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Ross (3282 KP) rated One Word Kill in Books

Dec 4, 2019  
One Word Kill
One Word Kill
Mark Lawrence | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nothing original but a good read
Mark Lawrence has stepped out of the fantasy bubble into this loosely sci-fi trilogy set in the 1980s. 15 year old Nick is diagnosed with cancer and while undergoing chemotherapy starts to have strange visions and deja vu. A mysterious figure seems to be stalking him and his D&D friends, and he ends up planning a siege to help this person from the future.
The story is very short (a little over 200 pages on kindle), but is quite heavy on the 80s references and D&D gameplay. The story itself is nothing new but with a little more head-scratching time travel/parallel universe pseudo-science crammed in. The twists throughout the story are fairly predictable and cliched.
The dialogue also doesn't feel like authentic 80s teenager speech to me, a few too many Americanisms ("hey" instead of "hi", "do it, already" etc).
A reasonably enjoyable short book, but a little Stranger Things bandwagon-jumping to me. I'm not sure whether the other two books carry on the story or how, so I will be interested to see where they go from here.
Faction Paradox: Of the City of the Saved... (Faction Paradox, #2)
Faction Paradox: Of the City of the Saved... (Faction Paradox, #2)
Philip Purser-Hallard | 2004 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I didn't finish the book, but as you can only either list your books as "Want-To Read", "Currently Reading" or "Read", I went with the latter choice, as it was the only that seemed to fit even remotely. So, my review..

I try to keep an open mind for most things - meeting new people, going to see a movie or checking out a new TV series, or even when starting a new book. This book came highly recommended, the highest recommendation coming from Faction Paradox creator, Lawrence Miles. So, without even cracking the book open, it already had high expectations thrust upon it.

After five attempts at reading it, I gave up tonight! The book bored me unbelievably! Things got to be so bad that I used to help me to get to sleep the last 2 re-reading attempts.

I felt there was just too much going on, with a difficult to really get a feel for *any* of the characters in the first quarter I trudged through. After devouring Miles' FP debut novel, 'This Town Will Not Let Us Go', I thought this would be just as good; sadly, not so much.

Ross (3282 KP) rated The Liar's Key in Books

Mar 30, 2018  
The Liar's Key
The Liar's Key
Mark Lawrence | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reading Mark Lawrence books, while seeing the outpouring of adoration for his works on facebook and goodreads, is quite a complicated situation to find yourself in.
I love Mark Lawrence's writing style - that is, his flowing prose and sense of humour. I love the world of the Broken Empire - a post-apocalyptic version of the world after the use of nuclear weapons (all very much implied) and where the sea level has risen, changing the geography of Europe. I like most of the characters (in that I like all aspects of some of them and some aspects of the rest of them if that makes sense).
The tricky thing is, I have mixed feelings about the way Lawrence lays his books out - to my understanding he has a high level idea of the plot but then just ... writes. He just lets it happen. Now, this isn't a car crash like it might sound, there are enough hints and pointers strewn throughout the book (or trilogy) to make it all hang together, but at times things happen that just don't quite feel right. I'm not sure if its a deus ex machine type thing or just his characters being spontaneous, but at times I found that the right thing happens despite no suggestions this should be so. Characters making illogical decisions etc.
This has been the case throughout all 5 of his books I have read now and it is starting to become an irritant. The thing is, I tend to enjoy the overall story and am glad I have read them, it's just that at times I don't enjoy the journey.
That was very much the case here - the book is considerably longer than its predecessor but without any tangible benefit from that extra word count. The first half of the book is quite a slow boring journey and except for meeting two new characters/companions and some minor plot points, there is very little purpose to it. Snorri, my favourite character from the Prince of Fools, is almost absent here - just a massive, injured, sulking lump. This puts the focus on Jalan, our thoroughly detestable narrator.
The second half sees Jalan separate from the group and head home, only to run off once again, almost without reason. There then follows a very dull section of the book where he seems to be getting ahead at last, making money on the derivatives exchange (makes Phantom Menace trade quota discussions seem positively riveting).
The conclusion of the book is excellent and points to an exciting third book.
Bad Boys for Life (2020)
Bad Boys for Life (2020)
2020 | Action, Comedy, Crime
Entertaining "shoot-em-up" with 2 charismatic leads
Okay - I gotta admit, I never saw the first two BAD BOYS films starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, but I pretty much got the gist of it through the advertisements, so when these 2 re-united for a 3rd film (set 17 years after BAD BOYS II), I figured I would skip this one as well. life would have it...I ended up attending this film - with a giant attitude of "this is gonna stink" to accompany me.

And...I was wrong. I was really, really entertained by this film.

BAD BOYS FOR LIFE presents Martin Lawrence's Det. Marcus Burnett and Will Smith's Det. Mike Lowry still "in the game". One wants to keep working and the other is looking to retire (if you take a look at the picture, you can figure out which one is which). The two battle like an old married couple while taking on some crooks in "shoot 'em up" action scenes.

And...what's not to like about that? Smith and Lawrence still have strong chemistry on the screen and the action scenes - staged by new (to me) Directors Adil and Bilall - keep things moving at a quick enough pace, not too fast that you get a headache, but not too slow that you start punching a hole in the plot. is typical of these types of films...the plot is paper thin and just is a reason to have these 2 banter and to have shoot-em-up scenes.

But that doesn't matter.

Ably helping the boys out is their put-upon Captain (the always watchable Joe Pantaliano reprising his role from the previous 2 films) and the members of the "AMMO SQUAD". These are young cops who are set up to replace our 2 heroes. Normally, this band of youngsters would be arrogant a-holes who end up being too cocky and are outwitted by our heroes, but this film puts that convention on it's ear and the "Ammo Squad" are actually a pretty good addition to this film series.

The filmmakers left the door wide open for BAD BOYS 4 and...I can't believe I'm saying this...I'm actually looking forward to it! Certainly not an Oscar contender, but an entertaining "blow-em-up" with 2 charismatic leads that play off each other well. Everyone involved knew exactly what type of film they were making - so they made that movie, with no apologies.

Letter Grade: a solid B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Lee (2222 KP) Jan 18, 2020

I haven’t seen the first two movies and I’m booked to see this one later on so it’s good to read your review 👍🏻

Red Sparrow (2018)
Red Sparrow (2018)
2018 | Mystery, Thriller
Quite a good adaptation
I've read a lot of negative reviews of this film, so i was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be quite good.

As an adaptation of the book, it sticks fairly faithfully to the original plot although choose to condense a few plot points to fit it into an already overly long running time. The ending for me was the biggest and best surprise, as it differs from the book and I thought actually made for a much better ending. They also managed to turn a very slow burning plot into something still very intriguing.

Jennifer Lawrence does okay, although her accent seems patchy at times and her fake hair is a little irritating. Joel Edgerton sadly isn't given much to go on as his character is very underdeveloped, however Jeremy Irons does well as per usual.

The main problem is that this is taken from a very detailed book which sadly can't be included completely in the film. This ended up with a few matters not being explained or elaborated on properly and it felt a like it was missing something. Not too bad for readers of the book like me, but my other half was left a tad confused!
Bad Boys for Life (2020)
Bad Boys for Life (2020)
2020 | Action, Comedy, Crime
Creaky buddy-cop sequel does feel a bit like a prison sentence. Any film calling itself 'Bad Boys' which opens with one of the 'boys' rushing to the birth of their grandchild likely has serious self-awareness issues, and it proves to be the case here. The same kind of schtick as in the other two films - Smith and Lawrence squabble a lot, shoot people, quietly actually really love each other, etc, etc. Though it has to be said that this film does favour Smith fairly blatantly (one wonders how the salaries of the two stars compare).

Putting a film this dumb, vacuous and mechanical out in January really does throw the weaknesses in its construction into sharp relief: it basically goes comedy bit, action bit, sentimental character bit, comedy bit (and so on) for two hours and then stops. Easy on the eye, but makes one of the Lethal Weapon sequels look like a classy piece of work. I would say at least it's not a Michael Bay movie, but the Prince of Darkness turns up in a cameo acting role. Scrapes an extra star for the odd vaguely funny line and one genuinely startling plot development, but the rest of it is deeply crass and equally predictable.
Design for Murder
Design for Murder
Carolyn G. Hart | 1987 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Needed a Better Design
Bookstore owner Annie Lawrence is thrilled when she is asked to plan a murder mystery for a neighboring town’s event. However, Annie soon finds herself embroiled in a bunch of local politics, hurt, and anger. When that boils over into a real murder, Annie is once again cast as a suspect. With her fiancé, Max, along for the ride, she sets about clearing her name. Can she figure out what happened?

Unfortunately, this was a disappointment after the fun series debut. We spend too long with Annie planning the fictional mystery with multiple ideas discarded before she settles on one. The book and author name dropping is especially tedious here, too. We are meeting suspects and learning motives, so when the body does finally drop, the book picks up. It was still a bit of a struggle to keep the suspects and the parts they played in the fictional murder straight. Even so, the suspects are strong, and both mysteries are wrapped up well. Annie and Max are wonderful main characters, and I definitely enjoyed spending time with them. I’m looking forward to more of their adventures even if this wasn’t quite as good as the first one.

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Swallow (2019) in Movies

Jan 13, 2021 (Updated Jan 13, 2021)  
Swallow (2019)
Swallow (2019)
2019 | Drama
To be fair, I'd rather swallow a screwdriver than hang out with rich white people too. Gorgeous, nasty, and mean - but never disrespectful. Medically accurate? Perhaps not, but these seldom ever are anyhow so what can you do? In fact I found this to be much more compelling and satisfying as a depiction of obnoxious old-money business whities having their perfect little synthetic image destroyed by people who refuse to shape themselves around it than a portrait of pica. As everyone has already pointed out, Austin Stowell and in particular Haley Bennett are just astounding - easily not only her best performance to date, but the type of galvanizing role that should propel her star-power vastly beyond just Jennifer Lawrence comparisons considering that this is way better work than anything J-Law has done in years anyhow (excluding 𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳! [I'm a simp for stupid, manic arthouse cinema I know you don't have to tell me]). Deeply, deeply, *deeply* unsettling - can pleasantly report that its reputation is as airtight as claimed. Super messy but I think that gives it more character tbh, and what an excellent use of music. A bit too on-the-nose at times but also the type of movie that's destined to be misinterpreted by morons everywhere.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Aug 24, 2020  
Check out DiAnn Mills' favorite quotes from her Christian suspense novel AIRBORNE on my blog. Then, enter the GIVEAWAY to win a personalized hardcover edition of the book as well as a $25 Amazon gift card - four winners!

Heather Lawrence’s long-awaited vacation to Salzburg wasn’t supposed to go like this. Mere hours into the transatlantic flight, the Houston FBI agent is awakened when passengers begin exhibiting horrific symptoms of an unknown infection. As the virus quickly spreads and dozens of passengers fall ill, Heather fears she’s witnessing an epidemic similar to ones her estranged husband studies for a living—but this airborne contagion may have been deliberately released.

While Heather remains quarantined with other survivors, she works with her FBI colleagues to identify the person behind this attack. The prime suspect? Dr. Chad Lawrence, an expert in his field ... and Heather’s husband. The Lawrences’ marriage has been on the rocks since Chad announced his career took precedence over his wife and future family and moved out.

As more victims fall prey days after the initial outbreak, time’s running out to hunt down the killer, one who may be closer to the victims than anyone ever expected.
Blackmailer’s Delight
Blackmailer’s Delight
David Lawrence | 2024 | Humor & Comedy, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
steamy in places but lacking in romance
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

For the most part, I enjoyed this book. It's the first I've read of David Lawrence.

I liked Daniel and Luke, together and separately. I did think at points, Daniel was using his greater age over Luke to get what he wanted, but I don't think he was doing it deliberately, or maliciously.

It's steamy and smexy, plenty of that but I did find the romance element lacking. As a reader of romance, I do like a more in depth romantic element, to go along with the smexy stuff.

I did like the twist at the end! Clarence, Daniel's ex, was a thoroughly nasty piece of work, but he does come around to Daniel moving on, and does redeem himself somewhat.

Apart from the above mentioned, the story is well told and well written. I found the character development very good. It is a little long winded in the beginning, but it does pick up and then runs away with itself.

I saw no editing or spelling errors to spoil my reading.

I'd like to read something else by this author, he's on my radar now.

4 good stars