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Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
2009 | Action, Role-Playing
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Visuals (3 more)
Subbed not Dubbed
Choices for creating/obtaining new equipment
Repetitive Gameplay (1 more)
The maps may confuse some
Muramasa: The Demon Blade was my favorite game released for the Wii, and remains one of my favorite video games of all time. The hand-painted background illustrations and characters fly by as you explore the world, either as Momohime or Kisuke, and fight your way through each screen and each boss.

Part of the reason I love this game as much as I do is that it's an odd duck. There's too much role-play to be a full on action game, but too many elements of an action game to be a full on role-player; but still somehow manages to to feel quite like an action role-player. Muramasa occupies a weird middle ground that I haven't encountered in any other action/role-play title, and it's a middle ground that I keep going back to.

Lately my Wii has been just a Homebrew-channel-running emulator machine, but rediscovering Muramasa has turned it back into an actual Wii. I almost even want to buy a PS Vita, just to pick up a copy of Muramasa Rebirth!
2019 | Card Game, City Building, Racing, Spies / Espionage
Raise your hand if you’ve ever dreamed of being a superhero – fighting crime and saving lives. Great! This game is not about that. Instead, embrace your inner villain as you work to create the greatest evil lair in the world! Dig deep and put your villainy to the test as you command Henchmen to build nefarious rooms and outmaneuver the other villains vying for power in this evil organization.

Lair is a worker placement game in which players are racing to complete the construction of a secret lair for their evil boss, Mr. White. Played over a series of rounds, players select turn order and command henchmen to construct new rooms, collect supplies, interfere with your competitors’ plans, or dig deeper into the volcano in which this lair is housed. The first player to reach the core of the volcano, thus completing the lair, is the winner!

Disclaimer: We were provided a copy of Lair for the purposes of this review. I do not intend to rehash the entire rulebook, but rather provide an overview of the rules and comment on the gameplay. For a more in-depth look at the rules, find the game at your FLGS or directly from the publisher! -L

To setup, place the foundation cards at the top of the table and then place 4 elevator cards in a single line underneath the center-most foundation card, and put the Core card at the bottom of the line. Flip the top elevator card, give each player their components (Player Card, Boss token, and 2 Henchmen tokens), create a room card pool, and you are ready to go! Choose the first player as described in the rule book. To start each round, players will choose turn order. All spaces in the turn order track offer different resources/rewards (collect Work Tokens, claim room cards, etc), so going first each turn might not necessarily be best for your strategy. Once turn order is established, players take turns moving 1 worker (either a Henchmen or Boss), and possibly performing the action of the room card to which they moved. Each move costs 1 Work Token, and is paid to the “bank.” In order to perform a room’s action, you must play your Boss token to that card, and there must be a Henchmen token already in the room. Here’s the catch – if the Henchmen token belongs to an opponent, you pay THEM 1 Work Token (instead of the bank) for having moved into a room that they have claimed. Do you want to use a room action enough to justify giving an opponent another Work Token to be used against you? Or can you rework your strategy to avoid using that action? Play continues in the round as long as players have Work Tokens to spend. Once you run out of actions, or choose to stop, you ‘retire’ and pass until the next round begins. There is an incentive to retiring early, though – the first player to retire in a round is the first player to choose their turn order in the next round. Play continues until one player has reached the final spot on the elevator track, the Core. The game immediately ends, and that player is the victor!

So how does Lair play? In my opinion, it’s a great little game. There is so much strategy involved for such a small game, and that is really what takes it to the next level for me. Let’s start with selecting turn order. In most games, this means vying for first dibs in the next round. In this game, however, each different turn order slot provides different resources/rewards. Depending on your strategy, you may really need that 3rd slot, or even the last one! So going first is not necessarily always the best thing in this game. You have to balance the risk of going later in the round with the reward of your chosen resources. The next strategic part of this game has to do with Henchmen placement. As I stated earlier, in order to use a room’s action, you must move your Boss to that card, and there must already be a Henchmen present. If the Henchmen belongs to an opponent, you pay them instead of the bank. This is vital because Work Tokens are what allow you to take turns, so paying an opponent means giving them a chance for another turn next round. Is it worth rewarding an opponent for use of a room action? On the flip side – can you strategically place your Henchmen to ensure that opponents have to pay you to complete their goals? The Boss may be in charge, but the Henchmen are the underdogs in this game for sure.

Components. The components are pretty good quality in this game. The cards are nice and thick, the art is thematic, and the wooden and cardboard tokens are sturdy. No complaints there. The only qualm that we had with Lair has to do with iconography. Every possible action has a corresponding symbol, and that is what is shown on the card. The downside is that there are so many symbols and icons, so there is a bit of a learning curve when it comes to playing Lair for the first time. To alleviate some of the confusion, the game comes with some nice reference cards, and the symbols do get easier to recognize with more plays. But just be warned: at first you may be a little confused with all of the symbology.

As you can see by our ratings, we kind of had mixed feelings about this one. For a game that seems so small and light, it actually has a lot of bulk to it. Between strategic choices and learning symbology, this might not be a game we can just pull out for a quick filler, but I think that it’s good enough to stand on its own. Sometimes physically smaller games can be overlooked, but don’t let the size fool you – Lair packs a punch. Purple Phoenix Games gives Lair a nefarious 12 / 18.
The Dukes of Hazzard (2005)
The Dukes of Hazzard (2005)
2005 | Action, Comedy
7.0 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Those good ol’ boys from Hazzard County are back, in the film version of one of the most enduring series from the 70’s.

For those unfamiliar with the series, each week Cousins Bo and Luke Duke used their super charged Dodge Charger, christened “The General Lee”, to avoid corrupt police, city overlord Boss Hogg, and bad guys of the week.

If this sounds very simplistic, it is, yet the show was a huge ratings sensation as were subsequent T.V. reunions after the show completed its run. Thanks to reruns on syndication and the recent DVD sales, a new generation is encountering the Dukes and in many ways, that is who the new film is targeted to.

Starring Johnny Knoxville and Sean William Scott as Luke and Bo Duke, the film follows the basic theme of the series as the two cousins joke with one another as they run Moonshine for their Uncle Jessie (Willie Nelson), and try to stay one step ahead of the Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane (M.C. Gainey),

As the film opens, Bo is concerned about defending his title in the annual road rally and tying the record with his 4th consecutive win. Luke is concerned about staying one step ahead of a shotgun toting father & son duo who aren’t thrilled about his numerous dalliances with the daughter.

It is all fun and games until local overlord Boss Hogg (Burt Reynolds), seizes the family farm when he plants a still on the property and drives the Dukes out. Not ones to take it sitting down, Bo, Luke, and Cousin Daisy (Jessica Simpson), set out to discover why Boss Hogg is acquiring through ruthless means all of the land in the outlying areas of Hazzard County.

Bo and Luke are forced to flee Hazzard County and venture to Atlanta in order to gain further insight into Boss Hogg’s plans, which results in some funny fish-out-of-water moments when Bo and Luke have to deal with yuppies, college dorms, and the ‘hood as well as city police and the Boss himself.

Of course in keeping with the show, there will be countless car chases, spectacular jumps, and more than enough T&A thanks to Simpson, but what is surprising is that the film’s humor for the most part works.

Directed by Jay Chandrasekher of the Broken Lizard comedy troupe, the film does have its share of moments that may raise a few eyebrows as drug use, sex, and shots to the groin are present in this film, as is language that is more colorful than anything from the original series.

That being said, it is important to remember, that times have changed greatly since the Dukes first aired and you cannot blame the film makers for attempting to reach out to a broader audience. Such is the running joke of Bo being more concerned with his car than with woman, and his inability to speak with the object of his affections without fainting. This is quite a change from the unflappable character of the television show, yet one that still allows the good natured appeal of the character to remain intact.

The cast works well, especially the chemistry between Knoxville and Scott, as well as the scenery chewing performance of Reynolds who seems to be having the time of his life in the role. Much has been made of Simpson’s part, but it is mostly a limited role that offers her little chance to do much more than serve as eye candy, and does not show if she is capable of doing much more.

Nelson is sadly underused, but when he is on screen he raises the bar as his easygoing charm is a perfect match for Uncle Jessie.

While the film is in no way great cinema, it is at times an enjoyable bit of nostalgia to the days when Friday nights growing up meant dinner in front of the television watching the Dukes.

If car chases and some light comedy are what you are in the mood for, and you do not mind a thin story, you can do a lot worse than the Dukes.
Surface Scratch (Neon Scars #1)
Surface Scratch (Neon Scars #1)
Gale Ian Tate | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SURFACE SCRATCH is the first book in the Neon Scars series, and also the first book published by this author. If you're looking for a light and fluffy romance then you've got the wrong book. This one is quite dark so be prepared.

Caleb has had a hard time of it recently. He and his family were in a car accident, leaving him with some major scars. His brother walks out and his mom dies. But then he gets a job at a nightclub and is intrigued by his boss, Marcus. He gets drawn into a world of vampires where, just as with humans, some are "good" and some not so much. There are also hunters who come across more as the bad guys than anything else.

As I said, this is dark. The loving is rough and almost violent (although written incredibly well.) I enjoyed Caleb and Marcus' story but am also looking forward to finding out more from the other characters. Vincent especially made me laugh as every time he called Caleb "Buttercup", I was hearing it said by different characters from The Princess Bride movie!

A great beginning to a series with a fantastic group of characters. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 5, 2023
Rainy Dog (1997)
Rainy Dog (1997)
1997 | Action, Crime, Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Rainy Dog introduces us to Yuuji, a yakuza hitman who lives in Taiwan. He mentions later on in the film that his grandma always told him that going out in the rain was bad luck and that couldn't be more true. Not too long after he received word from his brother that a hit was put on his former boss and was killed recently, a woman comes busting into his house while he's sleeping. She's brought a little mute boy named Ah Chen with her who she says is his son. She's taken care of him up until this point and he is now Yuuji's responsibility. Yuuji pretty much ignores Ah Chen and continues to carry out hits to pay the bills and even goes to a whore house while Ah Chen tags along every step of the way. When the prostitute(Lily) he'd been spending time with says she'd like to go somewhere where it doesn't rain, Yuuji takes it a little too seriously and kills the wrong people in order to get a little extra cash. Now, trying to stay one step ahead of the boss he was working for in Taiwan and his men, Yuuji tries to get Lily and Ah Chen out of town but doesn't count on bonding with a prostitute and a mute to become a dysfunctional family of sorts.

Rainy Dog is part of Takashi Miike's Black Society Trilogy. Shinjuku Triad Society, Rainy Dog, and Ley Lines make up the entire trilogy. The main reason I'm writing this review is because if you're familiar with any of Miike's former works, then you're probably expecting the black humor, crazy sex, and over the top violence and gore you may have seen in films like Ichi the Killer, Visitor Q, or Audition. Well, this has none of that. Rainy Dog is still dark and has a great sense of atmosphere, but has none of the things you may have thought were signature of a Miike film. The heavy rain may not sound like a lot on paper, but its presence throughout the film adds more to the overall feel of the movie than you may think. This is a crime drama and while it could have still very easily attained that R rating, it still doesn't show a whole lot. It's actually what it doesn't show that helps get the point across. Sometimes it's just better to let the viewer use their imagination.

I'm a fan of Miike's work. I really am. I'm hearing this is the best of the Black Society Trilogy though and if that's the case, then I'm going to be a little disappointed. I enjoyed Rainy Dog, but I felt there was room for improvement since it did seem to drag in certain scenes. This is actually a more character driven effort with drama and heartfelt scenes, scenes you'd never think you'd see in a Miike film, and I'm all for the unexpected. Maybe I was just a little letdown though as I do like the over the top violence Miike is known best for.

Rainy Dog is not a bad film, by any means. In fact, I'd recommend seeing it. I actually heard people comparing it to Unforgiven and Leon the Professional, so you'll probably like this if you enjoyed either of those films. Some fans say this is in Miike's top three best films of all time. I wouldn't go that far, but it's definitely worth renting or owning if you like crime films.

Do you remember that line from Kill Bill Vol. 1 that went something like this:

"It was not my intention to do this in front of you. For that, I'm sorry. But you can take my word for it, your mother had it coming. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, I'll be waiting." ?

It feels like it's an homage to this movie as there's a line almost identical to it:

"Grow up. Then come and kill me. I'll be waiting for you."
The Christmas Sisters
The Christmas Sisters
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once again I am transported straight into a family I want to seek out and join. Sarah Morgan has the uncanny ability to weave a story so real, so engaging that it leaves you wanting so much more when the storyline ends. I want to pack a bag, jump on a plane and head to the Highlands of Scotland to find this magnificent family and climb a mountain or 2.

Suzanne is the matriarch of the McBride family, 25 years ago her life changed, for the better, when she was blessed with 3 daughters. She was fulfilling a promise she made to their mother to care for them if anything happened to her or their dad. After that day on the mountain, 5 went up and only 1 came down, she knew what her new destiny would become. She is ecstatic that all 3 of her girls are coming home to Scotland for Christmas this year, it has to all be perfect.

Hannah doesn’t want to remember, or talk about, anything that happened 25 years ago. She prides herself on being a hard worker, a good boss, firm but strict and doesn’t have time for reminiscing or letting emotions get in the way. She knows this has strained her relationships with her sisters and adoptive parents Suzanne and Stewart. She just doesn’t know any other way. Getting involved with a colleague was by far the wildest thing she has ever done. Now she may be pregnant with his baby and has no idea what to do. First step is getting herself on the plane to Scotland, after canceling last year can she do it?

Beth is a champion multi-tasking mom. She left the work force after her first daughter was born and now that her kids are older, she is ready to head back. She needs to feel important, smart, not just like someone’s mom. Her husband works hard to make sure they have what they need but what she needs is to have some help from him at home. When she receives an offer to rejoin her old boss she goes to Jason to discuss her reentering the work force. He wants her to have another baby instead. She grabs her stuff, changes her ticket and heads to Scotland leaving him to care for their daughters and to fend for himself.

Posy loves living in Scotland, though she hates that her village is so small that literally everyone knows her business. Enter handsome lodger renting part of their barn for months in the winter. What’s a girl to do but do a little flirting? When both her sisters arrive home early she knows something is up but can’t get the real story from either of them. When their mother falls ill with the flu just before Christmas, Posy has to rally the troops to pull off the most perfect Christmas celebration yet.

But with a secret agenda, a demanding not quite boss, an arthritic pony, makeup malfunction, unexpected arrivals and locals that get the gossip all wrong, can anyone save this Christmas?

Once again a 5 star read from Ms Morgan, she grabs me at the first sentence and I just can’t stop reading until I finish. I literally read while brushing my teeth for fear of missing something. I received an advance copy without expectation for review. This book is just another reason why Sarah Morgan is one of my go to authors. I absolutely cannot wait to see where her next adventure takes me.
Relentless (Somerton Security #2)
Relentless (Somerton Security #2)
Elizabeth Dyer | 2018 | Romance, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Relentless (Somerton Security #2) by Elizabeth Dyer
Relentless is the second book in the Somerton Security series, and this time we are dealing with the big boss man himself, Ethan Somerton. This book does follow on from book one, so I would definitely recommend you read them in order, just so you get the most enjoyment out of them!

Ethan has a hard job to do - he needs to go undercover for a cartel, which could (most likely) get him killed. However, he is prepared to do that if it means he is giving a friend he thinks of like a brother a chance at living. They may have a friend on the inside though, as someone has been leaving tips for the various security forces, trying to help. Parker's program says one person, but Ethan is convinced it is someone else. Someone who sets his blood on fire, but has more walls than he does, and with very good reason. With a little bit of stubbornness and luck, they may just have a way forward.

This book is raw and gritty, and makes no bones about it. Ethan and Natalia have a hard time of it, both of them needing to trust the other, when trust is the hardest commodity to come by. I loved catching up with Parker and Georgia, and seeing how they are making it work, even when they are so different. Ethan is a tough man, but he certainly has found his match in Natalia. She has gone through things no one should, and survived.

With no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, this book was a brilliant read, and I certainly look forward to reading more in this series. I really need to know what happened at a certain time with a certain someone ;) If you like #Romance #Suspense, then I can pretty much guarantee you will love this series. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Defenseless (Somerton Security #1)
Defenseless (Somerton Security #1)
Elizabeth Dyer | 2017 | Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Defenseless (Somerton Security #1) by Elizabeth Dyer
Defenceless is the first book in the Somerton Security series, and we meet the guys and girls of that for the first time. Georgia is an ex-marine, hanging onto her job by her fingernails. She is not your 'typical' woman, and can't be doing with frou-frou, which doesn't help with the socialite crowd. When her boss, Ethan, offers her a job, she knows it's last chance saloon. What she didn't know was how Parker, super geek supreme, would affect her.

This was a great book to start the series with - it has pretty much everything you could want, plus a nice role reversal of male geek and female marine. There is action and suspense, along with a healthy dose of anticipation and sorrow. I think the only thing that stopped this being a 5-star review from me is Georgia herself. She is fantastic at supporting Parker and boosting his confidence, but her own is so low. This may sound harsh, but I got a little bit fed up of 'poor Georgia' and wanted her to kick ass like she had done so many times before.

With a great storyline, no editing or grammatical errors to be noticed, plus a smooth and flowing pace, this book was thoroughly enjoyable, and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Something About Eve (Eve Sumptor, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Lainey feels like there's something wrong with her life, and she wants to do something about it. She decides that going back to work might be just what she needs to get out of this slump in which she feels stuck. However, she's soon captivated by her new boss, Eve, who takes Lainey under her wing as her personal assistant. Soon, there's more than just art and paperwork between them, and they must decide how to handle the new-found feelings along with everything else in their tumultuous lives.

This story definitely kept me interested, as I wanted to see how everything would develop between Lainey and Eve, and especially to know just what all happened earlier in Eve's life to make her the woman she is today. Lainey's married, Eve's with Adam but doesn't know how to commit, and to top it off, there's people dying and going missing all around them, with each new problem being attributed to Eve. She knows what's wrong, but she has to prove it, and along the way we not only learn how ruthless and determined she can be, but we also get to see the vulnerable side that she's been hiding all this time.

My only criticism is that I thought it was a little long, but that may have just been me getting tired (I read it all in one afternoon/night). There was a lot of ground to cover, so it makes sense for it to be longer than the sequel, but to me it felt some parts could have been shortened without losing any information or natural flow of the story. Other than that, great novel, and I'm starting the sequel ASAP!

4.5 stars
Child's Play (2019)
Child's Play (2019)
2019 | Horror
Good Kills (1 more)
Good Doll Design
Slasher Cliches (1 more)
A.I. Chucky reborn in a tech savvy world.
As Chucky embarks into a new century, the filmmakers realize that it was time to make Chucky into artificial intelligence. In previous films, there was always a sense of witchcraft going on where it made Chucky come to life. This makes more sense of making Chucky as a Amazon Alexa type of technology. A Buddi of sorts.

They cleverly weave that into the depth of where Chucky's madness is taking over him. In how it started was a little far fetched. A guy decided to break the rules at his job because of poor working conditions and a over the top douche of a boss. It was mishandled how it happened.

I think that Aubrey Plaza, Gabriel Bateman, and Brian Tyree Howard are amazing in this movie. They really sell the world that was created for them, especially Bateman who is tortured by Chucky's antics.

As for the doll design, I think it looked really good. There are moments where rendering in the CGI was needed, but overall, it looked amazing in some scenes. I specifically remember the moment where Bateman is walking Chucky into his room and the way his facial expressions are used makes him weirdly human, and that increases the creepy factor within Chucky.

As for the negatives, it follows the typical ground plan of every slasher, especially Child's Play movies. Mom's boyfriend is a douche. Mom doesn't believe her son. Friends believe Andy. Nice cop who lives with mother may be the knight in shining armor. We can see where this is going, and it also takes a while for Chucky to actually kill something. It panders too much and I think they could've had more potential with the horror.