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Meet You At The End Of The World
Meet You At The End Of The World
Natasha West | 2018 | Dystopia, LGBTQ+, Romance
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a slow burn romance set after the end of the world. The way the two main characters meet and how their relationship develops makes this a different spin on the typical dystopian novel. This will appeal to both fans of post apocalyptic and lesbian fiction.
The Doll Maker
The Doll Maker
Claire Highton-Stevenson | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Doll Maker is a traditional suspense mystery with a lesbian twist. The main characters were both complicated and their internal conflict was as much an antagonist as the actually murderer. This is a new direction for Highton-Stevenson and I look forward to reading more in this direction.
Smoke and Mirrors
Smoke and Mirrors
Jane Lindskold | 1996 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Smokey (2 more)
real characters
mildly racy (she's a prostitute)
When did this happen moments (1 more)
mildly racy (she's a prostitute)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Racy in that yes the main character is a prostitute there are sex scenes. The book opens with her at work. The scenes are tame, Lindskold gives just enough information for you to fill in the blanks as wanted, so no porn on paper.
The characters have real reactions. Although sometimes you feel like "oh this is now happening or when did this happen?" exspecially when it comes to Clarence and Smokey's relationship.
I think Bonny's nicknamesare cute however some people may not feel the same.
There are gay and lesbian characters (normally I won't say but I have a friend that wanted to.know of more books that had such characters)
Plus my favorite scene is Smokey dancing with Fox.
Down to the Bone
Down to the Bone
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I like this book a lot, you don't see many lesbian-themed YA books out there. I'm 26 but I missed out on youth fiction geared toward me as a youth. I had vampire books, that's about it. :/ anyway, pros: it was well written, truthful, and heartfelt. Cons: I did not like the Main Character's Dialogue. She sounded very juvenile for her age and spoke in a way I'd never heard myself as a 17 year old (half) tortillera. All in all I enjoyed the story, I liked the characters and I liked the ending. :)

ClareR (5789 KP) rated Elevation in Books

Nov 6, 2018 (Updated Nov 6, 2018)  
Stephen King | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.2 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a novella, which I think threw a lot of people who were expecting a full length book. What surprised me, is how rounded the characters were in only 132 pages.
The main character, Scott, realises he is losing weight at an alarming weight, and the strange thing is, is that he looks exactly the same. He seeks the advice of a friend - a retired doctor who is as clueless as he is.
Meanwhile, he has an encounter with some new neighbours, a married lesbian couple whose dogs have been using his lawn as their toilet. DeeDee, one of the women, is very defensive, blows it out of proportion and wants nothing to do with him. But after a local 12K race, this all changes.
What happens though, to a man who continues to lose weight? What will happen when he hits zero?
I really enjoyed this. I really liked the characters, and the ending was quite something!!
The Belles: The Belles Book 1
The Belles: The Belles Book 1
Dhonielle Clayton | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist of this novel is Camellia, she is one of few Belles, who has the ability to make people beautiful by altering their bodies, from hair colour to bone structure. Being favourite is the ultimate goal of all Belles. They get recognition and exceptional treatment from the government. When Camellia arrives at the palace, one of her main tasks is to treat royals, and especially, to help princess Sophia, who is an absolute nightmare…

I really enjoyed, how the author picked the characters for this book. She offered a very wide variety to choose from, levelling the balance between positive and negative ones. All the characters have a unique set of characteristics that make this book very diverse and colourful. My favourite character was, of course, Camellia, as a reader I really got to know her personality, her thoughts and wishes, and I think she is a really nice girl, however, she is too weak to be a lead rebel, she needs more fire in her. My least favourite was, of course, Sophia, she is psychotic and an absolute nutter.

The narrative is told from Camellia’s perspective, and I did miss the input from other characters. I think it would’ve been more exciting if there would’ve been Sophia’s thoughts as well. It was a quite slow burner for me, to be honest, the transition between chapters was not very smooth and it did lack pace and adventure. The Belles sometimes felt like plastic surgeons or beauticians, I would’ve liked to see more magic or some unexpected powers. It kind of felt like an introduction to something, because not many things were happening throughout this book. In this novel author is praising women, the country is run by women, and some of the characters are even indulged in lesbian relationships. 🙂

The setting of this novel was absolutely amazing. The author wrote down the surroundings so detailed, that my imagination was working overtime. I would absolutely love to see this book on screen, I think the characters, dresses, atmosphere, all the things and buildings would look amazing in the Netflix series. It sounds so magical and absolutely stunning when you read it. The chapters were pretty short, and the language used was easy to read. I could feel this french breeze from time to time as well, especially with some of the product or food names… The ending was very exciting, and after reading this book, I hope that the second part will bring more adventure and that Camellia will deserve to be the rebel of this series.

So, to conclude, it is an interesting story, filled with very unique characters, and if you like books about beauty and evil princesses, I think you might quite enjoy this read.
Best Lesbian Erotica: From Sweet to Spicy
Best Lesbian Erotica: From Sweet to Spicy
Janelle Reston | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
great box set!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

These stories are only short, 9 stories across 164 pages, but they are so delicious!

I can't say there was a stand out MOST favourite, because they are all really good. Very well written, in a variety of tenses, in the first and third, from lots of different characters. There is no connection between the stories, save the same author and they are lesbian erotica.

Some are really sweet, some more hard core. Some are just about the sex, and some have a more romantic feel to them.

I read them all, which for a box set, is unusual for me!

But there was one that stood out as my LEAST favourite. It's written from the main character's point of view in the first person. But when she talks about her partner, she uses YOU. So it's written using the second person. I find it a really difficult way to read a book, sorry! It doesn't affect my rating, but I felt the need to mention it, and you know I'm all about the feelings!

Apart from that one, they are all really good. I find myself wanting to read more by Ms Reston, something longer, with more pages to lose myself into!

Having had a run of male/male romances, this landed right in the queue at just the right time!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Rat Queens, Vol. 1: Sass & Sorcery
Rat Queens, Vol. 1: Sass & Sorcery
Kurtis J. Wiebe | 2014 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Meet the Rat Queens! Betty, Dee, Hannah and Violet. The depiction of sass!

Due to their unruly behaviour of drunkenness and bar brawls, the mayor of Palisade has assigned the rat queens to the task of clearing out some Goblins in a cave, however if they fail they will have to leave the town.

I really loved this comic for so many reasons, first and foremost I loved the humour from all of the characters. I literally laughed out loud and that doesn’t happen often when reading a book. It was fun and very easy to read. The pace is constantly fast so you will speed through this book or you can take your time to appreciate the amazing artwork (I loved the artwork). The only thing that let it down was there wasn’t much of a plot, mostly battle scenes and not enough character development, however I chose to ignore this due to it being so friggin good!

First off this is a feminist graphic novel and appears that is becoming somewhat of a trend which is great to see. The main characters are all so different, they are all shapes and sizes, and not perfect with perfect tits and asses. The women are drawn to be attractive but each in their own way. They also got the LGTBQ theme going on in the story – Betty the Smidgen is a lesbian but done in a casual way. There is also different races in the book and interracial relationships. It’s so refreshing to see all, races, genders, sexualities in books now and done so with perfection.

This book is not for children or the easily offended so if you don’t like violence, bad language, gore and sexual discussions then it’s really really not for you as this is what most of the book is about.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone that likes magic, battles, Orc’s, assassin’s, goblins, gore and more… This is a bind up of the first 5 comics in the series.