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I is for Innocent (Kinsey Millhone #9)
I is for Innocent (Kinsey Millhone #9)
Sue Grafton | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Five years ago, Isabelle Barney was murdered on the day after Christmas. While her estranged husband was acquitted of the crime, her ex-husband is now suing him in civil court in a wrongful death case. Kinsey has been hired to help the lawyer win the case, taking over from a PI who just died. His notes were a mess, so she is completely retracing his steps. But as she goes, she begins to wonder just who committed the murder. Is she helping the court case, or hurting it?

Kinsey is back in top form in this book. The plot twists all over the place before coming to a perfectly logical climax. Henry and Rosie are involved in a very fun sub-plot that provides some laughs. The suspects are strong, and we meet a couple of new supporting characters since Kinsey has had to move her office.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Kinsey and Me: Stories
Kinsey and Me: Stories
Sue Grafton | 2013 | Biography
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Short Stories and Essays
This book breaks down into two unequal sections. The first roughly 70% is made up of nine short stories featuring Kinsey Millhone, PI in Santa Teresa. She solves a murder with a disappearing body and a case of a man who fell off his roof. She also gets involved when an actor gets kidnapped.

The back section featuring thirteen vignettes as author Sue Grafton reflects on her life growing up with a functioning alcoholic father and a destructive alcoholic mother. While she admits they are autobiographical, she frames them around a character named Kit.

Fans of Kinsey will delight in these nine stories, all previous published, but decades ago so hard to track down outside this collection now. Personally, I found the back section depressing, but I suspect these stories were theopoetic for Ms. Grafton to write, and I can see others benefiting from them, too.

Overall, fans of the series will enjoy the collection. If you are new to the series, you can jump in here, too, and meet Kinsey without ruining any of fun of the novels.
T is for Trespass (Kinsey Millhone, #20)
T is for Trespass (Kinsey Millhone, #20)
Sue Grafton | 2007 | Mystery
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Perhaps the only thing that disturbed me about this book is that I read too many reviews before starting that warned that I would be reading Grafton's "most disturbing" novel to date -- I therefore kept waiting, worriedly, for something to horrible and awful to happen. Many bad things happen, but nothing quite to the magnitude I thought... perhaps I've read worse. But that's certainly not Grafton's fault. This book departs from Grafton's usual style of letting her protagonist, Kinsey, tell the entire story and goes back and forth between Kinsey and the other main character. It's an interesting, thoughtful, page-turner, as most Grafton novels are. I certainly recommend it and am sad at the thought of waiting another year, or more, to read the next installment.
O is for Outlaw
O is for Outlaw
Sue Grafton | 1999 | Mystery
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mystery from Kinsey’s Past
PI Kinsey Millhone is surprised to get a phone call from a guy claiming he found some of her stuff in an abandoned storage locker. Most of it is old school papers she left behind when she moved out on Mickey, her first ex-husband. But among those things is some mail – it’s mostly junk, but she finds a letter to her in the stack. Reading the letter shocks Kinsey. It sheds new light on her marriage to Mickey and the events that led to her leaving him fourteen years before. As Kinsey begins to hunt for Mickey to learn exactly what happened, she also begins to look into the murder that lead to her leaving Mickey. Will she learn the truth about what happened all those years ago?

I wasn’t burning with desire to learn about Kinsey’s first marriage, but that changes pretty quickly when I started this book. We are given the information we need from that time to understand what is happening in an interesting way that doesn’t slow things down. The past and present are meeting, and both drive the story forward. I was hooked until we reached the climax, which expertly wrapped everything up. The characters spring from the page fully formed the instant we meet them, which is nothing new for this series. We spend the most time with Kinsey, however, and she is a strong lead. I enjoyed seeing how these events impacted her. Fans of the series will enjoy seeing the background, and if you are new to the series, this book will show you why it has been so popular for so many years.
L is for Lawless
L is for Lawless
Sue Grafton | 2009 | Mystery
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Simple Favor Gets Out of Control
Kinsey is taking a rare week off from her PI business for William and Rosie’s wedding, but before she can get too relaxed, Henry asks her for a small favor. One of their neighbors has recently passed, and his family is having a hard time getting the death benefits from the government since they have no record of this man having been in the service during World War II. Kinsey doesn’t intend to get too involved, but when the man’s place is broken into and searched, she becomes curious. Just what is really happening?

I love it when a book takes off in ways I don’t expect, and that’s just what happened with this one. The plot was great, and even when we have most of the answers, there is still the question of what will happen next to Kinsey to keep the pages turning. It is fun to meet the rest of William and Henry’s family, and the character involved in the mystery are as strong as always. A series thread introduced a couple of books back comes into play here again as well. Fans of the series who have missed this one won’t be disappointed.
A is for .... Alibi
A is for .... Alibi
Sue Grafton | 2017 | Crime, Mystery
8.2 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
everything (0 more)
none (0 more)
Excellent Debut
From the first page you are gripped by this sassy PI and her hectic life. She is not rich and loves her job, even if there are certain twist to her busy life. You feel as if you are actually Kinsey and when you get to the end you know you have to get B is for ....
Y is for Yesterday (Kinsey Millhone, #25)
Y is for Yesterday (Kinsey Millhone, #25)
Sue Grafton | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
7.9 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Yesterday, I Finished the Alphabet
It is September of 1989, and PI Kinsey Millhone is hired by a family in a difficult situation. 10 years ago, their son made an explicit tape. He’s just been released from prison, and now the tape has resurfaced. Someone is threatening to give the tape to the authorities if the family doesn’t pay up, and they want Kinsey to find out who it is. Meanwhile, Kinsey is dealing with the aftermath of the attack she recently suffered. Things only heat up when she suspects her attacker might be back in the area.

There is plenty happening here with four different storylines weaving in and out of each other. Still, I did feel the flashbacks for the main mystery slowed things down. The rest of the stories feature continuing stories and characters from earlier books in the series, and I especially liked seeing one of them come back since it gave much needed closure to the previous book in the series. As always, I liked seeing Kinsey again, and we see plenty of regulars. This is the final book in the series, and part of me is sad because I’d love to know how the author would have ended things. On the other hand, this book ends without any major cliffhangers and allows us to imagine Kinsey’s life moving forward as we want it to. I wish we could have gotten a feel for what was on the tape without going into all the detail we got, especially the second time around. There’s a dose of foul language as well I definitely recommend this for series fans even if it isn’t one of the stronger books in the series.
B is for Burglar  (Kinsey Millhone, #2)
B is for Burglar (Kinsey Millhone, #2)
Sue Grafton | 2005 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.1 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kinsey is hired to track down a missing woman by the woman’s estranged sister. It seems like a boring routine case at first, but the more she digs into it, the more Kinsey begins to question what is happening. No one has seen the woman for months, and the normal avenues of inquiry just aren’t adding up. What is going on?

I really got pulled into this book and great enjoyed it. The plot is strong with plenty of clues and red herrings, but everything came together at the end. The characters are sharp, often with just a few words or sentences. It’s easy to see why this series has been so popular for so long.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
W is for Wasted (Kinsey Millhone, #23)
W is for Wasted (Kinsey Millhone, #23)
Sue Grafton | 2013 | Mystery
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Distracted Plot Wastes Time in This Book
PI Kinsey Millhone is facing a stretch with no clients over the next couple of weeks, which she isn’t quite sure how she will fill. That is, until she gets a phone call from the coroner’s office. A homeless man has died, and the coroner has no idea who he is. The only thing they have to go on is Kinsey’s name and office number. Who might he be? Why did he have Kinsey’s contact information in his pocket?

The premise of this book captured my attention from the start. Unfortunately, the plot wandered, with a sub-plot taking over the middle of the book before Kinsey really even discovers there is a crime for her to solve. We know that sooner thanks to some flashback chapters written in third person. Both parts of the book are rushed in their resolution, leaving a couple of things dangling. However, I still found myself engaged in the book thanks to the characters, who I still love. It might have helped that I listened to the audio instead of reading it. Judy Kaye, the narrator, does a great job once again here. Fans of the series will want to see what happens here, but if you haven’t met Kinsey yet, I recommend you start earlier and work your way to this book.
D is for Deadbeat (Kinsey Millhone, #4)
D is for Deadbeat (Kinsey Millhone, #4)
Sue Grafton | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
On a fall Saturday, Alvin walks into Kinsey’s office and asks the PI to track down someone named Tony to give him a check. However, Tony turns out to be a teenager, the check Alvin gives Kinsey for his services bounces, and then Alvin is shot. What has Kinsey stumbled into this time?

The places this book leads from that set up were absolutely wonderful, and I loved seeing where the plot lead. I did feel things stalled out a little before we reached the climax, but the book ended on a great note. Likewise, the characters could have been a little sharper, but maybe that was more my aversion to the obnoxious Christian sect we meet in this book. Overall, still a fantastic read.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.