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Emperor of Thorns
Emperor of Thorns
Mark Lawrence | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emperor of Thorns is the third in the Broken Empire Trilogy of books. Having read and enjoyed the first two books immensely (Prince of Thorns and King of Thorns) I was really looking forward to this installment and had high hopes. I was not disappointed.

The story takes place a year after the second book, with Jorg on his way to the 4 yearly vote to see if a new emperor can be chosen. This time it is a vote he intends to win, whatever it takes. And with Jorg that doesn't rule out a lot of options. The reader would suspect from the first two books that he is entirely selfish in his ambitions. However we see in the now expected flashback sections that a lot more hangs in the balance than another 4 years of squabbling. Jorg is the only one aware of the peril that threatens the world, and is apparently the only one ruthless enough to avoid it.

There are plenty of set pieces and Jorg is as unpredictable, nasty and single minded as ever. There are a couple of excellent examples of Jorg style diplomacy - which naturally involves anybody disagreeing with him being efficiently killed. Somehow despite having got used to this character through the previous two novels, he still has the capacity to surprise and shock. Yes he has matured and Lawrence has done a sterling job to keep Jorg and the events he instigates fresh and interesting.

The main thread involves travelling across the Hundred Kingdoms, and is essentially one long protracted chase scene, culminating in the vote for emperor. There are some very tense scenes - it should be clear by now that anybody is expendable in Jorg's world and there is a real sense of danger in the encounters.

The 'flashback' thread occurs 5 years before and takes up the story from the flashback thread in King of Thorns. Jorg gets to see more of the world, and crucially to find out more about the mysterious Builders and their artefacts. Once again each thread unwinds and impacts on the other and each is a compelling tale in its own right.

The writing is clean and stylish, plenty of descriptions of both stunning scenery and brutal violence, each given their own space on the page without being overworked. The story moves on in both threads with real pace - there is a lot of ground to cover, both thematically and geographically but Lawrence doesn't put a foot (or word) wrong and there are the usual dashes of black humour throughout.

Overall a stunning (and perfect) end to the trilogy. It's rare to find a story that ties everything up so neatly, with threads from all three of the books coming into play. It's also refreshing to find an author who is not afraid to finish a story and not leave it open for more and more (potentially weaker) stories.

A five star end to a five star trilogy, highly recommended
The Truth Seekers
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A period romance of the highest order, this story is totally un-put-downable from the moment you first step foot into the twisted psyche of the enigmatic and, quite frankly, dark Mr Hawes. There are so many twists and turns and little surprises throughout this book that it truly is a wonderful read. But before I start to waffle too much in general terms, IÕll get stuck in in letting you know my thoughts.


To start, I think the characters are more than worthy of a mention. Lawrence is a master of character development, and I say this after having only read one of her books, but that is honestly how strongly I feel about it. Never, in all my many books, have I come across a character as understated yet complex as Miranda. At first sight, she appears to be a simple and quite ordinary society beauty, but how very wrong that assumption would be. As the story progresses, we see her develop into a fiesty, and then broken young woman, before she regains her spark. The journey she travels is so tangible you can almost feel the emotions pouring through the pages. And that brings me onto the strange Mr Hawes. HeÕs a character and a half. Awkward, rude and at times quite objectionable, yet I still felt endeared to his situation. I find him harder to describe, as he really is so different and out of the box that itÕs refreshing against the standard ÔconformityÕ to society norms you usually find in period novels.


Something else I think really needs mentioning is the fact that this book is hugely believable. I am a huge reader of historical books, I am a great history addict and I have to say, this book ticks every single box. ItÕs full of the little quirks you would expect to see in that time Ð the language, the traditions, the vacation spots. ItÕs all just sublimely weaved together to create a total immersion into this time. It is truly like reading a modern day Jane Austen, and I mean that as the highest compliment and the greatest praise for Lawrence. It is clear that there is a huge bank of knowledge behind this writing, and that makes it so much easier and enjoyable to read. Honestly, I canÕt praise it highly enough!


At the risk of repeating myself, I am going to touch briefly on the plot for my final batch of comments because I am left slightly astounded and speechless with this book. The plot is amazing. Put very simply I know, but it is just exquisite in itÕs development, itÕs execution and itÕs whole story is just perfect. I donÕt say that very often about books, but this is so worthy of the mention. IÕm just, well, struggling to put in to words exactly how much I loved the way the story developed. The twists and turns, sudden changes, and eventually the happiness weÕve been searching for from the start, it was all woven together with immense skill and understanding for the genre and that made it such an easy book to get lost in (in the best possible way).


In conclusion, just in case you didnÕt grasp it earlier in the review Ð I freaking loved this book! It was fantastic from start to finish. A great pace, wonderful characters and a delightful storyline that kept me hooked from page one. The only thing I didnÕt like is the fact it had to end! I cannot recommend this highly enough and I will be looking forward to devouring more of Elizabeth LawrenceÕs offerings as soon as I possibly can.

ARC received with thanks and first reviewed as part of a blog tour on Lily Loves Indie -

Becs (244 KP) rated The Bone Roses in Books

Apr 5, 2019  
The Bone Roses
The Bone Roses
Kathryn Lee Martin | 2018 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
the writing (4 more)
the protaganists
the antagonists
the plot and background
the development of the story and characters
MC didn't have much of a background - but she also doesn't remember most of her life before Rondo, so makes sense (0 more)
Fast-paced, page-turner that will leave you wanting more!
You can read more of this review on my blog: and Goodreads!
I received a copy to read and review for my honest opinion from The Parliament Press.

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Violence, Gore, Oppression, Discrimination

I don't generally like Western stories but this is also considered Young Adult/ Fantasy so I figured I would give it a try, especially after reading the very intriguing synopsis. But be warned, this story is geared more towards a mature audience as there are a lot of scenes that are more NA then YA. This is book one(1) of the Snow Spark Saga.

Set in a post-apocalyptic West, thirty years into the future after Yellowstone erupts, the United States is reformed. A cruel king named Hyperion has taken control of the entire region and has cut multiple of small settlements off from the trade routes due to those settlements not bowing to him. All because they believe in God and Hyperion wants everyone to worship him. The main settlement that takes place within The Bone Roses is Rondo. In order to survive, the settlements have to have outlaws that are known as rustlers. These outlaws risk their own lives to steal from the capital city, Adonis. If caught, the punishment is torture and death. The main character, Rags, is a rustler with an extremely large bounty on her head.

But Rags runs into a problem when on a raid, the Kingdom Corps (K.C. for short) start chasing her. She manages to slip away with her adopted father Tracker and what neither of them realizes, is that they are being followed. This leads to a whole bunch of other problems down the road.

This fast-paced, page-turner will leave you on your toes until the very end.

Rags - the protagonist of the story. Rondo's rustler, she is feared and the best at her role. But she does have a realistic sense to her that allows the reader to really get a feel on her.
Tracker - Rags' mentor and "adopted" father. Very mysterious and seems to have a hidden past.
Matthew - Rags' best friend, the preacher's son. I thought he was going to be a love interest, but he was only seen as a brother/friend to Rags.
Jericho - the preacher. He's seen as Rondo's town leader.
Sadie - a mother figure to Rags and soon-to-be-mother. No major role in the story but does seem to be hiding a past.
Frank - husband of Sadie and soon-to-be-father. No major role in the story.
Hyperion - the wicked king that thinks he's the almighty God.
Henny - Hyperion's second in command, he's to seek out all the rustlers and take care of them. One thing I really love about his character is that you hate but like him. Like he's the antagonist that does things that make you question why you ever put him into the antagonist category and then turns around and does the things that make him a bad guy. (if that makes any sense at all lol)
Hunter Lawrence - the sheriff of Rondo and discriminates against Rags because she isn't a true citizen of Rondo.
Colton - a luresman (someone who's good at negotiating with settlements), but he's an overall mysterious guy that leaves you wondering the same thing as Henny. Is he really bad? Is he really good? Can you trust him? Possible love interest to Rags??

Reasons why I rated it 5 stars:
1. Very intriguing from the beginning - the plot was amazing!
2. No grammatical or spelling errors - the writing was phenomenal!
3. There was not only character development but also story development! The only character that lacked any background was Rags, but she doesn't remember much of anything from before her arrival into Rondo.
4. With the development and plot, the overall story came together rather nicely and it left me wanting more.
5. This is a series that I can't wait to read more of!

"Deny all knowledge - but leave no one behind. Never"
The Durrells of Corfu
The Durrells of Corfu
Michael Haag | 2017 | Biography
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Truth Without Disenchantment
I think the first thing to note is that there is probably no point in reading this book if you haven't at the very least watched one of the T.V. series. Indeed a lot of it will probably go right over your head if you are not well-versed in Durrell's tales of his childhood in Corfu.

I am, and have been since I first picked My Family And Other Animals when I was eleven - which is longer ago now than I would really like to think about! Age aside, my point is this: I have read and loved these books many times, and for several decades. Durrell was my first 'grown up' read as a child and the Corfu trilogy has long been ranked in my 'comfort reads' - those books you turn to again and again when you just want something familiar and easy. It was with some concern, then, that I picked up the ARC of Haag's book when it landed in our staff room. I didn't want my illusions destroyed, and whilst it goes largely without saying that there was going to be some massaging of the truth in Durrell's autobiographical stories I wasn't sure that I was ready for The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But.

Haag, it turns out, is also a little bit in love with the Durrells. As such I can think of few better people to write the bald truth about this family without destroying the charm and good humour of Gerald Durrell's books for those of us who want to hold on to the myth. This delicate unravelling begins on the very first page as Haag presents the reader with the brutal and tragic truth behind the Corfu sojourn - the sudden death of Durrell Snr at the age of just forty-four. In My Family Gerald Durrell manages to skim over this uncomfortable truth with such success that he imparts the information that his mother is a widow without ever giving the reader space to think or question more deeply into the effect on the family beyond their enforced to move back to cold, rainy England - a place from which they then escaped to Corfu, so legend has it, for no more pressing reason than to avoid colds.

And so Haag's biography continues, with a gentle but unrelenting quality, to pull scales from eyes. Using tracts from Durrell's books he often does little more than a simple but effective compare and contrast with reality: introducing characters who were completely written out of the Durrell legend, yet were significant members of the Durrell collective; opening up the more Bohemian aspects of their life, and the way they were perceived by other immigrant British at the time.

Haag also exposes the more complex relationships within the family. Lawrence, who is presented through young Gerry's eyes as probably his greatest critic it transpires is his greatest champion: directing and ensuring Gerry's education whilst keeping him free of the structure and strictures of school; the somewhat sadder story of belligerent and boisterous Leslie - so much larger-than-life in the Corfu books, who later seems to become estranged from the family; and perhaps most surprising of all - Margo, who had a life that rivals either of her famous brothers for interest and adventure, at least in her younger years.
All of these uncomfortable exposes Haag achieves, and I feel far better informed about the family now, than I ever have yet never once have I felt that I will not be able to return and pick up Gerry Durrell's books and read them with the same joy and pleasure that I have done for the last four decades.
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