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LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Midnight Mass in TV

Nov 11, 2021  
Midnight Mass
Midnight Mass
2021 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
9.0 (4 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
It's a rare thing indeed that I'm left in stunned silence when the credits start to to roll. Midnight Mass was one of those occasions (actually, due to its episodic format, this happened more than once)
This limited series is pretty much perfect in every way. For starters, every single piece of dialogue feels important. There are plenty of lengthy moments of talking, and most of these scenes are completely engaging, dripping with character development. In fact, every character we see throughout the show is given just the right amount of backstory, and I found myself profusely invested in all of them. The way these characters are crafted lead to a plethora of emotional moments. By the time the final scene rolls around, I was exhausted, but in a good and wholly fulfilling way.
The narrative in wonderfully paced. The horror element is present from the start, but is subtle to begin with, focusing on the island setting and the people that live there. The mysteries of the plot are drip fed and intriguing. When the twist and turns start to hit, it gives way to an unsettling horror-thriller with religion right at the centre. I'm a sucker for religious horror, and Midnight Mass is surely the new reigning champion of this particular sub genre. The way that this small island town finds themselves in the grip of a "full blown religious revival" as one of the characters puts it, manages to feel miraculous, warming, and eventually terrifying, all at once. Spearheading said revival is Father Paul, one of the most charismatic bastards ever commited to screen, and portrayed with aplomb by Hamish Linklater. He chews up every scene he is in and delivers some staggering monologues. His right hand, Bev Keane, is another highlight. Samantha Sloyan gives us hugely contemptible antagonist. The whole cast is nothing short of excellent, but these two in particular steal the whole show.
On top of all of this, every episode is shot beautifully. It's stunning to look at from start to finish. The music score is fantastic as well, especially the hymns. The use of them leads to some overwhelmingly powerful moments (especially in the final episode), and all of these positives combined result in a bonafide masterpiece.

It's clear that this was a passion project for Mike Flanagan in the way that it's so lovingly put together. He just keeps proving himself over and over again, and I can't give enough praise to both him, and Midnight Mass, and he's one of a fair few modern directors that ensure that the future of horror is bright indeed.
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Constantine (2005)
Constantine (2005)
2005 | Action, Horror, Mystery
6.9 (25 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The battle between Heaven and Hell has been chronicled numerous times on film. Ranging from the “Omen” and “Exorcist” series to the recent “Hellboy” and “End of Days”, Hollywood has never shied away from the struggle between good and evil and audiences have usually responded by attending in droves.

The latest entry into the genre is Constantine, which chronicles the exploits of supernatural detective John Constantine (Keanu Reeves), who is tasked to walk the line between good and evil to make sure that balance is maintained. John is a very troubled individual and his transactions with angels and demons have warped his views on life, humanity, and the afterlife.

Due to things in his past, John is trying to right his wrongs so he can gain a place in heaven, toward that end, the forces of Hell are trying there best to ensure that John is unable to gain redemption so they will be able to collect his soul, and repay him for all of their minions that he has vanquished over the years.

As if this was not bad enough, the rules between Heaven and Hell seem to be blurring as there is a growing demon presence on Earth which does not bode well for the future of humanity. It is learned that there is an agreement in place that there can be no direct contact, only influence to humans giving them the freedom to pick between good and evil and thus the fate of ones soul.

When a local detective named Angela (Rachael Weisz), contacts John, she is desperate to learn the truth behind her twin sister’s apparent suicide. Although skeptical at first, John soon learns that he and Angela have become players in a much larger game with the very fate of humanity dependant upon their actions.

Before long, John and Angela are facing off against legions of Hell’s minions as they attempt to save the soul of Angela’s sister and save humanity.

The film will be different things to many viewers as on one hand; some many take exception to the story and the bland tone and mannerisms of Reeves, as well as some of the films theological stances.

That being said, the film works, the action is good without being in your face as the computer generated effects enhance the film, complimenting the story and actors rather than upstaging them. The film has a murky look to it which sets the tone perfectly as this is not a happy movie filled with lovable people, instead it is a tail of people trying to do what is right and staying true to their beliefs though surrounded by temptations and numerous chances to stray.

Reeves plays Constantine as a man who is dedicated to what he does, but also shows us that he is unhappy with his life and past choices as they have forever haunted him. John is forced to do things he would rather not do as it is the only chance he has left at redemption and this has seen him deteriorate as he feels he is a tool that is being used with no end in sight.

Weisz does a good job with a very limited role as she is able to keep up with the action without falling prey to the damsel in distress mode that haunted her character in the “Mummy Films”. Singer Gavin Rossdale does a good job as the smarmy demon Balthazar who is a constant bane to John.

Despite the occasional hiccups with the plot and Reeves inability to show range or expressions, for the most part Constantine works and looks to be a good starting point for what is likely to be a franchise series for Warner Bros.
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Power Rangers (2017)
Power Rangers (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
When I first heard that The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers would be getting a film adaptation, I was a bit apprehensive. Hollywood has had a bit of trouble converting many of the themes and issues brought up in a variety of shows into films that stay loyal to their respective franchises.

Fans on social media have often expressed their dissatisfaction with films not staying true to the origin stories or their inabil;ity to retain much of the character and charm that endeared them to their fans. Power Rangers does not suffer from this dilemma. As someone who watched the series as it first hit American markets in the 1990s, I was unsure of how this story would transfer onto the big screen.

It wasn’t something that I was too personally invested in. It was a series in which I considered myself to be a casual fan understanding the background, characters, and general direction of the show. I wasn’t prepared for what the film version offered.
This adaptation is near perfect in the way that it is able to create a modern, mature version that incorporates many aspects into weaving their story.

The basics of the film are roughly the same as the show: it is based in Angel Grove, there are five teenagers serving the role of rangers whose goal is to save the world, and all the complexities that come with being a superhero who has a “real life.”
One of the more remarkable issues related to the film is how the writers and director are able to be inclusive with their characters without being condescending to their audiences old and new. We get a glimpse of a team that is more colorful and diverse. Where the original crew showed a group of youths of different races, the film version does not stop with race as demonstrating the variety that exists within our world. The film allows for the inclusion of people on the autism spectrum, as well as, allowing for the inclusion of the LGBT community. The film shows audiences that there are people just like them or people that they know in the superhero realm. It is not limited by race, gender, sexual orientation, or cognitive development.
Power Rangers itself is a fun movie with depth. As the film continued, I tried to look for areas to pick it apart and find those pieces that really detracted from the story. The film has its faults in a simply developing storyline, but that goes with the franchise. It isn’t supposed to be complex or overbearing. The humor ranges from sophomoric to sophisticated. The film is accessible to those who are new to the franchise and those who have been watching since its inception. Additionally, it is a superhero movie it is not insulting to its audience. It demonstrates the difficulties that exist with teen life, presents real problems that they have to deal with in contrast to the fantasy that they are living out as part of this team.
The film is beautifully shot and the CGI is nearly seamless (the film is not overly reliant on it, either). The fighting and action sequences are as much a part of the story as the characters themselves. Power Rangers allows for audiences to be entertained visually and comedically. Additionally, it allows for those of us who have not watched or followed the Power Rangers in a while to be a bit nostalgic and look back to when we ourselves could not get home quickly enough for “Morphin’ Time.” The film is updated, mature, and will have fans young and old beaming with delight.