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Hot Head (Head #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm probably the odd one out with my rating of three stars but I didn't feel the romance (and that's what I read books for). Not right from the start, anyway. Maybe from around the 75% mark but not before.
Seeing it from only Griff's POV helped us realise that he had feelings for his best friend but he fought against it with everything he had. We never really saw anything from Dante to know if he wanted Griff the same way until the second porn video was made--maybe not even then--and that had to be at the half way point.
Maybe if the romance had started a little sooner I'd have given it a better rating.
Another thing that I found a little strange was all the sound effects wrote into the book: "lub-lub" "thwack-thwack". Gave me a few WTF? moments.
One thing I liked the authenticity of the fires and the guys in action; the teasing, the teamwork, the fire fighting.

Romantic comedies can be so hit or miss, but action romantic comedies have something for everyone. There needs to be more of them. Here's some of the best.

The Princess Bride (1987)

The Princess Bride (1987)

User: 10 -
Avg: 8.8 (135 Ratings)
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Movie Watch

A bedridden young boy is read a story called "The Princess Bride" by his grandfather, which tells...

Action Swashbuckling Romantic comedy Adventure
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

User: 10 -
Avg: 8.2 (162 Ratings)
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Movie Watch

Blacksmith Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) teams up with eccentric pirate "Captain" Jack Sparrow (Johnny...

Romancing the Stone (1984)

Romancing the Stone (1984)

7.1 (12 Ratings) Rate It

Movie Watch

A dowdy romantic-adventure writer is hurled into a real-life adventure in the Colombian jungle in...

and 2 other items
I was really excited to read this book because I love the Psychic Eye Mysteries Victoria Laurie also writes. I'm not a picky reader, but I'm sorry, this didn't quite do it for me and I ended up very disappointed.

I was hoping they'd be different from the P. E. Mysteries, but still have similar elements of style. Even though I like romance, this book was supposed to be a mystery, hence A Ghost Hunter Mystery on the cover, but the mystery is thrown in around the rather awkwardly written romance between M. J. and Steven. I did think the first chapter was good because I thought M. J. would be different than Abby and more antisocial and a bit cranky (at least that's what I got from the first chapter), but then she ended up giggling throughout the whole book (seriously). What I like about the P. E. Mysteries are that they are fresh, fun, very well written, and the characters are (for the most part) believable. Not to mention, I got extremely tired of reading Steven's choppy English ('what do you say...?', 'Yes, that too', etc.), which made the dialogue even choppier and flatter than it already was, not to mention irritating as all get out. I don't know why V. L. couldn't have made him more fluent in English, especially since he was so well educated, it would only have been a small tweak in the plot. But I've noticed Ms. Laurie has a bit of a redundancy problem in her books, even if I do love Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye, which has the 'liar, liar, pants on fire' repetition, where when someone lies, Abby's 'inborn lie detector' goes off with that chant.

Overall, the dialogue was choppy, the plot and mystery were subpar, the characters were clichés and unbelievable (Doc was a nice addition though), and the whole book badly needed editing. I would not recommend this, although I'm sure many (as seen in the numerous four and five star ratings) would like this as it's not completely horrible; it's just not very fresh even if the subject is interesting. I haven't quite made up my mind if I'll pick up the next in the series.
Tight Quarters (Out of Uniform #6)
Tight Quarters (Out of Uniform #6)
Annabeth Albert | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tight Quarters (Out of Uniform #6) by Annabeth Albert
Tight Quarters is the sixth book in the Out of Uniform series, and if M/M Romance mixed in with a Military scenario does it for you, then you really need to check out this series.

In this book, we reunite with Bacon (and yep, that is his real name!). He is none too happy because he has been stuck with babysitting duty for an embedded journalist, one he actually admires and knows is gay. Bacon himself is Pan, and I loved him for it. Now, Bacon has a history, and is a SEAL. Bryant is a gay journalist. Whatever could go wrong?

This is a book of two halves - the first part being with Spencer embedded and them both fighting their attraction. The second is when Spencer is no longer in the team, and they give up fighting. I honestly can't tell you which half I prefer! For differing reasons, both parts are fantastic, and definitely make up the whole.

With stories that need to be written, but jobs that need to be protected, these two face a horrible decision that left me crossing my fingers and hoping for a happy ending. No knowledge of the American Military is needed as Ms. Albert gives out enough information for it all to make sense, without disclosing any secrets.

I keep thinking to myself that this series can't go on for much longer. How many different military stories can one author do? And then Ms. Albert comes out with something new, something refreshing and unique that makes me fall in love with her characters all over again. How many is too many? I don't have the answer to that, but I do know I definitely need more in this series. Absolutely and highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Deathmaker (Dragon Blood, #2)
Deathmaker (Dragon Blood, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this copy via the author in exchange for an honest review.

I’m a huge fan of Lindsay Buroker so when she offered me the chance to read this, I jumped at the chance.

It’s part two in her Dragon Blood series and takes place a little time after the first. This one is more like her Emperor’s Edge series with it being heavy on the action and light on the romance, though there is enough to make you happy. It’s more subtle than that of the first, which is what I really like about the authors books.

I grew to like Tolemek/the Deathmaker early on in this, despite him being one of the bad guys, and I think Cas had the same problem. He’s unlike the rest of the pirates she ends up meeting. Tolemek doesn’t like hurting women, unlike some of the others, and over time he softens towards Cas and she gets under his skin. It was all rather sweet reading.

If you’re a fan of the author then you need to read this. If you’ve never read anything by her, why not?

Caffeinated Fae (464 KP) rated Hook in Books

Nov 11, 2019  
Gina L. Maxwell | 2019 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (1 more)
Action Packed
Heartbreaking & beautiful.
Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault, Child Abuse, Murder, Abuse, Angst, Drug Use

As many of you know, I've been waiting anxiously for Hook to come out! I was one of the lucky bloggers that Gina gave a copy to in exchange for an honest review. I read Pan earlier this year and fell completely head over heels for Gina's writing, and I've been shoving Pan down everyone's throats because it is that amazing! Now, full disclosure, I have only read one other M/M romance, so I wasn't sure what to expect. All I knew was that I couldn't wait to fly into Neverland again.

I built Hook up in my head so much that at times I was worried it wouldn't live up to the hype. Luckily, Hook was everything I wanted and more. This book follows Hook & John's story. The chemistry between them was out of this world. It was fun to see the anger, the angst, and the fire between the two of them. The characters as always were well written and thoroughly entertaining. I laughed, I cried, and I had to put my book down a few times, so I didn't throw my kindle.

The plotline was one of the shining stars of this book. It was action-packed, intense, and extremely engaging. I never wanted to put the book down, yet I enjoyed it so much I never wanted it to end. I loved the undercover aspect of the book, and it makes me want to reread some of my favorite romantic suspense. I was always on the edge of my seat and couldn't wait to see how everything unfolded.

All in all, I LOVED this book. It lived up to the hype that I had in my head, and I cannot wait to read the next book in this series when it comes out. If you enjoy angst-filled bad boys with a heart of gold, this is the book for you. Gina truly knows how to write angst in a way that everyone can enjoy.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
Elwood’s debut novel focuses on three royal kingdoms (known as Houses) set in space: Fane, Galton, and Westlet. As the youngest daughter of Fane, Asa hopes to solve her family’s (and the House’s) problems and save her oldest sister from death by posing as her sister in a marriage to the heir of Westlet.

Much as the romance is completely unrealistic, at least I have a fondness for <i>Inherit the Stars</i>. The heir of Westlet has scars. Legit scars. Half of his face scarred. And that resonates with me because of all the love interests I’ve read (and that’s a lot)?

None of them had scars. <em>None</em>, much less half their face. (Okay, occasionally there’s a scar or two, but none of them are major enough to send most girls running away to side two of a love triangle, if any exists.) I think my only major problem with this ship is dear Eagle and Asa avoid each other like they have the plague. Being sociably close means they’ll make their plagues worse than it is. One minute they’re avoiding each other, the next they accidentally get close, and the next? I love you is thrown.

Not to be overly blunt and crude, but tell me they won’t get <em>extremely</em> close (like really, really close) in the next minute. Now if the ILYs mean, “I think I love you, but I have to know you better before I finalize that,” then maybe I’m okay. <em>Maybe</em>.

But Eagle has SCARS. I'm okay with this. VERY okay.

<em>Anyways</em>, awkwardness aside, <i>Inherit the Stars</i> reminds me of Victoria Aveyard’s <i>Red Queen</i>, especially when it comes to Lady Westlet. She’s a little cold, indifferent, and cares about power, but she’s a warm character who cares just a little about Asa as well as the good of her House. Lady Westlet isn’t black and white – she has a gray area about her that I really like.

For the most part, Elwood focuses a good part of the book on the political intrigue between the three Houses and the romance between Asa and Eagle. But while I’m not a fan of politics or books with heavy romance, I may stick around for the sequel.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
3.5 stars.

This has been on my kindle since 2012 so I thought it was about time I got around to reading it, especially since I read [b:Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble|8542839|Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble (Jolie Wilkins, #1)|H.P. Mallory||13410545] almost a year ago and I got them at the same time.

It took me a little getting into since I'm having a bit of an issue with paranormal books at the minute but once I got a third of the way in or so, I was pulled into the story bit by bit.

Me being me though, I was all for the romance aspects. Like Fire Burn... there were three love interest for Dulcie and each was different. A Loki, a Vampire and a...pixie? Elf? I feel bad that I can't remember what he was but it wasn't continually repeated like the other two so I could remember. I can't say I had a favourite for her either, though the Loki seemed to be mentioned the most often.

'm interested in continuing the series and reading more of the authors work, I'm just not sure when I'll get round to it with my ever increasing to-read list.
The main thing I liked about this story was how the characters were rarely how they were portrayed in their particular rhyme or story, for example, Olivia “Snow” White running an adult business; who’d have thought?? Haha :P

It’s brilliant and contains almost all of our favourite characters from Al Addin to Juliet Capulet (she gets mentioned, anyway)

I’m just sorry I missed the first two books in the series though they aren’t really necessary to understand this one, and I presume tell the story of two of the other couples mentioned in this one (Red and Nate and Lavender and Seth). I have to admit the author does a good job of making sure you don’t miss out on much that happened in the previous books by retelling it from another characters viewpoint, though it isn’t quite the same as reading it as it happened, if you know what I mean. It isn’t necessary but it is an advantage to read Red and The Better to See You before this one.

That being said, the author has a great style of writing and I was quickly dragged into the story. It’s a mix of action, mystery and romance. What more could you ask for?
The Unforgettables
G.L. Tomas | 2016
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
Meet Felicia, AKA a piece of fictional me out in the bookish world: awkward, anti-social, and kind of an outcast. It is no wonder why I immediately beeline towards cute contemporary novels (I always make a point to mention <a href=""><em>Imperfect Chemistry</em></a> by Mary Frame because that book! Is! Cute! Cue exclamation points and squealing.).

Side note: I haven't reviewed in months. I will probably be as boring and undirectional as 15-year-old me.

<i>The Unforgettables</i> is a story of two fabulously adorable nerds who find out they are neighbors and bond over a set of comic books. Paul and Felicia click over a chance encounter in the summer over the comic books that they’re huge fans of, thus beginning a friendship that wouldn’t be forgotten. At least until it becomes more than friendship.

<b>What I Liked:</b>
<i>Cliches can have nerds and outcasts too! Also nerds can be well-liked.</i> - One of the big reasons why I’m always weary of contemporary novels is how I somehow never relate to the characters. There is always something off about them - they all fit in, they’re popular, yada yada yada. (And sometimes there is something off... period.) <i>The Unforgettables</i> has both. Felicia is none of those. She isn’t popular, she doesn’t fit in - in fact, she’s the outcast and basically keeps to herself. Paul is well liked - he fits in, and he’s certainly not an outcast.

Another side note: Can Paul be an actual human being? I feel like we can be best friends, even if I’m not a comic book fan. (Plus, if most guys I come across were as decent as Paul is, the world would be better for awkward me.)
</i> <i>The serious amount of diversity involved.</i> - Felicia is Haitian. Paul is biracial. There’s an interracial relationship. I am a happy little reader. That is not the only reason why I am a happy little reader.
</i> <i>Helloooo reality.</i> - The relationship life is as awkward as it is heartbreaking, and I love how those obstacles are portrayed throughout the book instead of making it seem like a cakewalk. The amount of awkwardness involved as Paul and Felicia venture into territory beyond friendship just makes it all the better. (I am all for awkward within reason.) Plus, it’s reassuring to find that I’m not the only one awkward in the romance department. All the other books make it seem heartbreakingly easy.
<blockquote class="tr_bq">A crush equaled no assembly required. There were no broken promises or hurt feelings outside of the fact you weren’t with them. And if you didn’t let them in, the mere thought of them made you smile.</blockquote>
<i>The Unforgettables</i> is the classic story of girl meets boy next door with perks and bonuses that will even capture the attention of the cliche-disliker.
<blockquote class="tr_bq">A little geekery never hurt anyone.</blockquote>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>