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Dana (24 KP) rated The Winner's Kiss in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
The Winner's Kiss
The Winner's Kiss
Marie Rutkoski | 2016 | Children
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
So my rating for this is actually a 3.5 stars instead of a 4 stars, but I rounded up. Oh and there will be spoilers in this review, so you have been warned.

This was an okay ending for the series-it wasn't bad but it wasn't bad either.

The characters got whiny and I only understood some of their motivations for what they did. Kestrel and Arin were very angsty throughout the series, and they did not disappoint in this book either.

I understand Kestrel had to forget herself in the work camp to be able to survive the camp and to become a better person afterwards, but to me, it was kinda pointless. Yes, she gets to start a new relationship with Arin and everyone else, but it seemed like a cover for the story to be able to go on without as many hitches. She was still able to retain some of herself, but most of her memories were gone? That just didn't make much sense to me. With that, how would she remember how to play the games so well if her mind was gone? I'm pretty sure that war strategy doesn't stay with you longer than your core memories, but hey, that's just my opinion. Another convenient thing that came with Kestrel's memory loss was that some of the previous novels' subplots were not touched on because she couldn't remember them. Again, not really my favorite thing in the world when it comes to writing.

Because of these couple of things, I did see quite a few plot holes that were too big for me not to notice.

I liked Arin the tiger. I want a tiger friend because that would be awesome.

I also really liked the clever way Kestrel took down the emperor. That was a brilliant move and I was actually really worried for her when I was reading that part of the book.

Overall, it was paced quite well, it was a very quick read, but there were plot and characterization problems that kept me from absolutely loving it. I am glad that I finished reading this series and that I waited to be able to binge read them all in one summer, but it was also kind of a let down from what I had expected.

If you like books with interesting concepts, lands, and politics, definitely pick this series up because, like I said before, I didn't dislike it! Not by a long shot!
What Did I Do?
What Did I Do?
Jessica Jarlvi | 2018 | Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book review by Cari Mayhew. Rating 6/10.

This is an odd book, but despite its haphazard beginnings, by the three-quarter mark I was hooked and could not put it down!

The first chapter runs from the viewpoint of the somewhat mentally disturbed Kristin, who has recently immigrated to Sweden following the death of her husband, Brandon, which she suspects that she caused (cause of death being an allergic reaction to nuts).

The following chapter runs from the viewpoint of Frank, who has just returned from a holiday with his wife, Birgitta, to learn that his son, Anders, has been murdered. The couple suspect that Anders was murdered by his sister, their daughter Sofia.

Frank hires a private to track down Sofia, who, it transpires, is Kristin by another name. Frank and Birgitta also immigrate to Sweden. Despite Frank’s anger at Sofia, he wants to confront her personally rather than hand her over to the police.

Interspersed between chapters on Kristen and Frank, are chapters taken from the viewpoint of a young woman who finds herself the victim of an organisation of pimps, and feels trapped in an unwanted lifestyle. For a long time in the book, it was hard to see how this had any relevance to Kristen’s or Frank’s story, but it all came together at the three quarter point, and the action heated up as characters found each other.

While reading the earlier chapters, I had a strong feeling that there had been a lot going on behind the scenes and that characters were often unaware of the whole story.

There were some characters and elements to the story that, although they were critical to the plot, often felt unnecessary, such as Kristen’s therapy sessions, and chapters from the viewpoint of a neighbour.

What was good about this book was the believability of the story telling, which I imagine would be hard to pull off, given that the subject matter includes murders and sex trafficking.

I had chosen this book hoping it would be like Memory Box by Eva Lesko Natiello where the protagonist uncovers clue after mysterious clue, but in this book the clues were few and far between.

I don’t normally make educated guesses as to who is the culprit in a mystery, but on this occasion I did and I was partly right (no spoilers).

The story’s ending and epilogue left me feeling satisfied that justice had been served.

Overall I did enjoy the book, but I’m not inclined to read more from the author. Although the writing kept me interested, it felt like reading 3 different stories that barely linked together.
I Found You
I Found You
Lisa Jewell | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great Characters (1 more)
Interesting Plot
Pacing is slow at times (0 more)
A Thrilling Read!
I found out about I Found You by Lisa Jewell in a magazine about upcoming books. When I read the synopsis, I knew I had to read it. It sounded really good! Luckily, it didn't disappoint.

The pacing was a little slow in places. However, it was still decently paced enough to hold my attention. The last quarter of the book was fast paced, but not in a bad way where I didn't know what was going on. For the last quarter of I Found You, I found myself fully immersed within the pages. I had to know what was going to happen next.

The world building is very believable. It's not something that happens every day, but I can still picture it happening. The plot of I Found You was very enjoyable. I don't think I've ever read anything like it. It was interesting to read about the past as well as the story from two different women's point of view. It was also very interesting to see how their worlds were about to collide. There are a couple of plot twists that I had been trying to figure out from the the beginning which I got wrong. All of my questions about the story were answered by the end of the book as well as any loose ends.

I thought the characters in I Found You were very well written and fleshed out perfectly. All of them felt very real. I would have liked to learn more about Alice's past, but she was still a well written character. I enjoyed reading about Frank as he tried to get his memory back, and it was very interesting going along for the ride with Lily as she tried to find her missing husband. I loved how protective Gray was of his sister Kirsty and how much he loved her. I hated Mark, but that was the point. Mark was written to be a horrible person.

Trigger warnings include drug use, underage and of age alcohol use, violence, swearing, sexual assault, death, and implied sex.

Overall, I Found You was an enjoyable read. The plot was very interesting, and the characters felt very real. The pacing was a bit slow sometimes, but it always held my attention. I would definitely recommend I Found You by Lisa Jewell to everyone aged 16+. It is a thrilling read for sure!

Gareth von Kallenbach (977 KP) rated the PC version of Remember Me in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
Remember Me
Remember Me
Cyberpunk is a phrase that has been tossed around often to describe a futuristic theme where technology becomes a necessity for survival along the lines of food, shelter, and water. Games ranging from Deus EX and System Shock as well as movies such as “Blade Runner” and “Total Recall” have depicted a future where humanity and technological integrations have overlapped into all elements of life and society including the replacement of biological appendages and functions.

In the new game Remember Me, players are set in Paris in 2084 where technology has allowed the population to upload their memories to the net. Not only can people share memories, but unpleasant memories can be removed as well.

The company behind this technology, Memorize is using the memories to control the population through never ending surveillance of a person’s memories. There are also individuals who have absorbed too many memories and have become mutated as a result.

The result of this is the rise of a resistance movement named Errorists who strive to bring down Memorize.

Players play as a female character named Nilin who escapes from Memorize detention before the last of her memories can be wiped away. Blessed with a gift to steal and remix memories, Nilin becomes part of a plan to capture the head of Memorize in an effort to alter his memories and save society.

Being able to replay and modify memories is a big part of the game as well as combat which can be upgraded from a Combo Lab to upgrade various fighting moves and styles.

With thousands of possible combos, being able to customize a style that works best for you is one of the great aspects of the game.

The platforming and combat in the game may become a bit repetitive for some and others may find it a bit frustrating. There are at times issues with save games as death can remove progress earned between save points.

The game has solid graphics and is to be praised for taking a new narrative to the genre and the introduction of memory manipulations was a nice touch. I also loved the characters in the game that despite some uneven writing and storylines stood out. In the end, Remember Me is a fun game and a great concept but falls short of being a classic due to several issues mentioned previously as well as camera and control issues.

JT (287 KP) rated Dredd (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Dredd (2012)
Dredd (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
From the opening slow motion bullet to the face and exit wound that leaves a spray of deep red across the screen, it’s clear to see that this Dredd reboot is all about eradicating the memory of Stallone. It also does its best to stay true to the graphic novels in which this Judge Dredd leaves his helmet on for the entirety.

Karl Urban steps into the boots for this outing and complete with grizzled voice that echoes of Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry he goes up against female villain Ma-Ma (Headey) who is as nasty as she is ruthless.

Mega City one, set on the East Coast and running from Boston to Washington DC is the Judges stomping ground and its being overrun by a new drug called SLO-MO in which users experience reality at a fraction of the speed. When a routine homicide leads Dredd and rookie Judge Cassandra Anderson (Thirlby) to The Peach Trees, a 200-storey slum tower block (wait, another tower block?), they must fight their way through the scum to get to the top and bring down the prostitute turned drug lord.

The film is certainly grittier and bloodier than its almost comic predecessor, and director Travis does not shy away from this.

An early encounter in which Dredd and Anderson infiltrate a drug house is slowed right down, maybe in some way to mirror the feeling the SLO-MO drug has on its users. Bullets and blood fly as the casualties and body count rise significantly, Dredd quips the occasional one liner with deadpan expression “negotiation’s over. Sentence is death.”

Those that saw The Raid would have been mesmerized by the action which was none stop from start to finish, sadly Dredd doesn’t live up to those high expectations but does its best to stay with mainstream carnage, of which there is plenty to satisfy.

It’s all about the facial expression
Thirlby’s psychic abilities prove useful but almost disappointing that she can second guess her opponents, a mutant, she’d probably fit in well with the X-Men. She’s the sense of reason to Dredd’s brute force, although most of the time he’s right in what he does, after all he is the law. The film is stripped back, humour is used when needed, and the action set pieces are exceptional. Urban a long time supporting actor now gets a chance to be front and centre in a franchise that can really go places.
The Bourne Legacy (2012)
The Bourne Legacy (2012)
2012 | Action, Mystery
6.3 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass distanced themselves from another trip into the Bourne-verse it was hard to see if any film would ever make it into production. Then, along came Tony Gilroy, writer of the first three films he seemed to be the logical choice to co-write and direct the fourth installment in this ever popular action franchise.

The Bourne Legacy runs almost parallel with the events of The Bourne Ultimatum, but in this film the only time we get to see Matt Damon’s Jason Bourne is from the odd photograph and his name etched into wood on the underside of a bunk bed.

It’s time for a stare off!
For this outing Renner plays Aaron Cross an ‘outcome’ agent who finds himself on the run when the powers that be realize that Bourne has broken through and passed vital information about Treadstone and Black Briar to Pam Landy, who in turn passes it onto the media. So Retired Col. Eric Byer, USAF ( Norton) part of the sinister hierarchy decides it’s time to shut down and eradicate all other ops, including Cross.

It’s fraught with the occasional plot hole, (just how did Cross know where Shearing lived) here and there but that does little damage to the overall story which is actually quite good. Renner, who is already well equipped for these types of action films fills the void left by Damon very well. When he’s not battling wolves and shooting drones out of the sky he’s driving a motorbike through the streets of Manila, as well as running through every back street and staircase he can find. And he’s more than capable at hand to hand combat.

He’s joined on his adventure by Dr. Marta Shearing (Weisz) who worked with Cross in the beginning and was tasked with providing the agents with a specific set of medication to take, of which it seems Cross is no longer required but is desperately dependent on. Whereas Bourne tried to piece together parts of his life, Cross is like a crackhead desperate for the next fix and so his motives are different.

Gilroy manages the story well and there are some brief cameos from the likes of Scott Glenn, David Strathairn and Albert Finney to provide a reminder to us all about what has happened previously, just in case we are dealing with our own bout of memory loss. It’s disappointing not to see Damon reprise one of the best roles of his career but Renner does an admirable job and there is no question that there will be more life in him yet.
Haunt (2019)
Haunt (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Not Thought-Provoking But Fun!
In Haunt, a group of friends experience terror like no other when they go to a haunted house expecting a scare. For a movie that wasn’t done by a major studio, I have to say it ain’t half bad.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 3
If it wasn’t for such a slow start, I would definitely have put Haunt on the great level. Things don’t get moving nearly as fast as you like making me wonder if the rest of the movie was going to be like this. Fortunately things do pick up and, once things get rolling, the movie is good to go.

Characters: 7
The antagonists in this movie are super creepy, creepy enough to keep you entertained the whole movie. Meanwhile, the friends that are stalked can be pretty cardboard and plain, although I did appreciate how character development was worked in with a select few. It ultimately kept the story interesting.

Cinematography/Visuals: 8

Conflict: 10
The creepiness level is on 1,000 here as there is danger around every turn. The movie definitely keeps you guessing, building on intensity scene after scene like a true-to-form horror movie. I loved that I was scared when I didn’t need to be. I also appreciated that, once the movie kicks into gear, no shot is wasted from that point on. Conflict abounds consistently throughout.

Entertainment Value: 7

Memorability: 8
The movie succeeds by providing a lot of different setpieces that remain etched in your memory. The kills aren’t half bad either. Sure, it’s not the most thought-provoking film, but not bad as slashers go.

Pace: 10

Plot: 5

Resolution: 10
This movie ramps up the intensity right up to its thrilling conclusion where probably one of the most awesome kills in the film happens. I always gripe about the payoff in scary movies and how they can sometimes end abruptly so as to preserve a sequel. Haunt avoids that pitfall and goes all in with its ending that’s both engaging and fun.

Overall: 78
I would say this isn’t a bad movie to watch if it’s October and you’re tired of the same old Krueger and Jason song and dance. Had the characters been a twinge more interesting and the beginning hit with a little more boom, I would be leaning more towards the side of great horror to watch anytime. I love when independent horror and sci-fi hit the mark.
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