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The Lost Boys (1987)
The Lost Boys (1987)
1987 | Comedy, Horror
Everything (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
Best Movie Ever
Contains spoilers, click to show
Michael and Sam are Brothers who are moving, with their Mom Lucy, to Santa Carla following a Divorce. Santa Carla just happens to be the murder capital of the world. When they get to Santa Carla, they are met with an eccentric Grandpa and, shock horror!, no TV! Faced with the absolute atrocity that is no MTV, they decide to explore the nightlife of their new town and upon doing this, meet the beautiful and mysterious Star. Michael is instantly besotted and chases after her, leaving Sam at a local Comic Shop... and at the mercy of an intense duo called the Frog Brothers, who give Sam a comic called "Vampires Everywhere" and allude to the fact that he might want to read it to survive which Sam laughs off.
Upon chasing Star, Michael quickly finds out that she is part of a Gang of enigmatic young guys, their leader being the antagonistic David. Desperate to get closer to Star and gain some new friends, Michael goes along to their lair and is coaxed into drinking some "Wine" by the young men. Soon enough, Michael begins changing and finding out more about who David, Star and the gang really are... and who he really is now. Sam is also noticing changes in Michael, and suspects that Lucy's new flame, Max, is also involved with what is happening to Michael. But, after a terrifying reveal and a body count happening at a Bonfire, are Sam and Michael too late to save themselves? Does Max really have a tie to these mysterious Boys? Could they all hold the key as to why Santa Carla is the murder capital of the world?
I remember watching The Lost Boys as a kid and falling head over heels in love with everything about it; the way it looks, the music, The Lost Boys themselves (who became my style icons from then on!), the epic story... everything! It's such a great Movie, mixing Horror and Comedy perfectly and throwing in the most chaotic and horrific Vampire reveal I've ever seen (favourite scene, of course!). It's quite simply a joy to watch... I'm on my 500th watch already! LOVE it!
Sounds of Soweto by  Various Artists
Sounds of Soweto by Various Artists
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"A compilation from South Africa in the 80s of Soweto sound at the time. My mum's from SA and she had it on double cassette and would play it in the car as she drove me to school. It's full of unashamed joy and has a kind of cheesiness to it that I love. There's an innocence to the songs, which is interesting because you can sense the strange American influence in SA music at the time - which is similarly mirroring some current musical trends from abroad. You can hear Prince, a bit of Michael Jackson and American pop, but retranslated through musicians and equipment that they had access to at the time. It's a killer compilation."

Back to the Future (1985)
Back to the Future (1985)
1985 | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi

"This is the movie, above all others, that I can watch time and time again and have the same fun as the first time. It’s the sense of wonder and heightened stakes that make this work so well. Michael J. Fox, of course, makes this work: I as a viewer can see the struggle, fun, joy, and pain Marty experiences without doing anything; [Fox] fully embraces and embodies the journey. I like movies that save the day…go figure, and this one delivers. Also, my parents didn’t let me see this in the theaters when it first came out. My older sister got to go see it with my older brother and I was forced to watch Cocoon with my parents. I had nightmares for months of the the cocoons opening and the old people crawling out of them."

The Secret of Joy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thoughts: This is such a sweet heart-warming story about life and love, and takes the drama of ex-wives and love-sick ladies to a whole new level, giving it life and plausibility at the same time. How did Melissa do it? No idea. But she won me over.

This book asks a lot of questions about marriage, relationships, and love. Does the author answer all the questions? Not really—but she answers the ones that she needs to, and as for others, she lets her readers decide the answers for themselves. THE SECRET OF JOY makes the reader think about what forgiveness really is, what it means to love someone, and the responsibility of loving them.

Characters: Joy was my favorite character. She was a rough-tough-don’t-mess-with-me-you-cant-make-me-cry kinda girl. She held her facade well (most of the time) but when she showed her true colors, she was a gem. Michael, Rebecca’s boyfriend, was a bit of a confusing character. At first I really liked him but as the story went on, I got fed up with him and kept thinking “Rebecca, dump him, please.” I almost cried when Rebecca’s dad died. These characters in this story will beckon you.

Writing: Melissa held me captive with her unique writing style. It was relaxed and smooth, and flowed well, something that could be read aloud without too much problem.

Content: There was only an occasional swear word, and some mention of sex, but no details.

Recommendation: Ages 14+ to anyone craving a light-hearted sit-by-the-fire-with-tea kind of book.

**Thank you to Sarah from Pocketbooks for supplying my review copy!**
Ordinary People
Ordinary People
Diana Evans | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This isn't necessarily a book about race, even though it's set just as Obama becomes US President, and the main protagonists of the book are black. It's primarily, in my opinion, a story of relationships, and specifically the relationships of two couples: Melissa and Michael, and Stephanie and Damien. I was really looking forward to a book set in London (my home town) in the relative present day, but i have to admit that i felt very little joy when reading this book. I get that it's not necessarily a happy story; but it made life in a relationship and life with children seem so utterly depressing. No one seemed to be happy, and they all seemed to be completely incapable of speaking to one another. Small things become big things, big things become insurmountable. I felt like shaking them, to try and knock some sense into them - on many occasions!
Don't get me wrong - I liked it (a Goodreads 3 stars, which is a 'like'), but I didn't LOVE it. And I felt it could have been so much more.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to read this book.
Mary Poppins Returns (2018)
Mary Poppins Returns (2018)
2018 | Family
Following up a beloved classic is never easy task but that is what Disney is attempting to do with “Mary Poppins Returns”. This time out Emily Blunt takes on the magical umbrella of the no-nonsense but whimsical Nanny made famous by the series of books by PL Travers and of course the beloved classic starring Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke.

When hardship strikes the Banks family; Mary returns to assist Michael and Jane as well is Michael’s young children in much the magical way that she helped Michael and Jane all those years ago.

Joining her is local lamplighter Jack (Lin-Manuel Miranda), who remembers Mary and Jane Banks from his childhood.

Shocked that Mary has returned after all these years and not looking a day older; Michael Michaels three younger children are with delay on a magical adventure that only Mary Poppins can provide. Along the way they will dabble in animated environments, meet all manner of quirky characters, and of course bring the house down with magical and show stopping musical numbers as they attempt to help Michael and Jane save their beloved family home from ruthless bankers.

The film captures much of the joy and magic that you remember from the characters and it is likely to evoke an emotional response from you throughout the film.

Blunt does an amazing job taking over the role and her singing and dancing is very impressive. Miranda while struggling much as Van Dyke did with the Cockney accent; throws himself into the various musical numbers with passion and energy that helps take the scenes to a new level.

As I was watching the film and enjoying it thoroughly; I thought to myself the only real quality it lacked where the show stopping tunes that made the original such an unforgettable event. The Sherman Brothers set an impossibly high standard to follow as the score for the original film is peppered with Disney mainstays that have endured the test of time. No sooner had I thought that to myself; than to amazing musical numbers lit up the second half of the film to the point where I found myself not only humming one of them after the screening, but singing parts of them for several weeks after.


“Mary Poppins Returns” is a magical and musical film that the entire family can enjoy and takes viewers back to the simpler and nostalgic times of old. Let us hope that there will be new adventures for Mary to grace the cinema screen in the not-too-distant future as her absence has been far too long and dearly missed.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2086 KP) rated Murder Most Fowl in Books

Sep 1, 2021 (Updated Sep 1, 2021)  
Murder Most Fowl
Murder Most Fowl
Donna Andrews | 2021 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Which of the Things Meg is Juggling Led to Murder?
It’s turning into a crazy summer for Meg Langslow. Not only is her husband, Michael, directing a production of Macbeth, but the actors are camping out on their farm. Meanwhile, another group has decided to reenact what life was like in sixth center Scotland, and they are camped nearby. Filming all of this is a documentarian, Damien Goodwin. But when he shows what he has so far, no one seems happy. The next morning, Meg finds Damien’s dead body. Can she figure out who killed him?

Because of all the plot threads that need to be set up, this book feels like it is taking a bit of time to get going, but it is all definitely worth it as we get to see everything pay off before Meg solves the mystery. Of course, spending time with Meg is always a joy. She and the other from the large cast of regulars are a delight as always, and the suspects fit perfectly into the world. I grinned through much of the book, and even laughed a few times. Fans of the series won’t be disappointed with this entry. If you are looking for a light mystery, this series is definitely for you.
The Greatest Showman (2017)
The Greatest Showman (2017)
2017 | Drama, Musical
Soundtrack (phenomenal) (3 more)
Best original musical in recent days
Michael Gracey’s slick new musical, The Greatest Showman, brings to life the imagination of P.T. Barnum and his creation of the first circus.
Inspired by the legend of P.T. Barnum (Hugh Jackman), The Greatest Showman follows Barnum in a pursuit to piece together a dream-like show.

The film follows the businessman as he desperately tries to support his wife (Michelle Williams), and daughters. However, the urge to make the shower better and better ultimately gets in the way of both his personal and family life.

Barnum knows exactly what he is looking for. He scouts several individuals who he believes are perfect for the show. Each and everyone of them, a spark or magic that completes the circus. His show includes; bearded lady, Lettie (Keala Settle), and ‘the shortest man in the world’, Tom Thumb (Sam Humphrey). Also, a partner in need (or to help his succeed)Phillip Carlyle (Zac Efron).

The performers are part of a close family and stick together despite being ridiculed by the public. They are frequently humiliated and often labelled as 'freaks'. This brings a lot of emotion to the film. It encourages a lot of positivity in that it helps promote individuality and equality.

As a musical, The Greatest Showman comes packed with musical numbers. It features a number of brilliant vocal performers including the likes of Jackman, Settle, Efron and Zendaya (who plays a trapeze artist and pretty much most of the cast). The songs themselves are very moving, through joy or sadness. Many of the songs will also have your feet tapping to the beat! At points, you'll find yourself wanting to join in with the group!

Music is a powerful instrument which can often be emotive. The composers Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, who also worked on the music for La La Land, and Trolls, hit the mark. The songs were outstanding and often bought a tear to the eye.

From the beautiful ballroom-esque dances of Jackman and Williams to the group dances by the circus family, the film was not short of magical moments. The camera angles were also spot on - from the beautifully shot symmetrical aerial shots to the moving steady cam shots.

Already nominated for three Golden Globes, The Greatest Showman is sure to be a hit with everyone. It is almost certain that it'll leave you feeling emotionally drained. On the more positive side, it may even inspire people to spread a little Christmas joy and happiness!
Prison Break  - Season 3
Prison Break - Season 3
2007 | Action
Still Good, But Lacking
Contains spoilers, click to show
As surprising and exciting as ever. The characters grew into something more than themselves. The story continues to amaze. Nothing feels forced even if it was a bit unrealistic for them to end up where they did.

Season 3 of Prison Break takes us back to a familiar scenario. Michael Scofield is trying once again to break out of prison. Only this time the setting is different. The previous season's finale ended on a tense note. It gave us a glimpse at what looked like a more brutal and darker place to be locked up when compared to the Fox River Penitentiary of the show's first season. It showed a lot of promise.

Unfortunately, it doesn't quite live up to that potential. "Sona" comes off as quite tame compared to Fox River. Shocking considering the lack of guards. The sense of anarchy that could have been in place is sadly lacking. That's not to say there isn't a sense of urgency. The lives of these characters are still in danger, and it's still a joy to watch them try and survive. Even if the story isn't up to par with the excellent first two seasons.

The mystery grows larger. Unfortunately, this season is lacking in big reveals. It leads for the season to feel more like a side-story rather than the next big chapter in the story of Michael and crew. A few shocking developments take place and some new players are introduced while older ones are killed off, but it's lacking in all of these categories when compared to previous seasons.

That's not to say the show isn't still enjoyable. It's just lost some steam. I was still on the edge of my seat in every scenario. Even when it was completely obvious that the writers were just teasing us with some tension that we know the characters would wiggle their way out of consequence free. The show is still at its best when it's using its brain. Watching the heroes and villains constantly play a game of chess in order to stay ahead is as thrilling as ever. Prison Break still provides plenty of satisfying moments where a plan comes together and our crew makes a narrow escape. It might not live up to what came before, but there are still plenty of reasons to follow this story.
The Shape of Water  (2017)
The Shape of Water (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy
Sally Hawkins (1 more)
Michael Shannon
Beautiful and Enchanting
The Shape of Water really is one of those movies where I feel the trailer doesn't really do it justice. From seeing the trailer, I wasn't really sure how much I was going to enjoy the movie. Like I'm sure many others will be, I was persuaded that I might be wrong by the 13 Oscar nominations it recently received. I shouldn't have had any doubts to be honest. Pan's Labyrinth, also directed by Guillermo del Toro, is one of my favourite movies and The Shape of Water shares many similarities with that. A beautiful and enchanting mix of fairy tale, love story and monster movie.

Sally Hawkins plays Elisa Esposito, a mute woman who works nights as a janitor for Occam Aerospace Research Center along with friend Zelda Fuller (Octavia Spencer). At home she lives a simple life, watching musicals with her gay neighbour Giles (Richard Jenkins) and finding joy in the simple things in life. One day a strange creature is brought into the research center to be studied, surrounded by military and medical personnel. Colonel Richard Strickland has accompanied 'the asset' from it's previous location, and appears to have developed a serious dislike to it. He carries an electrified cattle prod, which he takes great delight in using on the creature. In return though, the creature does manage to remove two of Stricklands fingers, and also inflicts serious injuries on others.

But Elisa takes pity on the creature and over time tries to befriend it, bringing him hard-boiled eggs and teaching him sign language. When she learns that plans for the creature involve vivisection, she hatches a plan to help him escape, and from that point their feelings for each other develop into love. A true Beauty and the Beast style fairy tale.

I found myself absolutely captivated, swept along by the story, and everything about it is just beautiful. Sally Hawkins is incredible, portraying such varied emotions without speaking, she provides much of the films humour, and shines in the more serious scenes too. Doug Jones does what he does best as the creature, but the real monster of the movie is Michael Shannon as Colonel Strickland. Terrifyingly brilliant.

For me, I'm not sure if this beats Pan's Labyrinth, but The Shape of Water is certainly worthy of all the praise, and hopefully the awards, it receives.