Guilty Pleasures
Guilty Pleasures is a 1993 horror and mystery novel by Laurell K. Hamilton. It is the first book in...
Anita Blake Vampire Vampire Hunter Laurell K. Hamilton Laurell K Hamilton

Circus of the Damned (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #3)
Featuring Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, the novels of #1 New York Times bestselling author Laurell K....

The Laughing Corpse (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #2)
The Laughing Corpse (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #2) The novels of New York Times bestselling...

The Living Dead (The Living Dead, #1)
Ideal for fans of iZombie, Colin Morgan, The Walking Dead, iZombie comics, Resident Evil anthology,...

Sucker Punch (Anita Blake #27)
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, embarks on a race against time in the name of justice. If you love...

Devil's Cry : Shade of Devil Book 2
The greatest trick the First Vampire ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn’t exist. ...