Magnus Hirschfeld: The Origins of the Gay Liberation Movement
Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935) was one of the first great pioneers of the gay liberation movement....
Unperfect Histories: The Mirror for Magistrates, 1559-1610
The Mirror for Magistrates, the collection of de casibus complaint poems in the voices of medieval...

Promodeclic - promos, bons plans et catalogues des magasins autour de vous
Catalogs and Lifestyle
Chaque mois, retrouvez sur Promodeclic plus de 100 000 promos dans vos enseignes favorites : Auchan,...

God of Broken Things
An outcast magician must risk his body and mind to save the world from horrifying demons, in the...

Weaver's Lament: Industrial Magic Book 2
Charlotte's magical adventures continue in Weaver's Lament, the sequel to Emma Newman's Brother's...

Board Game News (72 KP) rated Marvel Legendary: Into the Cosmos in Tabletop Games
Dec 10, 2020

The Arch Conjuror of England: John Dee
Outlandish alchemist and magician, political intelligencer, apocalyptic prophet, and converser with...

Wicca Plus
Reference and Book
This is an upgraded Book of Shadows and Light, with more content and more features than my original...

The Girl from the Other Side: Siuil, a Run: Vol. 1
The Girl From the Other Side: Siuil, a Run is an all-new manga series that pulls readers into a...

Tamsin Clark (15 KP) rated The Ancient Magus' Bride (2017) in Movies
Jan 20, 2018
From the time of writing this, there have been 14 episodes and every single one has retained consistent high quality of voice acting, storyline and musical score. Not once can I ever say I have been bored or impatient with an episode. Each one will have you questioning your own humanity as you question theirs. You can't help but become attached emotionally to all the characters as they each progress through their own heartbreaking lifelines and each episode brings new and riveting challenges. All the while you're accompanied by amazing scores and haunting singing which strays from the usual cringe-worthy singing in a lot of anime, and stunningly drawn animation.
I could not recommend this any higher. It deserves a 10 and I have no shame giving it that.