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A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
2019 | Drama
Nice enough
A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood follows the story of a friendship between a journalist (Matthew Rhys) and tv presenter/personality Fred Rogers (Tom Hanks). And I’ll start off by saying that going into this film, I didn’t have a clue who Mr Rogers was, so this was all rather unknown for me. The only reason I decided to watch it was because of Tom Hanks, although overall I did find this to be a nice film.

Tom Hanks as Fred Rogers is rather disturbing, but in a good way as he puts in a stellar performance. Matthew Rhys’ Lloyd Vogel starts off with a huge amount of cynicism and wariness of Rogers, and that’s exactly how this film made me feel at the beginning. Hanks as Rogers is rather creepy and comes across as very strange. However throughout the course of the film as Lloyd discovers more about Rogers, so did I and it really helped me enjoy this film more. And whilst I don’t know who Fred Rogers is, Hanks’ performance was spot on as an old school kids tv presenter. Matthew Rhys as well puts in a great turn as the hardened journalist who does have a heart after all, and I think he’s such an underrated actor.

The styling of this film too is very good. The use of the toys and miniature cities and buildings is a genius move, and brings such a fun and magical feel to the entire film. To begin with I worried it would be out of place, but there’s enough whimsical and childlike aspects in this so that it all fits together perfectly.

However, despite the rather fun side and the great performances, for me I found the story a little lacking. It’s almost too cutesy and sweet at times, even considering the serious parts of the family drama. I also found it dragged as well in parts and I got a little bored with the Rogers based show scenes. This is still a good film, I just think I’m not particularly sold on the whole Fred Rogers thing especially as this has only told me a limited amount about who he really is!
The New Enchantress (Alyssa McCarthy's Magical Missions #3)
The New Enchantress (Alyssa McCarthy's Magical Missions #3)
Sunayna Prasad | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Suppose you're looking for a good fantasy or girl hero for your middle-grade children. This book "The New Enchantress" is a good one to have. It is about a girl named Alyssa who gets caught with lasting powers that she can not lose.

The first two books are must-reads and introduce us to Alyssa and her adventures. This book is the third in the series and continues Alyssa's journey with her newfound powers. She seems to signify hexing with uncontrollable forces.

Will Alyssa learn lessons and find a way to figure out how to control her newfound powers? Simon tells her that she will need to learn how to control her emotions and her magic promo. Or she will be enslaved to Boo Champ Cory. Will she and her friends learn the lesson they need to know. Will their friendship end?

Alyssa occurs put to the test. How will the magical mission do and take for Alyssa to succeed? Or will Alyssa start to forget her loved one and never remember? Boo Champ Cory and allies seem to have a plan, but will it work?

The plot gets more interesting once the twist and turns start to happen. When chaos strikes, will Alyssa and her allies come out on top, or will they not. This book is excellent for teens and girls alike. There is some trouble that you will be hoping for Alyssa to figure out her problems but will see in time. Will she beat her enemies, or will she not.

The story starts slow, but it gets more entertaining as it goes. My rating remains based on that which is a 4.5 stars (Moons) rating. There are several twists and turns and somewhat starts at the beginning. I do wonder what will happen and if the author will add another book. This series is good to have on your teen bookshelves or middle-grade child or children bookshelves. It does seem to deal with what some middle grades need to deal with friends and even their own emotions and feelings.

Dave Eggers recommended The Landlord (1970) in Movies (curated)

The Landlord (1970)
The Landlord (1970)
1970 | Comedy, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"[Anything in Ashby’s] body of work is always recognizably him, but it’s pretty elastic. Like Being There is very different than Shampoo in a lot of ways. There’s a little bit of the surreal that can enter in, but at the same time, they’re very grounded and very of their time, and have a certain gritty feel to them. They’re not so clean. There’s a naturalism there that he marries with some very bold moves and even magical realism. [The Landlord] is this movie that not too many people have seen, didn’t have a big release originally, and it’s hard to find on DVD, and doesn’t have the reputation of Harold and Maude and Coming Home. But I kind of think it might be his best movie. Maybe it’s just because it’s so screamingly brave in a lot of ways, and it hits so many issues. There’s so few American movies that touch on class, and this just comes straight at you like a train, talking about class issues, race. [It’s about] this young man who’s born into privilege, struggling with his place. “He is to the manor born,” you know? He has money in his blood, and he can afford to go buy a building where people are living. Just a young man, Beau Bridges, and it’s probably my favorite thing I’ve ever seen Beau Bridges do, too. It’s sort of startling to see him in this role as the golden boy, and you can almost see Jeff Bridges playing it, too. And the fact that this white guy, automatically, just by the color of his skin and the place he was born and the family he was born into, has the ability to be responsible for the lives of all of these far less fortunate or privileged people. [He struggles] with that sense of responsibility and [tries] to reject it and give up that control, but [also] do right by these people. I don’t know, it’s so complex. But [Ashby’s] not afraid to have some very broad comic moments. You know, there’s a few people who can do it since. Like Alexander Payne or David O. Russell, a few other people whose work you can see owe a lot to Ashby."

Salvaged (Releasing the Magic #2)
Salvaged (Releasing the Magic #2)
Maya Riley | 2019 | Dystopia, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
98 of 250
Salvaged (Releasing the Magic book2)
By Maya Riley

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

What do you do when you find out you’re the thing you fear most?

Seven months ago, the Void Virus was set loose on Earth. The world is now in chaos. The origin of the virus has been unveiled, and mysteries of my past have come to light.

A lot has changed during that time. I started out alone, struggling to survive. Now I had four guys, my sister, and Puppy who all had my back no matter what.

Not only did I gain a strange healing ability, but now Lincoln could create fire. That isn’t the last of the weird things going on, though. On top of that, I discovered I was created in a lab, with the intention to bring about a great change. Those intentions weren’t necessarily good. Now that I’m back on their radar and I know more about what I might be capable of, I have become the thing I fear most, and am left with more questions than ever.

We receive word of some sort of sanctuary for survivors. A place that promises protection for those who seek it. It could be a trap, but it could also be true. We do our best to travel in search of this place, but rotters aren’t the only things standing in our way. Our journey is filled with twists, turns, and straight up chaos.

If there is a safe place for survivors, we won’t stop until we find it.

Together, we will find The Salvaged.

So this was a struggle at first which was annoying as I enjoyed the first book so much, I still like her style of writing and the fact it wasn’t relationship led. Something was missing and it wasn’t till the last few chapters it got exciting. I’m hoping she is just setting the next book up as I was close to give this a 2 star rating. It was one of those books that just plods along not bad but not brilliant either. I’m curious to find out more about the magical side and the powers Blyss is bringing out.
Hazel Bly and the Deep Blue Sea
Hazel Bly and the Deep Blue Sea
Ashley Herring Blake | 2021 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A beautiful story about love and loss
Hazel Bly lived a great life with her Mum and Mama until a kayaking accident. Then her Mum died, leaving Hazel with a scar on her face and terrible anxiety. She wants nothing more than to keep her little sister Peach safe. The Blys move around a lot now. Two years after the accident, they are in Maine. It turns out that one of their new neighbors is her Mama's old childhood friend, Claire. The introduction of Claire into Hazel's world--along with her chatty daughter Lemon--makes Hazel feel unsettled. Plus Lemon is fixated on a local legend, the Rose Maid, a mermaid often seen in the waters. Hazel notes a resemblance between herself and Rose and soon she finds herself as fascinated by the mermaid as Lemon. Because sometimes everyone needs to believe in a little magic, especially when their world is crumbling around them.

"Now it's two and one, with me as the odd one out."

Oh this book is excellent-- an absolutely stunning read, which captures grief and loss so viscerally. I truly felt traumatized at times on Hazel's behalf. With the death of her Mum, she is so afraid something will happen to Peach, or even her Mama, and this fear comes through the pages so strongly. It's heartbreaking. Her fear of being happy again. You just want to wrap this sweet kid in your arms and hug her until everything is okay. Blake writes Hazel so well, and her grief, passion, and emotions come across so well.

Everything in this book is amazing--the magical and whimsical myth of the Rose Maid; the diversity of the characters; and the total acceptance of Hazel's parents being gay and bi. It's not a big deal in this book for parents to be queer or friends to be nonbinary. How wonderful for a YA story.

This is an exceptional tale about family, love, loss, healing, and magic. It made me cry, but it left me hopeful too. It's touching and heartfelt. Highly recommend. 4.5 stars.
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles
1967 | Pop, Psychedelic, Rock

"I associate this album with a specific moment in my life. We never had a TV until I was about 16, so we would only hear about stuff like The Simpsons and Neighbours from friends. They seemed exotic and distant. But this one time I did see an episode of Neighbours in which one of the main characters got hit by a car, and it really fucked me up! I'd never seen anything like it before. And so, as I was driving home, my mum had Sgt. Pepper's on in the car and I was listening to 'A Day In The Life', and I was looking at a certain spot in the road, and I heard the line, which goes ""he blew his mind out in a car"", and it all suddenly came together. I imagined a car crash and I imagined this spot on the road and I imagined what I'd just seen with this song. And I think that is the first time that I genuinely understood the concept of death. I was probably only about five. That's the thing about The Beatles, you can get it into you from zero up. I never forgot that feeling of being petrified and understanding death for the first time. And the music did that to me. It wasn't Neighbours or the road, it was the fact that somehow that song had transported me and helped me to understand a real emotion. He [Lennon] had been dead about five years at that point. Children love The Beatles, and they love Queen, because there is something about those bands that is so colourful and fun and they create such a world. And the Sgt. Pepper's world is so easy to visualise, you can literally hear the crowd and the characters and the colours, the carnival air. It's all just magical. I've always enjoyed the fact that my band doesn't sound the same from song to song, and I think we get that from The Beatles. The Beatles were every type of band for ten years, and then they were nothing, which is probably why they are the most famous band in the world."


Thundercat recommended Aja by Steely Dan in Music (curated)

Aja by Steely Dan
Aja by Steely Dan
1977 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"What don't I say about Aja? We all have our different experiences with Walter Becker and Donald Fagen, but everything that they've created throughout the years is really awesome. I have a few albums of theirs I love; Can't Buy A Thrill, Katy Lied, Pretzel Logic, but there's a number of reasons why I am totally in love with Aja. It stems from the personnel, the feel, and how much it was a stab in another direction of pop culture. It was anti-pop, it was a bit on the outskirts of everything, I think. It's always funny listening to Donald Fagen singing about stuff because it's like, 'what's the guy rambling on about?' sometimes. A couple of my favourite musicians are on it; like Steve Gadd and, again, Michael McDonald. When I realised this was Michael McDonald singing background I lost my fucking mind, like, straight up. I always loved the Doobie Brothers and I knew his hits because of hip hop and stuff, but I remember being like 'Who's this magical person singing these dissonant chords behind the changes with ease with this weird timbre of voice?' – and you look at the credits and of course it's Michael McDonald. Aja, if I can't listen to it in its entirety then I get mad; I get pissed because I want to go through the whole album every time. One of my favourite moments on the album is Steve Gadd playing out on actual song 'Aja'; the way that just like the drum feels and everything – I don't know how to play drums but I love to try to act like I play drums to that one moment when he takes a slight solo at the end. Steve Gadd was always one of my favourite drummers ever because of the choices of records and stuff that he would do. Aja is he was he was one of those moments that it spanned out to everybody at that point. It was like at the height of their popularity. That was what happened and it was perfect."
