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Southern Ghost
Southern Ghost
Carolyn Hart | 1992 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ghosts of the Past Haunt the Present
Max Darling has taken on a new client he’s been keeping secret from his wife, Annie, owner of the mystery bookstore Death on Demand. However, that changes when the client, a beautiful young woman, disappears and Max is arrested for the crime. Annie doesn’t believe it, and together, the two of them work to figure out what really happened. The key appears to be tied to something that happened twenty years ago, the case that Max was hired to investigate. Is there more to figure out than the official story? If so, can Annie and Max figure out what happened then and find his client in time?

The plot really does focus on the mystery from the past, but I’m not complaining. It was a strong mystery with lots of motives and twists to keep me engaged. The suspects are all strong, and I appreciated that we got to know them a bit before we got their full backgrounds. Annie’s temper wasn’t as strong as in other books, and it had more of a comedic effect here. Speaking of comedy, the sub-plot with Max’s mom and her research project on ghosts of the south was wonderful. The references to other mystery books are still here but are more subdued, making them a fun bonus. If you want to see why this series is so beloved, this is a good one to pick up.