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Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Halloween (2018) in Movies
Oct 25, 2018
Jamie Lee Curtis (3 more)
Michael myers
As I've been a fan of the original since I first watched it on the TV at the 12 late night wasn't sure at first if I was gonna like the new version was i disappointed no I liked it a lot I'm glad they ignored all the sequels and the rob zombie versions and give a us a proper sequel that stays true the original from start to finish plenty of gore which I like Jamie Lee Curtis back no longer the hunted but now ready to take down Michael with or without her family plus John carpenter back on the theme it took me back to what I liked about the original thumbs up.

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Fantasy Island (2020) in Movies
Jul 16, 2020
Watched today on Amazon prime it wasn't bad movie I've seen worser movies based on old TV shows and I've actually seen the original TV show few times during the eighties and this movie is a lot darker bit like saw in places. The acting was okay could have done with some more gore anyway good couple of hours viewing

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019) in Movies
Aug 29, 2019
Zoe margret colletti (5 more)
Michael Garza
Harold the scarecrow
Gabriel rush
Austin zajur
Jump scares
Just finished watching is it any good yes my type of movie basically. A scary dark version of goosebumps. Excellent young cast the audits not bad either for change no gore which it doesn't need much. Harold the scarecrow is probably my favourite of the scary characters that appears in the movie. Would I watch again yes

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Halloween Ends (2022) in Movies
Oct 26, 2022
Jamie lee curtis (1 more)
Andi matichak
As a fan of the halloween films since the first film since first watched late night when I was 12 on the tv and liked it a lot then now forty years later we come to halloween ends did I like this one not as much as the previous two entries but it has plenty of gore some good kills but what the movie lacks is not enough Michael myers there is a reason for that but that would be spoilers which be naughty of me anyway good film needed more micael

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Halloween Kills (2021) in Movies
Oct 19, 2021
Jamie Lee Curtis (4 more)
Judy Greer
Andi matichak
John carpenters music
Evil dies tonight
Just watched liked it as a sequel but preferred the previous one I will say this straight off this one is the most goreist of all the Halloween the body count in this one is high. Some of the best parts of the movie is seeing the events of the movie thru the townsfolk of haddenfield who were there during the first film who decided to go vigilante on Michael. Also I like the call backs to the first one with will pattons officer hawkins. Overall good sequel bring on the third part and maybe the end of Michael myers

Madbatdan82 (341 KP) rated Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018) in Movies
Mar 2, 2019
Slaughterhouse Doesn't Rule!
This really pains me to write this as I LOVE Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Ever since Spaced and Big Train I've loved everything they've done...until now. This black comedy has no laughs! The attempted 'comedy' in this is 'theyre posh' and have funny voices. It really does fall flat at every turn. The characters don't really develop and the creature designs are terrible. It would get a 3/10 but I gave it an extra mark for some good gore but all in all this is a shame and such a massive waste of Pegg, Frost and the (normally) excellent Michael Sheen who again is used for laughs by having a posh voice! Such a shame...I need to go watch Shaun of the Dead to get the bad taste out of my mouth.

Andy K (10823 KP) rated Halloween II (1981) in Movies
Sep 30, 2018
From suspense to slasher, but still delivers
After the original Halloween film paying ground with a lot of modern horror elements, the 2nd film really felt like a continuation since it begins simultaneously when the first film ends.
This one is more gruesome with more elaborate and bloody death kills, but those who are watching are expecting this to happen.
The film moves from the neighborhood from film one to Haddonfield Memorial Hospital where Laurie Strode is transported to tend to her injuries. Michael of course follows her there leaving a trail of bodies behind him.
Just as entertaining as the film film without some of the suspense in favor of gore instead.
This one is more gruesome with more elaborate and bloody death kills, but those who are watching are expecting this to happen.
The film moves from the neighborhood from film one to Haddonfield Memorial Hospital where Laurie Strode is transported to tend to her injuries. Michael of course follows her there leaving a trail of bodies behind him.
Just as entertaining as the film film without some of the suspense in favor of gore instead.

Gareth von Kallenbach (980 KP) rated Halloween (2018) in Movies
Jun 19, 2019
“Halloween” has long been considered by many to have been the film that started the “Slasher” subculture. The independent movie became a box office smash and made Michael Myers a cultural icon ever since its debut in 1978.
Although multiple sequels and a reboot followed over the years; they did not match the intensity of the original as they opted for higher body counts and gore versus suspense and story and in many ways became almost a parody of themselves as Michael would cut down cast after cast of teens and anyone else in his way.
The new film takes the approach that none of the films after the first ever happened so instead of Michael stalking Lorrie in a hospital in “Halloween 2”; he was captured and incarcerated in an mental institute for the last forty years where he has remained silent despite his Doctor (Haluk Bilginer) best efforts to get him to speak as he attempts to understand what motivates a person described as pure evil.
The forty years since “The Night He Came Home” has not been kind to Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis); as since her encounter with Michael: she has become a hard drinking isolationist who suffers from severe Post Traumatic Syndrome. Laurie has become obsessed with guns, weapons, and protection to the point that it has cost her two marriages and even had her only child Karen (Judy Greer) taken from her by the state which has resulted in her having a fractured relationship with her and her granddaughter Allyson (Andi Matichak).
When a pair of journalists attempt to interview Laurie to try to get her to agree to a face to face with Michael; it sets a chain of events into motion which leads to Michael escaping during a prison transfer.
Michael wastes no time in returning home leaving a trail of death in his path and sets him on a collision course with Laurie who has spent the last forty years preparing for his return.
The film is a true sequel to the original as aside from the second film; it is the closest in tone and theme to the original. While it does have more gore and a higher body count in keeping with the modern expectations of a film of this type, writers David Gordon Green and Danny McBride clearly understand the source material and have crafted an extension of the original versus a continuation refurbished. The fact that John Carpenter has returned as an Executive Producer also helps.
The film wisely sets the focus on the characters which makes the horror aspects more compelling as this is not a bunch of anonymous victims we are watching.
A sequel is reportedly in development and I hope this creative team returns as this was a truly worthy sequel to the classic original that was long overdue.
Although multiple sequels and a reboot followed over the years; they did not match the intensity of the original as they opted for higher body counts and gore versus suspense and story and in many ways became almost a parody of themselves as Michael would cut down cast after cast of teens and anyone else in his way.
The new film takes the approach that none of the films after the first ever happened so instead of Michael stalking Lorrie in a hospital in “Halloween 2”; he was captured and incarcerated in an mental institute for the last forty years where he has remained silent despite his Doctor (Haluk Bilginer) best efforts to get him to speak as he attempts to understand what motivates a person described as pure evil.
The forty years since “The Night He Came Home” has not been kind to Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis); as since her encounter with Michael: she has become a hard drinking isolationist who suffers from severe Post Traumatic Syndrome. Laurie has become obsessed with guns, weapons, and protection to the point that it has cost her two marriages and even had her only child Karen (Judy Greer) taken from her by the state which has resulted in her having a fractured relationship with her and her granddaughter Allyson (Andi Matichak).
When a pair of journalists attempt to interview Laurie to try to get her to agree to a face to face with Michael; it sets a chain of events into motion which leads to Michael escaping during a prison transfer.
Michael wastes no time in returning home leaving a trail of death in his path and sets him on a collision course with Laurie who has spent the last forty years preparing for his return.
The film is a true sequel to the original as aside from the second film; it is the closest in tone and theme to the original. While it does have more gore and a higher body count in keeping with the modern expectations of a film of this type, writers David Gordon Green and Danny McBride clearly understand the source material and have crafted an extension of the original versus a continuation refurbished. The fact that John Carpenter has returned as an Executive Producer also helps.
The film wisely sets the focus on the characters which makes the horror aspects more compelling as this is not a bunch of anonymous victims we are watching.
A sequel is reportedly in development and I hope this creative team returns as this was a truly worthy sequel to the classic original that was long overdue.

Madbatdan82 (341 KP) rated Brightburn (2019) in Movies
Jul 6, 2019
Dark Justice anyone??
First thing to clear up - This is a comic book film. The premise - what if Superman wasnt all about truth, justice and the American way? Familiar story - couple discover crashed spaceship with baby inside and raise him as their own. As child gets older it starts to realise it has powers but rather than use them for good he uses them for his own gain. All the performances are excellent but the one thing the really surprised me is the gore. There are 3 scenes in particular that are possibly the best gore I've scene in years - an eye, a jaw and the first time we've ever seen heat vision to the face properly in live this part involves some SPOILERS - this was written by James Gunn's brothers and produced by Gunn himself. This is an audition for Gunn to direct a Dark Justice League film. This is further teased at the end during Michael Rookers news program where he talks about other threats and shows rough drawings and describes wonder woman, batman and Martian manhunter - obviously not by name as it's not a DC film. Yet! This needs to be made - give the Gunn's the keys and let's start a new Dark DC universe! I'm in!!

Andy K (10823 KP) rated Slither (2006) in Movies
Jan 9, 2018
Cheesy gruesome goodness (1 more)
Practical effects
Before writer/director James Gunn made us familiar with Star Lord and Rocket, he wrote and directed this fantastic creepy gory thriller starring Nathan Fillion, Elizabeth Banks and Michael Rooker.
The film starts out with a similar first act to The Blob, then quickly goes its own way. Slowly, little, juicy caterpillar creatures make their way through the small town and infect the inhabitants while the main creature infects another group of townspeople.
You have to like B movie quality cheese and gore to enjoy this movie, but I thought it was a lot of fun. The actors definitely do not take it too seriously, but you find yourself squirming in your seat once all hell has broken loose.
I return to the film often when I need to lighten my mood.
The film starts out with a similar first act to The Blob, then quickly goes its own way. Slowly, little, juicy caterpillar creatures make their way through the small town and infect the inhabitants while the main creature infects another group of townspeople.
You have to like B movie quality cheese and gore to enjoy this movie, but I thought it was a lot of fun. The actors definitely do not take it too seriously, but you find yourself squirming in your seat once all hell has broken loose.
I return to the film often when I need to lighten my mood.
Dean (6927 KP) Oct 26, 2018
Emma (519 KP) Jan 25, 2020