a lot of the pain and heartache if they'd only told the truth. About everything. And to anyone who'd listen.

I'm not sure I'll be finishing the series.
The Fifth Favor
The Fifth Favor
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really liked this!

I was undecided on what book to read next so when this was just there waiting for me on my kindle I chose this and then spent the next hour or two reading almost half of it in one sitting, getting through 40% before I finally turned it off at a suitable point since I had to be up early the next morning.

I was so intrigued by the story and the will they/wont they thing they had going on. Reading how their relationship changed, it was really wonderful.

Definitely a book i'd recommend if you're looking for an emotional romance, it had me crying a time or two anyway.
Hate Notes
Hate Notes
Vi Keeland | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The title made me think this was going to be a completely different story. I expected it to be all out war between them but what it turned out to be was a lovely warming tale of love and finding happiness with the hand you've been given in life.

Fair enough, it wasn't all sweetness and light. In fact, it made me want to throw my Kindle across the room a few times with Reed's actions and words and how he was determined to push Charlotte away. But I LOVED how she pushed back, trying to break down his barriers.

It all worked out in the end but it kept me wondering until almost right at the end.
Vengeance (Out for Blood #2)
Vengeance (Out for Blood #2)
CY Jones | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
159 of 250
Vengeance ( Out for Blood book 2)
By CY Jones

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

I never thought I'd be that girl.The one that would sacrifice myself, but I did.For him, for love.Now I'm in Hell, and O'Donnell is King of this Underworld.Revenge was my mission, now Vengeance is my goal.Warning: 18+ This is a Dark RH, and contains strong language and certain triggers

I’d go with 3.5 stars on this one as it just lacked that bit of action I was expecting when rescuing Shadow! I expected it to just have more oomph! But overall I did enjoy the book!
Convenience Store Woman
Convenience Store Woman
Sayaka Murata | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
143 of 235
Convenience Store Woman
By Sayaka Murata

Meet Keiko.

Keiko is 36 years old. She's never had a boyfriend, and she's been working in the same supermarket for eighteen years.

Keiko's family wishes she'd get a proper job. Her friends wonder why she won't get married.

But Keiko knows what makes her happy, and she's not going to let anyone come between her and her convenience store...

This was a strange strange little book. I guess it shows one thing that no matter how different we are someone always has a place and who cares if it doesn’t fit into “normal “ society. I don’t even know if i liked it or not!