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Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) created a post

Apr 27, 2020  
When I was a kid I remember flicking through a magazine that I bought from the shop when suddenly a poster fell out. I opened it up to find it was this absolutely gigantic picture of a teenage boy holding a huge plasma weapon and towering over a dystopian city scape that looked like it was powering a big cybernetic heart off in the distance. I had no idea what the hell any of this was but I was immediately transfixed on it and believed it to be the coolest thing I'd ever laid eyes on. This was a time where we weren't allowed posters on our walls (fear of marking the wallpaper) but after studying it for so long I decided it was worth breaking the rules for and thus put it up with pride dead central right over my bed. From that day on I then decided it was my only mission in life to find out what on earth this image was from and to see it no matter the cost. Naturally after years of making drawings of this poster and imagining what an amiga game or movie would be like featuring this character (and of course having no internet) I gradually gave up searching. That was until one day my friend came bursting into school sweating and raving about how he had stayed up late one night till 2am watching channel 4 and recoreded off tv (without his parents knowing of course) possibly the greatest and most badass film he had ever seen in his entire life. So naturally that day we devised a plan of how we would sneak out of school at lunch time, go to his house and watch some of this movie even if we didnt quite believe him. That day lunch time hits and we sneak past the teacher on the gate run to his house, go up to his room and lock the door, pop the vhs tape in and hit play. I swear we must of only got literally 30 seconds in but the moment I saw the fist city shot I knew I had found the movie from the poster. Wow, and let me tell you now I still get goosebumps to this day thinking back to how I felt in that moment. Akira アキラ so thats what its called. I was literally in ecstasy and so happy I could of cried on the spot right there and then I was that flooded with joy. Now you might be wondering what the point of this long winded story is and theres a couple of reasons: The first is Akira literally changed my life. Its not only the film that got me seriously into cinema in genral but its the movie that made me realise just how powerful, emotional, addictive, influencing, important and absorbing films can be and how much they can imbed themselves into our minds and make us escape reality. Second today marks the release of the remastered (from the ground up) 4k uhd release of Akira in limited edition pakaging which means its literally going to look and sound the best its EVER looked, and if I'm being completely honest with you I feel like a kid again waiting for it to arrive. I'm honestly that excited I can't sleep, I'm anxious and while in this dark, sad and depressing time at the moment where we are all struggling and uncertain of what the future might bring I can tell you I'm so happy right now because a film that once changed my life all those years ago is now all these years later managing to keep me happy, positive, excited and strong once again. See this is why I love film, why I'm so passionate about movies, why I review films and why I believe everyone should embrace and keep doing the things they love no matter what other people think. Its unquestionably such a fantastic feeling when you get that connection to something that your so passionate about and it really does posses the power sometimes to lift you up, break you away from even the darkest of lows and help you revel in pure happiness even if its just for an hour or two. Stay in, stay safe and stay happy faithful followers hope at least a couple of you enjoyed my long winded nostalgia trip.
The Toy Thief
The Toy Thief
D. W. Gillespie | 2018 | Horror
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
There are few bonds closer than brother and sister, and we learn that first hand in D. W. Gillespie’s The Toy Thief. Best described by author Michael Patrick Hicks as a “coming-of-age story,” The Toy Thief encompasses the childhood of strong-headed, tomboyish Jack and her brother Andy. Together, the two must thwart a darkness that threatens their livelihood and that of other children around them.

In this creative piece, Gillespie takes a different approach to the ‘why’ behind things that go missing from our homes. We’ve all lost socks, batteries, Tupperware, toys, etc., only to have these items turn up later somewhere else or, in some cases, never to be seen again. But what if all those things were actually going somewhere, rather than simply being lost as a byproduct of human irresponsibility? In The Toy Thief, a dark entity swipes toys from children in order to feed off the happiness and positive energy that thrives within those items. Using these items as a way to sustain its own life force, the Toy Thief soon finds itself running out of options for staying alive, and that’s where things truly take a dark turn in this story.

I found the characters in The Toy Thief to be lacking, honestly. Though I am a fan of the non-traditional use of the name Jack for a female character, the characters in this story are a bit too flat for my taste–and this is perhaps where I made the decision to give this book three stars, rather than four. Jack, for all her tomboyish quirks and fiery attitude (at least in her older years), shows little of that in her child years. Andy, on the other hand, seems to lack personality altogether. The father, despite being the only parent in their lives, plays less of a role in the book than the cat, Memphis. Actually, Memphis seems to be the most fleshed out of all the characters, with what felt like the most genuine reactions to many of the ongoing events in the story.

On the other hand, Gillespie’s ability to generate sympathy for a villain–in this case, the Toy Thief itself–is phenomenal. I would be a liar if I said I didn’t feel so badly for the Toy Thief that I nearly cried on several occasions and, if you’re a sucker for bad guys like I am, that alone is a good reason to delve into this book. The emotional connection that Gillespie creates between the reader and the Toy Thief is heartrending and brilliant.

Gillespie’s novel does a wonderful job when it comes to the creep factor. There are times I felt my skin crawl while reading this book, if only because his ability to write of dread is on point. However, when it comes to descriptions of the Toy Thief, I felt like his arsenal ran a little dry. More often than not, the creature was described the same way, using the same words and to me, this was a bit of a put-off.

Overall, The Toy Thief is not a bad book. It’s not the best that I’ve read, but it was enjoyable and I was able to suck it down fairly quickly. I didn’t feel like I was force-feeding it to myself, either and for those that know me, that’s a good thing. I definitely look forward to more of Gillespie’s work in the future.

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Harriet (2019)
Harriet (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama, History
Harriet Tubman was among one of the most significant abolitionists in United States history. This film tells the story of her life where she was born in Maryland as a plantation slave. Named Araminta at “Minty” Ross, she transforms throughout her journey, becoming Harriet Tubman as well as transforming into Moses, the appropriate name for the person who leads.

The story begins after church services where Minty’s husband John Tubman who was a free slave asks the plantation owner to allow Minty to be freed so their children would be born free instead of slaves. The slave owner, Henry Broadess (Mike Marunde played with a gleeful abundance of entitlement) denies the request. This is the spark where Araminta decides to run away to live as a free person.

Minty was known for her “spells” since the accident, where she was hit in the forehead by a thrown weight. The film interprets seizures as her conversation with God. The film uses these spells as her talks with and messages received from God. That is how Harriett’s visions are explained. That she has an ability to know where to go and what to from what she sees when she has an episode.

Harriet had saved herself from slavery. She made it to the State of Pennsylvania where she would be free. After a year or so, Harriet decided that she would not be able to rest comfortably as a “free slave” without her husband and her family. That is when she decided that she would go get her loved ones.

As we know from history, she saved her family and many others through the Underground Railroad. All her rescues were successful, totaling 70 that she brought to freedom. The Civil War began a few years later. We are shown Harriet, working with the Union Army to save the lives of about 700 slaves.

The film celebrates Harriet Tubman and provides a beautiful biographical film of this amazing woman. Cynthia Erivo should get a nomination or two come award season. Pssst, she already has a Tony from her performance of The Color Purple on Broadway and a Grammy. She is already halfway to an EGOT. The cast of the film is fantastic. Leslie Odom Jr. as William Still, the man who kept the records of each emancipated slave and provided new identities to help them. Then there is Janelle Monae, as Mary Buchanon, born a free woman. She was among the group that helped Harriet make a new life in Philadelphia.

The film tells a brave tale, but it glosses over the dark history of slavery. Yes, it is one of the dark chapters in humanity. The atrocities committed in the name of self-preservation are despicable. The creators of the movie could have provided a more realistic representation of a picture of slavery.
This film is very good. Ms. Erivo performs effortlessly as Harriet. The supporting cast are very good. Harriet Tubman was a hell of a woman back in the day. I liked the movie. I also would have liked to have slavery shown in stark reality, not coated in idealism.
The Long and Dark
The Long and Dark
Joshua Banker | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
From the moment I read the synopsis for The Long and Dark, I was intrigued by this mysterious place and the bravery of this man to commence this adventure, knowing it may cost his life.

Gareth has always played by the books. Paid to do whatever people tell him to do. Never thinking deeper than what lies on the surface. Never needed to. Satisfied in his day to day world, his perfect bubble bursts when his wife and kid are infected with a disease that will kill them sooner or later.

Knowing this is the only solution, Gareth is commencing on an adventure to the mysterious Dineothan and its capital, Upelstbohr, a place unknown to many. Rumours are that this place is populated with the greatest minds alive. Other rumours are that this place is cursed and cut off from the outside world.

With no other options, our hero goes into this adventure, hoping for the best, but the path is not that easy…

My Thoughts:
Overall, I enjoyed The Long and Dark. As a character, I liked Gareth. I admired his dedication and motivation to keep going. His will to never give up to save his family left me deeply troubled, knowing how rare these characteristics are to be found in people nowadays. His sacrifice reminded me of today’s selfish humans walking on Earth, and reminded me of how precious this trait really is.

“Please feel free to visit again if you are so inclined. You will find me here. As a man with all the time in the world, reading is the only pleasure I have left.”

Gareth is also a character that does what he is told. That is what he has done all his life, and I was so bored to see him getting in trouble over and over again in this book, because he followed other people’s advice. However, he does learn from this, and we can see a huge character development of him by the end of this book. That scene was remarkable. A pleasure to read.

Apart from Gareth, I couldn’t really connect with any other character. They were all coming and going as far as I was concerned. I didn’t invest any emotions into them whatsoever. At times, I was also bored with the plot, as it felt we are not going anywhere for a couple of pages.

An interesting adventure read for sure, but not a remarkable one, unfortunately. It is a great book to spend your free time on, but you might not remember it after a year. I still recommend The Long and Dark to the adventure seekers!
I Know You Know
I Know You Know
Gilly MacMillan | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fascinating and compelling mystery
For twenty years, Sidney Noyce has claimed his innocence for the murders of Charlie Paige and Scott Ashby. In 1996, their bodies were found dumped by a dog track near the estate where they lived. Their friend, Cody Swift, who was ten like Charlie, lived, and now, twenty years later, is reviving the case via a podcast, It's Time to Tell. He too has his doubts about Sidney's guilt. He returns home to Bristol to start investigating. But not everyone wants this case reopened, including Charlie's mother, Jessica, who has started a new life, with a new family. And then there's the investigating detective, John Fletcher, who found the boys. Charlie died in his arms; you don't forget a case like that. Now, he's investigating another body--found buried in a location near where the boys died. Are the two cases related? Is there a murderer still out there?

I still remember the moment I discovered Gilly Macmillan, and her books are such a treat. This one was no exception. This is a stand-alone novel, or at least not one of her Jim Clemo novels, and I found it to be a highly enjoyable and compelling mystery. When I first realized that part of the book was being told via the podcast format, I felt a bit of deja-vu, as I had just recently finished another book in that structure (Sadie), but have no fear: the organization of this one is fresh and flawless.

The book is told via the podcast; Jessica's point of view; and Fletcher's perspective--both now and back then, when he was a rookie cop, investigating the boys' death. You have to get used to the book swinging back and forth in time with Fletcher, but it doesn't take much, and it's worth it, because Macmillan parallels things so well in time. The juxtaposition of the past and present with the two cases (current body, the boys' case - plus Cody's podcast) is really brilliant. Plus, we get to see the trajectory of Fletcher's life and the many decisions that have led him to where he his today. His character, for me, was fascinating and one of the best surprises of the book.

One of my favorite aspects of any Macmillan novel is her characters. They are always so detailed and fully fleshed out. That is the case here: you will find yourself transported back to the estate twenty years ago, with Charlie, Scott, and Cody running around, and then to the present, with Cody and his podcast, Jessica struggling to keep her new life afloat, and Fletcher, unraveling the details on a new--potentially related--case.

There are multiple mystery threads to keep any detective fan happy: what happened to Charlie and Scott all those years ago? Was it really Sidney Noyce? How about the body Fletcher just discovered nearby? Just a coincidence? I loved the way Macmillan weaved the pieces of all these stories together. There are some wonderful and unexpected turns here. I adore a book that surprises me, and it was great to have some twists and turns that shocked me.

Overall, this is a fascinating and compelling mystery that expertly weaves together the thread of two cases separated by twenty years. The characters are well-detailed and the book is beautifully plotted. It's hard to go wrong with a Macmillan mystery, and this one is no exception.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
You're Not You (2014)
You're Not You (2014)
2014 | Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: You’re Not You starts on Kate’s (Swank) 35th birthday, a classic pianist that notice something isn’t right with her body, 18 months later Kate is in need of care, even with her husband Evan (Duhamel) needing to work, while finding a new carer to help with ALS care.

That new carer is college student Bec (Rossum) who parties every night and doesn’t come with an off switch. Bec is the only person Kate want to care for her as she is the only one that treats her like a person not a patient and after Kate learns Evan has been having an affair, it leaves Kate and Bec together to handle the caring and living the remaining time with the disease.


Thoughts on You’re Not You


Characters – Kate was a successful pianist, happily married and wonderful party host, she soon starts to get the first symptoms of ALS which comes on strong, she now needs constant caring, but is tired of the nurses that treat her like a patient, she chooses Bec who offers her friendship, while also offering Bec life advice in a time where she could be going with no direction. Bec is a directionless brash college student who gets given a chance to care of Kate, she becomes the biggest challenge of her life, teaching her responsibility and helping guide her in the right direction. Evan is the husband of Kate, he has tried to care for her the best he can, but can’t give up his job which has put a distance between the two, causing him to have had an affair.

Performances – Hilary Swank has two Oscars to her name, this performance here shows the talent she has once again, she is fantastic as the victim of the ALS disease. Emmy Rossum has made a name for herself on television, but here you feel she should have broken out because her performance is great to. Josh Duhamel is good as the character we want to hate through the film.

Story – The story throws the spotlight on ALS, we follow one person suffering from the disease who knows the sacrifices people will have to make to care for her, we see how people who are sick do want to be treated like people rather than just patients and giving them, this treatment will make their remaining time worthwhile. We do have a story about how the older (but not old) woman helps give the lost student a direction for her life. This is a story about the battle against a disease which is taking people everyday, how the people around them need there for them to make the remain time in their lives positive.

Settings – The settings in this film show the different lives both Kate and Bec have come from, how they are joined together in the same battle to support each other. I feel the settings help us understand the disease making made by the characters in the film.

Scene of the Movie – Enjoying a drink or two together.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The only thing I feel we would have liked more of would be the medical side of what could have been done to try and help as we have plenty of talks about experimental treatments.

Final Thoughts – This is a very good drama, we get to see how one person’s suffering could impact many people and how helpless they will feel while fighting it.

Overall: Powerful, heart-breaking and inspiring.
When We Fall
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href="">Full Review</a>
I received this book for free from Goodreads in exchange for an honest review.

The book “When We Fall” by Emily Liebert is a definite page turner. While there are some flaws I give this book a 4/5 star rating. The main character, Allison Parker, 11 years prior to the story suddenly was faced with the death of her husband, and still 11 years later she is trying to pick up the pieces. Her husband, Jack, was in a bus accident that caused his untimely death which resulted in him never to meet his son Logan. Allison was left raise Logan alone as a single mom. Allison, an artist, put her career on hold me be the best mom she could be even though her life was fall apart around here. Prior to moving to Wincourt to have a fresh new start, Allison and Logan lived in New York. Wincourt is a suburb of New York. Allison found a house with a place where she could focus on her art career and Logan could attend a good school.

On Logan’s first day of school, Allison meets Charlotte who is Gia’s mom and Logan’s classmate. Come to find out the Charlotte is the wife and Gia the daughter of Charlie who was Jack’s best friend. Charlie and Jack worked and attended the same summer camp. Sadly, Charlie never called Allison after Jack died. Immediately, Charlotte and Allison became fast friends. They both were in need of a good friend so it was perfect timing, but then things get complicated and everything fell apart.

Allison and Charlotte became friends, good friends even. But Charlotte has a friend named Sabrina who tries to make everyone miserable. Sabrina told a lie to Charlotte that Allison and Charlie were having an affaire even though that was far from the truth. It caused a strain in Charlotte and Allison’s relationship, which left Allison utterly confused and Charlotte feeling hurt.

The relationships are well developed and true. It’s easy to identify with the characters of the story if you have ever been in a relationship or lost someone close to you. There is heartbreak but there is also hope. Hope that while relationships can have strains if you work things out there is hope that all things will work together. The minor characters bring an added level of trueness to the story.