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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
J.K. Rowling | 1998 | Children
9.0 (208 Ratings)
Book Rating
The school year is just about to start and once again Harry finds himself back at 4 Privet Drive with the Dursley's. Harry Potter is to attend his second year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry but for some reason a strange house elf named Dobby appears in his bedroom one evening warning him that he cannot go back to school as it is unsafe. This Dobby creature doesn't let Harry know how he has got such information but when Harry doesn't agree to stay away he starts making life even more unbearable with the Dursley's.

Harry's second year at Hogwarts is not all plain and simple as he was hoping, he appears to attract attention from unwanted people...mostly Draco Malfoy. When Students start being petrified into a coma like state and a message informing the 'Chamber of Secrets' has been opened.... Harry, Ron and Hermione take it upon themselves to find the culprit.

There were some new characters introduced in this second edition of Harry Potter, we meet Dobby the house elf, who is trying to persuade Harry not to go to Hogwarts this year. I loved that we got another magical creature into the book and that he was a house elf/servant and explores classes, his relevance in the story is explained as the story progresses. Gilderoy Lockhart is the new professor for the defence against the dark arts, Lockhart is a self obsessed, pompous, egotistical character that is very annoying. Then we have Moaning Myrtle the ghost that haunts the girls toilets, it's in the name really she moans a lot and feels sorry for herself and always crying but again with every character in the book, she has relevance to the story. Ginny Weasley the last of the Weasley clan has started school and is very shy around Harry, it appears she has somewhat of a crush. We have all the same characters as the first book and you get to see Harry, Ron and Hermione grow and develop.

There is a lot of repetition in this book, I think you could read this second book without reading the first as she explains things over again, It is the shortest book among the series but it is fast paced, packed full of adventure and written in true J K Rowling style. It has you gripped all the way through. This isn't my favourite book of the series and I think that is because there are a lot of annoying characters in my opinion.

Favourite character of the book for me so far is Hagrid, I like the way he is written as big softy and the dialect of the dialogue makes him more endearing.

This book is an excellent continuation of the Harry Potter series and definitely recommend the book to anyone.
Post Mortem, Parish Mail #2
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Having reviewed <a href="">Dead Letter Office</a>, the first of the Parish Mail series, I was contacted by Coliloquy to honestly review [a:Kira Snyder|5447353|Kira Snyder|]'s second book, [b:Post Mortem|13644678|Post mortem|Peter Terrin||19261112]. I am so glad - I loved the last book, and if anything, this one was even better.

At the end of [b:Dead Letter Office|13415915|Dead Letter Office|Kira Snyder||18726299], the reader is told about a pile of letters that Celia has, in which she is being asked for help. This book is based a couple of weeks after the first, and follows the events of a letter from Celia's pile. Again, she has the help of best friend Tilly as well as Luc and/or Donovan.

The reason I said this book may have been a little better than the first is that it gets stuck straight into the adventure, without needing an introduction to the characters. The characters are established, and there's no pussy-footing around, wondering if someone will get weird with the level of magic involved. That was still great in book 1, don't get me wrong, but there was an instant hook in this story that I loved.

Talking about magic I think the way that magic is so effortlessly intertwined with normal life is really cool. Within a paragraph, Tilly can be whipping up some magical concoction and at the same time dig at Celia for gossip about Luc/Donovan/insert teen issue here. <spoiler>I have a thing for realism, so while in a different book I might have an issue with the protagonist leaving a big dance to go adventuring, in this book it seemed perfectly normal.</spoiler>

Snyder has created characters that will develop upon every sequel, and I think the series would actually make a brilliant TV show - I'd definitely watch it! As with last time, I enjoyed the choices I could make, although they seemed to have a further reach in this book, which meant I had to think more about what I chose. There's one towards the end that took me longer than it should have to decide, as it dramatically affects the climax of the book. There's only one thing slightly negative I'd say about the whole book, and that is that sometimes things were mentioned that only happened in one of the choices in the last book. For readers that, unlike me, didn't read all scenarios, that could have been an issue.

In brief (after a long review - oops!), a highly recommended book, and I can't wait for #3!
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
L. Frank Baum, Lorena Alvarez | 2014 | Children
7.8 (20 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Book was Published by George M. Hill Company with an advanced publication date of September 1900. The public heard of it at a book fair in Chicago around July 5th to 20th with its copyright registered by August 1st. The books sold out quickly and the second editions went just as quickly as the first. When Hills company became bankrupt in 1901, Bobbs-Merrill Company resumed publishing the book. By 1933 there were more than a million copies printed and by 1956 the sales had grown to three million printed. Because The Wizard of Oz was so popular it became the first in a thirteen book series.

I had known about the wizard of oz ever since I was a child but this was due to the 1939 Movie by MGM of the same name starring Judy Garland. As such I didn't read the book until I was nearly an adult. The book is highly different to the movie with Dorothy having to do more to get home and for both the Wizard and Oz as a whole. The major differences between book and movie is the fact that the Ruby slippers from the movie are silver in the book and the flying monkeys are controlled by a magical cap and Dorothy having protection from Glinda the good witch of the north. I have to admit I am a stickler for details and I prefer the book rather than the movie, despite the movie being good. I recommend this book to everyone and give the book a 9/10

Lyman Frank Baum was born May 15th 1856 in Chittenango, New York to a devout Methodist family the seventh of nine children of Cynthia and Benjamin Baum. Only Baum and five of his siblings survived to adulthood. Lyman hated his first name despite being named for an uncle and liked his middle name better, he was known as Frank for most of his life. Baum married his wife Maud Gage on November 9th 1882 and by 1888 had moved to Aberdeen, Dakota Territory where he operated his own store for a while before turning to writing full time which he loved to do since he was a child. By the time of his death on May 6th 1919 Baum had written the thirteen book Oz series, a plethora of other books and several musicals and radio plays. Baum had died of a stroke and passed away in his sleep, he's buried in Glendale's Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery. L. Frank Baum certainly has my respect for both his writing of the Oz series and the craziness that his life had been.
Shadow and Bone (The Grisha #1)
Shadow and Bone (The Grisha #1)
Leigh Bardugo | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
<i>Shadow and Bone</i> could have been better – a lot better.

What annoyed me: Alina Starkov.

There is this thing about characters: there are lots of different types – the desperate ones, the annoying ones, the mopey ones, the overly happy ones, the sassy ones, etc.

Alina is the mopey one for – wait for it – a whopping half of the book. It takes her literally <i>half</i> of the book to realize that maybe she should stop being so mopey over Mal, or stop being so insecure about herself and comparing herself to a Grisha of what? Ten plus years? Really, it almost stalls the book as the character tries to get her bearings and a love triangle developing (I've pretty much decided if one couple happens, I'll have a field day.).
<blockquote>I didn't belong in this beautiful world, and if I didn't find a way to use my power, I never would.</blockquote>
She's also the desperate one – a very dangerous combination to put with mopey. Certainly not as desperate as <i>Eon(a)</i>, as Alina doesn't resort to doing anything stupid or harmful to herself. She's more of the, "I can't do this, I can't fit in with the others, why am I doing this, etc." type of person rather than, "Hey! Here's how I can fit in and be more manly: pump myself up with sun drugs!" (Admit it – that was totally Eona in <i>Eon</i>. Alina doesn't dress up as a guy to be a Grisha in <i>Shadow and Bone</i> if anyone's wondering. That would certainly be a fun plot twist to see though!)

What actually kept me reading, aka what kept me from throwing my arms up in exasperation: the idea and the setting.

Based off Imperial Russia, Bardugo's depiction of Ravka seems magical – the Grisha and the Shadow Fold seem to fit in nicely into the story without many hiccups if there's even any.

The Grisha idea is pure genius – no guide needed, even though it took me awhile (okay, 30 pages) to actually figure out how to tell which Grisha from Grisha (in common, sensible terms that I understand). As much as it may sound really complicated, it's actually pretty simple.

The first in the <i>Grisha</i> trilogy has a fantastic idea set in a mystical version of Russia, but it really could have done better (I'm probably sounding like a broken record now). With the fear of the sequel being worse than the first one (or any terrifying possibility), I'm almost afraid to pick up the second book.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Color Out of Space (2019)
Color Out of Space (2019)
2019 | Horror, Sci-Fi
You had me at Nicolas Cage.

The Gardners are settling into the secluded family home nicely, no city hustle and bustle to bother them. That peaceful life is shattered when a curious meteorite crashes into their garden. Far from a normal bit of space debris, the rock seems to be changing everything around it. It's taking over, the plants, pace and time, even the family themselves.

Briefly hearing Richard Stanley before this screening made me feel this adaptation of Lovecraft's work of the same name was in good hands, he clearly has an appreciation for what he's was working on and the imagery he creates makes for incredible viewing.

So, straight to Nic Cage... he doesn't quite go full Cage, but he's pretty close. It's the usual insanity we've all come to love.

This film is a little crazy on many levels, the family as a whole are very off before we even get to the magical meteorite. Each member seemingly has their own little corner of crazy town mapped out, and yet when you look at them as a whole you'd wouldn't put them in the same family.

As the film progresses and things get even more bizarre the family feel even less connected than at the beginning. The alien influence is pushing them further apart, but on top of that the script falls away in the middle and chaotic devolving of sanity replaces it. Each member of the family has their own experience with the meteorite, apart from chaos and the underlying cause none of it feels connected.

To say it plainly, there's some really messed up stuff. I would love to see how some of it was achieved because if Richardson is doing half the things it appears she is then she deserves some kind of award. I've got the short story to read so I can compare the two because honestly I can't visualise the written version of this story.

The creatures that evolve are made to be terrifying, and they do scare, but the comedy moments that come through from the performances (mostly unintentionally I guess) detract from it being all that shocking.

Our meteorite has a great influence over the sets for most of the movie, the colours and the growth are used to good effect. The progression is clear and well balanced, it might not always look realistic but the fact that that's the point helps.

When you look at Color Out Of Space as a whole it's all over the place, interesting but ambling, understandable and confusing. Despite that, it's an experience that I enjoyed having.

Originally posted on:
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
2014 | Comedy, Drama
Highly Entertaining
The Grand Budapest Hotel recounts the story of M. Gustave (Ralph Fiennes) and his adventures during a battle for an enormous family fortune. I have been avoiding this movie like the plague because the trailers didn’t really grab me. As it turns out, not only is the movie phenomenal, but it quickly became one of my favorites.

Acting: 10
Ralph Fiennes really makes this movie pop as Gustave. His wit is a huge part of his charm and impacts the way he acts out each scene. Characters like his are refreshing and hook you into the movie. I enjoyed Tony Revolori’s role as well playing bellhop Zero Moustafa. The two work so well together and enhance the movie as a result.

Beginning: 10
The beginning isn’t perfect, but I gave it a perfect score because it’s extremely intriguing. By the closing of the first ten minutes, I had a strong feeling I was in for a treat the rest of the way through. I was right.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
Director Wes Anderson is known for a specific style that’s so different from anything else out there and The Grand Budapest Hotel is no exception. Colors pop and images jump out at you in exactly the way he is trying to convey. His style, hard to explain at times, is hard not to appreciate and enjoy. When you watch a movie like this, you truly feel like you are getting a full-on cinematic experience.

Conflict: 10
There is a scene towards the back half of the movie that I call “The Escape”. It is action-packed yet has some subtle nuances at the same time. Definitely one of my favorite scenes in the movie, but not the only one hinging on conflict. Despite a comedic overtone, the film relies on a number of different points of tension to drive the plot.

Entertainment Value: 9

Memorability: 10
Gustave and Zero are easily one of my favorite duos since Jack and Rose in Titanic. They have a strange relationship, one that contributes to making the movie unforgettable. There are so many moments that stand out (the reading of the will comes to mind) making this a movie hard not to think about. It’s a movie you can watch a number of times and see something new each time.

Pace: 10

Plot: 10
Flawless storytelling. Magical and original. Enough said.

Resolution: 4

Overall: 93
2014 is one of my all-time favorite years for movies and it’s because of movies like The Grand Budapest Hotel. It takes storytelling to new heights with a crisp, original way of looking at filmmaking. This movie definitely made me a believer and a fan of Wes Anderson.
    Cinderella by Nosy Crow

    Cinderella by Nosy Crow

    Book and Education

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    *** Major new update! *** A brand new, trilingual edition of our award-winning Cinderella app, with...

    Kid Chameleon Classic

    Kid Chameleon Classic

    Games and Stickers

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    Enter Kid Chameleon and experience SEGA's colossal platformer! Unleash your super powers in...

Sgt. Pepper&#039;s Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles
1967 | Pop, Psychedelic, Rock

"I lived a stone's throw from Penny Lane, and my sister had Beatles wallpaper, my brother had a plastic Beatles wig and Beatles cap, and they were older than me, and my auntie Kathleen - who was a bit of a ... swinging sixties... a Liver bird, put it that way - came to live with us and she brought with her Sgt. Pepper's. She would go and see concerts like Gene Pitney at the Liverpool Empire and things like that. She was quite an interesting woman - to me anyway - and was great fun. I had one of those portable record players like you did in the 1960s, and I would play this over and over again while staring at the Peter Blake/Jann Howarth record sleeve, which made a 3D collage, and asking people ""who's this?"" and ""who is this?"". I've said it before, it was a bit like Dorothy opening the door of the house once it's arrived in Munchkinland, and everything goes technicolour from the black and white-ness of 1960s Liverpool. It was like a portal into things like the Hollywood musicals that I'd been seeing on the Saturday morning at the pictures. My auntie Kath would say, ""Ooh I saw The Beatles in the Liverpool passport office getting a passport while I was getting mine"" and my mum would go, ""I knew Julia when she used to look like Lucille Ball and she used to strut down the street"", and so it was Beatles saturation, living in that particular part of town. 'She's Leaving Home' on that album was the first song that made me cry, which I think is quite an important moment in your life, when a piece of music makes you cry. It was just the sadness of the story of a girl leaving home. Then of course there was 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds', 'A Day In The Life' and all those odd string arrangements. There was also the Magical Mystery Tour double EP in gatefold technicolour glory and things like that. It was like an entry into a world that was distant yet very close as well. It made me want to learn the lyrics to sing along and I guess it was just very important to me in my journey of music appreciation. And if you had the measles or chicken pox, you were quarantined to my sister's bedroom, and it was like a TARDIS of 'John Paul George Ringo' and it would drive you absolutely insane, as it was all you could read: 'John Paul George Ringo John Paul George Ringo John Paul George Ringo' and their smiling happy faces. It was kind of great and yet torturous at the same time. Pop torture."


"I’d heard ‘Starman’ on the radio before going to school, and as most lads are, I was interested in football and outer space. Something about his voice and the opening line, just that thing he’d tapped into, and it was me he was suggesting to look out the window. It’s hard to comprehend the impact he had when he came out. I turned 13 in the May of ’72 and it was such a special time and gave my life magical class. I grew up in Norris Green, skint, and what he did was give the gift of inspiration. He changed the world in loads of ways and was probably the last great special person to do that. It was head and shoulders above anything else. To come out looking like that he could have had the biggest backlash. If you ever want to see star quality watch that Top Of The Pops clip, which is what gave me the idea that you need stage presence – you don’t just need it on stage, you need it in life. I missed those years of myself, in how naïve I was, and how un-laddy I was. I was into footy and stuff, but through the Bunnymen I found my own confidence. I was thinking of getting some bangles – thank God I didn’t. The thing about Bowie is that no-one else could have pulled it off. He was hardly ever on telly, and he never went on and mimed. It was just everything about it. People who missed it must’ve been stupid. I remember after Top Of The Pops going to school and asked my mates if they’d seen it and they said, “yeah – the fucking queer.” I didn’t even see that. I didn’t see it as a sexual thing, I wouldn’t have minded if I had have done. It made some sense because I was probably more androgynous than him through my teenage years – girls would ask me if I was a boy or a girl. I’d always tell them they could put their hands down me kecks and find out. When Bowie shaved his eyebrows off I knew something was up. That’s how you can pinpoint when Ziggy ends. His hair started to change and that’s when he stopped being so from-outer-space. I’m very exact on it, because it almost broke my heart. Without Bowie, obviously I’d have been centre-forward for Liverpool. It wouldn’t have been a bad career playing for Liverpool. I was a goal-hanging bastard. Fantastic shot, but I didn’t particularly like going into the 50-50s, the life-threateners. And my eyesight went to shite when I was 13."
