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Fanya in the Underworld
Fanya in the Underworld
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was sent a copy of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Author Jordan Elizabeth has written many stories for young adults of all sorts of genres. With Fanya in the Underworld, Jordan tackles steampunk fiction with elements of fantasy and the paranormal. Set in Alaska during the 19th century when the state was still owned by Tsarist Russia, humans rely on steamtech and spirit magic to fuel their industrious cities.

The story begins shortly after the death of Fanya's father, leaving her as heir to his estate. Unfortunately, her step-mother has overruled her right to her inheritance. By making a fuss to the council, Fanya inadvertently puts both her life and the life of her younger sister in danger. Desperate to protect her sister from the clutches of a mysterious Englishman, Fanya finds herself in the wilderness where the indigenous, magical folk live. Despite having lived in a city her entire life, Fanya soon discovers she has far more in common with the people in the untamed wild.

Whilst a work of imaginative fiction, Fanya in the Underworld works with the historical truth about settlers moving to Alaska, Canada and the United States. Those from Europe who travelled to North America drove out the indigenous folk, destroyed their land and culture and deemed them to be lesser beings. The same has occurred in this novel in which the natives are banned from the cities, treated like animals and even murdered just for being who they are.

By caring so much about her sister, Fanya discovers the truth about the way the cities developed and is shocked by the revelation. Although her sister is at the forefront of her mind, her actions cause huge changes in Alaska resulting in a favourable, although unpredictable, conclusion.

Jordan Elizabeth draws the reader into the steampunk world of Tsarist Alaska. With the aid of illustrations by Aaron Siddal, Fanya in the Underworld is an exciting story unlike any written before. Unique characters, unique scenarios, and a fantastic ending, what more could anyone want?
Feels Like Summer - Single by Samuel Jack
Feels Like Summer - Single by Samuel Jack
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Samuel Jack is a singer-songwriter based in London, England. Not too long ago, he released a charming contemporary soul tune, entitled, “Feels Like Summer”.

“There’s definitely a sense of nostalgia about the whole song. I wrote it at a time when I needed those good times to see me through some stuff. Music can totally transcend time and space and take you to all sorts of places when you’re not exactly where you want to be. That’s what this song is for me. It takes me back, it takes me forward, it takes me through.” – Samuel Jack

‘Feels Like Summer’ tells an interesting tale of a young guy who celebrates the good times shared with someone from his past.

Apparently, reminiscing about those magical moments when he was a teenager somehow makes him feel alive. Therefore, he wishes he could live in that moment forever.

‘Feels Like Summer’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and feel-good instrumentation seasoned with stomping percussion, bright brass, and shimmering soundscapes.

Samuel Jack spent his formative years in Johannesburg with his father, a film director.

He was raised on Motown, blues, soul, and roots music. His favorite musical themes include love, pain, and occasionally politics.

Everything he sings is from the heart, about moments in his life and the journey he is currently on.

Not too long ago, he confessed that writing for him is a form of therapy and that honesty plays a key role throughout his songwriting.

“I listen to all sorts of music, but there is something about Rhythm ‘n’ Blues, about Soul, about Gospel that just gets into my veins. The history of it all, the hurt, the pain, the joy, the sex. And when those emotions are delivered by a voice that really means it, I just feel like there can’t be a better way to express yourself.” – Samuel Jack

Samuel Jack’s upcoming album, which is due later this year, narrates the struggles with inner demons and the turbulence of family and relationships.

Also, the project highlights the desire and want for something or someone, and how music helps to build bridges and establish new relationships.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Neverland in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
Shari Arnold | 2015 | Children, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest</i>

People grieve in many different ways, as Shari Arnold shows in her young adult novel <i>Neverland</i>. It has been four months since seventeen-year-old Livy lost her little sister Jenna to leukemia. Her mother has become a workaholic, her father a ghost, but Livy has become determined to help as many sick children as she can, either by reading to them or becoming a bone marrow donor. Livy’s life revolves solely around the children at the hospital but things begin to change when she meets the mysterious Meyer who takes her out of her comfort zone and challenges her to have fun.

As suggested by the title, <i>Neverland</i> is based upon the well-known story of Peter Pan. Meyer, like Peter, loves an adventure and whisks Livy away to do things she would never have thought to do on her own. By showing Livy how to have fun, Meyer hopes to encourage her to move on, but the big question is, is Livy ready to live without her sister?

The first part of the book has a contemporary setting that makes the story appear to be the typical girl meets boy who makes everything better type of novel, however the second section is completely different. Part two is so full of fantasy and magical ideas that it feels like a completely different book. Initially it was exciting when Meyer was something of an enigma, but suddenly the story becomes childish and fake once his true identity has been revealed, thus making the novel less gripping.

Nonetheless, <i>Neverland</i> is very moving as is anything regarding the death of young children. Arnold provides an interesting retelling of the delightful fairytale giving a totally new meaning to the children who do not grow up. Those who enjoy contemporary and fantasy novels will enjoy both elements however some readers expecting a young adult love story may be disappointed with the unrealistic turn the novel takes part way through.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Maleficent (2014) in Movies

Oct 19, 2019 (Updated Oct 25, 2019)  
Maleficent (2014)
Maleficent (2014)
2014 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
A refreshing take on a beloved classic
Sleeping Beauty is one of the most famous classic animated Disney features of all time, and that is partly thanks to the villain of the piece - Maleficent.
When I think back to watching Sleeping Beauty as a child, Maleficent is the main aspect that sticks out.
A being of seemingly pure evil, who would curse a baby just because.

This live action re telling of Sleeping Beauty shifts the focus to Maleficent almost exclusively, and explores an untold backstory that gives the character a whole different aspect.
And I reckon it's done pretty well.
Angelina Jolie is obviously having fun playing the strong fairy Queen, who turns to the dark side after she's done over by King Stefan, and she plays both the sympathetic and evil parts of Maleficent with style, with sprinkles of dark humour here and there for good measure.
Stefan is played by Sharlto Copley, who I loved im both District 9, and Elysium, so it's interesting to see him do something different here.
Aurora is more of a side character this time around, but Elle Fanning does a good job of fitting in when the narrative calls for it.

The film looks great for the most part. The more colourful palette of The Moors is lovely and feels suitably magical, and the darkness of the thorned forest plays well with a more gothic athstetic, and it's all backed up by a terrific score (courtesy of James Newton Howard).

The CGI is still pretty passable considering the film is now 5 years old, only becoming more obvious in the flying scenes.

The only things I didn't like about Maleficent, was mainly the three fairy godmothers. I know that Disney need to fill a certain quota of silly humour, but they became quickly annoying and actually quite out of place with the rest of the film.
Some of the dialogue is quite cheesy (especially when Maleficent performs the curse on Aurora) but little things like this are to be expected from a Disney fairytale.

All in all, Maleficent is great fun, and pretty good twist to a well established classic story.
Colette (2018)
Colette (2018)
2018 | Drama, History
Directed by Wash Westmoreland, “Colette” is a biographical drama based on Colette, the French novelist. This is a film that is truly worth watching at least once in a lifetime.

Movie goers may start off with an impression that this film will only attempt to lavish them with grandiosity and a dash of drama that may or may not really be all that thrilling. A pleasant surprise – it goes much deeper than visual decadence and a bit of tear jerking.

Keira Knightley’s performance as Gabrielle Colette is one that shares with audiences a riveting evolution of a repressed young woman and her transformation into a controversial force to be reckoned with in a rapidly transforming entertainment industry.

Knightley’s performance is perhaps her best yet, with captivating depictions of raw human emotion in all its complexities.

Dominic West plays the role of Henry Gauthier-Villars, Colette’s husband. Gauthier-Villars is portrayed as an opportunist who puts greed before the value of others. He employs ghost writers to make him fortunes while he engages in debauchery. His life is filled with great possessions, parties, and beautiful women.

The intertwining of his path with Colette’s demonstrates the ways that a woman can be ravaged by love, giving everything they are only to find out it may never be enough.

Themes of gender and sexuality play a strong role in this story. Denise Gough is captivating in her role as Colette’s lady lover, Mathilde de Morny. In a time when women could not even wear pants, these characters began to write new rules by rejecting the repression of high society.

‘Colette’ shows us that our journeys are never so simple. A person who may seem close to destruction or repressed domestication has the ability to rise like a phoenix above the ashes, into something new and more ravishing than before.

The film has a magical feel with cinematography that puts the viewer right in the moment. It draws the audience in with subtle detail and continues to develop into a real experience of a complex and winding story.

Ross (3284 KP) rated The Gutter Prayer in Books

Jan 15, 2020  
The Gutter Prayer
The Gutter Prayer
Gareth Hanrahan | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A heist gone wrong
This is a very strange fantasy book. The story starts with a crew of three (a demonic type of person, a human exile girl, and a young man gradually turning to stone) sent to steal an artefact from the Tower of Law. During the heist the building starts to fall down around them and they scatter. There then follows a strange twisting and turning story in a very unique and unusual world. Conspiracies abound as all sides (government, alchemists, thieves, underground creatures) battle for access to artefacts, buildings and, eventually, gods.
The worldbuilding as a whole is superb. This is by far one of the most unusual worlds I have read a story in, with so many different races, creatures and magical things. However, large important parts of this are revealed throughout the book, so things just happen. I wouldn't say they are times of deus ex machina, but definitely some foreshadowing would be nice. This is increasingly annoying over the final third of the book, where new aspects of magic are being made up as we go.
The story is strong, albeit a little convoluted and at times Hanrahan's narrative tone is really nice. However the cast of not altogether distinct characters and names did make me struggle a little, with slightly too many factions or people introduced.
I also found the pace of the book dropped off after the first third, and it took me way longer to finish than it should have as my enjoyment tapered off.
There were a large number of typos throughout the book, more than would even be acceptable for a self-published book, in some cases I think character names were mixed up which meant conversations were harder to follow than they needed to be. Small things like this really hampered my progress through what was, in hindsight, a really good book. I have rated this up a little having had a day or so to calm down from a disappointing end. I have the follow-on book to read soon for Netgalley and will go in to it hoping for better editing and with more of an idea about the world the book takes place in.

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Little Women (2019) in Movies

Jan 18, 2020 (Updated Jan 18, 2020)  
Little Women (2019)
Little Women (2019)
2019 | Drama
Coffee and Compliments
Little Women feels like a breath of fresh air in a time chock full of superhero movies and action sequels. Simply overflowing with such kindness, warmth and an enormous sense of love and heart little women is pure escapism into a tale so beautify simple yet so sophisticated and intricate that its simply a pure delight to behold for any age to enjoy. Being unfamiliar with the source material myself I was concerned that I wouldnt enjoy this movie but as the film began I found myself so absorbed by its beauty and overwhelmed with its ability to transport me back and embed me into a period in time like it was but a memory of my own. Production design is staggering and constantly breathtaking from clothing, set design, lighting and props everything just screams quality and class making homes feel lived in/cosy, parties feel exciting/grand and the outdoor scenes to feel magical and fable esque. Whats truly stunning here however is how the feeling of belonging has been masterfully created and as we spend time with this family the bond and love depicted here is so flawless, real and full of love its hard to remember these are actresses we are watching and not real people going about thier lives. Perfomances are splendind but its Florence Pugh that really shows she deserves her nomene for this for sure with a performance so believable full of innocence, emotion and energy that its trully entrancing to watch. With accurate depictions of love, courtship, acceptance, passion, drive, perseverance, innocence, maturity, family life, bonding and grief we almost see these girls fight thier own personal battles along side the real war going on as they struggle to make something of themselves and live freely in a world where men are considered to have all the dominance and rights. Although taking place in the past it all just feels so very current and timeless not affraid to tackle a variety of important and complex themes/issues while exploring the very characteristics and traits that make us human. A wonderful delight and a simply magnifict and heart warming piece of film making history. Such a joyous experiance for anyone and everyone alike.
1917 (2020)
1917 (2020)
2020 | Drama, War
Poor Wayfaring Stranger
1917 is magnificently filmed, teeth clenchingly tense and emotionaly draining from start to finish. A journey film of a two men but unlike any war film thats come before it both visual wise and in regards to story telling. More about the trek, land and character progression rather than focusing on gun fights and combat 1917 gains your complete attention and focus right away from its gorgeous opening. What follows is a series of about 7 seemingly one take expertly designed and pulled off tracking shots which are simply breathtaking to whitness. These shots are a joy to experience and not only seem seamlessly tied together but ensure we never lose sight of our heros helping us to really feel like we are beside them as they face numerous obstacles/perils on this tough expedition. Theres alot of tree/growth metaphors here which makes sense since the two lads start off as mere boys given a mission so seemingly impossible that death seens inevitable forcing them to grow up, learn and mature into men if they want to even survive. Sets are fantastic each one is magnificently vast/epicly sprawling and these wastelands are littered with debris/bodies depicting the aftermath of previous skirmishes and desruction. Its actually insane the amount of storytelling/detail going on constantly in the surroundings and the way this helps give extra weight to the world and over all story is staggering as well as visually breathtaking/impactful. See terrain is just as much an enemy here and seeing these lads battle mud, water and building collapses really emphasis that the mission is just as much about survial as it is time constraints. Great messages about how strong the power of hope can be even when the odds are severely stacked against us theres always something beautiful, magical or meaningful that keeps us pushing on or that makes us find the courage to go beyond what we thought we were ever capable of. A brilliantly acted, flawlessly filmed, epic scale journey of an intense character struggle accompanied by a heart pounding adrenalin inducing score and beautiful cinematography make 1917 is a truly stunning and absolutely fantasic experience.
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Mystery
It is an inevitability in life that eventually you will watch all the films in the Harry Potter world, whether you want to or not. Mostly, I want to, but do find them a little difficult to hold in my mind as separate entities. I remember that I saw each one and generally enjoyed the magic and inventiveness of them, but pushed to identify which set piece happens in which film would probably stump me.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, the first of the extended world of J. K. Rowling’s wizarding wonderland, is no exception. Couldn’t tell you a single thing that happened, having seen it once over a year ago. But I can tell you I thought it was slightly better than I thought it would be. And the same goes for the sequel, which I thought had a nice balance of the dark and light elements, and some really entertaining sequences.

Eddie Redmayne as Newt Scamander particularly impresses me in this context, being such a mild mannered hero, with a twinkle in his eye and hidden depths: an interesting character to observe. As do Johnny Depp, as the titular Grindelwald, and Jude Law as a younger Dumbledore – two ageing actors it is becoming increasingly hard to cast these days, but who are very well placed here. There is also some nice support from Ezra Miller and Katherine Waterston, both of who I wish would do more high profile stuff and Zoë Kravitz, who keeps popping up on my radar.

Of course, the effects are pretty good: this franchise has a few quid. And David Yates knows his way around this stuff competently enough by now, it being his 6th film in the Potter universe. He is also already signed on for a further 3 of these, making it a very lively franchise, with one film a year scheduled for the foreseeable future. I have no argument with them. They don’t change the world, but as distracting entertainment they are perfectly fine. I know I’d be chuffed as a parent of a youngish child that at least something semi intelligent and magical was out there.

JT (287 KP) rated Monsters (2010) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Monsters (2010)
Monsters (2010)
2010 | Drama, Horror, International
6.3 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not so much a film about monsters, more about the human struggle to come to terms with the aftermath of an alien invasion. Whether the title was given purely for marketing reasons or not, I’m not sure, but it certainly doesn’t deliver a plethora of monsters to the screen.

Instead, what is delivered here is an interesting and powerful character study of two people on a journey across a derelict and dangerous territory. A slow building drama and romantic relationship is the focus with the vast, perilous repercussions of man vs. monster as the intriguing backdrop.

Just like Jaws, it is about what you don’t see that makes this film intense viewing. Edwards builds tension with the creepy, predator like noises that emanate from the squid-like monsters and with the ever present danger of the likelihood of a monster appearing I was totally captivated from start to finish.

The visual effects, especially the glowing alien eggs that I would liken to a Louise Bourgeois piece of tactile art add a magical air. I wanted to reach out into the screen and touch them. I was totally immersed in Gareth Edwards’ apocalyptic vision; his use of location and the handheld camera filming transports you into Mexico with veracity. He cleverly uses locals as the supporting cast and as they interact with each other and the two main characters I felt like I was watching a documentary.

There is one particular scene that stood out for me; they are camped out in the forest for the night and as they sit round the fire with the locals a really natural, jovial conversation starts to flow. The director cleverly puts the viewer off guard and just as I started to relax the tone of the scene changed into one of horror. There is much of this muted drama throughout but Edwards intersperses it with some truly grim, realistic footage.

Considering the small budget used to make Monsters, it is a remarkable film. If you are in the mood for a beautiful, well thought out film that has been directed with precision then go and see it. If you are expecting a monster extravaganza you may want to steer clear.