Masculine, Feminine, Neuterand Other Writings on Literature: Essays and Interviews, Volume 3
Roland Barthes and Chris Turner
Last season, Seagull Books published the first three volumes in a new series collecting essays and...

Masculin Féminin (1966)
Paul is a young, romantic idealist who finds himself entwined with an up-and-coming pop star named...
French New Wave Masculine Feminine 15 Specific Events 15 faits précis La Nouvelle Vague

A FREE sex quiz - Gender Mind Benders
Weather and Games
█ Spend hours of fun answering questions designed to test your masculine and feminine side. The...

Dr. Pat Allen Podcast
Dr. Pat Allen is a relationship expert who gives weekly seminars in both Los Angeles and Orange...

Unearthing Venus: My Search for the Woman within
Driven, highly successful television editor and journalist Cate Montana was raised in a man's world...
Womb Awakening: Initiatory Wisdom from the Creatrix of All Life
Azra Bertrand and Seren Bertrand
The Ancients lived by a feminine cosmology of creation, where everything was birthed and dissolved...

Inclinations: A Critique of Rectitude
Adriana Cavarero, Adam Sitze and Amanda Minervini
In this new and accessible book, Italy's best known feminist philosopher examines the moral and...

Gender Trouble
One of the most talked-about scholarly works of the past fifty years, Judith Butler's Gender Trouble...

The New Garconne: How to be a Modern Gentlewoman
The New Garconne is a non-prescriptive guide for today's modern, independent and stylish woman. It...

Sacred Retreat: Using Natural Cycles to Recharge Your Life
Barbara Hand Clow and Pia Orleane
Drawing on the wisdom of ancient cultures, the natural cycles of life, and her own groundbreaking...