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The Fog Ladies
The Fog Ladies
Susan McCormick | 2019 | Mystery
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Plot Got Fogged In
When Sarah James moves to San Francisco to do her medical residency, she moves into a building in Pacific Heights and begins making friend with her older neighbors. One she struggles to like is Mrs. Bridge, her neighbor who lives directly across the hall, since Mrs. Bridge is always complaining about something. When Mrs. Bridge dies unexpectedly, Sarah thinks it is a sad accident. However, some of the other residents begin to see a pattern with other deaths in the building. Was Mrs. Bridge’s death an accident? Or will Sarah find something more sinister going on?

I was excited about this book and looking forward to reading it. Unfortunately, it failed to deliver. I was a bit overwhelmed by the characters at first, but as we got to know them, I was able to keep them straight. Sadly, that was because some of them never rose above their initial stereotypical caricatures, and they were annoying caricatures at that. The plot was slow to start with then all but vanishes in the middle third before coming back for a descent resolution. Too many sub-plots really detracted. A couple parts of the book seemed off to me, including a sub-plot involving a character discovering Starbucks thanks to countless coupons in the paper. It’s a shame because I did really enjoy a few of the characters, but the rest was bad enough that I will give the rest of the series a pass.
Maid to Crave (Man Maid #2)
Maid to Crave (Man Maid #2)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maid to Crave by Rebecca Avery
Man Maid book 2

Maid to Crave is book 2 in the Main Maid series. It is the first book I’ve read by Rebecca Avery, it was part of a 4 book collection I rented through my library and Overdrive. Sadly this was painful to get through. I literally had to force myself to finish this book. The story line had so much potential I just felt like this was a horribly novice writing style and it just didn’t work for me.

Tori Stewart is a single mom to a 6 year old boy. Her friend recommends using the Man Maid service that she had luck using (and finding love). She agrees just hoping to not get the one Maid that makes her heart flutter, Seth Lewis.

Seth Lewis is a former military man who comes to work for his friend at Man Maid services. He is working not only as a Maid but as a stripper to pay for his brothers medical bills. He remembers Tori from a wedding a little bit back but doesn’t see her other than his potential boss.

Tori and Seth realize they can become friends and maybe then morph it into something more. Like I said, this story had such great promise but the writing really killed it for me. I would like think I would give this author another chance at her writing style but I can’t say that for sure just yet.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Bird Therapy in Books

Apr 17, 2020  
Bird Therapy
Bird Therapy
Joe Harkness | 2020 | Health & Fitness, Natural World
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bird Therapy tells us how important nature is for our mental wellbeing. Joe Harkness has struggled with his own mental health for many years, and after reaching crisis point, he decided to get out into his own local natural environment. He began birdwatching, and soon realised that the combination of getting out in to the countryside and having a purpose to do so (birdwatching), helped him to find calm in an otherwise anxious and depressed mind.

This book not only looks at the medical evidence, proving the worth of getting out into our green spaces, but also looks at how birdwatching could work for the reader too. There are loads of helpful tips at the end of each chapter as well. For me though, the real beauty of this book is in the writing itself. The descriptions of the places where Joe goes to find birds, the times of year and the birds themselves are really inspirational. They make me want to go to these places and find these birds myself (I’m now obsessed with the idea of seeing a Shrike, after I googled it and found a picture of one sat on a fence, with what looks like a toad hanging out of its mouth!). I will enjoy my garden for now, in this time of Covid 19 isolation, but when we’re allowed back out, I’ll certainly be getting out into the countryside near where I live.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book, and to Joe Harkness for so actively participating in the process.
Lies Lies Lies
Lies Lies Lies
Adele Parks | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Millie was a miracle. Conceived without any medical intervention. A miracle. She saved us."

This was my first book by Adele Parks, and I found she sucked me into the story from the very beginning. For me, the plot was easily the star here. This was a twisty thriller that kept me guessing, often wondering which path it was going to lead us down next. While I had an inkling about one particular plot point, others took me by complete surprise, which was fun. I always love a mystery that keeps me on my toes and goes down completely unexpected paths.

"People with secrets rarely sleep soundly. Fact."

One strength of the book is the fact that it's told from both Daisy and Simon's perspectives. Neither are particularly sympathetic, but it's easy to get caught up in their worlds. Daisy comes across as a doormat, who cannot stand up to her alcoholic husband. And Simon, of course, a drunk who endangers his family on a regular basis. You want to shake some sense into both of them. But there's certainly a twisted web of lies and secrets behind the foundation of this couple. Nothing is as it seems, and as time goes on, you can start to at least understand some of their motivations.

Overall, I enjoyed this one. I welcomed a different plot, which had some surprises in store. The ending was a bit ambiguous, but overall still a solid read. 3.75 stars, rounded to 4 here.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2099 KP) rated Uneasy Prey in Books

Apr 25, 2022 (Updated Apr 25, 2022)  
Uneasy Prey
Uneasy Prey
Annette Dashofy | 2018 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Who Are the Monsters Targeting the Elderly?
Zoe Chambers is back to work after a couple of months of medical leave, and her first night back in the ambulance finds her taking a call for an elderly woman who fell down the stairs in her house. On her way to the hospital, she revives enough to say she was pushed, but then she passed out again. When she dies, Zoe’s boyfriend, Police Chief Pete Adams, becomes involved. The investigation quickly leads to the thieves who are targeting the elderly in the area. Can Pete and Zoe catch them before they strike again?

Every time I pick up one of these books, I’m reminded why I enjoy them. Zoe and Pete are both strong, and they share main character duties. I love seeing the story unfold from both of their point-of-views, and it is always easy to follow whose head we are in. The story includes a couple of sub-plots that help draw us into the story, and I had a hard time putting the book down. The twists kept coming until the end. The characters are all strong whether returning or new. I did get a little frustrated with Pete at one point, but it was a minor point. These books are a tad darker than the books I normally read, and they have a shade more language and violence as well, but that’s worth noting only in passing. I hope I get a chance to pick up the next in the series soon.
Re-Animator (1985)
Re-Animator (1985)
1985 | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
Herbert West is no ordinary doctor. He's brilliant and obviously knows quite a bit about the field of medicine, but something is peculiar about him. He acts strangely and tends to keep to himself while getting absorbed into his work. Throughout his research, Dr. West may have finally perfected his serum. A serum that brings the dead back to life. The consequences of the serum are hectic, as expected. The sooner the serum is injected into a fresh corpse in comparison to one that's been lying around for a few hours, the better the results. Based on the H.P. Lovecraft tale, Herbert West-Reanimator, West finds himself at a medical college when his stint in Switzerland ends a bit abruptly. There he meets Dan Cain, a student at the college who is held in high regard, and Dan's girlfriend, Meg, whose father is the dean to the medical college. When Dan puts a notice up looking for a roommate in his dorm, West comes knocking. Things seem to be a constant downward spiral from there as West continues his research and the bodies begin to pile up.

Re-Animator is one of the few cult classics that I'll stick up for. I usually wind up feeling like most classic horror films that are recommended or held in such high regard aren't good at all or are extremely overrated. This film is a lot of fun though. It's definitely got its campy qualities with a headless corpse stumbling around the third act of the film, but it doesn't feel out of place for a film built around a concoction that's injected into the brain to bring corpses back from the dead. The music, especially the opening theme, tends to get a bad wrap because it blatantly rips off (or pays homage, depending on how you look at it) the Psycho score. While the similarities are crystal clear once they're heard, I honestly didn't mind it. It's kind of hard to imagine this film with different music, so I have no complaints.

The Herbert West role really fits Jeffrey Combs like a glove. His attraction to weird and quirky roles pretty much began with films like this one. As West's unusual personality is revealed throughout the film, you can't help but get a sense of uneasiness as his character traits unravel before your very eyes. The best example is when West brings Dan's cat Rufus back to life. After it's been killed for the second time, Dan is shocked to discover it's Rufus and turns to look at West. West points at the cat and tells Dan to, "Look out!" Dan quickly turns his attention back to poor Rufus, who's still lying there motionless. West begins to burst into maniacal laughter as Dan looks on in horror. With the upcoming remake on the horizon, it's hard to imagine anyone else in the role of Herbert West especially with Jeffrey Combs confirmed for a cameo.

While Re-Animator could definitely be considered cheesy and campy at times, its strengths outweigh its flaws. The story is simple, but tends to unfold nicely and the acting is solid (David Gale as Dr. Hill is up for debate though). The film is pretty much exactly what you would expect a horror film to be like from the eighties; gory, cheesy, tons of nudity and sex, and a few creative twists along the way. And when it comes to horror, what else could you really ask for?

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated After the End in Books

Jun 25, 2019  
After the End
After the End
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Max and Pip have a deep, untenable bond and a strong marriage that they feel is sealed by fate. But when their nearly three-year-old son, Dylan, gets sick, everything they know changes. Dylan has a brain tumor, and now Pip spends her days in the PICU, while Max tries to juggle work and being strong for his wife and child. Then, the couple receives the worst of all news: the chemo isn't helping Dylan's tumor, and the doctors feel Dylan's condition is terminal. Suddenly, Max and Pip find themselves on opposite sides--each wanting different medical treatment for their beloved boy.

Clare Mackintosh offers us a beautiful, poignant, and heartbreaking book based on her life experiences, having lost her own son. Knowing this makes the book even more tender and real, as each word is based on a kernel of truth. Reading this book isn't always easy--as a parent, my heart digested these words and put myself in the shoes of Max and Pip. This book makes you think, and it makes you so incredibly grateful for your own life, wanting to snuggle your own children and hold them dear.

"How can my son be a breath away from death, when evidence of his life is all around me? When I feel him in my heart, as surely as when I carried him in my womb?"

The story is one of loss, yes, but it's also a love story: Max and Pip, Dylan and his family, and more. We are introduced to Dylan's family and also to Dylan's doctor, Leila, whom I really liked. Leila has her own struggles. Her mom, Habibeh, is visiting, but won't leave the house, preferring to watch QVC and cook endlessly for her daughter. (Habibeh is a trip; she's awesome.) The decision of Dylan's fate falls on Leila's shoulders first: a lot for a young doctor to bear. We get the story through her eyes and then each of Dylan's parents. As a mom, I felt drawn to Pip, but I liked how we got both Pip and Max's perspectives. Each only wants what is best for their son--and, at first, each feels they are doing the right thing.

"However long you spend with someone, however well you think you know them, they can still be a stranger to you."

Mackintosh is best known for her thrillers, and, this book is just as well-written as those. And, interestingly enough, she throws in a bit of a twist here, too. I won't spoil it, per se, but will tell you that this book is a fascinating exploration of choices, allowing you to think about life and the various paths that everyone can take. It's a sad book, yes, but lovely too--a tribute to parents, medical professionals, and to the children we love so much. It's a reminder to cherish those we hold dear and that life can be short but beautiful, no matter which way it may turn out.

Overall, even though I found this difficult to read at times, I'm really glad I did. I was reminded, yet again, what a good writer Clare Mackintosh is. I'm so incredibly sorry she lost her son, and I'm in such awe that she could turn that loss into such a lovely book. I highly recommend this--it's a beautiful exploration of life's different paths and what fate can bring us.
Show all 3 comments.

Kristy H (1252 KP) Jul 1, 2019

@ClareR I hope you enjoy it! It's so sad at times but very good!


ClareR (5603 KP) Jul 1, 2019

@Kristy H I bought it at the weekend with my birthday book voucher! I just need to read it now! 😊

The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women
The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women
Kate Moore | 2017 | Biography, History & Politics
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kate Moore writes a compelling and heart wrenching story about a group of women from New Jersey and Illinois whose job it was to use radium paint to paint watch dials so they would illuminate at night. Little did they know, that every time they would put their brush in their mouth to get the point just right to paint the dial precisely, they were killing themselves. They were told that the paint was perfectly safe and there was no way that the paint could be causing all of their medical problems. But the companies knew that the radium was dangerous. Scientists and others in the radium plant used gloves and had lead aprons on, but the dial painters were not given that luxury.

Slowly the effects of the paint began to show on their bodies. Women who were in the prime of their life were losing their teeth, their jaw bones were falling out, it was difficult for them to walk, and no one could explain it. They went to several doctors and no one could find the reason they were getting sick. The radium companies refused to admit that they were at fault. For years and years, they fought for justice. Justice for women who were dying in their 20s. This book made your heart ache for these women.

While I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it was quite a slow read for me. I wanted to know if justice was going to be served, but it took a while to get to that point. This is quite an interesting story and this was the first that I had ever heard of it.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Victor Frankenstein (2015) in Movies

Feb 25, 2018 (Updated Feb 25, 2018)  
Victor Frankenstein (2015)
Victor Frankenstein (2015)
2015 | Drama
I, Igor
If you're one of those people who thinks that the story of Frankenstein pays far too much attention to him actually making the monster, and not enough to the details and ups-and-downs of his relationship with Igor the hunchback, then this is the film for you (although if that's your attitude, you really don't deserve Frankenstein movies at all). Deformed circus clown becomes brilliant self-taught surgeon and anatomist, is rescued by unconventional medical student, gets put to work stitching.

James McAvoy could have been a great Frankenstein, but not with a script like this one - narration keeps banging on about how familiar we all are with this story, before going off into new and wildly eccentric territory - Igor has a romance with a trapeze artist, there are problems with steampunk zombie chimps, etc. Actual creation of famous monster only happens in last ten minutes. Film has zero feeling for historical setting (a version of Victorian London where nobody bats an eyelid if your name is Igor or Frankenstein).

All the major themes of Shelley's story are basically sidelined in favour of overwrought emotional drama. Best thing in it is possibly Andrew Scott as a detective looking to bust Dr F for interfering with zoo animals; his scenes with McAvoy are actually pretty interesting. The kind of film that seems to be afraid the audience will get bored and wander away if there isn't an outbreak of slow-mo or CGI or whatever every five minutes. How does Max Landis manage to keep selling scripts like this one? Moderately good-looking but a massive waste of potential.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated The Ash Doll in Books

Sep 24, 2018  
The Ash Doll
The Ash Doll
James Hazel | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A thrillingly dark read!
This is the second in the Charlie Priest series, but I have to say that it's so well written that it's not necessary to have read the first book in the series, 'The Mayfly' to enjoy this. Suffice to say, I got three chapters in to this book and immediately bought the first book. I can see Charlie Priest becoming my new book obsession!
We're thrown right in to the action on the first page with a small girl, who appears to be on the verge of throwing herself off a cliff in front of a group of hikers. No one knows who she is or where she has come from.
We then flash forward to the present day, and the court case that Charlie Priest and his colleagues are involved with - a libel case between a charity and a magazine. Believe me, I couldn't see how there could possibly be any kind of connection between the two.
The start of the book isn't particularly pleasant (trigger warnings here for anyone that doesn't like reading about child abuse!), but it really drew me in: who is the child? What has happened to her? Ho what she come to be imprisoned and abused? Yes, there's some pretty graphic content, both with regards to her treatment and the murders.
Charlie and his sidekick, Georgie Someday, are so likeable, and Charlie's medical condition adds an interesting layer to the story.
I would highly recommend this, especially if you like dark, well written thrillers.
Many thanks to Readers First, NetGalley and the publisher Bonnier Zaffre for sending me a copy to read.