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Dustin Kensrue recommended High Violet by The National in Music (curated)

High Violet by The National
High Violet by The National
2010 | Alternative
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I probably listen to the National more than any other band, and this record was my way in. I can’t say it’s better than the rest, especially the last few, but it’s got a special place in my heart. If I could ever get sick of listening to it, I would have found out by now. This band takes a while to get into in my opinion, at least it did for me and others I’ve known. Matt Berlinger’s baritone crooning and unorthodox rhythms took a while to open up to me but quickly became a balm to the soul. Try the song Bloodbuzz Ohio."

The Departed (2006)
The Departed (2006)
2006 | Action, Drama, Mystery
The Cast (0 more)
Two Sided Coin
The Departed- is a excellent film. The cast, the plot, the mystery, the thrills, the suspense and the crime are all excellent.

The plot: South Boston cop Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) goes under cover to infiltrate the organization of gangland chief Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson). As Billy gains the mobster's trust, a career criminal named Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon) infiltrates the police department and reports on its activities to his syndicate bosses. When both organizations learn they have a mole in their midst, Billy and Colin must figure out each other's identities to save their own lives.

Its a excellent film and a must watch.
The Great Wall (2016)
The Great Wall (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Mystery
5.8 (27 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Universal Studios and Legendary’s latest monster film is from the brilliant mind of Zhang Yimou. I must say that though this was a Yimou film I was not really intrigued with the trailer and almost skipped it however I’m glad that I didn’t!

William (Matt Damon) and Toval (Pedro Pascal) are mercenaries trying to make it rich. They are on a mission in China on the lookout for legendary exploding black powder. Instead they find a huge Great Wall and are mystified as to why it was built and what it is trying to keep out. The Tao Tei, are prehistoric looking monsters who are a danger to all of humanity and the only thing stopping them is the wall. William is a skilled archer and Toval a witty fighter. With their help they might be able to save humanity from the onslaught of the Tao Tei.

 I thoroughly enjoyed this film and found it extremely entertaining. The action and unexpected humor is what sold it for me. The casting of Matt Damon and Pedro Pascal was brilliantly thought out and kept the audience laughing with the duos chemistry and how well they played off of each other.

Despite all of the controversy about having Matt Damon as the lead in a Chinese film is crazy and I think Zhang has made the right choice in doing so. To be successful in the American film industry sometimes you have to use a big star to bring in big results. Though the story and script are basic and easy to follow the action, scenery, costumes and humor are fantastic and what makes the film great. This film should definitely be viewed with the 3D option as it fully immerses the audience into and becomes a part of the story. A lot of CGI was used and though normally I am not a fan of a lot of CGI, it works with the film rather than against it. I would definitely recommend this film but the monsters might be too much for kids to handle in 3D.
Loving a Warrior
Loving a Warrior
Melanie Hansen | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved it!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Matt and Shane are in BUD/S training: an intense 6 months training to get them both into the Navy SEALS. They did not account for the intense chemistry between them, know that it can never happen while they are training, if they end up in the same unit. But neither can stay away from the other and anything worth fighting for is never going to be easy.

After all, the only easy day was yesterday.

This is only the second book of Ms Hansen I've read. Unquiet broke me, and I approached this one with kid gloves, because, I mean, she BROKE me before! And while THIS book isn't quite as emotionally devastating as Unquiet, it's still a very good read.

Matt joined the BUD/S training to follow in his beloved uncle's footsteps. Shane joins after spending time in the Marines, but his REAL reason doesn't come clear til much later. Neither wanted a relationship, and after graduation they were gonna get this. . . . whatever it is between them. . . out their system. But emotions have a way of coming out of left field, and Shane admits he wants MORE.

This book is quite heavy on the physical and emotional aspect of this kind of training. And at first, I didn't like it too much. BUT as the book moved along with Shane and Matt's relationship, I found myself thinking that aspect is really rather needed. It goes deeper than running the fastest mile, or swimming the longest, or finishing that O course in the quickest time. It goes deep within Matt and Shane, and how far they have to dig to get what they.

To get WHO they want.

It's told well, from both men's point of view, and I wasn't sure that would be the case at first, so when Shane gets his voice, I was happy. Ya'll KNOW how happy I am when everyone important gets a voice!

I didn't find it overly explicit, but it wasn't needed here. It's well over half way before Matt and Shane get to the main event, but the build up to that was great reading. It pitters and patters along, a little more here and there, til they finally decide to let their feelings run free. And it was glorious!

Some secrets revealed that I saw coming, and some not.

There is a second book, Keeping A Warrior in this series, and at first I thought it a follow on to this but it's not. It's about a character who pops up here, and I would like to read it. Especially after what happens to him here, and reading the blurb of THAT book, it ain't gonna end well!

A solid . . .

4 star star read

P.s That tag line " The only easy day was yesterday"?? Gonna stick with me a while!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Outlaws Daughter is the third book in the Haywire Brides Series by Margaret Brownley. It can be read as a standalone (I haven’t read the other in this series yet and got along just fine), I will be going back and reading the rest of the books in this series though.

     I loved Texas Ranger Matt Taggert in this book! His balance between doing his job and his feelings for Ellie-May was interesting to see. I thought that there was good chemistry between the two main characters and that Matt showed respect for everyone involved. Ellie-May is a great southern Momma (at night when she hears a noise, her first thought is to reach for her shotgun under her pillow!), she is a well-behaved lady who takes care of those around her, and she loves her kids. She is someone I would love to meet in real life. The plot of this story was interesting, it had fast-paced scenes and slower-paced scenes, and I liked the western feel to the town. It kept me engaged throughout the story. I liked the small town where everyone knew everyone, which is not always a good thing, but it was cool to see the town interact with the characters.

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the fun characters, the cool western town, and the storyline
The Adjustment Bureau (2011)
The Adjustment Bureau (2011)
2011 | Sci-Fi, Romance
7.1 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This was a good entertaining film, with some great actors, cool SFX and a decent story. However personally I feel the comparisons of Bourne Identity crossed with Inception is very misleading. If anything this is a romantic film with a bit of Sci-Fi and witty dialogue thrown in. The SFX towards the end is a tiny bit similar to Inception and other than Matt Damon starring and being on the run that's all it has in common with the Bourne Identity. If anything it reminded more of Serendipity, a film about fate, chance and destiny when it comes to love. Still a very good film to watch but it's not all out action or a thriller.
This was a well thought book to read. It about a Old woman and her home a bit along with quilting. We find out some things about Mrs. Compson. We also learn about her family history a bit and Elm Creek Manor. It quite a sweet story.

If you decide to pick this book up and start reading you will finding out the family history of Elm Creek Manor. Sarah is hired to be a personal assistant to help clean up the Manor. Matt is in charge of the restoration of the Manor.

This book is about forming friendships, relationships and quilting. You will be amazed by what all in the this book and what is about.
Suburbicon (2017)
Suburbicon (2017)
2017 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
Period-set black comedy-thriller with Matt Damon as a pillar of the titular planned community, struggling to recover from the death of his wife in a burglary-gone-wrong. (Or is he...?) Actually based on a script set aside by the Coen brothers decades ago; it's tempting but fruitless to speculate as to how much of their work remains.

Quite well directed by Clooney, and the plotting is very smart, but a subplot about toxic racism feels intrusive and disconnected from the rest of the film - as a result what could have been a clever and understated film just feels like it's indulging in clumsy virtue-signalling. Would have been much better without the preachiness.
The Possession of Mr Cave
The Possession of Mr Cave
Matt Haig | 2019
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
One of Matt Haig's earlier books and I'm becoming a bit of a Haig disciple after reading a great number of them now.
The Possession of Mr Cave is the story of fatherhood lead by paranoia and is quite difficult to put down. Paranoia effects every decision and judgement from a father that loses one child and is desperate to preserve his other. Is he being possessed by his dead son or is he just losing his mind? Does desperation to be a great father cause you to be a great father or will it stifle life? You want to continue reading every page, just one more until its end. Another brilliant read!
Doctor Who: Day of The Doctor
Doctor Who: Day of The Doctor
2013 | Sci-Fi
8.6 (40 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Matt Smith (4 more)
David Tennant
John Hurt
War doctor
No loch Ness monster (0 more)
Just finished watching again probably one of my favourite new who episodes and the perfect way to celebrate its birthday. Still going strong after 56 years hard to believe it's the longest running sci fi show in the world. Anyway back to the episode what can I say about it besides probably the best who casting of all time in John Hurt as the war doctor no one else could have played him quite like he does. the rest of cast are just as good and too bring the zygons as well brilliant but no loch Ness monster shame