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Cate Le Bon recommended Selda by Selda in Music (curated)

Selda by Selda
Selda by Selda
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"She is a Turkish goddess. It is folk [music] in its essence, I suppose, but this record is fierce. She is angry and compelling and this record fires me up. It was when I was on tour with Gruff [Rhys] – maybe about eight years ago – and Andy Votel was with us and doing DJ sets and he was playing 'Ince Ince' from this record. I had become a bit lazy about discovering music and had become a bit fatigued at listening to new things. Suddenly Andy is playing music like Selda and it was so exciting. He opened a world of new music to me. I started listening to things by Iranian female musicians like Googoosh and also to Susan Christie's Paint A Lady album. It was all incredibly exciting music that I hadn't known about it. It was like opening Pandora's Box to me. I would play it to everyone I possibly could. I would constantly be saying, ""Have you heard this record by Selda? It's one of the best records I have ever heard"" and I would get it out and play it to anyone. It would always get the same reaction. I remember playing it to St Vincent when I was touring with her and she lost her shit when she heard it. I think she subsequently went on to cover one of the songs. Last year I was playing a show in Switzerland in this old cinema which was absolutely incredible. It had a huge disco ball and we were having a bit of a lock-in. We were having our own private disco in this cinema and I put a Selda track on and everybody just went absolutely apeshit. It is just a record that you cannot get fatigued by – I was listening to it this morning and got excited all over again. The synths and the electric sitars on it are so infectious – the album is like a musical virus. I recommend everyone listens to it."

An Amish Reunion
An Amish Reunion
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wonderful collection of stories about different seasons of change !
  In the first story Amy Clipston gives us a story about Marlene and Rudy, a young couple learning change through working together. Marlene navigates the change of moving home after years spent away and she deals with memories of loss associated home. I thought this was a great story on how to push yourself to overcome past sadness and turn it to something new.
  In the second story Beth Wiseman tells a story about Ruth and Gideon and how they deal with the loss of a child and the impact on their marriage. They don't handle the loss well at first, but after five years the Lord leads them home to each other. A great story about grief and the growing that can come out of that time in life.
  The third story is by Kathleen Fuller. She tells a story about a wonderful, sarcastic, and straight speaking Grandma type lady who is used to matchmaking for other people. But this time God had something special in mind for her. A very sweet story.
  Last but not least we get a story by Kelly Irvin. She tells us a story about a young couple who didn't wait and it was made worse by some decisions that were made. But through their trials came forgiveness and growing into the people that God wanted for them to be. A particularly good story as it is not always a subject people will face head on. I loved it and I think it was a great representation of the true circumstances that people go through when they have a baby out of wedlock, especially in an Amish community,
  This is a great collection of stories that I would definitely recommend reading, it is great encouragement when going through different seasons of change.
  I volunteered to read this book from Zondervan Fiction in return for my honest feedback. The opinions expressed within are my own.

Sid Krofft recommended The Wizard of Oz (1939) in Movies (curated)

The Wizard of Oz (1939)
The Wizard of Oz (1939)
1939 | Fantasy, Musical

"I, on opening day, saw The Wizard of Oz — 1939, in Providence, Rhode Island. I even remember the theater, the Majestic Theater. Our dad [took us] and we slept in the street that night to wait for the first showing of it. And of course, just like everybody else on this planet, it’s made a lifetime impression on me. As a matter of fact, I think that H.R. Pufnstuft, which was our first television show, the whole feeling came from The Wizard of Oz. It wasn’t like it, but the story — with a boy instead of a girl, and all the characters and the trees and the witch — but we went in a whole other direction with ours. As a matter of fact, when the first Pufnstuft movie came out a year after we did the series, Time Magazine said it was “the next Wizard of Oz.” That was quite a statement. What else? Margaret Hamilton — as a matter of fact, I think the very last job that she had before she left us was in Sigmund and the Sea Monsters. She played the crazy lady next door who kept seeing the little monster and nobody believed her. She did two or three episodes for us. And the reason she wanted to do it? She wanted to meet Billie Hayes, who was Witchiepoo. She said Witchiepoo is the best witch; as a matter of fact, Billie Hayes met her at the airport and they became great friends. And the reason for being of Land of the Lost? In 1940 there was a movie called One Million B.C. Marty was just a couple of years old, and I was eleven. I had never seen a dinosaur moving; no one had. Only in our schoolbooks. I would take him to see One Million B.C. with Victor Mature… wow. That made a huge impression. It scared the hell out of me. Because, like I said, we had never seen a dinosaur moving before! And that idea gave us the idea to do Land of the Lost."

The Trouble with Twelfth Grave
Darynda Jones | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars.

I finished book 11, Eleventh Grave in Moonlight, in September and decided that I had to have the last book before I started book 12 just so I could finish the series all at once. I now have it so here goes.

This starts with Charley at a client's house as she tells the whole ordeal of the past three days (since the events of the last book) to the little old lady beside her who thinks her house is haunted. Ever since Reyes went into the God glass in the last book and spent what could have been days in there before coming back out as Rey'azikeen, there have been deaths in the Albuquerque area - deaths that point to him as the culprit. Charley finally gets the gang together to tell them what happened and they try to come up with a plan to find out if it was Reyes and how to stop him or Michael and the angels will come to take him out.

As usual, this book is filled to the brim with Charley Davidson craziness. I absolutely love her but she is totally bonkers at times. She has an unusual way of thinking but it seems to always go her way anyway. It's ridiculous but so much of why I love this series. It is simply amazing. I can't recommend this series enough!

The books in this series are fairly short but the author manages to pack a lot into them. We had a murder investigation, a breaking and entering, some sexy times, a mob family, some creepy sounding wraiths and quite a lot more too. I can't go into too much detail as it will spoil it for everyone.

I do love the characters in this. Charley and Reyes have grown a lot over the last eleven books and I'm waiting with baited breath to start the last book to see where the series has been building up to after all this time. Off to start book 13!
Nattvardsgästerna (Winter Light) (1962)
Nattvardsgästerna (Winter Light) (1962)
1962 | International, Drama, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This is a terrifying film to watch for any aspiring filmmaker worth his/her salt. One takes a look at it and soon realizes that it spells perfection. Not a reassuring realization when one is trying to enter the trade. The only thing that can mitigate somewhat this feeling is that Bergman himself expressed wonderment at what he had pulled off here, as if he weren’t entirely responsible for it and lady luck had been outrageously on his side. The conventional wisdom when one talks about Bergman is always to list the thematic bases he hits: the fundamental triviality of faith, the traumatic economy of unrequited love, etc. Better go small and more mysterious: this is a textbook of what drama is made of, each scene exploring relentlessly the perilous equilibrium of a situation, what makes it what it is, what will keep it there. Nothing ever comes to a trite conclusion in this film. Everything is suspended, held together by the contradictory forces that vie for the moment to be what they are, and as a consequence everything is resonant. It is so finely tuned that it can be unendurable: nobody has ever explored the savagery of gender relationships as accurately as Bergman, because nobody else has so detailed them as an ineluctable stasis. Yes, Bergman was right to wonder: there is a miracle at work here. It’s a film where the energies and the craft of the principals intersect so splendidly under the guidance of a director: the photographer’s eye (Sven Nykvist, who knows how to match the coldness of these souls with the cold dampness of the landscape outside); the actors’ bodies (Ingrid Thulin, her hands, wrecked by eczema, fussing around abjectly out of unrequited love for her pastor; Gunnar Bjornstrand, with a terminal case of the sniffles and an endless ability to tap into cruelty). Not a first-date movie, but it will do for the third. And, any time, a humbling lesson in film craft."

The Captain and the Theatrical
The Captain and the Theatrical
Catherine Curzon | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
very enjoyable read
I was gifted my copy of this book, that I write a review was not required.

Ambrose Pendleton is a hero and returns home from war to his father’s meddling into his love life. Or lack thereof. Pen now faces an arranged marriage his father has brokered as part of a business deal. To get out of this marriage, Pen needs a fiancée, and who better than his long-time friend and actor, Orsini, who has a leading lady who might just fit the bill. But Pen has long held feelings for Orsini, feelings a man should not have for another. Then Orsini surprises him and throws his own feelings at Pen. Now they just need to get rid of the dreadful arranged marriage and they can be together.

For the most part, I did enjoy this. It was a little bit different and different is always good in my book, but something didn’t quite work for me, and I cannot figure out what. And I hate that I can’t!

Pen and Orsini are old friends, and Pen has crushed on Orsini for a long time. He did not know that feeling was the same for Orsini, though. With Orsini pretending to be Pen’s new bride, the pair get close, far closer than they should. I loved how it really was a bit of a slow burn for these two. It’s not overly explicit, but it doesn’t need to be for these two.

Both Pen and Orsini have a say, and I didn’t think that was going to be the case for a while, so I am glad they both were given a voice.

There was a little twist, with the missing jewels, that I did not see coming, and I thought Pen’s mother might have given the game away a time or two. I think she had them sussed, I really do!

An enjoyable way to spend and lazy Sunday evening.

3.5 stars (rounded up to four the Amazon and Goodreads)

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**