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The Amber Spyglass
The Amber Spyglass
Philip Pullman | 2015 | Children
6.9 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fitting final part
There's no getting around it, this book and it's religious plot is completely bonkers, but fortunately in a good way. This final part works very well, it flits between the views of major characters with ease, all interesting their own way. It's good to see Lyra mature, and to see more of some characters that were sadly minor/missing in The Subtle Knife.
My only criticism would be that the ending seemed maybe slightly disappointing after the build up over 3 books. I'm interested to see how this is rectified in the new Book of Dust trilogy.
Last Night in Soho (2021)
Last Night in Soho (2021)
2021 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
The 60's timeframe makes for an awesome aesthetic (2 more)
Great acting
Thought I figured it out halfway through. Then came the twists
Dark and mature subject matter may be a bit triggering for some viewers (0 more)
Very slick and stylish psychological thriller!
Any time Edgar Wright is at the helm, you know you're in for a treat, and this film is no exception! Slick and stylish visuals, an intriguing story, and excellent acting from the leads. If you're a horror fan, you'll love it! If you're an Edgar Wright fan, you'll love it. Honestly, check it out either way. You'll be glad you did!
Teen Titans  - Season 5
Teen Titans - Season 5
2005 | Animation
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Lovable characters you can instantly connect with (2 more)
Mature and compelling, but still appropriate for kids, storytelling
Great mix of comedy, action, and dramatic moments
Not just a kids show
A Show I used to obsess over as a kid that holds up very well as an adult. The characters are some of my favorites in all of fiction and it provides a great mix of zany comedy and surprisingly heartfelt moments. The first three seasons are the best imo but 4 and 5 are great too. It's a real shame nothing like this is being made now. Recommended for fans of superheros and/or cartoons in general.
Power Rangers (2017)
Power Rangers (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
This movie did not live up to the hype. I was so excited when I saw the trailer and had such high hopes, but it just wasn’t the best. However, I had to give it at least a 6 because of pure nostalgia. I do like that it was a bit more mature because it was geared towards those of us who watched it as kids and are now adults, but still had that original cheesiness that you get when watching the show. I loved power rangers while growing up, and while I appreciate being able to revisit that part of my childhood, I wish it would have been better.
Angela's Ashes (Frank McCourt, #1)
Angela's Ashes (Frank McCourt, #1)
8.5 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Angela's Ashes was an extremely heavy, tragic but touching memoir peppered with humor and emotion and love. Frank McCourt is a master at telling stories, but this memoir of his Irish Catholic family, spans so many subjects, so creatively and so beautifully - from family, to love, religion, sickness, abandonment, poverty... The hardship that immigrants had to go through is heartbreaking - as is their strength, and will to survive and make better lives for themselves. So much emotion after reading this. I don't know if this story will leave me for awhile. Definitely something for the mature reader, and definitely something that stays within you.
Kill Your Darlings (2013)
Kill Your Darlings (2013)
2013 | Drama, Mystery, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Idealization vs Obsession
I thoroughly enjoyed the way they portrayed the idea of idealization turning into unnoticeable obsession. While this notion was intriguing it was also heartbreaking. The characters where not hard to fall in love with at least in my opinion because I shared such a close philosophy with them. The movie, Kill Your Darlings, questions philosophy, friendship, passion, obsession, and existence. I've never watched another movie that so outwardly expressed such dark concepts in such brilliantly philosophical undertones. I recommend this movie to those that are mature enough to not only understand it's content but also brave enough to ask the same questions and explore the answers.

Cumberland (1142 KP) rated Joyride in Books

Oct 16, 2018  
Amy Ehrlich | 2008 | Young Adult (YA)
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slow Start
This book started off really slow, and I had a hard time getting interested in it. It doesn't pick up until the last half of the book, and ends without the story feeling complete.
For the most part the characters were likable however they were not always believable. Nina was way to understanding for a kid her age. The book plays this off as her being mature, but in reality it made her character come across as unrealistic.
This book had all the potential to be a good read, but still managed to miss the mark. I would suggest just skipping this one and finding something else.
Goliath (Leviathan, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Goliath brought an epic conclusion to the Leviathan Trilogy. I read through this book quicker than the others (and that is saying a lot). As the crew of the Leviathan continue their mission, the action and adventure increases! Tensions rise as secrets long kept come into the light. Alek wants to do the right thing, but is his judgement clouded? If you are looking for something new to read, this trilogy is where it is at! Watching Alek and Deryn learn, grow and mature along this journey was a delight. This is a great story and one that I look forward to revisiting in the future.
Elements of Retrofit (Thomas Elkin #1)
Elements of Retrofit (Thomas Elkin #1)
N.R. Walker | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think this is the biggest age gap I've ever read in a book (22 yrs) but strangely it didn't bother me at all. Cooper was just so mature for his age, it was on a very rare occurrence that he'd do or say something that made him seem in his 20's. And Tom was pretty cool, too. Together they were just a cute couple.

The whole Architecture thing was really interesting too. It's not something I'd have thought would interest me but reading about the drawing of buildings and all the details that were was quite fascinating.

I'd definitely be interested in the rest of the series.
Forbidden Games (Jeux interdits) (1952)
Forbidden Games (Jeux interdits) (1952)
1952 | International, Classics, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"In my top three love stories. Narciso Yepes’s legendary score gives this juvenile romance its fame and contributes to its magic, but the movie is an entity of perfection. The artistic direction is meticulous and inspired; there’s a vanguard oneiric look to the film. Brigitte Fossey delivers an endearing and incredibly mature performance, and looks the epitome of femininity despite her—gulp—six years of age. Great opening sequence depicting the 1940s French exodus from Nazi occupation. Genuine and sensible study of youthful mores; creative representation of the children’s universe. Stunning grace and poetry. Heartbreaking departure scene. I love that film. It makes me want to be a pretentious critic."
