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The Half of It (2020)
The Half of It (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Romance
Ellie is a quiet introverted unpopular girl, she works hard to support her and her father, and even charges classmates to do their homework to earn extra cash. When one of the jocks, Paul, asks her to write a love letter to a girl, Aster, she at first refuses, why? She is also in love with her. But when her electric company threaten to cut her off due to being in arrears with them, she agrees to write Paul's letters and charges him $50 for the privilege. They become friends as Ellie continues to help Paul get closer to Aster through letters, texts and awkward dates.
It might sound like a romance movie, but it really isn't. It's more about the friendship between the two characters and its done really well, Aster is only a way of getting these characters closer and isn't a main part of the story. I liked how we see the friendship develop and was refreshing to see a movie where love is not the intention, proving that boys and girls can be just friends.
If I Stay (If I Stay, #1)
If I Stay (If I Stay, #1)
Gayle Forman | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
7.9 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
The hype was far too much for me. I went into this book hoping for amazing things and it fell rather flat. I don't know if because of my age this book was too young for me, I just didn't feel I could relate on many levels. I liked the way it was written, I liked the going back and forth between the time periods but I didn't feel connected to the story in anyway. The one thing I did love about this though was how real it was,it wasn't love can conquer all, it wasn't well as long as I have another half in my life I shall be fine. It was real,and I loved the relationship between the main character and her parents.The whole plot completely threw me I was not expecting that at all, so I did love how different that was. I think someone who is 14 would enjoy this book I at an age of *coughs* almost26* *coughs* didn't find it that enjoyable I'm afraid.
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Trevor Noah | 2017 | Biography
9.2 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed this book. On top of loving Trevor Noah and thinking he his hilarious, I think his personality just pours out of this book in a way other memoirs don't. There are definitely some parts of the book that you can just hear him talking in your head and I love that. I do wish I listened to it because I've heard great things about the audiobook, but I'm afraid it wouldn't have been able to keep my attention to finish it. I'm glad I read it, also, because learning the words and seeing how different words are spelled is something I'm super interested in.

ANYWAYS! I loved this book. I love Trevor Noah. I love how different his story is. I wish I could sit down and talk to him for hours about all the things he's experienced because it doesn't feel like this book is enough. I definitely recommend if you're a fan of his or if you just need a good read, this is one! I really hope he continues writing.
    Is the Witch in Love?

    Is the Witch in Love?

    Book and Games

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    “Is the Witch in Love?” is a subtle blend of story, games and cartoons. Discover --- or...