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The Mark of Fate ( The Marked book 3)
The Mark of Fate ( The Marked book 3)
Rinna Ford | 2021 | Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
210 of 250
The Mark of Fate (The Marked series book 3)
By Rinna Ford

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

War will be waged, lives will be lost…

One step forward and two steps back.
That’s what it feels like for Emelia since nearly dying at the hands of the Council. No matter what, they always seem to have the upper hand, and to make matters worse, her triple hybrid nature is working against her. However, her ability to blow up things by accident is the least of her problems.
Friends will become enemies, and enemies will become something more as Emelia and her mates search for the ones they’ve lost and try to fulfill the prophecy before time runs out. Emelia is the cursed child foretold to rule them all, but will she be able to succeed where others have failed?

Only fate knows the answer.

I absolutely loved it! Best one so far I love how she is finally getting her self together and kicking ass! Ok so I may have cried a little I won’t put why as it’s a spoiler and I wouldn’t want to take that from anyone else enjoying this series. It didn’t take long to read as I just couldn’t put it down and it’s now almost 3am! Definitely recommend to any reverse harem or fantasy fan!
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
great script (3 more)
very good main villain
fits so well into the mcu
back on form for spidey
suit a bit of a gimmick (0 more)
spidey back on form
spiderman homecoming, a return to form for the webslinger after a series of disapointing movies. Not since spiderman 2 has there been such a good version of the character. Is it as good as those films know but in terms of the 3rd rami film and the mark webb films this movies is head and shoulder above them. Tom holland is perfectly cast as the hero. He balances the awkwardness and geeky charm of peter parker mixed with the wisecracking and heroism of spidey perfectly. Michael Keaton plays a rare beast a good mcu villian. He plays it so well you hate what he is doing but you can feel for the guy because of what he has been through. all other characters fit there purpose even a small role from iron man brings more connection with the wider mcu and helps further the story. I like the fact they went with the more john hughs feel with this movie. Its good there keeping the character in high school because in my opinion they skipped over that two fast in previous films.

my only criticism is that i found the spiderman suit too gimmicky. he is spiderman not iron spiderman.

in all this is a great film. with a fantastic cast and a great entry into the mcu. I look forward to more spidey in the future.

AT (1676 KP) rated Vigilance in Books

Jul 22, 2019  
Robert Jackson Bennett | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I tried. I really did. It sounded like a story that I was going to like, plus, it's a very short novel. Vigilance is about a reality TV show that puts active shooters in randomly selected places while the violence and drama plays out on national TV. The premise being that America should constantly stay vigilant against foreign and domestic threats of any kind. However, for a 190 page book, the actual TV show hadn't even been set up with a chosen shooter "cast" yet by the 50th or so page. Up until that point, it was just the executive producer, preparing to launch the episode in one way or another. At some point, he is supposed to get wound up in the action, or at least some sort of trouble, according to the blurb on the back of the book. However, at that point, the rest of the book gives little to no time to make for a good, descriptive story, so I can't imagine that it could blow my mind by the end. Most of what I've read is part satire, part almost lecture about gun-control and how owning doesn't equal trained to use properly, disguised as some of the characters' backstories. I truly looked forward to reading this book, but have decided to quit. There are way too many books out there to be read to spend time on a bad one. I think the premise was good, and the story had the potential of being really interesting. This one, however, just seems to have missed its mark. Pass.
Don't Even Breathe
Don't Even Breathe
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
From the bestselling author of Crash comes a riveting thriller rife with murder, misdirection, and ghosts from the past.
Florida homicide detective Maggie Novak has seen hundreds of brutal murder cases, but when she is called out to investigate the charred remains of a young woman, in what appears to be a Halloween prank gone wrong, she is confronted with a twenty-year-old secret. The body is formally identified as that of school counselor Dana Cullen, but a distinguishing mark makes Maggie look again. She believes it is the body of her school friend Rita, who perished in a fire twenty years ago.
Maggie’s hunt for the truth behind the murder takes her back to a cruel high school trick she’s desperate to forget. And when another body turns up, Maggie realizes she too may be the target of a sinister plot creeping toward its final act.
Maggie needs emotional distance to do her job, but she’s so close to this case that she can’t even breathe. Will Maggie be able to uncover the truth of who wanted Rita dead? Or will her past mistakes catch up with her first?

Don't Even Breathe is a great thriller with lots of twists.
You are thrown straight into action from the beginning.
Lots of suspense and twists that keep you gripped until those final pages.
Love the new characters and can't wait to see how they develop and evolve.
Looking forward to more of this series.
Recommend reading.

I would like to thank the author, Amazon Publishing UK and Netgalley for the ARC.
Show Me the Way (Fight for Me, #1)
Show Me the Way (Fight for Me, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

This one starts with Rynna leaving her small town after yet another run in with her bullies, breaking her Grammy's heart as she flees. Fast forward quite a few years and Rynna is coming back to run the diner her Grammy used to own after her passing away. She's wary of people recognising her and dreads running into her bullies but makes new friends within her first days and meets her neighbours, single dad, Rex, and his young daughter Frankie Leigh. Rex has closed himself off from pretty much everyone and, intrigued by the contradictory man, Rynna can't help wanting to get to know him.

This was sweet. Both damaged in one way or another, wanting to overcome it when they meet that special someone and in this case it's each other. My only issue is I want angst in my stories lately. I want them to scream and fight and make up with each other. That didn't quite happen but somewhere around the 65% mark, someone made an appearance that sent everything up in the air and I was dragged into the story fully for the first time. It got a little intriguing with me wondering how it would all play out.

One thing I did really like about this book was Frankie Leigh. I have a huge weakness for adorable babies/children in my romances and Frankie Leigh may just have won the award for cuteness. She's so full of cute energy with her enthusiasm and crazy fashion sense. Adorable!

I wouldn't mind going back to Gingham Lakes to read Rex's friends stories.
Transcendence (Transcendence, #1)
Transcendence (Transcendence, #1)
1.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF @ 54%

I looked forward to reading this story for a while after seeing all the reviews by friends on here and when I finally got round to it a few weeks ago--yes, I said WEEKS!--I fell into the story.

Ehd seemed fairly clever mind wise, he knew names for things and had a good internal dialogue. He met Be(t)h fairly quickly, her appearing in his trap out of nowhere.

It was then I noticed a lack of dialogue between out characters. Beh talked, Ehd didn't understand. (Maybe I should point out that if a story is long, or is going through a patch of info overload, that I look for the next section of dialogue and continue from there.) There was no dialogue! Apart from the "name sound" as Ehd calls them and even they weren't said all that often. Add in Ehd's continual want to "put a baby in her" I was getting pretty fed up.

Life as a cave-man came across as being very boring and despite Beh's love of creating things out of clay and talking to a man who doesn't understand--which means we don't know what's she's saying either--then I lost interest very quickly.

My interest petered off at about the 45% mark but then I kept forcing myself to come back, to read a page or two now and then to see if it could redeem itself in my eyes, and unfortunately after skimming through the next 10% or so I just decided to give up, hence my DNF.

I may have to avoid cave-men stories from now on.
Deep Waters (Jagged Shores #3)
Deep Waters (Jagged Shores #3)
Thom Collins | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Harry has a sailing boat that tourists can rent out. He has been hired by writer Christian Costner to help him get a lay of the land and research for a new book the author is planning on writing. However, the weather takes a turn for the worse so they have to cut the trip short and head back to the shore, as they are heading back Christian is adamant he has seen somebody in the swell of the waves so speaks out. Harry, his onboard help and cousin Tom look to discover there is somebody in the water so a daring rescue takes place. They recover the body but that is only the start!

Thom has a very easy style of writing and it captivated me from the get-go. This is the 3rd book in the jagged shores series but can be read as a stand-alone. It has intrigue and mystery that does keep you guessing until it's all out in the open who has committed the crime. It certainly hoodwinked me I normally can be quite good at guessing whodunit but I was completely off the mark.

I was rooting for the relationship between Harry and Christian as it was something they both needed. There are sex scenes but nothing too crass.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and the author's writing and look forward to reading more of his books.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **


* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
The Anomaly
The Anomaly
Michael Rutger | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not what I thought, but it was ok
What was enjoyable about this book was it could be a movie. Imagery in the book was pictured clearly and the plot was good enough to make you think ‘This should be a movie’

The plot was all right. It’s enjoyable and makes for quick reading. It’s not overly complicated and the action scenes provide a good thrill here and there. It flowed and kept things interesting, however around the midway mark of the book things slow down and not much happens. Things do pick up quickly in the latter half. I didn’t expect the outcome to turn out as it is. I was looking forward to more of a plot like the movie “The Descent” with more thrills and horror. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case.

The characters on the other hand, don’t have much to them. They’re pretty much flat and are just there to keep the story going. Although I admit I rather liked Ken throughout the book. He was brash and hotheaded. Everything was either a complaint or an insult which made him stand out from the others. Although Nolan was the ‘leader’ in this group there really wasn’t much to him. There was a small background story to Nolan to give him more substance but it really isn’t much.

There’s a lot of intrigue and some bits of thrilling scenes to enjoy, some mystery in the end but overall I can’t really say it’s something I would gush about. Perhaps because I was expecting this to be more of a horror than anything else. Which is too bad, it had potential to be better but it fell short. I’d say take it or leave it. There’s no regrets reading it but don’t expect it to be gripping and exciting. It’s...meh.
As our story continues, the plot thickens. Finding sanctuary with her father, Lord Pierson, Julia becomes the center of London society. Being one of the wealthiest heiress’ in the country and keeping her past a secret at all costs drains her body, mind and spirit. She no longer knows who she is or what her heart truly longs for. Lord Pierson has plans of matrimony for Julia to Lord Dalry. Macy is still on the loose and is always searching for his “lost wife”. Thoughts of Edward are ever at the forefront of her thoughts. Will Macy expose Julia and Lord Pierson? Will Julia submit to her Father’s decisions regarding her future? When all seems lost will she turn to the One who will never leave us nor forsake us?

  As I proceed with this trilogy I am constantly frustrated with our characters, yet I have been drawn in so much that I must finish! There are a few character inconsistencies in Mark of Distinction regarding Lord Pierson. Nothing major, but enough to make me a tad confused. Yet without it, there would be no story. Julia’s personality is slightly aggravating as well. She is constantly making the worst decisions and then has extreme consequences to face. Although the beginning of her journey towards God is touching. Lord Dalry is an all around good guy and I like his character a lot! Mr. Forrester’s treatment of Julia made me quite upset. Constantly putting her down, in front of her father and Lord Dalry, and never believing her story. He ends up helping her, but in the worst possible way.

  Although I will probably not read this series again, I am enjoying it and am looking forward to seeing how Jessica Dotta ties up the loose ends in Price of Privilege.
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)
2014 | Horror
5.0 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Supernatural Superpowers That Are Cursed
Ugh here we go again- which one is this number 8, number 3210, number who cares, number whatever. Its the fifth one by the way, if people are wondering.

Im just tired of this franchise, nothing happens until the last 15-20 minutes of the movie, thats when shit happens. So the rest of the movie is boring. So whats the plot this time.

The Plot: Teenagers Jesse (Andrew Jacobs) and Hector (Jorge Diaz) look forward to a carefree summer, but the murder of a neighbor leads to a terrifying encounter with the supernatural. After breaking into the neighbor's apartment, Jesse and Hector find a collection of ritualistic art and other bizarre items. Jesse takes a journal of occult writings and soon after finds a strange mark on his arm. His subsequent erratic behavior leads Jesse's friends and family to the realization that he is possessed.

So in this one a recent high school graduate has a myserious neigherbor, and deicides to go into her house and gets the curse and than has superpowers??? Like he can lean back far, jump the stairs high from his skateboard, and push people, wait what??Later on, when he gets captured two man get their shotguns and shoot the cult, wait what?? Than his friend goes through a door and ends up at the house from the first move and see Kate and Micah, wait what?? That makes no sense.

By the way this movie came out in Januray and besides the first one which came out late September, the rest of them came out in October. So this one came out in dump month, and it was a piece of dump.

Ugh One more right....Right.....Right....