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Down at the End of the River: Stories
Down at the End of the River: Stories
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
[Down at the End of the River] by [Angus Woodward] is a compilation of short stories, which usually are not the type of thing I like to read. I did enjoy these and if I did not know they were the same author I would have thought they were penned by many different people.

[Woodward] does an excellent job in creating characters and using those characters to drive the story. More than a few even caused me to feel the nervousness or anxiety of the characters.

I was disappointed that the setting of Louisiana was not highlighted more that it was just a passing reference. I believe the south has a character all it's own and could have added even more to the stories.
Body Cam (2020)
Body Cam (2020)
2020 | Crime, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I expected this movie to be a copy of Black and Blue with slight variation and different actors. Turns out, the similarities just about end with the fact that both stories take place in Louisiana.

Body Cam follows a veteran police officer who is coping with the unexpected loss of her young son. She is assigned to patrol with a newer recruit when the cards come crumbling down and revelations begin to unfold in rapid succession.

There were some elements that I won't go into too much detail about so that I don't spoil anything for anyone, but I will say that if you have been putting off watching this movie for the same reason I did, don't. It's not remotely the same and it's actually quite good in its own rite.