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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Watching You in Books

Mar 20, 2019  
Watching You
Watching You
Lisa Jewell | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Enjoyable, easy read with a puzzling plot
There are twenty-seven painted houses in the lovely neighborhood of Melville Heights. Joey Mullen resides in one with her husband, Alfie; they live with Joey's brother Jack and his pregnant wife, Rebecca. Joey is struggling to get her life together after coasting for a while. This attempt isn't helped by the fact that she seems to have developed a crush on her neighbor, Tom Fitzwilliam, who lives two houses down. Tom is a well-known and beloved headmaster, credited for helping several schools improve their outcomes. He lives with his wife and son, Freddie, who closely monitors the neighborhood with his camera and Internet connection. And then there's teenage Jenna Tripp, who attends Tom's school. She's wary of Mr. Fitzwilliam, who seems awfully attached to her friend Bess. It doesn't help that Jenna's mom, who has mental health issues, is convinced Mr. Fitzwilliam is stalking her. This group of individuals is tied together by Tom Fitzwilliam--and soon by a gruesome murder that will change everyone's lives.

I really enjoy Lisa Jewell's novels and this was another very readable book from her. The chapters are short and quick, with the information flying at us, making you wonder what on earth is going on in Melville and who we can trust. There are a lot of stories going on simultaneously--Jenna, Joey, Freddie, and more--and we can see that they are all loosely related to Tom. So, can we trust him? Is there more to this adored headmaster than meets to the eye? Jewell is highly adept at making you wonder, unable to trust anyone and at keeping you guessing as things slowly unfurl.

The characters in this one were interesting; there are enough of them that you don't get too attached, though I did feel sympathy for poor Jenna, who has a lot to deal with regarding her mother. Mostly, we hurtle along with our group toward their own doom. I worked things out fairly early, but it didn't prevent my enjoyment of this one, as it's very readable and well-done.

Overall, this is an enjoyable, easy read with a puzzling plot and a story that will draw you in from the beginning.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).

Sam (74 KP) rated Handle with Care in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
Handle with Care
Handle with Care
Jodi Picoult | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Willow O’Keefe suffers from osteogenesis imperfecta, meaning that her bones break easily. Just doing simple daily tasks can cause her a catastrophic break. But other than that, she’s like every other 5 year old – well, one with an amazing IQ for her age. Charlotte is Willow’s mum, and she’s running out of money, fast. So when she gets the chance to sue for wrongful birth, she takes it, desperate for any money she can get to help Willow’s well-being.

It was definitely a beefy book, with major questions on morality. Throughout the book I couldn’t work out whether I was on Charlotte’s side or not, as to sue for wrongful birth, she is basically saying she wishes Willow had never been born, and I found it really hard to understand how a parent could say that.

I did struggle reading this book. It took me two weeks to read 2/3 of it, and everyone who regularly reads this blog knows that’s not like me at all. I ended up skimming the last 1/3 to just get it finished because I was too far in to DNF in but felt that the plot was starting to become a little drawn out and a bit repetitive.

It’s very similar to Picoult’s Small Great Things, and I think that’s why I liked it so much to begin with. It covers the issues in childbirth and raising a child.

I felt so much empathy for Amelia, Willow’s half-sister. Throughout the novel she feels forgotten about because all of the focus is on Willow and to see her fighting her own battles with nobody to help was hard. Her mental health took a battering on behalf of her sister, but she still didn’t say anything. She suffered in silence for too long and were one of the few things that made me start to shift over to Charlotte’s side of the argument over Willow’s birth.

This novel is definitely not lighthearted, so if you like reading books that aren’t dealing with serious subjects, this probably isn’t for you. It was a tough read for me, which is why I only gave it 3/5. However, if you like Jodi Picoult’s other books, I definitely think you’ll like this one.

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Frozen II (2019) in Movies

Dec 2, 2019 (Updated Dec 2, 2019)  
Frozen II (2019)
Frozen II (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Fantasy
The Cucumber
Frozen 2 is not only better than Frozen but it also manages to develop its characters futher, delves deeper into its lore and overall tells a tale thats much darker and way more mature. Its apparent from the start of the movie that this sequel has more to say than just being a cheap cash in and as we check in on Elsa we see that although at first everything might seem happy it becomes aparent shes still struggling with demons and troubled on the inside. They clearly are not children anymore and thus dealing with the loss of both their parents is really starting to hit home as they enter the grieving process. This seems to effect Elsa in more ways than she can begin to process and as she struggles to tame her depression and get a hold on her mental health she closes up and alienates the people that are close to her. Its all incredibly dark stuff and at times it became so bleak that it had both adults and children in our screening breaking out in tears. Olaf does lighten things up occasionally however with some genuinely funny comedy, silly facts and some nice philosophy too with a role that feels important this time rather than there for comic relief. Pact with cool mythology and stuning visuals the film also manages to create not only a great coldness but an incredible warmth to really drive home its message of the importance of family and heritage. Elemental effects are extremely impressive too as is the improved animation quality and while the songs arnt as catchy this time they flow with more heart/meaning and with way more creativity visually too. Frozen 2 might not be perfect but as an adult it spoke to me more than the last one did and seeing it have the guts to mature and progress rather than replicate is a bold move I really respected. A truly magical fable full to the brim with lore and mythology that deals with such grown up isuess so respectfully and realistically that it will speak way more this time to adults than it does kids. Frozen 2 successfully teaches us all the message that we dont have to 'let It Go' or deal with our problems alone and by remembering and talking about those that are gone warms the heart and keeps them alive in us.
I Wish You All the Best
I Wish You All the Best
Mason Deaver | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I Wish You All the Best is such a groundbreaking book that will let multiple people feel seen.

Trigger Warnings: misgendering, homophobia, anxiety, depression

When Ben finally decides to come out to their parents that they're nonbinary, everything goes south and Ben's out on the streets in just their socks. They call a sister they haven't had any contact with in 10 years to come pick them up and they begin living with them. Ben just wants to get through the last half of senior year unnoticed but they meet Nathan, a charming and humorous student who gets asked to show Ben around on their first day at their new high school, and feelings start to grow. Trying to deal with the rejection of their parents, depression and anxiety, as well as if and when they want to come out, Ben has a lot of their plate.

So much happens within just the first three chapters alone that my heart breaks for Ben and all I want is for them to have a happy ending. I believe this is a book that needs to be added to everyone's reading list.
- It really dives into how being closeted, even slightly, can affect mental health.
- How living a life that isn't 100% true to you is agonizing (in Ben's case, misgendering).
- The book, in my opinion, shows what it's truly like to have a panic attack and trying to figure out the triggers and then going through the steps to try and calm your nerves.
- It shines light on those who haven't really had much light shined on them in mainstream anything. There is a pansexual character in the book and so far, I've only read one other book with that representation and it made me smile.
- The book also brings up the struggle of figuring out "how and why do I want to label myself?" Rather that's to live your life to the fullest, to connect to others, or to give yourself a sense of being, everyone's reasons are different and Ben's story mentions that quite a bit.

Though I understand the book was focusing on Ben's journey as they begin coming out as nonbinary and trying to work through their anxiety and depression, I do wish some of the relationships were more flushed out. I feel like scenes were just glazed over and I just wish I would see more of Ben's friendships grow.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated You Let Me In in Books

Mar 10, 2020  
You Let Me In
You Let Me In
Camilla Bruce | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A satisfyingly dark read!
You Let Me In is unlike anything I’ve read before. I signed up to read this on The Pigeonhole based purely on the cover. I didn’t read anything about it, in fact I thought it was going to be a thriller. The cover though: I actually thought it was a hand showing someone then bird’, and I was half right. It’s a dead bird, and the main character, Cassandra Tipp, does seem to spend most of her life metaphorically giving everyone ‘the bird’ (ie. telling them to leave her alone).

There is a mystery at the start of this. Cassandra Tipp has disappeared, and her niece and nephew have been told that after a year they can have her worldly goods if they go to her house, find the manuscript she has left them and deduce a code word.

This book is that story.

It transpires that Cassie has been involved in the death of three people: her husband Tommy Tipp, her father and her brother. But how did she get away with it? Or more importantly: who did it if she didn’t? And who is Pepper Man?

Ok, I don’t want to give too much away, but fairies are involved from the beginning, and they’re unlike the fairies I’ve read about in the past. They come with a fascinating origin story, and I’d be interested to know if they were a construct of the authors imagination, or whether they’re a Norwegian version of the fairies I’ve learnt about with my Anglo-Irish background. Either way, they’re great characters.

There’s also a chance that child abuse is involved, either by humans or fairies, it all depends on what you read in to things that happen, whether or not you believe that Cassie is in fact sane. Some of the violence is pretty graphic too, and did put some Pigeonhole readers off.

It’s a puzzling book, a book where you’re never sure whether the narrator is reliable. And I loved it. So, if you like quirky, puzzling, violent(ish), dark books, with fairies (or perhaps not) and potentially with characters with mental health issues, then you’ll enjoy this book as much as I did. It was a satisfying, startling ten days with The Pigeonhole!
A Wedding in December
A Wedding in December
Sarah Morgan | 2020 | Humor & Comedy, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Wedding in December is a book that was long overdue. I was supposed to read it for Christmas, but yet, here we are in February. Nevertheless, it was an amazing experience and I am so glad I finally read it.

Sarah Morgan has an extremely good talent in human relations and relationships. She puts these relationships on paper so easily… Do you know that feeling where you can sense people’s mood by just walking into a room? She managed to capture this moment in most of her scenes - and it was a true joy to read that.

The Synopsis
Maggie has two daughters: Katie and Rosie. While Katie has always planned everything in her life and never failed (becoming doctor is her biggest achievement), Rosie is the complete opposite. She changes her mind all the time and never knows what she truly wants.

And one evening, Rosie calls her mum to tell her she is getting married. All of a sudden. Not in her hometown in the UK, but in some snowy mountains in the USA. For Christmas. THIS Christmas. In just a few months.

Everything is happening so fast, and Maggie is afraid for her daughter. But most importantly, Maggie is afraid that she will finally reveal to her girls that she is getting divorced from their dad.

My Thoughts
In a lovely snowy atmosphere, we get to see this family, and their different personalities coming together, in a book where love wins in the end. Reading this book under a warm blanket and with a hot chocolate definitely gave me the true feelings of Christmas again.

I encountered some interesting scenes, a couple of plot twists, a bit of a mystery behind one of the sisters. The importance of mental health as well, and how important is to share our troubles with someone. Anyone.

Some of the relationships, new or current, happened at a very fast pace, which wasn't too my great pleasure. There was some sense of unnecessary urgency which didn't feel believable nor relatable to me. But in hindsight, a wonderful book to spend your evenings with.

If you love romance novels and you also love Christmas, A Wedding in December will probably end up being your favourite book. I highly recommend it!
    Fractal Space

    Fractal Space

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    Live the memorable experience of Fractal Space, a unique first-person adventure & puzzle game by the...

A Beautiful Mind (2001)
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
2001 | Drama
Russell Crowe's performance (1 more)
The legendary scene with the cup of tea and the pens
What a masterpiece!

Recently, a photo was circling Facebook, with a room full of movie items, where you had to guess all movies. Me and my boyfriend played it, and found almost all of the movies. On this picture, there was a table with a cup of tea and multiple pens, and we had no idea what movie this was about. I knew it had to mean something, so we searched for "cup of tea and pens movie scene" and came across the legendary scene on YouTube.

Knowing the name of the movie now, we had to watch it. And it was legendary!

The story is about a young mathematician John Nash, who studies at Princeton University. While all his colleagues attend classes and write papers, he is trying to solve an original problem and won't stop until he proves a theory wrong.

During this journey, he is approached by a man and is recruited to work for the government, to break secret codes Russians might leave hanging about for their next steps. He also meets a woman and falls in love.

At one point, it becomes difficult for John to keep up with everything happening in his life, and the pressure is too much to handle. A couple of people start chasing him, and put him into a mental health facility.

And this is where I will stop, as I don't want to reveal any spoilers.
But this is the moment where John will have to face the truth, and finally try and battle what is real in his life and what has been an illusion all along. And we follow him on this revelation and on his journey. I have never felt this was about any movie when I have had a revelation.

The acting is impeccable. When I think of Russell Crowe, I think of Gladiator. But John Nash is the opposite - the socially awkward intelligent guy. And Russell Crowe made me believe this performance and I never doubted it.

Also, Ed Harris is a phenomenal actor as well!

The movie kept you in the dark with what was real and what not for a very long time, and this was the favorite part for me.
The Pact
The Pact
Sharon Bolton | 2021 | Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel tells the story of six friends: Talitha, Xav, Felix, Amber, Daniel, Megan. How one night changed their lives forever. This book was quite a slow burner for me, at least in the beginning. All of the characters have a say in this book, and I found all of them very compelling. It is a character-driven novel and I really liked to see how the characters interacted and what they were ready to do to save themselves. 🙂 I felt extremely sorry for Megan throughout this book and I don’t really agree with her decisions. She is really amazing and I think she could have achieved so much without these “friends” of hers.

The narrative of this novel was a little slow for my liking, but I was extremely keen to find out what is going to happen with Megan. I enjoyed the way the author kept me guessing and the suspense growing, and all the twists and turns were a welcome distraction to break the monotony that built up sometimes. The topics discussed were dangerous driving, alcoholism, survival, rich privilege, friendships, belonging, mental health issues, guilt, relationships between friends and families, and many more.

The writing style of this book is easy to read, enjoyable and creative, but something is missing. It is one of the “softer” books by this author, I could say. I am more used to her dark secrets, never-ending suspense and gripping from the first-page kind books, and this book was a little behind with it. I did like the ending of this novel, which was filled with action and rounded this story extremely well. 🙂 The chapters are pretty short, so the pages just fly by. I have pretty bad car anxiety, especially when it comes to accidents and reckless drivers, so parts of this book did not sit well with me because of these nuances. (I was able to enjoy this book never the less, I just screamed at the characters in my head. 😀 ) So if you suffer from it like me, proceed with caution. 😉

So, to conclude, I enjoyed this novel. The characters are very well developed and truly enchanting. They all have to offer so much to this book and I loved reading about them and their lives. The plot has plenty of intrigue, well placed twists and unexpected surprises and kept me guessing.

BookInspector (124 KP) rated The Rules in Books

Sep 24, 2020  
The Rules
The Rules
Tracy Darnton | 2020 | Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist of this book is Amber, a sarcastic teenager, who lost her mother and had to travel from one foster house to another. When her father contacts her, she knows she has to run… I really liked Amber, she is an absolute kickass, but she explained how much she had to go through to become one… I really admire her resilience and intelligence, she is a true fighter, even though very emotionally traumatised one. I really liked the variety of characters chosen for this book. Amber is raised by a control freak, so control and order is her safety blanket. Her travel companion Josh, on the other hand, is a free spirit, not very worried about life in general. I think he was a true ray of sunshine in this novel.

I really enjoyed the narrative of this book. The story has a single perspective but dual timeline, the events from the past portray Amber’s life when she was trained for survival, and her present journey, while she is trying to run away from her obsessive and controlling father. I really liked this combo, and I was able to learn so much from Amber and her survival skills. There are a lot of sensitive topics discussed in this novel, such as emotional and physical violence, homelessness, prepper and survivalist communities and their work, many mental health issues, psychological trauma, and many more. I really enjoyed the way this story was told, it was like a runaway story, but it was an adventure nevertheless.

I really liked the writing style, it is visible that the author has done a great job with the research for this novel, it offers such a wide variety of lessons for survival in general, that our screen-addicted youth could learn from. I enjoyed the constantly changing set of this novel, I found it pretty entertaining. The chapters are pretty short, and the pages just flew by to me. Even though this book left some unanswered questions for me, I really liked the ending of this book, I think it rounded up this story well.

So, to conclude, this is a very thought-provoking novel, filled with rules, discipline and really interesting and complex characters, that are different. I really liked the narrative and it was a true page-turner for me. If you are looking for an adventurous YA psychological thriller, I think this book is for you.