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    British Airways High Life

    British Airways High Life

    Travel and Magazines & Newspapers

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    High Life magazine is the monthly inflight magazine for British Airways. You can now read every new...

Around The World in 80 Days
Around The World in 80 Days
Michael Palin | 2009 | Travel
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Diary of a Great Adventure
It's easy to take for granted the shrinking of our world but Palin's book reinforced the need for us to appreciate first hand the connections between nations, and the people that maintain them.

The trip was intended to follow the route traveled by Phileas Fogg in Jules Verne's novel from 1872. The self-imposed rule was that airplane travel was not allowed so only trains, buses, ships and cars could be used. This was problematic for Michael Palin because in 1872 there were many passenger ship lines, while in 1988 there were almost none because of air travel. As a result he had to obtain passage on various cargo and container ships that normally don't accept passengers.

The large amount of sea travel is a negative aspect because it's limited how many interesting things can be done aboard a container ship, for example. In fact, a significant number of the 80 days are spent on board ships, and it gets rather boring.

However, it is a very human account of a famous journey.
The Death Of Stalin (2017)
The Death Of Stalin (2017)
2017 | Comedy
Several Russian politicians desperately attempt to solve the question (by scheming, plotting and conspiring) of who is to assume leadership of the Soviet Union after the death of dictator Joseph Stalin in 1953.

I'm amazed at how many films that come out I haven't heard of in advance. This being one of them. It's not my sort of film, and yet it is, all in one go. The trailer was amusing and intriguing, and I knew I had to see it. Then, as if by magic, it appeared as an Unlimited Screening.

With such a varied cast I honestly had no clue what to expect. From Michael Palin to Steve Buscemi... come on! But I, just like everyone else in the screen, was amused and left laughing. I'm not entirely sure we knew what we were watching though, not because it was confusing, but because it is a weird combination of all sorts of different things. You leave and you wonder what you really watched. One thing's for sure, I really want to read the graphic novel now.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Jabberwocky (1977) in Movies

Feb 10, 2018 (Updated Feb 10, 2018)  
Jabberwocky (1977)
Jabberwocky (1977)
1977 | Action, Comedy
Little bit Slithy, little bit Frabjous
Oddball comedy-drama that sets the tone for much of Terry Gilliam's career by being visually ravishing but a bit all-over-the-place story-wise. Gilliam's background at the time was in TV comedy, which may explain why so many well-known TV comics turn up in the film - apart from Michael Palin, there's Warren Clarke, Harry H Corbett, John le Mesurier, and so on.

The thing is that this isn't actually very funny - there are the seeds of some good jokes here, but the fact the movie has been filmed and edited in the style of an art-house historical drama kills most of them dead. Still, the medieval period has seldom been brought to the screen with such an authentic sense of filth, squalour, and misery, and the monster suit is pretty good. That said, if you're not into absurd comedy, Dragonslayer (1981) tells a very similar story in a more accessible style.

(And I have to say I'm astounded a film so focused on gore and bodily functions has only got a PG certificate. Caveat emptor.)