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Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Mar 9, 2021  
On my blog today, I have great little deleted scene from the Christian historical romance novel DREAMS REKINDLED by Amanda Cabot. Be sure to enter the giveaway to win both books in the Mesquite Springs series, a bluebonnet ornament, and a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card!

He's bound and determined to find peace . . . but she's about to stir things up.

Dorothy Clark dreams of writing something that will challenge people as much as Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin seems to have. But in 1850s Mesquite Springs, there are few opportunities for writers--until newspaperman Brandon Holloway arrives, that is.

Brandon Holloway has seen firsthand the disastrous effects of challenging others. He has no intention of repeating that mistake. Instead of following his dreams, he's committed to making a new--and completely uncontroversial--start in the Hill Country.

As Dorothy's involvement in the fledgling newspaper grows from convenient to essential, the same change seems to be happening in Brandon's heart. But before romance can bloom, Dorothy and Brandon must work together to discover who's determined to divide the town and destroy Brandon's livelihood.

Merissa (11935 KP) rated A Lightness in My Soul in Books

Jan 18, 2021 (Updated Aug 7, 2023)  
A Lightness in My Soul
A Lightness in My Soul
Annette Oppenlander | 2020 | Biography, History & Politics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A LIGHTNESS IN MY SOUL is a fictional novella based on a true story, one that happened in Germany many years ago.

Just like the British evacuated their children, so did the Germans, although not everyone was put into homes, but camps instead. This is a heartbreaking and harrowing tale, told in the first person, as Arthur goes to a KLV camp. You stay with him as he begins to question just what is going on, then the Americans arrive, and you stay with him in the aftermath of that.

The conditions Arthur has to face are very well-written, managing to give the reader the horror and hopelessness of the situation without making it gruesome or unnecessarily violent.

For anyone with an interest in the history of WWII, especially if you are interested in the German perspective, then this is definitely one for your bookshelves. A one-sitting, engrossing read highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 18, 2021
Blackout (All Clear, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh, Ms. Willis! I cannot believe you did this to me! A cliffhanger? After 512 many pages? And I hung in there SO long in the beginning, when the book was so slow to get going!

Seriously--during all that nattering about over changed schedules and finding drop sites I nearly screamed to just <b>get on with it already</b>! So it is absolutely ridiculous to find that after more than 500 pages, I am not a nice resolution to any of the various plot lines, but rather am referred to the next boook, [b:All Clear|7519231|All Clear (All Clear, #2)|Connie Willis||9735628]!

It's a bloody good thing that I 1) really, really like Ms. Willis' work; and 2) already have <i>All Clear</i> on hand and ready to go, or I would have been sorely tempted, <b>sorely</b>, I say, to throw the book across the room. That isn't nearly so satisfying with ebooks, and tends to do absolutely nothing but damage one's hardware, so I imagine I would have refrained.

But I absolutely would not suggest this work to a first-time Willis reader. [b:To Say Nothing of the Dog|77773|To Say Nothing of the Dog|Connie Willis||696], certainly. [b:Bellwether|24985|Bellwether|Connie Willis||1194887], even more so. But not this one, and not [b:Doomsday Book|24983|Doomsday Book|Connie Willis||2439628] or [b:Lincoln's Dreams|24980|Lincoln's Dreams|Connie Willis||25743] or, honestly, even [b:Fire Watch|10301442|Fire Watch|Connie Willis||2324159] (the story on which the <i>All Clear</i> duology is based).

Willis doesn't write simplistic stories, or I probably wouldn't enjoy her work so much, but she has a way of making the complex clear that's beautiful. It's just that these require a bit more desire to get there on the part of the reader, to my way of thinking, than the other two. And once one is seduced by those, it is clear that the effort is wholly worthwhile.

In any case, there's no doubt but that I'm going right on ahead to read [b:All Clear|7519231|All Clear (All Clear, #2)|Connie Willis||9735628]. I'm just a bit put out with the author at the moment--and very, very glad, considering the heft of these tomes, that I've switched to ebooks!

I still think that readers deserve some small reward for the sheer aggravation meted out thus far. Surely resolving some small plot issues would not have caused trouble? For instance, authors who are accustomed to working with multi-book series regularly wrap up some issues in each book, while leaving other, larger plot threads to carry over into future volumes to provide continuity.
Power of Sight (Mages of the Nether #4)
Power of Sight (Mages of the Nether #4)
A.M. Halford | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Power of Sight (Mages of the Nether #4) by A.M. Halford
Power of Sight is the fourth, and final, book in the Mages of the Nether series. We finish with Zachary's story. He has the sight, although he has been at great pains to hide this, knowing what he does about the future. His time is up when Titus is appointed to find the new seer. Titus is the one whom Zachary has loved for years. Titus is the one Zachary watches die over and over again, every night when he closes his eyes. It is for this reason he has pushed Titus away, making him think that Zachary hates him. When Titus gets a hint of his own future, he decides that he would sooner spend a few moments with Zachary than live a lifetime alone.

This was a great finale to the story, with all the previous couples playing their part to get Zachary and Titus together. I think that Zachary caved a bit quickly considering how adamant he was against Titus, and love, in all the previous books. However, it still worked. I was drawn into their story, hoping against hope that this time Zachary's vision would prove false. There is a conclusion to the writing, a finalising of the story, which helps to round off this series nicely. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and the scenes flowed nicely, with the pacing smooth.

I have no hesitation in recommending this book, and the series, if you are looking for a light, yet steamy in places, M/M Fantasy.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Raising Steam: (Discworld Novel 40)
Raising Steam: (Discworld Novel 40)
Terry Pratchett | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Raising Steam is another Diskworld book by Pratchett and I have to say I enjoyed it immensely.

The main plot is twofold, firstly concerning steam trains being created (with a nice nod to Reaper Man) and spreading across the Sto Plains and secondly the continuation of the story of the Dwarves from The Fifth Elephant and Thud. There is also some continuation of the Goblin thread from Snuff. As Moist von Lipwig is the main hero (of a sort) there are also references to Going Postal and Making Money (which is also where the title comes from - this is a Moist book).

The main plots only converge towards the end of the story but this doesn't really matter. The train story is fun and fast moving, some nice little nods to the steam pioneers on Roundworld thrown in, plenty of one liners and puns. There are also more than enough references to previous books and Rincewind makes an appearance (although Death only has a cameo and there's no Librarian which is a little disappointing). The Dwarf plot concerns the machinations of the Deep Downers in trying to preserve Dwarven ways and not to modernise.

Both have impetus and are just enough entwined that one plot didn't get left behind. The writing was crisp and well paced - Pratchett seems to have finally adapted to speaking the books rather than physically writing them.

Overall I enjoyed this immensely, certainly the one I've enjoyed the most since Going Postal. Certainly there are some flaws - Drumknott is subverted from being a dry dusty administrator and the railway is simply built too quickly - but these can easily be overcome by the reader.

Recommended for any Discworld fan. Possibly not a good introduction as there are too many knowing nods and references to previous works.