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Doctor Who: Engines of War
Doctor Who: Engines of War
George Mann | 2023 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The War Doctor.

A previously unknown incarnation of the Time Lord known only as The Doctor, as portrayed by John Hurt in the Dr Who 50th anniversary special 'the Day of the Doctor' in 2013 during Matt Smith's tenure as The Doctor (and with David Tennant also reprising his role as the same character).

The War Doctor refers to the fact that *this* incarnation participated in the Time War, a fundamental part of the backstory of Nu-Who, between the Daleks and the Time Lords.

Its also open to interpretation whether the Engines of War of the title here are those Daleks, or the various TARDIS's used by the Time Lords during this story, which itself is largely split into 3 segments: part 1 on the planet Moldox (which the Daleks have conquered, and where the Doctor meets his new companion for this story), part 2 on Gallifrey (the home of the Time Lords), and part 3 in the space above Moldox, in the Tantalus Eye.

The result is something that is generally light-weight enough: solid if not spectacular. But, then again, that could probably apply to just about every extended universe tie in there is!
The Silver Witch
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel is told in both the present and in ancient Celtic times, both storylines taking place in the same locale. In present day Wales, following the death of her husband, Tilda moves into the house that she and Matt had purchased to start their new life in together. After spending some time alone in her cottage, Tilda starts to experience strange things, and finds a new sort of power developing inside her. In ancient times, we hear the story of Seren, a shaman and seer to a Celtic Prince who lived on a man-made island in the middle of the lake near Tilda's cottage.

Each story on its is intriguing. We know early on that there is a connection between the two women, but it takes longer for Tilda to realize why she feels such an affinity for the lake and the area around her new home. By the time she does, her life and the life of her new love may be in more danger than she can handle.

This book has a little bit of everything. Historical fiction, fantasy, suspense, and a touch of romance. I highly recommend this one if you are a fan of any of those genres.
So: Daredevil.

AKA MAtt Murdock: Blind Lawyer by day, Vigilante by night.

And a character that, unlike (say) your Superman or Spiderman or Batman's, only really came to my attention with the (so-so) 2003 movie of the same name, and the more recent (and better) Marvel Netflix series'.

I'd also never read any of the comics/graphic novels before, although I knew that the TV series, in particular, drew heavily from that source, but had heard good things about them. With all that said, I thought I would take a risk on this particular collection (purchased, and read, via Comixology on my iPad) to see what all the fuss was about.

And, at first, I wasn't overwhelmed - I found the first story arc just so-so, and couldn't really get to grips with the art-style.

However, things picked up (for me) once the collection went back to a more conventional art style, with the whole story arc around the attempted coup against the Kingpin, followed by his estranged wife's revenge, then by the outing of Murdock's secret identity (wow!) and the trial of the Costumed Superhero (not him) that follows a succession of whammies (for want of a better word) one after the other ...

More, please!
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
1998 | Action, Drama, War
First, let me start with an admission: I'd never actually seen this film before, even if it is (now) nearly 25 years old!

Oh, I was aware of it all right - I even remember seeing the posters in the cinemas when it first came out - but it just never really appealed to me all that much.

War movies rarely do.

I was also aware of the reputation it held, in particular because of brutality of the opening D-Day Normandy landing scenes (which still pack a punch today).

In case you've been living under a rock? The story follows a group of eight soldiers, led by Tom Hanks Captain Tom Miller (and including an early breakout role for Vin Diesel - who actually has hair!), who have been detailed to find and return home an American Paratrooper (the Private Ryan of the title, played by Matt Damon) who has been dropped somewhere in Europe after that paratrooper's three brothers are all killed during those landings. Cue them traipsing across war-torn lands, with the occasional musing on whether it is worth potentially losing eight men to rescue one, and with the drama largely provided by the fact that you never quite know who is going to survive or get bumped off next!
Chronicle (2012)
Chronicle (2012)
2012 | Drama, Horror, International
Walking into the theatre to see Chronicle I was pretty excited. I had not heard much about this movie, in fact I’ll be honest here… I heard a small amount of info about two months ago and then it dropped off my radar before a trailer appeared last Sunday.

The trailer was enough for me to believe that this movie was going to be different than some of the other superhero/people with powers movies out there. I must say I was not disappointed.

That being said, the movie was not quite what I expected. This film was not presented as a high-quality cinematic experience the way movies such as “X-men: First Class” were. Instead, think “Paranormal Activity” meets Heroe and you get a better understanding of the film. Most of the movie is viewed through a video camera that the main character is toting around to “chronicle” his life. The film also does a creative job of being able to portray events when it doesn’t make sense for the video camera to be around. Overall, I think they did a good job in the presentation. But now to the meat and potatoes.

Set in Seattle, Chronicle follows Andrew Detmer (Dane DeHaan, True Blood and In Treatment), a troubled teen who is having trouble fitting in with his fellow seniors at school. He has to deal with his abusive father and ill mother all the while traversing day to day life as the social reject. His cousin Matt (Alex Russell, Wasted on the Young) is his only real friend, and Andrew has his suspicions about that relationship as well.

At a high school party Matt and Steve Montgomery (Michael B. Jordan, Hard Ball and Friday Night Lights [TV]), the class president hopeful, come across a mysterious hole in the ground. Matt and Steve search Andrew out and convince him to go with them to record what could possibly be down in the hole.

They venture down in and find something almost indescribable. A meteor of some type had crashed in through the earth, only you don’t really know if this thing is a meteor or some type of living organism. Something goes wrong, and we are left wondering about the boys’ safety until we next see the boys a few weeks later and discover that they’ve been changed by their contact with this “meteor”. They now have telekinetic powers. Though weak at first, it is clear that the boys begin developing the power as they would a muscle and their relationship as friends begins to strengthen as well. We begin to focus on Andrew even more and see how he comes to terms with these new found abilities, and the affect it has on him as he continues to live his troubled life. As things begin to escalate, he starts to lose his grip on reality to a disastrous end.

While not a blockbuster movie in any sense of the word, this film definitely has a story to tell. It brings us back to a seemingly recurring theme over the past decade or so: don’t bully or ostracize people, or they could snap. While I did not feel that the events leading to the climatic high point in the movie were portrayed in such a fashion that you would believe Andrew would have reacted the way he did, it was still a very entertaining film.
Trusting a Warrior (Loving a Warrior #3)
Trusting a Warrior (Loving a Warrior #3)
Melanie Hansen | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hansen can grab you, by the heart strings, and drag you kicking and screaming through every single emotion known to man
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Loving A Warrior, and I STRONGLY suggest you read both books one, Loving A Warrior, and book 2, Keeping A Warrior, before you read this one. There is much referenced here that is not fully recapped. And you know, cos I said so! Both are 5 star reads.

As is this one!

Lani meets Geo on possibly the worst day of her life. Geo's ain't much better. Together they begin to navigate a relationship, while dealing with a huge amount of grief at the death of their loved ones.

Hansen has a knack of roping you in, pulling you close, and not letting you go. She can grab you, by the heart strings, and drag you kicking and screaming through every single emotion known to man, and then expect you to write a coherent review after!

I mean, I loved this book, I really did. It carries some difficult story lines, but again, Ms Hansen delivers them in a way that you cannot fault. Grief is a fickle thing, and everyone deals with that differently. I know, my sister and I dealt with my mother and father's death very different, but there is no right or wrong way. Here, Lani's grief is a decade old, but she still suffers. Geo's is much fresher, and it's HIS pain that hit me the most.

I have no personal experience of war, or those who serve. I can only imagine the horrors that are presented on a daily basis. It's to be expected that some will struggle with that, but put on a "brave face" The way Hansen describes Geo's grief and his own spiral downwards is heartbreaking, it really is. Only his relationship with Lani saves him.

I loved how the others in this series; Matt and Shane and Rhys and Devon, play a huge part here. I loved that Devon and Lani become such good friends, even if Lani is Rhys' ex.

What I want to know now, Ms Hansen, is this! Will we be privvy to want happened in Keeping A Warrior, and here, to Matt and Shane?? Cos let me tell ya, I does NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED to know! We get an inkling of what Matt suffers here, but not enough. So, please, write a followup!

Love, love LOVED the epilogue! And I loved Bosch, Geo's military dog.

I can't, in any honesty, give this book any less than. . .

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Ford v Ferrari (aka Le Mans '66) (2019)
Ford v Ferrari (aka Le Mans '66) (2019)
2019 | Action, Biography, Drama, Sport
The more films I see by James Mangold, the more I like him.

Ford v Ferrari (or Le Mans '66 as it's titled in the UK) is an outstanding movie in every way.
Based on a true story, FvF follows car designer Carroll Shelby (Matt Damon) and race driver Ken Miles (Christian Bale) after they are commissioned by Ford to create a new race car capable of beating the notorious Ferrari team during the Le Mans endurance race in France.
I'm not really into racing - I'm not a big sports guy full stop - but this film balances the amount of racing action and heartfelt and frequently humourous drama perfectly.

Both Matt Damon and Christian Bale just bought everything they have to this, and straight up deserved Oscars - I would actually go as far as saying this is arguably Bales' best performance to date.
The supporting cast are fantastic as well, especially Caitriona Balfe as the wife of Ken Miles, Mollie. The chemistry between her and Bales' character is believable and sweet.
I also enjoyed Josh Lucas as smarmy Ford executive Leo Beebe, and detested his character with a passion. And of course Jon Bernthal - I'm yet to see him in anything where he is less than great.

The story is inspiring to say the least, and the screenplay is clever in the way that it focuses on the every day character like Ken Miles, has you rooting for him against the suits, people who put money and profit in front of knowledge. It's a relatable feeling.
As I mentioned, I'm not a big sports guy, so taking this into account, the racing scenes (of which there are a fair few) were nothing short of thrilling. They're really well shot, with seamless special effects, and full of tension. In fact, every inch of Ford v Ferrari feels like it's had so much love, attention, and detail poured into it. It's an all round great experience.

I haven't a single bad word to say about Ford v Ferrari, it's spectacular, full of soul, and easily one of the best films of 2019.
Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
2007 | Action, Mystery
Computers have become such a mainstay of modern life that few of us even stop to imagine just how much of our lives are affected by them. In the course of a standard day, everything from the lights at the corner, offices, banks, and even the cars we drive are all governed in some ways by computers.

In the latest chapter in the Die Hard series, “Live Free or Die Hard”, audiences are given a glimpse of what could happen should a massive attack on our nation’s computer network occur, and shown how life as we know it could be severely altered without our digital creations monitoring the numerous tasks to which they have been assigned.

For Detective John McClane, (Bruce Willis), being in the wrong place at the right time has become par for the course, when his routine transportation of a suspected hacker named Matt Farrell (Justin Long), soon has him in a heated shootout, he realizes this is not going to be just another day at the office.

The nations computer network has come under attack by a cyber terrorist named Thomas Gabriel (Timothy Olyphant), and in short order everything has shut down, and the cities of the country are in total chaos.

Since the bad guys have been so intent on silencing Matt, John becomes his guardian as the two try to unravel the master plan behind the attacks, and stay one step ahead of the legion of hired goons.

This is no easy task as seemingly every step of the way the duo are under attack from all fronts from an unseen enemy that can strike anywhere, and often without warning which results in some truly inspired and impressive action sequences.

In a race against time, old school cop McClane must rely on the tech fluent Matt as he once again finds himself the only man who can save the day before the world as we know it is lost.

This “Die Hard” is a real treat as it is the rare summer offering that not only lives up to the hype and promise, but surpasses it. Willis reportedly waited to find the write script and director (Len Wiseman of the “Underworld” films); to bring the next chapter to the series and it is a dynamic and effective pairing.

Wiseman is a fan of the series and as a teen was influenced by the earlier films in the series. His love and understanding of the characters and subject matter is clear as he stages very clever and entertaining action sequences that while thrilling, never take the place of the human elements of the film.

The film is clearly about McClane and his reluctant heroics as he laments that being a hero is not all that it is cracked up to be, and the aftermath of such actions often make for a life filled with baggage.

Willis is in top form, as he comfortably steps back into the familiar role and throws himself physically into a very demanding role, where he insisted upon doing the majority of his stunt work. His gritty approach to the character pays off, as McClane is not some super-powered character; he is a normal man, with faults who is driven to do his part when needed.

The film does take a brief pause about 80 minutes into the nearly two hour run time to expand on some of the characters and the plot, but ramps up for an amazing finale that has some of the best action and stunt work in recent memory.

It was reported that Wiseman kept CGI effects to a minimum for many sequences in order to give them a more realistic look, and in doing so, has crafted a true gem.

Some people have complained about the film being “toned down” to PG-13 but I can tell you that there is just as much action, violence, and body count as any film in the series; they were just not overly gratuitous with the use of blood. That being said, at no point did I get the impression I was watching a sanitized film, I was too busy enjoying a solid action film that takes the audience on one hell of a thrilling ride.
Time Travel Dinosaur
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href="">Full Review</a>
I received Time Travel: Dinosaur by Matt Youngmark for free in exchange for a review. When I found out I won this book I was excited. I grew up reading Choose Your Own Adventure books and I felt that this book would have the opportunity to throw me back to sitting on the floor in the library with my friends reading for hours on end. This book most definitely did except this time I was sitting in my bathtub soaking my soak body after a long day at work.

The book is witty yet it causes the reader to think beyond the story, it causes the readers imagination to run wild and imagine as if they are in a jungle somewhere, to running for their life from a dinosaur to being an actual dinosaur to spending time on the moon with cops. The goal is to save the original timeline and you are able to do this through time travel.

There is some profanity used in this book, so while it appears to be perfect for children I believe it is aimed more for readers who are teenagers because of language use. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I hope teenagers and other adults who want a revamped choose your own adventure book to spark their imagination and entertain them for several hours.
Notes on a Nervous Planet
Notes on a Nervous Planet
Matt Haig | 2018 | Health & Fitness, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Science & Mathematics
9.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Modern life is a bit rubbish really.
For me, reading a Matt Haig book is like being told you're going to be OK for 300 or so pages. In this book, he discusses the effects of modern life on the mind and body of the modern human - and I'll agree with him that it's not all good. We need to step away from our screens, away from the constant pressure of social media and the news, and do something else, something more self nurturing. After reading this, I deleted all the news outlets that I followed on my Facebook account and put a screen time limit on my social media accounts. I look at the news once a day (or at least I try to!). They ARE addictive. I find myself reaching for my phone to check Facebook and Twitter all the time. I need to put my phone further away, and reach for a book instead!
I really liked the short chapters in this book, and the use of very short chapters which were like a little pep talk or an 'almost' meditation. I'm notoriously bad at reading non-fiction, so this was a really well planned book for people like me, purely because of the short chapters.
If you have concerns about modern life and it's stresses and strains, I would say that this is a good book to make you think about changes you could make.