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Black Sky Morning (Mind + Machine #3)
Black Sky Morning (Mind + Machine #3)
Hanna Dare | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
doesn't quite hit THAT spot!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Mind + Machine series, and it's not totally necessary to read the other two books first, but I personally think it would give you a bigger better picture of Jonathan, and his work.

I LOVED books one adn two, this one though, did not quite hit THAT spot, you know? And it pains me, deeply, when I cannot figure out why!

Jonathan is Rylan's brother (book one, Metal Machine Magic) and Xin pops up on both previous books (I think!) they just haven't crossed paths just yet. Not til Jonathan enlists Xin in a mission that goes a bit wrong. But then Xin enlists Jonathan in a mission of his own and the pair end up stranded on a distant planet, faced with possible death. They have to work together to get free. Neither is used to trusting though.

I liked the way the story developed, at an even pace, fast enough to keep up but not so fast you miss something. I liked that there wasn't rally any attraction brewing between them (at least I didn't pick it up!) until Xin brings up a possible physical relationship to get them through their predicament. I liked the way that things crept up on them both.

It's well told, from both Jonathan and Xin's point of view, in the third person. Each voice is clear and distinctive, given their very different upbringings.

I liked the way their story unfolded. I just didn't LOVE it like the other two!

So, gonna leave it with this, a good solid sci-fi read, that I did read in one sitting!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Sheridan (209 KP) rated Life (2017) in Movies

Jul 9, 2017  
Life (2017)
Life (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Highly Intelligent Characters (4 more)
A Fresh Feel to Sci Fi Horror
Highly Intelligent Alien Species with an Unconventional Look
Fast Pace
1950s Noir Ending
Calvin...Really?! - The only part of this movie I hated... (0 more)
Holy S**t!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Many people didn't like this movie, but I freaking loved it! Here's why: The most popular character kicks the bucket first: This for me was a huge deal, you always expect the highest billing actor to be the main character but no, first to die, it was excellent because it gave a tone to the movie that absolutely anything could happen. Another reason to love it: The pure claustrophobia you are trapped in a metal tube in the middle of the vacuum of space with a highly intelligent killer alien, some people may say it's already been done which yes it has but the pace of the movie kept it interesting, in the first half of the movie the majority of the characters are either injured or dead, you barely have time to process each death before someone else is gone, it's exciting. The occasional glimmer of hope: Every time you think they are going to make it something else goes wrong. You know a regular horror you usually spend half the time yelling at the characters for being utter morons, but this movie, these people are highly intelligent and do everything possible to stop the alien without being utterly dumb, it's truly chilling to watch. The ending was a work of art: You get your hopes built up only to realise at the last possible second that everything has gone to s**t and the world is doomed. It was a beautiful 1950s noir film feel which was perfectly executed. No happy ending and endless speculations as to what would happen to the human race. Will it reproduce? How quickly? Just how evolved will it get with endless water and food supplies? Will conventional weapons work on it or will humanity be helpless? A perfect mix of science fiction, thriller, and horror. Will definitely watch again!

Dana (24 KP) rated Winter in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Marissa Meyer | 2016 | Children
8.9 (26 Ratings)
Book Rating
There will be spoilers, so you have been warned!

I have said this before and I will say it again, this series is amazing! I love how much power Meyer gives to her leading female protagonists, and I especially like how she makes them to be so dynamic. The same goes to the male characters, but honestly, I don't think they are given as much of a role as the women, and I am okay with that.

Lets start off with Cinder. She is so kick ass in this book. Not like she isn't in the others, but in Winter, she allows herself to become the queen she is. Even though she is scared to death and does not want any harm to come to her friends, she is willing to accept their help and start a gosh darn revolution to save both the Lunar colonies and all of Earth! All of this while trying to stay sane, learning how her powers work, trying to not become like her Aunt, trying to save all of her friends, and have a romantic relationship with a certain Emperor. I just really appreciate how, even though she is painted as this weird thing being a cyborg, she is able to push past those hardships and still come out a great person.

Iko is so amazing in this series as well. She is such a great friend and, honestly, I just freaking love her! All of the sarcastic comments she makes give me happy thoughts. Plus, she is just as bad a flirt as Thorne is!

Scarlet is so fierce. Not only has she been kidnapped (multiple times in this series), she also has to deal with the fact that basically all of her family is dead and the only person she loves is a Lunar wolf-hybrid. She is so strong and loving. Once someone comes into her pack (yes, I said pack because she is the freaking Alpha), she protects them at all costs. Her relationship with Winter, while it started off rocky, ends up to be really special. I love how Meyer made her so strong and level headed, but still gave her a "soft" side. (I put soft in quotation marks because she is never really soft, but she cares a lot and I couldn't think of a better way to describe that.)

Cress is one of my favorite characters in this whole series. She is just so full of hope and love and joy and is able to spread that to everyone else. I love how much she loves Thorne, but she doesn't want to ruin their friendship, so she kinda tries to hide it and push away the fact that HE FEELS THE SAME WAY ABOUT HER. Sorry, I am just very passionate about these two. They are just so freaking cute together I want to die. Also, even though she is this tiny, cute thing, she is a bad ass as well. She can hack literally anything and shot her boyfriend's fingers off. On top of that, SHE SURVIVED BEING STABBED IN THE STOMACH! How much more metal can she get? (Apart from becoming cyborg, I guess)

Now, to conclude our leading ladies, we come to Winter. I feel so horrible for her. She had to endure her whole life with her evil step-mother Levana, but she was still able to come out on top. She used her kindness and compassion to succeed in life rather than manipulation. She genuinely cares about the people in her life and her love for Jacin is stellar. (get it?) I am so glad she is able to be happy in the end because, stars above, she deserves it. I kinda wanted her to become queen for just a second, but I am honestly fine with her being ambassador. Like I said before, her friendship with Scarlet is so pure and good. I just love her so much.

Now onto the boys starting with Kai. Kai is so great. He has to marry Levana, yet he still believes in Cinder as much as he can. He just wants what is best for his country, and while being emperor is difficult, he still makes time for his friends. Well, they do kidnap him for about a month, but he helped them with their plans!

Wolf is too good for the world. He has been through so much, from the alterations, to his brother being drafted and then killed (?), his girlfriend being kidnapped, then his mother being shot in front of him, and more alterations. Give the guy a break! I do love how he tries to quell his animal instincts for Scarlet and how he shows how much he loves her.

Thorne was so adorable when he got his sight back and all he could do was stare at Cress. Like, oh my stars goals! He was still as sassy as ever, but we also got to see a super sweet side to him that was very insecure about his feelings toward Cress. I thought that was really cool to see alongside his arrogant asshole side.

Jacin was a mystery from the start. I knew he wasn't all bad, even when he sold out the crew to Levana, but I didn't really know the extent to his feelings toward Winter. Everything, and I mean everything, he does is for her. He just wants to protect her from the world, Levana, and herself, but he doesn't really know how to do that completely. He is so shy with his emotions, but once he lets them out, it's like he can't hold back the floods anymore!

The plot was very well thought out as well. I was very impressed with the structure of it, and quite possibly more important, the actual format. I did NOT expect the book to be over eight hundred pages just looking at it. When I looked to the end to see the page count when I was about 42 pages in, I was shocked to say the least. Holy cow Fiewel and Friends! Great printing job! But back to the actual plot, I really enjoyed it, and while I was sad to see it over, I loved the way it ended. There was hope and happiness, but it wasn't as if it was not hard won. They all had their battle scars, but they were functioning and moving past their problems.

Overall, I freaking loved this series so much! If any of you ever want to talk about it with me, feel free! I am up to the task!
Studio 666 (2022)
Studio 666 (2022)
2022 | Comedy, Horror
If you like Foo Fighters, if you like metal, if you like The Evil Dead, then Studio 666 will be right up your street.
Considering that none of them are actors, the whole band do a pretty decent job here. Even the more awkward moments are played off nicely with a frequently funny script. The Foos have a well documented history of goofy music videos with a specific brand of humour, and Studio 666 definitely carries the same vibe over its feature length runtime. There are some familiar faces peppered throughout to pad up the cast. Jeff Garlin appears, being very Jeff Garlin. Leslie Grossman from American Horror Story, up-and-coming scream queen Jenna Ortega, and bonafide legend John Carpenter bring the horror credentials. A cameo from Lionel Richie (alongside a legit jump scare) and Slayer's Kerry King cover the music side of things, and the comedy is represented by the likes of Whitney Cummings and Will Forte. It's a pretty decent cast that surround Dave and the boys.
After the initial set up, proceedings do drag a fair bit in the middle, before everything goes full blown batshit. The gore in this movie is pretty ridiculous, and practically done for the most part with some impressive effects work. There's one kill in particular involving a chainsaw which is easily one of the gnarliest I've seen in a while. Even the CG demons don't look too shabby. As mentioned earlier, The Evil Dead has a huge part to play here, and the film is clearly influenced by it and its sequel, from the gratuitous blood sprays (and a blood filled lightbulb) to the way certain shots are framed, to an evil book made of human flesh, the whole project feels like one big homage.

Studio 666 is silly, visceral, gory fun, full of music industry jokes, a clear cut love for the horror genre, and a disgustingly riffy soundtrack. It could have quite easily been 15-20 minutes shorter, but it's a minor qualm that won't stop it from surely becoming a cult classic.
13 Monsters Armed to the Teeth
13 Monsters Armed to the Teeth
2020 | Bluff, Dice Game, Fighting, Game Expansion, Memory
Let’s talk expansions. Some expansions are absolutely worth everything to have in with the base game, and some expansions just take up space on your shelves because either you A) love the base game so much that you can’t imagine anything adding to the experience, or B) just can’t seem to pull the trigger to try them out. What about when expansions completely change the game? And those that merely give you more of the same? And where does this expansion for 13 Monsters land? So many questions!

13 Monsters Armed to the Teeth (which I will call “the expansion” from here) is a big expansion to the successful 13 Monsters that recently fulfilled their Kickstarter campaign rewards. I was lucky enough to be able to preview OG 13 Monsters, and I suggest you take a look there before continuing on if you aren’t familiar with the base game. 13 Monsters can be summed up as, “a game of Memory where you use the pieces you’ve matched to battle your opponents.” Once you add in the expansion, though, the description takes on new veribiage, “a game of Memory where you use the pieces you matched along with enhancement items like weapons, shields, new abilities, and a new elemental species to decimate your opponents.” Intrigued?

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and I do not know for sure if the final components will be any different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, as there are just too many. You are invited to download the rulebook, back the game through the Kickstarter campaign, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T

Setup will be the same as base 13 Monsters but with added components to lay on the table. These include a big mini (is that a thing?) of a new character named Trall, new black dice, weapon tiles, shield tiles, Metal monster tiles, and durability counters for the weapons and shields. Once all these items are added the base tile grid the game may begin!
Now, I won’t go into detail how to play base 13 Monsters, but rather give an idea of what the expansion adds. Trall is a smithy who is intrigued by new monstersets matched and added to a player’s tableau, so he will come visit that player once a match is made. On one’s turn, if Trall is visiting, he will allow the player to Forge an item (weapon, shield, or Metal monster tile) by rolling the black dice and taking a tile from the specific pile, or Steal an item from another player by winning a roll-off of the new black dice.

The new abilities given to players are numerous and include names like All Seeing Eye and Oopsie Poopsie. I will leave you to the rulebook to discover all the new abilities.

Obviously, when players attach weapons to a monster they will be able to increase their attack power, but will also have to account for hits in durability using the small counters. Similarly, durability counters are included for the shield tiles that assist in deflecting portions of attacks from opponents.

The Metal monsters are part of a new elemental species of monster and are helpful, but worth less VP at the end of the game.
Components. If you have or know of the component quality in base 13 Monsters, then you will be glad to know that the components in the expansion are just as good if not better. When I opened the box the first thing I grabbed for was the Trall mini. He’s a big guy and while the prototype version is a 3D printed mini, I have seen photos of a cardboard standee in a box (however, my money is on a resin mini of Trall as a stretch goal). The weapon, shield, and Metal monster tiles are the same quality as the base tiles so it’s a match there. The new dice are black with white print, which contrast nicely with the base game’s pink dice and white pips. All in all the production quality is great, even in the prototype!

So is this expansion good or necessary or bad or what? Well, let me state the obvious first: if you are happy with how base 13 Monsters plays, then you do not need this expansion. If you want a lot more meat from your game, then this expansion is absolutely necessary. It adds so many more layers of complexity onto a somewhat harmless base game. Yes, there is battle in the base game and stealing of monstersets, but to me it seems it hurts way more using the expansion because you can spend lots more time buffing up your monsters with the extra battle accessories and such to have them just pilfered away.

That still doesn’t answer if I think 13 Monsters Armed to the Teeth is good. Here are my negative points off first. Adding in the expansion content will most certainly add length to the gameplay as well, especially with higher play counts. Players have a ton of options available on a turn now and though some events will be triggered via dice rolls, the new abilities will adjust how players play this versus just the base. A game can now be well over two hours depending on how players play and which type of players are playing. To help combat this, the rulebook advises ways of reducing game time by 50% and I highly suggest you take that advice. I did and games are still around 90 minutes with players who know how to play.

On the positive side, though, there’s more 13 Monsters goodness in this box! And while I do not classify this as “more of the same,” I enjoy more 13 Monsters goodies. This definitely amps up the pressure for each turn and players are involved at all times. Now, I will not be using the expansion when pulling out the game with new players or when I might use 13 Monsters as a gateway game. The expansion just adds too much complexity. But, after a couple plays of the base game, go ahead. Throw it in and watch the eyes widen in anticipation.

So yes, 13 Monsters Armed to the Teeth is a great expansion to a great game. If you like 13 Monsters and want to add more complexity and options, then definitely pick up this expansion. If you missed out on backing 13 Monsters last time, maybe the team at Twisted Stranger will offer them during the next campaign for this expansion. I am quite happy to be adding this to my collection and I know it will see lots of table time for me. Good job team! Now go obliterate your friends! I mean, their monsters.
The Terminator (1984)
The Terminator (1984)
1984 | Action, Sci-Fi
A classic
Film #12 on the 100 Movies Bucket List: The Terminator

The Terminator is a sci-fi classic and is responsible not only for helping propel Arnold Schwarzenegger and James Cameron to the household names they are now, but also for creating a movie franchise that is still going nearly 40 years later. Although admittedly the majority of the sequels are better off never spoken about again.

Released in 1984 and bringing director James Cameron into recognition, The Terminator follows a cyborg assassin (Arnold Schwarzenegger) who is sent back in time to kill Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), to prevent her son John Connor from saving humanity in the future. Also sent back in time to try and save Sarah is human soldier Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn).

This is a story that must be familiar to most, having spawned a further 5 sequels (and counting) in the past 30+ years. And as sci-fi stories go, this is a damn good one – time travel, murder, even romance – it has it all. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen this, and watching it back now I never realised how 80s it was. Aside from the memorable title music from Brad Fiedel, the rest of the score and soundtrack screams 80s and with the clothing and hairstyles, it’d be difficult to miss when this was released. There are a lot of horror aspects and tones to this original too that makes it a lot darker and sometimes scary, which is not something we see in any of the sequels. The gore, especially the wonderfully icky scene when the T-800 patches himself up in the bathroom mirror, is great and another aspect sadly lacking from the sequels. Admittedly some of the effects and props in this do look a little dated (the T-800 point of view and the animatronic Arnie are noticeably dodgy), but considering this was made in 1984 it’s actually incredibly impressive. The final scenes with the metal skeleton of the T-800 are especially noteworthy.

This is the film that made Linda Hamilton into the kick ass heroine we know and love, Arnie into the cyborg we love and hate (depending on which film you’re watching), and made the name John Connor into something that is completely unforgettable. With limited lines and a requirement to look menacing and imposing, this film is perfect for Arnold Schwarzenegger. He isn’t required to do much and personally I think his role as the T-800 in any of the Terminator films are undoubtedly his best performances to date. And with supporting performances from the likes of future Aliens alum Lance Henriksen, Michael Biehn and a blink and you’ll miss him Bill Paxton, the cast is faultless. And let’s be honest, who didn’t have a crush on Michael Biehn after watching this?

What I like the most about The Terminator is its simplicity. It might be a sci-fi, but it’s relatively low budget with a small cast of main characters and a large amount of practical effects and action scenes. It has a fairly B movie look about it, and coming from the James Cameron we know now, something this simple is actually very refreshing. While I like a lot of Cameron’s work (who doesn’t love Aliens?), his more recent efforts are a little too over the top and overwhelming. This is nothing of the sort.

The Terminator is absolutely a classic and deserving of its place on this list. I will admit that I still think the first sequel T2 is superior, especially as it doesn’t have the outdated and overwhelmingly 80s feel that makes this original slightly flawed.

Haley Mathiot (9 KP) rated Toto's Tale in Books

Apr 27, 2018  
Toto's Tale
K.D. Hays | 2010
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Everyone knows the story of The Wizard of Oz... but since Toto couldn't talk, he never got his chance to tell the story. Now Toto tells what really happened in Oz after the windstorm that changed magical history. Toto becomes the main character in this story, and his mission is to save his pet girl and get her back to Kansas.

Toto's Tale was absolutely adorable. I fell in love with Toto right away. He has a wonderful personality and is very intelligent. Hays and Weidman did a very good job capturing the interior monologue of a dog who could not talk until this point. He was funny and a little quirky, and thought himself a lot bigger than he really was. But it only added to his charm.

Hilariously, Toto has a much better language than humans, and some of their words don't translate to dog-talk, so some of the human's dialogue is replaced with funny words that rhyme, or just the word "something." Along the way, they meet a straw man who says he needs some "trains," a Metal Man who needs a "cart," and a Big Cat who needs some "Porridge". They swallow the jello brick road to find the Lizard who will send them home.

The illustrations were adorable too. They were basic pen and ink drawings, one ever few chapters, displaying a lot of character. The supporting characters in the story like Happy the evil-turned-good Wolf, the bugs that Toto talks to, the Not-really-a-wizard, and the flying monkeys were quickly established and fun to read. As mentioned earlier, some of the dialogue of humans doesn't' translate to dog-talk, and the "something something"s got a little annoying after a while, but all in all I greatly enjoyed reading Toto's tale.

I loved Toto's tale and am going to get my little brother to read it when I go home for Christmas. It was a fast fun read.

Recommended for ages 6-14, and fun-loving teens and adults as well! A great Christmas gift for dog-lovers or Oz-lovers.

Review by Haley Mathiot, copyright 2010. Do not copy without permission. See policy, disclosure, and source at my blog ( and full review here: (
The Night Hawk
The Night Hawk
Elly Griffiths | 2021 | History & Politics, Mystery, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captivating and atmospheric mystery featuring archaeologist Ruth Galloway
In the 13th entry in the Ruth Galloway series, we find Ruth and her daughter Kate back in Norfolk. Ruth is now head of the department at the university, dealing with the perils of being in charge. This includes handling David Brown, her replacement as lecturer, who always seems to be in Ruth's business. As for Nelson, his boss Jo wants him to retire--something Nelson is firmly against. Instead, Nelson and team find a body washed up on shore, as well as a skeleton that Ruth believes may date to the Bronze Age. Thrown together again, Nelson and Ruth find themselves investigating a series of murders--all of which relate to a group of local metal detectorists, who keep finding the bodies, and the myth of the Black Shuck, a black dog who forewarns of death.

I love all of the Ruth books, but oh, this one was a particular favorite. It's creepy with the references to the Black Shuck filling you with an ominous sort of fear. There's the usual atmospheric feeling from a Ruth book, especially with Ruth returning to her beloved Norfolk--with the marshes, the sea, and the tides playing their own role in the story.

Griffiths writes with her typical charm and wit where you feel like you know Ruth, Nelson, and the whole gang. Clough shows up and Cathbad, our lovable druid and partner to Judy, Nelson's faithful DI, has a strong role. Everyone seems like an old friend at this point. The book is filled with Nelson and Ruth banter and plenty of tension between the two; it was excellent!

The mystery in this one is superb, as the bodies pile up and Nelson tries to figure out how the Night Hawks relate to his case, and why David Brown seems to follow Ruth everywhere. It kept me guessing, which is something I always appreciate! The Black Shuck myth adds a creepy element on top as well.

Overall, this is a lovely book with an captivating mystery and wonderful characters who are beloved. I'll be so sad when this series ends, but I'm loving it right now. This book will stand alone, but you'll fully appreciate the Ruth and Nelson nuances/dynamic if you read them all. 4.5 stars.
2013 | Action/Adventure, Massively Multiplayer
A friend of mine suggested that I check out the game Warframe. They thought I would like it since I like games like Phantasy Star Online and Mass Effect. Warframe is a free to play co-operative third person shooter game. It's a science fiction futuristic role playing game. You can play Warframe on the PC, Xbox One, or the Playstation 4. Unfortunately there is no cross platform play with this, but at least you have a choice about which one you want to play on.

You play as a member of the Tenno, a race of ancient warriors who have awoken from cryosleep and find themselves at war with a race known as the Grineer who appear to be human clones with metal mods and the Corpus a corporation with robots and laser technology. I found that concept pretty intriguing and decided to check it out on my computer.

There are three starter warframes to choose from; Mag, Volt, and Excalibur. I decided to go with Mag and started my adventure in Warframe and named her Pirotess Dragontamer like my Final Fantasy XIV character. The introductory tutorial is quite helpful which gave me a chance to get used to the battle controls. I also liked that you can change the colors of your warframe and customize it to your tastes.

My Mag warframe is pretty cool.

There are so many missions you can do on each planet ranging from rescue missions to spy missions. You can do these missions solo, but it's definitely easier to do them with friends. The max number of people on a team is four and it does make a mission go a lot faster when you have a full team. Finding a team is fairly easy as you can make your match settings public and the game will match you with people who are doing the same mission.

Pirotess doing a mission with her friends.

I'm glad I tried Warframe out because I love it. It's a lot of fun to play and the story is very interesting. The graphics for the game look great and the voice acting and music is really good as well. It's hard to believe it's a free to play online game because there is so much content and so many great areas to explore.

You can also do crafting in the game and it isn't boring. In many of the missions you get blueprints for weapons and different warframes which you can build in your ship. Level grinding is not boring at all because of the variety of the missions. You also have solo missions for ranking up your warframe. The max level for a warframe is 30 and you can level up your weapons and pets as well.

Pirotess on her Frost warframe.

My husband Ron plays Warframe with me as well and he's really enjoying it also. It's a lot of fun playing the game together and with our friends. Having a good clan helps too because they can help you get missions done as well as helping with getting blueprints and items you need for crafting and modding equipment.

I'm also looking forward to the new expansion for the game, Plains of Eidolon because it looks fantastic and there's going to be even more things added including a new warframe. Warframe is so much fun and I love just exploring and doing all the events and missions with everyone. It's fast paced and fits in my wheel house for sci-fi space games. Now, I'm off to explore more of the galaxy!
Furious 7 (2015)
Furious 7 (2015)
2015 | Action, Mystery
As most would expect from the Fast & Furious franchise, the 7th installment was full of the absurd, ridiculous and spectacular. How a former FBI agent and reticent street racer came to be the leaders of a highly sought after band of not-so-merry brothers (and sisters), hired to accomplish what special ops couldn’t is just part of the absurd. The ridiculous can be found in the escapades they find themselves mired in as well as the stunts they have to pull off to get out of said predicaments. But tied into the absurd and ridiculous are the spectacular adrenaline rushes charged with a lot of shiny metal and ferocious revs and rumbles of finely tuned engines.

Furious 7 tries to tie together the storylines of its predecessors. At least that was the original intent. But with only a couple weeks of filming left, the movie lost one of its leading men, Paul Walker in a horrifically ironic car accident. When the cast and crew, as well as Universal and Walker’s family agreed to finish filming, the movie became more about giving his character, Brian O’Connor, his last hurrah, a final dance with bullets he told his wife he missed before he finally accepted a more domesticated existence.

As much as I enjoyed Furious 7, it was hard to watch on so many levels. The fans will love the intense fight scenes, some wincingly brutal, some intricately choreographed. There are plenty of jaw-dropping stunts and heart-racing car chases, and plenty of one-liners to laugh or groan at, mainly from Dwayne Johnson’s character, Hobbs. This movie also had two villains, Jason Statham’s Deckard Shaw and Djimon Honsou’s Jakande; one intent on avenging his brother, the other bent on getting his hands on “God’s Eye”, a device that would essentially give Jakande control of the world, of course. The movie also introduced a new character named Mr. Nobody, played by an amusing Kirk Russell.

With the aid of CGI and Walker’s brothers, Cody and Caleb, as stand-ins, director James Wan was able to keep Brian in most of the film. That’s where I found some difficulty in watching the movie. Wan and his staff combed through footage that normally would’ve ended on the cutting room floor to find usable shots that Wan came to refer to as “Walker Gold” because each shot became more and more precious. I understood that sentiment as each of Walker’s scenes, especially with Vin Diesel and Jordana Brewster, became even more poignant knowing they were some of his last. Wan didn’t try to make the audience forget that Walker was gone, instead he made Furious 7 the satisfying closing chapter for the character Walker brought to life, effectively paying tribute to Walker himself.