Noble Metal Noble Value: Ru-, Rh-, Pd-Catalyzed Heterocycle Synthesis
Heterocyclic chemistry constitutes the largest branch of chemistry, covering almost two-thirds of...

Show Me the Bone: Reconstructing Prehistoric Monsters in Nineteenth-Century Britain and America
Nineteenth-century paleontologists boasted that, shown a single bone, they could identify or even...

Synchrotron Radiation Sources: A Primer
Herman Winick, Keith O. Hodgson, Maya Kiskinova and Renzo Rosei
Specialists in the technical components of a synchrotron light source are usually well versed in...
Sliding Mode Control of Vehicle Dynamics
The control of the longitudinal, lateral and vertical dynamics of four-wheeled vehicles, both of...

HaShem’s 7 Commandments for all Mankind
HaShem's 7 Commandments for all Mankind Rabbi Zvi Aviner takes you step by step, up the ladder of...

The Breathing Club
Explore the vast world of spirituality, self-inquiry, and yoga-ish literature alongside renowned...

Physical Activity and the Gastro-Intestinal Tract: Responses in Health and Disease
The organs of the gastro-intestinal tract play an essential role in sustained physical activity, but...

Respiratory Medicine and Allergy
R.M. Leach, B.E. Lams and E. Hadley
This book provides a selection of interesting problems for review by the hospital doctor or GP.Many...

Empire of Booze
From renowned booze correspondent Henry Jeffreys comes this full-bodied and rich history of Britain...

Rethinking Punishment: Challenging Conventions in Research and Policy
There are visible signs that the "get-tough" era of punishment is finally winding down. A...