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Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Brightburn (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
Superheroes and villains are a subject close to my heart, I enjoy speculating on the good and bad potential of superpowers, so to have the bad Superman story laid out like this is very interesting to experience.

Having a bad Superman would have been good, but switching it to a child automatically knocks the "scary" up a notch, something we saw earlier in the year in The Prodigy.

Tori and Kyle Breyer are desperately trying to have a baby, their lives start to revolve around the idea when one night the Earth literally moves for them and a meteor hits their farm. Ten years later and Tori and Kyle have their adopted son, Brandon, but growing up comes with some unexpected twists.

Brightburn's trailer makes it very clear that what we're going to see is a Superman-style childhood but the film is actually not so blatant. In fact, everything about the pre-release information tells you exactly what you're going to get while the film alone actually leaves it to your imagination. You have to make assumptions and educated guesses about what's going to happen. It's a bit of a shame that there's really no successful way to advertise this film without pointing out the obvious.

Elizabeth Banks (eternally young and possibly getting younger) plays Tori, Brandon's mum. The terror she gets across while still retaining a mother's love is spot on and great to watch on screen. In particular there's a scene where she discovers Brandon's notebook and the way she reacts made me react, and twisting that scene with the side story of Brandon and his dad was so effective.

I have one fault when it comes to horror, and that's that I can't take it seriously, luckily lots of people in my screening felt the same way too. While there were a couple of moments that went for actual humour I found myself laughing at some of the gore too. It was the same reaction as I get from extreme action scenes, an extended "oooooooh!" with a slight wince and then laughing. I can't help it, it's just funny.

Brightburn is probably an easier horror to see as the scary moments are mostly predictable so you could close your eyes in time for the bad bits if you wanted too, a lot are prefixed with something ominous in the background to prepare you.

One moment that made me jump was actually not a scary piece, it was the moment Brandon realises he's different. You already know part of his discovery if you've seen the trailer and yet again this film then tweaks that moment to give you something a little different.

The way they use light and dark is great because it allows things to creep up on you, quite literally, and highlights the evil that is starting to permeate the town.

It surprises me that I enjoyed this one as much as I did. I think the action moments probably holds up a lot of it. I like the idea, but I'm not convinced that it was created as well as it could have been. I was impressed that they didn't step back from the violent moments though, Brightburn is ballsy, and I like it for that.

[Note: Stay to see some clips into the credits.]

What you should do

If you like horror then I think it's a fairly good offering to see, it's probably also a good crossover if you're more into superheroes.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I'd love the aunt's house but without the creepy added extras.
New X-Men: Childhood's End, Volume 1
New X-Men: Childhood's End, Volume 1
Craig Kyle | 2006
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In an era where Marvel tries to oversaturate the comics market with event after event, and renumbering, along with the line between heroes and villains blurred so much it is draining (and not just my account!).

..which brings my attention backwards, to 2006's NEW X-MEN: CHILDHOOD'S END.

I skipped out when the series first launched as NEW X-MEN: ACADEMY X. It seemed generic and the stories I flipped through did nothing to grab my attention. It wasn't until the rebranding of the series as NEW X-MEN: CHILDHOOD'S END, with Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost taking over the writing as well providng a new revolving artist lineup.

While this first volume was a bit hard to follow, what with the jumping back forth with flashbacks and time rollbacks, but the second reading made more sense. I don't know that I would have written it out that way, but then again, it wasn't my book.

One of the things that really clicked for me was having Kyle and Yost on board. As the creators of Laura Kinney (X-23), I thought her introduction to the team would be handled well. Let's just say I was left feeling quite good, enough so that I will be reading the remaining volumes in the series.

The way she is written is as a lost girl. Logan wants her on the team, as it will help her to integrate, learn more about non-violent interaction. She is resistant at first mention, but then she comes around. However, despite her joining the New X-Men class, it is not an easy ride as she is withdrawn, though we do see the first sparks of interest on her part in Hellion. Unfortunately, her fellow classmates don't make it that easy for her to want to interaction, opting to go the route that most new students are treated in RL. So yeah, makes sense.

The only thing I didn't really like was Laura was referred to as either X-23 or Laura X, instead of Laura Kinney. I am not sure why that was, but as much I found it disappointing, it did not detract the story any. More often that not, when it came up in a panel, I would just read as "Laura" (minus the "X") or Laura Kinney. Easy fix, eh?

The art chores of the first volume went to Mark Brooks. I usually like his art, but sometimes (like in X-FORCE) he would give Laura a bust line not befitting a character like that. Here, though, everything was perfect, aiding in setting the darker "M-Day" and post-"M-Day" mood. I quite liked it, suited the content 100%.

Last thing I want to add is this: WOW! EMMA FROST IS A MEGA SALTY BITCH! Her treatment of Laura was totally uncalled for and way off base. Heck, she used to be the White Queen, yet she is now an X-Men. Everyone deserves a chance, even a former assassin (well, in fairness, it was how she was raised/trained, she really knew nothing else).

So, and including bitchy Emma, I give X-MEN: CHILDHOOD'S END VOL ! 5 out 5 SNIKTs! Not bad! Now, onto Volume Two...
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Body of Ash (Victoria Cage Necromancer #3)
Body of Ash (Victoria Cage Necromancer #3)
Eli Constant | 2020 | Paranormal
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fab series
Contains spoilers, click to show
Fire, fire, burning higher, fairy better fight.

Victoria’s a necromancer, fairy, Blood Queen… hot freaking mess. Her identity is so twisted up in supernatural nonsense, that all she wants to do is go back to embalming bodies and coffin brochures. Being in love should make things easier, but when your beau’s a bear and you’ve got a fairy suitor waiting in the wings, romance is just another complication.

While preparing the victims of a tragic fire for their funerals, Victoria discovers that their deaths were not accidents, as the police have ruled. Soon, she’s hot on the trail of a Firestarter who’s been scorching their way through the surrounding counties. It’s about more than murder and flame, though.

Bodies with their hearts missing. A dark coven. And a gate to hell.

It’s not long before Victoria goes from the hunter, to the hunted. But she’ll do whatever it takes to bring the arsonist to justice—even if that means getting a few burns along the way.

I love this series!!
Body of ash we rejoin Tori as she battles to stop killer arsonists and a hellmouth being opened. Tori is struggling to keep out of fey politics as well staying of the radar as a necromancer. Her personal relationships with Kyle and Liam are getting harder to seperate when she relies on Liam and the fey to save Kyle's life. Also things with Terrance the detective becomes a little bit strained when he realises the damage magic has done this time. I almost cried as we watched Tori home and family business burn.
Really good series!