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Ten Big Ones (Stephanie Plum, #10)
Ten Big Ones (Stephanie Plum, #10)
Janet Evanovich | 2004 | Thriller
8.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another gem by Janet Evanovich. I am SO addicted to this series that it isn't even funny!
In this installment Stephanie finds herself standing next to an armed robber when he takes his mask off making her the only person in Trenton who knows the identity of the "Red Devil." Go figure! Of course the Red Devil turns out to be a member of the Comstock Street Slayers who are in the process of initiating a new general. They decide to make Stephanie the final target of his coronation. Needless to say, hilarity ensues, but this book was pretty suspensful too. Plum is always getting herself into stiky situations, but this one was only the 2nd situation that stressed me out as a reader.
Obviously I knew she would make it out of the book alive since there are 7 more books in the series. That didn't stop me from worrying though. The mark of a great book!
Hook’s Pan ( Kingdom book 5)
Marie Hall | 2022
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
185 of 230
Hook’s Pan ( Kingdom book 5)
By Marie Hall

Trishelle Page has known pain in her life, but instead of it making her weak, she's stronger. Confident. That is until the day a fairy kidnaps her during her staring role in Peter Pan's play and tells her not only do fairy tales exist, but that she's the soulmate of the pirate they call Hook, making her question everything she ever thought she knew.

Captain James Hook is a man at the end of his rope. He's not the villainous bastard tales have made him out to be. So when the curvaceous blonde drops literally at his feet, he aims to prove it to her. If only to get her into his bed.

What neither one knows is that fate and magic are conspiring and they can deny the attraction all they want but their happily ever after is already written, it's just a matter of getting there.

This has to be one of my favourite fairytale retell series. Marie Hall just gets that balance of classic details and adult revamp just right. This I think was my favourite so far I absolutely love Hook. These books never take me long to read as they are just so much fun!
This is my first time reading a book by Jan Davis Warren! The Secret Life of Lady Evangeline is the first book in her new Secrets series. From the very first pages this book was an adventure that I did not want to put down.

Lady Evangeline was a remarkably strong women that I wish I could be! She faced a lot of trials and came out with a deeper understanding of the world around her. All the characters in the book were developed at a consistent pace and were interesting. I am hoping that the other books in the series touch on some of the other characters mentioned in this book as Id love to know their stories!

Overall, this story kind of seemed like a cross between Robin Hood and a Princess fairy tale. I enjoyed the storyline. Most of it was not too farfetched, but rather real events brought to life before your eyes. Entertaining and captivating.

 give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the attention-grabbing story, the character growth, and for making me anticipate reading more books from this author!

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Hunted (Talented Saga, #3)
Hunted (Talented Saga, #3)
Sophie Davis | 2012 | Dystopia, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the third book in the series.

The book is very good, it answers some questions but definitely poses a lot more. It is possible to start to see some of the direction the series may take and who the key players are. Also to begin to make your own predictions and hopes.

It is good to see Talia and Erik continue to grow as people and their relationship evolving. They are both having to face the real world and the decisions they are making. They are also questioning what they are doing and why. The naivety of the previous books is gone.

I have really enjoyed this series and recommend it if you enjoy dystopia.
Traitors or Rome (Eagle #18)
Traitors or Rome (Eagle #18)
Simon Scarrow | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book number 18 in Simon Scarrow's long-running Macro and Cato series, which means he's catching up on Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe for sheer proliferation of books with the same central character(s) (and that's a good thing).

Following on from the previous novel ("The Blood of Rome"), Macro and Cato are still in charge of the Praetorians, and still on the eastern fringes of the Roman Empire (Syria), with Cato then tasked with making a dangerous journey into Parthia to deliver Rome's demands to the ruler of that nation while the recently-married (at the start of the novel) Macro, under General Corbulo, lays siege to the small kingdom of Thapsis in the mountains which has risen in revolt against Rome.

I have to say, with a title like 'Traitors of Rome' and with the extremely mercenary (historical) nature of the Praetorian Guard, I first thought - when I saw the title - that the Traitors of Rome would themselves prove to be the Praetorians themselves!

That's not the case, however, read the novel to finds out what is ...
Ki's Redemption (An Alien Exchange Trilogy #3)
Ki's Redemption (An Alien Exchange Trilogy #3)
Keri Kruspe | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ki's Redemption (An Alien Exchange Trilogy #3) by Keri Kruspe
Ki's Redemption is the third book in the An Alien Exchange Trilogy, BUT it is the first one I have read. Did this impact me in any way? Only by making me want to read the first two immediately!!! For the story itself though, it was all good. The characters are clearly defined and well established. Enough of a back-story is given so you understand all about things that have happened in the past, without it overshadowing the current story.

I love a good science fiction romp, and this book had it all. Sassy and strong females. Alpha males who need taking down a peg or two at times by said females. Artificial Intelligence. Androids. Robots. Bad dudes. Seriously, it's all here. Even better than a good science fiction romp, is a good science fiction romp that has DRAGONS!!!! And boy was I not disappointed by the two shown in this book! The descriptions of them are vivid, making it so very easy to see them in my mind. Can I just say, I thought Cleithe was amazing! Her grief broke my heart!

With no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading, this book was a delight from start to finish. The story is gripping and full of action without being too much. Absolutely recommended by me, with the proviso that you simply must read books one and two too. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to get my grubby mitts on said books!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Connor Sheffield (293 KP) created a post in Fantasy Friends

Aug 16, 2018  
So this is a new place to talk all things Fantasy. I noticed there was an orb for books specifically but I think a place to explore all mediums regarding fantasy is much better as it will open up so many new world's to those who have not yet explored other mediums or at least not as much as some have. For instance I play a lot of videogames and watch a lot of films but I don't read as many books because it takes me a while to read one book due to a learning disability (quite odd for someone who wants to be a writer I know) but I've been making my way through some books such as The Never Ending Story, and H.P. Lovecraft best weird tales in the Necronomicon and I would love to hear and discuss what others read and find.

Just a few simple rules:

- Be Kind (naturally)
- Debate, don't argue! These will be people's opinions. If you don't agree, either say so in a kind way that puts your point across or don't comment at all. Simple as that.
- Have fun :)
Fire in the Blood
Fire in the Blood
Ed James | 2014 | Crime
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another cracking page-turner in the Cullen series, this time following the case of a body found in a barrel of whiskey.
For me, the mystery surrounding the case and the identity of the victim and the perpetrator were less hidden than in the previous books: I had an inkling of the plot from fairly early on. That being said, the journey to the conclusion was still an enjoyable one.
Main gripes are:
Too much "thumbing" going on; everyone "thumbed" this and "thumbed" that
The climax of the book was less of a revelation, more of the killer panicking and attacking the police when they really were not all that close to "cracking the case". Cullen is making a career for himself from being attacked by the killer on high profile murder cases who suddenly feel the need to reveal themselves and save another 50 pages of detective work.
Part of this may have been as the story evolved from a short story into a novella and ultimately into a full novel.
Still, an enjoyable, well-written story.
A Wrinkle in Time (2018)
A Wrinkle in Time (2018)
2018 | Action, Family, Sci-Fi
casting, costumes, scenery (0 more)
A Solid Attempt
I didn't have very high hopes when I saw that they were making this movie, but I think they did an okay job. I love the casting choices for the most part, although Oprah doesn't make a ton of sense for me. That being said I think that however random the casting of the Misses seems they did make it work. I really love that they chose to feature an interracial family and placed emphasis and importance on the acceptance and self love for and of natural hair and features. It is a message little brown girls rarely hear from the world and its an important one. The main issue I had with the movie was that it was very very rushed. Because they crammed multiple books into one movie a lot of details and imagery that make the books so fantastical was lost. The worlds and landscapes they did build and feature were beautifully done, as were the costumes - with one glaring exception - Oprah's eyebrows. Maybe its just me but they were always slightly crooked and just off in general and it was glaring and distracting. If you haven't read the books you will probably enjoy it more than if you have, but you should read them, they're good.
I recently decided that I need to read some poetry books, and this happens to be the one that I started with. I'm also planning on reading another of Silverstein's collections, The Giving Tree. I don't really know all that much about poets or poetry, so I may have just searched Goodreads for high-rated books...

Silverstein often uses prominent, simply rhyme schemes throughout this book of poetry, making them easy to follow and popular with younger children/teens. They flow beautifully, almost rhythmically, and are all rather short. They are mostly humourous poems, with little illustrations alongside them. These illustrations, also by Shel Silverstein, are also often funny, and help us understand the point/joke being made in the related poem.
These are all pretty easy-reading poems, nothing too thought-provoking or hard to understand. Quite a nice book to read in bed, or when you just have a little time to relax. There are definitely poems in here that remind me of stories and poems from my early childhood. I think I can give his 4 stars quite easily.