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Lindsay (1706 KP) created a post

Nov 5, 2020  
October was a busy month for new books. I would like to say Thank you to all the Publishers and authors that send me books for October. They are all over the place for this past month. They are all review books. Some were send as gifts and other were review books. I requested some. They seem like new releases and others.

Here are the books I received from several different publishers.Thank you to some authors as well. All are review books. Two are were on the review Crew. I want to say Thank you all.

    Death In The Cloud by EJ Simon
    The Blended Quilt by Wanda Brunstetter
    The Gold Digger by Liz Tolsma
    What You Said To Me by Olivia Newport (Review)
    Zin Mignon an the Riddle of the Russian Rye by Michael Daswick
    Zin Mignon an the Secret of the Pickled Pigs' Feet by Michael Daswick
    An Angel's Mark by Christine Adwoa Owusuaa

All are on my radar to read. I hope to read these books soon. This is my Book haul for this month.
Darkness Before Dawn (Darkness Before Dawn, #1)
Darkness Before Dawn (Darkness Before Dawn, #1)
J.A. London | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.25 stars.

I liked this to start with--the first 40% or so--but then I started to lose interest. I can't put my finger on what it was but I was determined to carry on and figure out who "hoodie" was and why Sin seemed a little odd.

It rumbled along at a quite sedate pace for awhile, nothing too much happening apart from relationship issues. I was interested in a Dawn/Victor romance and we had a little of that but I thought there was too much Michael for my liking and I wasn't too fond of him for a time.

At about the 85% mark, I realised something and I was pleasantly surprised and then another something happened at the 90% mark that had me getting interested in the story again.

But then that ending! How could it just end like that?! I'm sure that Victor will stop, though, after all she is the only sunshine he will ever see.

My edition contained a preview of the next book in the trilogy but I skipped it as I'm not entirely convinced that I liked it enough to continue the series.
The Italian Job (2003)
The Italian Job (2003)
2003 | Action, Drama
All i can really remember about the 1969 original is that it is a crime caper, starring Michael Caine, and that it involves Mini Coopers.

As such, I'm not sure whether to class this as a remake, a reimagining or something else entirely!

This version stars Mark Wahoberg, Cherlize Theron, Donald Sutherland, Jason Staham and Oz-from-Buffy (Seth Green) and starts with a heist in Venice: a successful heist, with the perpetrators then betrayed by Ed Norton's 'Steve', who leaves them all for dead.

The rest of the film - mainly set in the States - then follows the remainder of the crew and their quest to get even against Steve, in a plot that yes, once again, involves the use of Mini Coopers!

It would hardly be The Italian Job without said cars, after all ....
Tricked (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #4)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book no 4 in The Iron Druid chronicles this, I felt, is the weakest of the series so far.

I'm not sure whether that is because it comes after [b:Hammered|10443590|Hammered|Mark Ward||15348265] my choice for the best or because the main plot line of [b:Hounded|18404329|Hounded|David Rosenfelt||26038191], [b:Hexed|6372672|Hexed|Michael Alan Nelson||6560286] and [b:Hammered|10443590|Hammered|Mark Ward||15348265] are finished, or even because of the unfamiliar (to me) Navajo setting, but to me, this just didn't gel as much as any of the previous three.

The plot has to do with Atticus dealing with the aftermath of his journey to Asgard in the previous novel, and the deal he made with Coyote to cover his tracks, with the big bad in this taking the form of two Skinwalkers rather than the Irish god(s) of the first, the Witches of the second or the Norse gods of the third.

It's not a bad read, just not my pick for the best of the series