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Never Forgotten (Never Forgotten, #1)
Never Forgotten (Never Forgotten, #1)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
''All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. - Anatole France''
How can one day go so very wrong? One minute Meara Quinn is making plans for how she will spend the Summer before her senior year and the next she's finding out that her mother's cancer has returned and they are moving away from the only home she's ever known.
Now she is in a new country, taking care of her mother, living with grandparents she never met, meeting new friends at school and a guy she really likes and having weird visions of a father who was absent her entire life. There is a secret of who Meara is, and everyone seems to know this except her.
Meara is determined to find out the secrets that will change her life forever.
The beginning of this book in unbelievably good! Amazing intro and perfect character development. I loved how you could feel with Meara all the time, and go through with her while she leans about her mum's sickness and the movement to another country. It is very realistically described, and we manage to see this all through the eyes of a troubled teenager. And the descriptions of the scenes? Ahhh, just see for yourselves:
''The room was a deep purple and accented with an eclectic blend of antiques and comfortable furnishings. It was the kind of room that made a person long to grab a book and cozy into the oversized couch for a several hours.''
Thought, sometimes, there would be things that didn't make sense to me:
''The guy who delivered the pizza forgot plates and napkins. So, we just opened the box and dug in.''
Which delivery place on Earth, for God's sake, delivers plates and napkins? Is this an American thing? If I order pizza, I expect to dig into it with all my fingers, get really messy, and then lick them in the end. Just saying…
There were many twists and turns, mostly little ones in this first book, but the middle of the book gets really slow paced. For a moment, I thought this might be an unpleasant read, but it turned out to just be a calm before the storm, where the biggest twist happens right before the end, and it leaves us wanting more - therefore, the second book. Nicely done, Kelly Risser, nicely done!
Meara is an amazing girl, and we follow her story. She finds out her mum's cancer is back again, and they have to move from USA to Canada. For a teenage girl, that is a huge change. I loved the way she coped with it, even though, at the beginning she made me quite agitated - her mum is dying, and her thought are - life is unfair, why do I have to move to another country, and change schools and lose my friends? It made me incredibly angry, but as much as I don't want to admit it, those are the exact thoughts a teen would have in such moments. We don’t really tend to think about how our parents feel until we get older and wiser, do we?
I liked Meara, apart her irritating personality at times. She is a typical teenage girl, and many girls, me included, can relate to her so well! She is a good person, and she cares about the people around her.
I loved Evan - he is just the sweetest person / boyfriend a girl can have. I honestly wish I had a boyfriend like him when I was 13-years-old. He made sandwiches, and they watched a movie in the car because it was raining, and he would come to Meara's house with flowers, and offer to help out with the chores? He is the cutest person ever.
''He was about six foot tall with wavy, black hair that curled over his ears. Tanned skin, lean muscles, and strong hands that ended in long, graceful fingers.''
But then, there is Kieran… I know he is the bad boy, but I might be able to ship him and Meara together - maybe? We'll see… It's an unpopular opinion, but I actually want to see them together. Even though Evan is just the sweetest thing, and it would be horrible if Meara broke his heart.
I really enjoyed this book - maybe I enjoyed it the most from all the other Young-Adult paranormal books I've read. It was a great first beginning to a series, and I can't wait to dig in the rest of the series.
As a finale - I had to also include this quote from the book:
''Humans are spiteful creatures. They destroy more than they create. That is why I do not associate with them.''
Annie's Recipe
Annie's Recipe
Lisa Jones Baker | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #993300;"><em><strong>Excerpt
</strong></em></span><span style="color: #993300;">The small brown freckle under Annie’s right eye that he’d teased her about as a kid had developed into something of a beauty mark. It belonged there. To Levi’s dismay, his pulse picked up speed. He wanted more time with her. She was of Rumspringa age, so she could do non-Amish things. But that would only be for a couple of years, not forever.</span>

<div style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #993300;">Behind them, Aunt Abigail followed in a separate buggy with Aidan and Elijah. As Levi glanced back at Jake, the kid responded with a big grin. To Levi’s surprise, an unexpected appreciation for the ambience in the buggy, often referred to as the fiberglass box, welled in his chest. He sat back as the horses stepped it up.
<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #993300;">Automatically, Levi looked down. There wasn’t a trace of dirt on the beautiful navy velvet cushion that softened the hard bench. He remembered when his mother had used a lint brush to clean their buggy. On the sides were two small viewing windows and one in the back. A blue homemade quilt was rolled up and slightly draped over the backseat. He’d forgotten what it was like being in a means of transportation with no seat belts or radio. Levi missed the music. He was used to driving his dad’s truck and had traversed country roads long before he’d gotten his license a few years before.

<div style="text-align: center;"></div>
<p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="color: #993300;">As they traveled, Levi glanced back to smile at little Jake. The response was a large toothless grin and eyes wide with excitement. Levi knew the child was dying to spend time with him. Levi had nearly decided not to come today. Even though there had been no mention of the shunning, everyone knew it had happened. He had never discussed it with anyone. He and Annie had shared everything when they were young. And despite their unbreakable bond, she was still Amish.

<div style="text-align: center;"></div>
<p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="color: #993300;">I’ve got to stop thinking about her.</span>
<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #008080;"><strong>My Thoughts
I love a good Amish novel, and this is one that I thoroughly enjoyed. Ms. Baker is a supremely talented author who brings the perfect amount of humor, faith, and romance to a book that is filled with hope, forgiveness and understanding. Each page turn was something new, and kept me reading long into the night.</strong></span>
<p style="text-align: center;"><strong><span style="color: #008080;">Annie and Levi's characters were absolutely perfect for the story! I loved Annie's strong will and wit and I loved Levi's charming character. He really stole my heart from the start. After all they've both been through,I loved their interactions! Watching them together was so refreshing, especially after they have been a part for so long. </span>
<p style="text-align: center;"><strong><span style="color: #008080;">This story of forgiveness, understanding, and faith is one that I highly recommend with 4 stars. Ms. Baker makes her stories pop and come to life before the reader. Not only does she do that, she adds recipes to the story making the reader hungry by the end. If you love Amish novels and books with characters who steal your heart forever, look no further! Grab you a copy of this talented lady's book. </span>
<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #ff0000;"><em><strong><span style="color: #000000;">Giveaway</span>
</strong></em><strong>Lisa will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via</strong></span>
<span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>rafflecopter during the tour.</strong></span>
<a id="rcwidget_57weeeuj" class="rcptr" href=""; rel="nofollow" data-raflid="28e4345f2227" data-theme="classic" data-template="">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>
<p style="text-align: center;"><script src=""></script><a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Veronica Roth | 2016 | Children
8.0 (41 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><u>Before Reading:</u></b>
      I've been spoiled of the ending. Yep. SPOILED. Then I confirmed it at Barnes & Noble by finding out what chapter it happens on... which I won't say at all.

      That should have stopped me from even picking up the last copy from the school library, or even asking, because I simply don't want to get smacked in the face by what happens in the end and how it truly leads there.

      But I decided that I should simply take a chance on the series, because after all, I liked the other books in the series. It would be a different case if I didn't like Divergent and Insurgent.

      And maybe I'll have different thoughts despite the ending when I do finish reading.
<b><u>After Reading:</b></u>
      Let me just mention this first and foremost: this will not be a very rave review, despite the rating. So Divergent fans, if you cannot handle not-so-very-rave reviews, please turn around and walk out. If you can, or if you're remotely curious, feel free to continue on.

      But don't say I didn't warn you. Because I certainly did, and I won't be warning again. Oh, and there may be a few spoilers. They're in red....

      I’m just going to "Cut to the Chase" right this minute, and possibly earn a few tomatoes thrown at me as a result in the end. I’m pretty sure I’m entitled to my honest opinion, so if I lied, I wouldn’t be honest after all.

      I do not mean the music video by Trish Thuy Trang featuring Cardin.
     My nose might grow longer as well. ;)
     Allegiant was dangling on a fish hook right above the surface of DNF Lake many times while reading it. Near the end though, after a HUGE – and by "HUGE," I mean at least 80% of the way through – chunk have been read, I kind of spared it and brought it back to shore. Some people may have noticed me complaining a bit – and giving a few brief review spoilers! – on Twitter or Personal Facebook. And yes, I have a Facebook. Please don't stalk me. :p

      One of the review spoilers? I don't particularly like Tris as a character anymore. POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT! Possibly making it worse – and basically only L knows about this – I don't feel really sorry about what happened to her. Well, I'm upset, but I'm not exactly going to start crying and being depressed over what happened.
      I have my reasons.
     I didn't really notice it back in Insurgent, but Tris seems too impulsive in her actions. She and Tobias also argue too much. :/ Then again, I'm not an expert in the relationship department. It was just aggravating and annoying.

      Allegiant certainly wasn't boring, which was another review spoiler. It was Veronica Roth's writing. It seems more... I don't know. There's just something about the writing that bothers me in Allegiant. And it's not because of Tobias' POV being added in, though it was interesting to break into his mind and take a peek behind the "stoniness".

      By stoniness, I meant that he doesn't seem to give out a lot of what he's really thinking. I guess it's a nice change, being able to see/read what Tobias is thinking. SPOILER ALERT! Oh, and he likes to hurt people?! Disappointing in that part...

      Okay, you now have the right to bash me and throw tomatoes at me. Just give me ten seconds to run away. :p
<blockquote>Yeah, sometimes life really sucks. But you know what I'm holding on for?
 The moments that don't suck. The trick is to notice them when they come around.</blockquote>
Formatting may be lost due to copy and paste. Pictures have been removed from this review.
This review and more on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
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Beauty&#039;s Beasts
Beauty's Beasts
Alex Hanson | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BEAUTY'S BEASTS is a why choose romance that, although it's long, just isn't long enough! I'm not ready to leave them. I need more! (I feel like Oliver Twist!)

We start off in the village with Evan. They go to the shop and meet Will, their best friend. It's through this first scene that we understand just what is going on, how they are living, what they are up against, what the village thinks, and how it could be an Eve, Evangeline, or Evan day. Even though I knew what was coming, it still shocked me. It was so well-written, and that's only in the first few pages!!!

One thing I need to say. It would have been so easy for this author to split the book up, but I'm SO glad they didn't! I loved that it was chunky, and I loved even more that nothing stopped me from turning the pages and continuing with the story.

The four Gryxen are perfect. Very different personalities which came through clearly. There was never any doubt about which one they were interacting with. My favourites were Caliborne and Drixus, I guess I go for the quieter ones! Seerraf though? He's one dark horse that I want to know more about. Oh yes! I'm so glad that Caliborne stayed the way he was. It would have been an easy fix to make him different. It was how he was that made me fall in love with him. And Drixus? Well, he definitely deserved to change.

I will tell you, this book hit me right in the feels and absolutely made my eyes leak. It about killed me, before making it all right again. And don't get me started on the epilogue! This is why I need more!!!

So so good. I didn't want this book to finish. Definitely one I'll be buying in paperback or hardcover format, as I want to keep it and re-read whenever I want to. But, you know, if there was something to add to it, that would be good. 😍

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 6, 2023
The Polaris Uprising (Polaris, #1)
The Polaris Uprising (Polaris, #1)
Jennifer Ibarra | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another bystander review yet again. T_T But throughout the story, I was making connections – yet again – to movies and books:

     Corsets – Incarceron. Mercifully no prisons.

     Probe Bots – *that seriously cute voice from that one movie* Wall-E! Of course, those robots had inflection and it's not Wall-E's voice I'm calling cute.

     Arranged Marriages – At the time I started The Polaris Uprising, I completed Delirium not too long ago and it turned out to be a TERRIBLE experience. Fortunately, this book fared better off and it's not similar to Delirium. *phew* In fact... this quote got me quite worried:
<blockquote>When you’re president, this will all be a distant memory.</blockquote>
     Is this similar to "When you're cured, this will all be a distant memory" or what? I could have sworn I saw that exact same sentence in Delirium a million times maybe. O_O (Obviously I didn't let that stop me from continuing).

     Truth Serum – Welcome to the Candor faction. Need I say more?

     That one sentence before this: And then all hell broke loose – Similar to The Hunger Games, but different. And no, that's no spoiler. Close, but no.
<blockquote>Alanna! Alanna!</blockquote>
     e_e 1984's B! B! B! That book was quite dreadful, so I'm surprised I still remember the letter B! (that was not me in exclamation).

     Now that I've gone through my dreadful (and some positive) experiences with some dystopians, let's get on with some positive notes and why I gave The Polaris Uprising a high rating:

~ The message comes across clearly throughout the book. Maybe confusing at first (switching views from the prologue and first chapter), but everything fits in nicely later.
~ Here's the big plus: it's different from other dystopians. As in really different. How? It's like many years later, a dystopian AFTER another dystopian failed. At least, that's what I assume. The signs were there, which brings me to my next point.
~ Dare to be different. I would've had to choose a faction back in September if I were in Divergent (Movie's out in 28 DAYS). Here, you're an adult at 25. That gives me what? 7-8 years to be a semi-kid? Yippee.
~ This might actually take a different end from other dystopians. Of course, there's no guarantee, so don't take that word for granted.

     But overall, an impressive debut novel for Jennifer Ibarra.
Review copy provided by the author for review on the blog tour
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This review and more can be found at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
<a href=""><img src=""; /></a>

Merissa (11779 KP) created a post

Mar 15, 2021  
Shifter Affairs Box Set: Shifter Agents Books 1–4 by Nancy Corrigan is $0.99 for a limited time.


Freeing his Mate
Never lead a widowed shifter cop to his true mate then tell him he can't have her.

One night, I was stolen from my human life and thrust into the shifter world. With no rights among these primal males, I'm expected to submit to their will. But I only want Rick—the rugged, tattooed cop who can touch my soul and tame my wolf and... free me.
One thing stands in our way—the beast who kidnapped me would rather kill me than let me go.

A century ago, I lost my family. While on the hunt for a killer, I found my future. Mya's my true mate. She's my gift from the gods...the one woman I'm supposed to love and treasure forever.
And the rogue wolf shifter who took her from me will die.
Even if I have to break the law I've sworn to uphold to steal her back. Nothing keeps a shifter from his one true mate.

Claimed by the Assassin
A shy waitress and an ancient, shapeshifting assassin with a bounty on his head… A match made in heaven?

It was supposed to be a simple favor. Instead of helping out the sexy, aloof bouncer at my bar, I’ve narrowly escaped death at the hands of a murdering shifter and inadvertently rescued Ilan’s nephew in the process. The things a woman has to do to get a guy’s attention these days…

For years, I kept my innocent human true mate safe from me and the dangerous world I live in. Then on the night I planned to skip town, Sara lands in the middle of a botched assassination attempt. Now, I can’t let her go. She’s a target. So is my infant nephew. And the killers who came after my family should be afraid.
Very afraid.
I’m not called an Angel of Death for nothing.

Baiting the Royal
A murder case where the stakes are personal…in more ways than one.

As a coroner, I give a voice to the voiceless. But the latest body on my slab raises questions someone doesn’t want me to answer. With my sister’s attacker back in town, I need to uncover the truth. Any way I can get it. Even if that means partnering up with Uri, a Royal feline shifter from the Alexander pride and a by-the-book cop who’d rather keep me safe in my lab…or his bedroom.

Rules are made for a reason. But nothing in the official Shifter Affairs handbook covers what to do when you’re forced to partner up with your true mate. Especially when Lyla has a penchant for fighting for the underdog and finding herself in dangerous situations. But with a serial killer on the loose and the body count rising and hitting closer to home, only one rule matters.
Nobody threatens a shifter’s mate and lives.

He thinks we’re destined to be together. I think he’s crazy... Or maybe that's me.


I’m called the “beloved human” of Kade, the alluring leader of the Royal Alexander pride. Its members consider me his possession. I avoid thinking too hard about what that means by teasing him mercilessly. Besides, I have other worries. My nightmares are back, stronger than ever, and they’re starting to bleed into the real world. To make them stop, I have to discover the truth behind the attack that cost me my baby and my fiancé. Their deaths demand justice. And I want revenge.

Ever since I healed Zoe, she’s been my responsibility in the group to handle—and to control. I never asked to claim her, and I didn’t want to. Until now. She’s the one. My mate. And the timing couldn’t be worse. Other shifters are making bets on how soon I’ll lose my title, and fears over a prophesy have made our group a target. But I’ll do anything to protect Zoe, to ensure our pride is a safe place for the future we could have together. All that’s left is to convince her—and to prevent my enemies from claiming what’s mine.
Heated Beat
Heated Beat
Garrett Leigh | 2016 | Essays
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
wonderful books/narration!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted the audio version of this book.

My Mate Jack (book 1)
Don't you just love a friends to lovers book? With lots of misunderstandings and mix-ups along the way? Nothing else, just these two friends, one with a crush on his straight best friend? Made even better by some awesome narration??

This book right here!

Will has been in love with Jack forever, but Jack likes girls and Will doesn't. When Jack asks Will about kissing, then about having sex with men, Will allows Jack to get close. Then Jack goes to Ibiza and Will goes to uni and things are said, done, implied and the fall out is massive.

I want to be a bit picky here, cos, you know, I can, its my review but the only thing that would have made this book any better was if Jack had much more of a say. Apart from the epilogue, Jack doesn't get a say and I wanted him to, I so DESPERATELY wanted him to. I needed to know what was going through HIS mind when he kisses Jack, when they do what they do before they go their ways, and I don't get it. Had he been given a bigger say, I would be raving about this book! Oh, don't get me wrong, I LOVED this as it was but Jack? He would have been the icing on a pretty special cake.

Dan Calley narrates. Mr Calley is fast becoming a favourite. His voice carries a very British accent, and his reading voice is deep and even. His voices are amazing, and he hits the accents to a tee. He gets across all of Will's feelings about Jack. His reactions to what they do, to what comes after and to what he does when Jack fianlly, FINALLY, tells Will what he really wants. Or rather Who.

It's not a very long read/listen (108 pages/3 hours) but it packs a powerful punch. I didn't quite manage to listen to it in one go, cos that darn dayjob got in the way, but I very nearly did.

Apart from not getting enough of Jack, I cannot fault the book nor the narration so...

5 full and shiny stars for the book AND the narration.

~~same worded review will appear elsewhere~

Lucky Man (book 2)
This is book 2 in the Heated Beat series, and while it's not NECESSARY to read/listen to book one, My Mate Jack, I think you SHOULD, cos , you know, I said so! Jack and Will pop up a lot, since Jack lives with Finn, but it's not needed to have their story before this one. But you know, THAT book was a 5 star listen too!

Danny has drooled over Finn on stage for some time. Meeting him, going home with him, gave him the best night of his life. But Finn has a secret and Danny has a stressful job. Can they make it work?

This is a much darker, dirtier, deadly listen than book one, but I loved it just as much, maybe a tad more.

There is powerful and instant chemistry between Finn and Danny, and it carries right through the book. Its hot and steamy, but equally, deeply emotional, for both Finn and Danny. Finn's health issues, and what that meant in his previous relationships, are his primary concern. Danny is dealing with a murderer who has been on a spree across the country.

Danny reaction to Finn's health issues were not what Finn was expecting, but still, Danny struggled with Finn a couple of times, especially when he had an episode (is that the correct term? ) but Danny rode it out, and did his best to understand. Some serious research into Finn's condition has been done for this book, I'm not saying what that is, because spoilers, but the level of research into treatments and how people suffering this condition cope shows here.

I LOVED that this book is set in Nottingham. As a Nottingham gal, I got all the places that were mentioned, and loved that the shortened, locally used names for places like The Queens Medical Centre (big hospital!) are used. Loved the references to local towns, and how far they are away from Nottingham and the correct distances/times are used. Proper made my day!

I did get the murderer all wrong. I had a fairly close to Finn character pegged as the bad guy, but that all went belly up on me, so well played!

Both Finn and Danny have a say here, and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad they do! I think this one, especially, would have suffered had we not got them both, so thank you Garrett Leigh, for making my day twice in this book!

Dan Calley narrates again, and again, he knocks it out the park!

His voices for Will and Jack are spot on from book to book, but Danny and Finn's voices are perfect too. He gets over all of Danny's concern about the relationship, given that he isn't out at work. He gets over all of his concern about Finn when he has an episode, and how he deals with the aftermath. Calley gets over all of Finn's insecurities, and what's going on in his brain. I felt for Finn, listening to him have internal conversations with himself about Danny and his feelings for Danny, and where their relationship was going.

Mr Calley NAILS it, he really does.

5 full and shiny stars for the book AND narration

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Etude (The Dark Nocturne #2)
Etude (The Dark Nocturne #2)
Morgan Shamy | 2022 | Mystery, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After reading and loving Serenade, the first book in The Dark Nocturne series by Morgan Shamy, I automatically started the second book in the series, Etude, right away. Morgan Shamy proved, yet again, that she's making the paranormal fantasy genre her own with this book!

In Etude, November has been away from St. Paul's Academy for a month. She wants nothing to do with the school or anyone from the school after what happened in Serenade. When kids start falling into comas, she thinks she may be the cause thanks to Vincent. Reluctantly, she returns to the school to try to save the day. However, bad things start happening (again) to November and her friends.

Just like with the plot of Serenade, Etude's plot is very original. I have never read anything like it, and that's a good thing! It is refreshing to read something original in a given genre especially when all previous books you've read in that genre start sounding the same. Anyway, I will admit that the plot of Etude does start off a bit slow. However, about sixty percent or so into the book, the pacing definitely picks up. I couldn't put the book down after that! I had suspicions about who would be the bad people and who were the good all throughout this book. I had to keep reading to see if I was right and to find out what would happen between Vincent and November. I loved the introduction of the dream world in Etude as well. With witches and blood walkers (vampires) roaming around in the novel, the action was there all throughout the book! Two plot twists were easy for me to figure out, but there were a couple of more plot twists (including a major one), that I just didn't see coming! Turns out that you really never know who you can trust in the Dark Nocturne universe. The book does end on a minor cliff hanger.

The characters in Etude are just as fleshed out and well developed as before. (I would even go as far as to say they're even more developed in this book than in the first in the series, and they were fleshed out well in that story.) While November is written well, I found her annoying in Etude. I don't know if it's because I'm about 20 years older than her, so I have more wisdom, but I found her lack of telling people about suspicious people and not trusting those around her more a bit infuriating. The fact that she would trust a stranger over her friends and not tell them when said stranger shares something major that could end up harming everyone really infuriated me. I wanted to bang my head against a brick wall! I kept screaming at November (in my head) to just tell someone about the suspicious character and what they would do to her (and to others). Yet November just seemed to let it slide until it becomes too late. I wish Vincent was in the story more because I loved Vincent in Serenade, but I know why he's not around as much in Etude. Cam was more more likeable in this book, and I loved how he seemed to be a better friend to everyone in Etude. Margaret was also really sweet in this book, and I think she ended up being my favorite character even if she wasn't featured a lot throughout the novel. Marcus was written well, but I always had my reservations about him. He seemed very selfish throughout the book (even if he said he wanted to help save his sisters). I also really liked Deva, although she was another character that wasn't featured that much in Etude. Be sure not to get attached to any one character though because Morgan Shamy is not afraid of killing anyone off (like in the first book)! That's another think I love about this series.

Trigger warnings for Etude include violence, death, murder, and mind control.

All in all, Etude is a fantastic follow up to the very well written Serenade. If you like figuring out which characters are the baddies, a plot that will consume you, and being whisked off to a magical world, then Etude is for you. I would definitely recommend Etude by Morgan Shamy to those aged 14+ who love an original take on paranormal fantasy where character loyalties aren't always as they seem. As for me, I've already started reading Promenade, the third book in the series because I'm addicted!