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Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Visual magic and Van Halen. What could be better?
I very much dislike when people compare movies to books since most of the time they will say "the book was better". Books and movies are completely different mediums and therefore should be judged individually, not compared to one another.

I remember reading one time John Grisham was interviewed after The Firm was released and said if they had stuck to the book, 45 minutes of the movie would have been the characters making photo copies of important papers.

Books can delve into details better. An author can spend six chapters describing a tree or get into character's heads and know what they are thinking. There can even be 38 main characters.

Movies are completely different and should be judged that way. Some may say filmmakers changed certain elements which worked just fine in print. Truthfully I do not understand why things are changed either; however, just because something is different does not make it worse.

Whew ok.

Ready Player One was old school Spielberg magic, plain and simple. The story was nothing special. The villains were sort of cardboard and one-dimensional, but maybe they were supposed to be like that. I mean, weren't the villains in Real Genius or Biff Tannen just as hokey?

The visual splendor and eye candy I usually rip on were vast this time around and thoroughly kept me engaged the whole way through.

I will hopefully watch again soon so I can pick on some of the Easter eggs I missed the first time around.

This film is for anyone who lived through the 80's as I did and loves movies as I do.
Show all 19 comments.

Michael Gallagher (0 KP) Mar 10, 2020

Solid 7 out of 10.Wouldn't watch again but it was a good film.


James Farren-Ross (19 KP) Mar 18, 2020

Watch time after time to just find another pop culture reference


Janeeny (200 KP) rated Making Magic in Books

May 16, 2019  
Making Magic
Making Magic
Briana Saussy | 2019 | Mind, Body & Spiritual, Religion
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I receivef an ARV of this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
As a Pagan, and a dabbler in Wicca I’m always keen to learn other forms of practice and sometimes pick up other things to use in my rituals. So I was keen to read 'Making Magic' as the blurb sets it as “welcoming guide to accessing your magic and creating a spiritual path that is all your own”
It does just that, each chapter talks about an aspect of magic and gives you an idea and an example of ritual.
The concept isn’t anything new, but the rituals are pared down to the very basics. although it does suggest using certain talismans and trinkets they are not necesarry and each ritual can be brought right back down to nature. That was actually what I liked most about this book, the very basic nature of the rituals.
Most other books on practicing Paganism talk about ‘summoning your circle' or 'calling the corners', for someone like me that sometimes struggles with this kind of visualisation I was quite pleased to see that the ritual preperations in this book were just two cleansing breaths; In and Out. This is something which I shall definitly be adding to my own little pot pourri of paganism.