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10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a refreshing read!! I absolutely loved it & can not fault anything about it!

The pacing was just right for this book. The characters were great! I especially loved Jeanne and Molly! Nick was great as well. I couldn't stand Marcus though. He seemed to be too needy and pushy which is what I think the author was trying to convey.

The plot is fairly predictable although there was one twist I didn't see coming!! However, this didn't put me off.

Dangerous Waters is such a sweet read, and it's reads so easily! Anne Allen is fantastic at writing. This is her first novel, but it would seem that she's been writing for ages with how well this book was done.

The story just works. And this book has made me want to visit Guernsey!

I loved the fact that the author included recipes at the end of the book as well. A nice touch!

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated A Landscape of Lies (2011) in Movies

Nov 1, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)  
A Landscape of Lies (2011)
A Landscape of Lies (2011)
2011 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
After a fairly violent opening to the film, A Landscape of Lies tells the story of Jacob who is inflicted with PTSD after spending his time in the Gulf war, as he tries to adjust to being back in the UK and is helped along by his former commanding officer, Hilt.

But after Hilt is murdered by a serial killer, Jacob’s reality comes crashing down, Jacob decides that the only thing that he can now do is find out who the killer was and to help bring closure for Louise, Hilt’s widow, after the murder. Jacob then goes head to head with DCI Lane and his partners Sergeant Egan and DC Carter as he tries to discover the killer his life starts to mix with the suspects, such as East End villain and property tycoon Brannigan Woods, Marcus Clancy a workaholic who has put a strain on his marriage to his wife Claire, who is also cheating on him, and their rebellious daughter, Hannah.
A Quiet Place: Part II (2021)
A Quiet Place: Part II (2021)
2021 | Horror, Thriller
Less contained than the first film - we get to see more of the outside world. (2 more)
More monsters.
Cillian Murphy's performance.
Uses jump scares as a crutch (1 more)
Marcus is a bit of a unbearable turd in the film.
Long Time, No Hear
A Quiet Place Part II begins with a flashback chronicling the first day the creatures arrived. It’s also an excuse to allow John Krasinski’s Lee Abbott character to show up again despite dying in the previous film. Day 1 is mostly the scene in the trailer where the creatures are destroying the town and everyone is learning that they attack based on sound. And yes, this scene would have been and is far more effective if you haven’t seen the trailer several times beforehand.

What’s great about this sequel is that it is no longer so contained. The Abbott family is forced to leave their farm and their home and go out into the outside world. But the scariest aspect of all is that the monsters aren’t the most inhuman thing to exist in whatever remains of this desolate world – it’s the human survivors.

The sequel seems to feature far more of the creatures than the original film. It’s not that they weren’t around in the original film, but A Quiet Place Part II gives them a more prominent presence. There seems to be more of them. The film does utilize jump scares a bit more often than it should. They’re cheap tactics to begin with, but become more and more annoying after the first one or two times they’re used in a film.

Marcus Abbott (Noah Jupe) is nearly unbearable until the last ten or so minutes of the film, but it’s also a sensible form of irritation. Marcus lost his little brother and his father in the previous film and, without spoiling too much, doesn’t have a great time in the sequel. He doesn’t want to lose anyone else close to him and is now incredibly attached to the family members he has left. This results in Marcus being too clingy when someone needs to go on a supply run or has an idea that could potentially save everyone.

Cillian Murphy inherits the male lead since Lee Abbott’s exit. Murphy plays a character named Emmett and is actually a friend of the Abbott family. Emmett has lost everyone and everything and has remained relatively close to the Abbott’s farm even after the creatures arrived, but he never came for them. He has shelter and some supplies, but has spent so much time being on his own that he’s forgotten how to sympathize with anyone who isn’t himself. Murphy delivers this gloriously conflicted performance where he seems to be constantly struggling. Emmett often knows the right thing that should be done, but wants to remain hidden. He basically wants to survive over being a compassionate human being.

The formula for A Quiet Place II is intriguing because it plays out like an episodic arc of The Walking Dead. The zombie element is replaced with the creatures as the human characters go on supply runs, look for other survivors, and search for a sanctuary that may or may not exist. Since both A Quiet Place films are PG-13, there’s not much in the gore department. You’re attacked by these creatures and you’re basically just gone. The way the creature’s heads open up like a flower whenever they’re around audio feedback is visually similar to The Last of Us or even Resident Evil.

A Quiet Place Part II ditches the tension and the stealth the first film was known for and introduces more monsters, more action, more characters, and more of a world that’s barely hanging on by a thread. Lee’s oldest kids become they key players here while Emily Blunt takes a backseat. Cillian Murphy proves why he’s one of the most underrated actors working today. Overall, A Quiet Place Part II is an exceptionally entertaining sequel with quality performances and a primary focus on monster mayhem which, as horror and suspense fans, we should all get behind.
Bad Boys for Life (2020)
Bad Boys for Life (2020)
2020 | Action, Comedy, Crime
Bad Boys, Bad Boys II, what ya gonna do? Go and watch Bad Boys For Life, that's what you're gonna do.

Mike and Marcus are still going strong but Marcus wants to slow down and ease into retirement. His life is changing and it's time to realise he's not a boy anymore. When their celebrations are rudely interrupted a hunt begins, good against bad, old school police work versus new. Will this be the end of the road for our Bad Boys?

I rewatched the original movies before this because of course you have to! Something I loved about this is that they managed to bring the series up to date while still keeping some of the key elements that added fun to the first two instalments. There's nostalgia here that I absolutely love, more on that later.

There were times while watching Bad Boys For Life that I pondered if it was still a Michael Bay film, there are quite a few glossy moments that feel like they have a touch of Bayhem about them.

I love that the original cast are back with the same great chemistry. I wasn't overly keen on the additional cast they brought in. With an established universe it's difficult to bring in that many new characters. There was a solid effort to get their backstories and personalities in but with so much other story happening it often felt out of place or tacked on. A quicker way might have been to have them introduced from their files with montage shots and be done with. I did at one point assume it was just a set up for the next film.

One of the little surprises for me was DJ Khaled, I didn't know he was in it and his part was just great, he played it so well that I was a little sad there wasn't more.

Everything has a very crisp feel to it, which was another reason my brain kept saying Bay. Vibrant surrounding, costumes and sets all perfectly matched together. I liked the contrasts between Mike and Marcus' lives, though the montage just made me think of Hobbs and Shaw and how that felt better.

There are lots of holes to pick in this, the script isn't great and I wasn't fond of the way the main storyline came together at the end but this is one of those instances where I don't think it matters. I have never watched a Bad Boys movie for its Shakespearean drama, I watch it for the banter and the action. Bad Boys For Life has that in spade, as well as an incredible amount of emotion and heart.

This is the sort of film I like to watch to have a break from the stress, I will definitely be buying this one when it comes out. It's got that chicken soup feel to it, it's familiar and it's fun... and sometimes that's what you need.

Originally posted on:
Terminator Salvation (2009)
Terminator Salvation (2009)
2009 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
In the year 2018, humans are resisting the machines Skynet created called terminators. John Connor is the man who is destined to lead the resistance. Everything John Connor knows is turned inside out when he comes across Marcus Wright. Marcus was put to death by lethal injection in 2003 for killing his brother and two cops yet here he stands today. When an all out assualt by John's superiors is declared on Skynet, John finds out that Kyle Reese (the man who would eventually become his father) has been captured and will be caught in the blast, he knows his only choice is to join forces with Marcus, rescue the human prisoners, and bring Skynet down.

Christian Bale may have been the biggest disappointment in this film. After everyone heard the sound clip of him blowing up on set at a cinematographer, everybody kind of wondered if Bale's success was getting to his head. Well, it just might have. That clip seemed to run through my mind an awful lot throughout the duration of the film. My biggest complaint was that John Connor yelled the majority of the time, even when there was no reason to. When he did talk normally, he used his Batman voice. It just didn't seem to fit since Bale is more than capable of altering his accent (Harsh Times, Rescue Dawn, The Prestige). It's an issue that was bound to come up eventually, but just didn't really click until now.

The other weak link of the film had to be the dialogue. It is incredibly cheesy at times. At the beginning of the film, one of John Connor's superiors yells, "You tell those men to respond, even if they're dead!" It just seemed to be over the top more often than not. While the dialogue was a bit on the atrocious side, the story did have one interesting element going for it. The entire film revolves around this element and is really the only new factor brought in to the Terminator franchise. While the film had its low points, I kept thinking that the film at least had this going for it. Then the ending rolled around and just completely dropped the ball.

With all the negative components of the film, there are still quite a few pieces of the puzzle that are worth mentioning. The action scenes are beyond superb. The camera always seems to be in the right spot at the right time and it isn't too close, which is a definite plus. It seems to be too close during action sequences and fighting scenes in most films these days and most of the action gets lost in the shuffle (Transformers is a good example). Being able to see everything without wondering what happened to this character or that character is a nice change. Something that should definitely happen more often. The entire scene with The Harvester is pretty phenomenal. There are also quite a few throwbacks to the first two films of the franchise. "Come with me if you want to live," and, "I'll be back," are both used in the film, Kyle Reese uses his signature weapon, a sawn off shotgun, Marcus Wright knocks the windshield out of the wrecking truck in a similar fashion the T-1000 did with the diesel in T2, John Connor cocking a gun and firing at a T-800 while being wounded much like Sarah Connor did with the T-1000 while being wounded in T2, and I'm sure quite a few more that I missed.

Sam Worthington should be getting all the attention Christian Bale is for this film. He actually makes you care about Marcus Wright despite what he's done in the past. The way he portrays his emotions and how he's done these horrible things yet is a decent guy deep down inside just makes you want to root for him. Anton Yelchin also deserves a mention. His version of Kyle Reese is pretty much spot on with how you'd imagine a younger version of Kyle Reese to act. His mannerisms, the way he talks, everything. He nailed it.

The sound was also spectacular. Sounds of huge terminators echoed off the walls and made the ground shake, helicoptor blades seemed to chop through the air in violent strokes, motorcycles screeched from one side of the theater to the other to sound like they were going right by you, and you could feel the area around you rumble whenever there was a huge explosion. The sound is definitely a huge aspect of an action film and it really delivered here.

Terminator: Salvation is worth seeing, but being a fan of the franchise and having high expectations may leave you walking away in disappointment. The film doesn't really elaborate on the war between humans and machines or really add anything to the franchise, when all is said and done. If you can somehow remember the first two films yet not compare this sequel with them while ignoring plot holes, Christian Bale's over the top performance, and cheesy dialogue, then you may be able to enjoy Terminator: Salvation to its full extent. But if you're looking for a great action film that fails to expand the Terminator mythos in any way, shape, or form, then this film delivers.

Merissa (11928 KP) rated Severus (Fueled By Lust #2) in Books

Apr 6, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Severus (Fueled By Lust #2)
Celeste Prater | 2014 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am LOVING this Fueled by Lust series. Drusus started off with a bang (quite literally), Severus has more of a gentle build-up. This is because Cassie and Severus have already met and spent some time together, thereby negating the need for a quick pesky 'get-to-know-you' session. Cassie is already attracted to Severus although she's been trying to put him off as she thinks he is too good for her. Severus already knows that Cassie is something special but refuses to think that it could be anything else and he's too damn stubborn to put his necklace on. Yeesh, that man had me shouting at my Kindle!

Cassie has been through the mill and found a wonderful and true friend in Lina, the likes of which you look after and treasure if you're smart which Cassie is. Seeing Lina with Drusus makes Cassie yearn for the same thing but is convinced that with all the baggage she carries no one will be good enough - or too good.

I won't give away any spoilers but I will say this - one thing I really loved about this story was Marcus. He is Cassie's ex-boyfriend, the one she mentioned at the beginning of Drusus. He could have been a real 'nasty' character but instead, Celeste turned him into a likeable, heartfelt hero who, although I wanted Severus and Cassie to be together, I now want Marcus to get his HEA too.

This book has everything you could wish for - amazing characters, wit and humour all the way through, a 'baddie' that you may or may not see coming but even if you do, you won't care as the story is that good, and steamy scenes that are "out of this world" (sorry, I couldn't resist!).

Book 1 was brilliant and I really enjoyed it. Book 2 stepped up to the bar, ordered a double and raised it. I can't wait for Cato's story.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
September 2, 2016

Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Cellar in Books

Nov 20, 2022  
The Cellar
The Cellar
John Nicholl | 2022 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a dark, disturbing and violent psychological thriller that pulls no punches and is highly descriptive which may be a bit much for some; I admit that I winced and drew breath a few times but kept going as I was gripped and already highly invested in the story.

The characters are excellent and feel real. Marcus Gove is a despicable person; I can't even bring myself to call him a human being he is that bad, he is a sad, twisted and demented individual who has absolutely no moral compass or redeeming qualities whatsoever - an absolutely brilliant character and one you love to hate.

Lucy is a young woman who is generally content apart from being in an unfulfilling relationship and her mum being diagnosed with cancer but things get a whole lot worse when she comes into the crosshairs of Marcus Gove and her world turns into the most horrendous nightmare.

Ray Lewis is the detective tasked with finding Lucy; not so easy when there are few clues and even less evidence and whilst he may be unfit, unhealthy and thought of as a dinosaur, he goes about his business in a methodical way with some much-needed humour.

Told from the points of view of each of the main characters and at a really good pace, this is a book that has you wanting to put down at times due to the graphic nature of what is being written and not put it down due to the gripping nature of the story ... not put it down won out with me.

This is the first book by John Nicholl I have read before and it certainly won't be the last especially if they are as addictive and compelling as this has been and I therefore have no hesitation in recommending it to others who love a gritty and dark thriller who don't mind graphic and disturbing details that have you wincing as you read.

Many thanks to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of The Cellar.
Detroit: Become Human
Detroit: Become Human
2018 | Action/Adventure
Storyline, Characters (0 more)
Interactive Gold
If you like the interactive type choice games, then Detroit Become Human is for you. I was really intrigued by the trailers for this game and thought , why not. I was not disappointed. You follow the story of Marcus, Kara and Connor. Their fate depends on you! Yes...choices made in this game affects the outcome of their particular storyline. It means their life or death. Yes you will find yourself getting attached to these characters and then a choice you make can mean the end of their life. These are not people you are controlling...they are androids. Androids who have developed a sense of right and wrong amd want to be independent and treated the same as humans. Of course there are many different outcomes. It can end good for everyone involved, end bad for everyone involved or a mixture. depends on you. I would recommend this game to anyone who loves the "interactive movie" type games. I am sure you will love it as much as I do.
Last Podcast On The Left
Last Podcast On The Left
8.6 (16 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Reliable (4 more)
Fun group of guys making the podcast feel more inviting
Live shows that you can go to
Some may not enjoy the type of humour (2 more)
Can go off track slightly
Multiple voices speak at once
Any true crime enthusiast will love this podcast!
Three guys Marcus Parks, Henry Zebrowski and Ben Kissle all sit and talk about the grizzly stories of some of the scariest true crime and serial killer s of the past, they also discuss real life ghost stories and alleged alien abductions/sightings trying to stay netureal and using only sources for their episodes. All episodes are told alongside great humour and whilst going off track slightly sometimes it is always kept interesting. I want to state the bad points are not my view in particular and just feedback I have heard from other fans that I think are relevant.

Personally this is one of my favourite podcasts and I enjoy their whole network of shows which include wizard and the bruiser, abe lincolns top hat, kinda fun, page 7 and more
Bad Boys for Life (2020)
Bad Boys for Life (2020)
2020 | Action, Comedy, Crime
408. Bad Boys for Life. I thought this was part 4, I think it's the Mandela Effect! I'm telling ya!! I guess the line "I'm getting to old for this shit" can only be said in Lethal Weapon, Martin Lawrence's character I think says every combination possible of that phrase. So in this one we get super sexy Isabel breaking out of the joint, and she has a hit list, all those peeps responsible for putting her away is about to get a visit, the last name on the list, our hero cop Mike Lowrey!! Now even though Marcus is ready to retire, he's pulled in for one more job! Well, until the real part 4 comes out! So why does super sexy Isabel want with Mike? Well, I won't tell you, but I can say conveniently enough, those events took place right before the original Bad Boys. They are some old ass street cops dang! Perspective... Lethal Weapon 4, Mel Gibson is ten years younger than Will Smith during Bad Boys for Life lol. It was entertaining!! Filmbufftim on FB